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fruit sugar | fruit tree | fruit'y | fruit-eating | fruitage | fruitarian | fruitcake | fruiter | fruiterer | fruiteress | fruitery


Adjective, Noun


fruitarian, n. a person who eats only fruit.

FRUIT, after vegetarian



Apostolici, Brillat-Savarin, Encratite, Lucullus, Pythagorean, Pythagorist, Rechabite, Shaker, abstainer, abstinent, ascetic, banian, board-and-roomer, boarder, bon vivant, cannibal, carnivore, connoisseur of food, consumer, diner, diner-out, eater, eater-out, epicure, feeder, flesh-eater, gastronome, glutton, gourmand, gourmet, grain-eater, graminivore, granivore, gymnosophist, herbivore, high liver, hungry mouth, hydropot, lactovegetarian, luncher, man-eater, meat-eater, mouth, nephalist, omnivore, omophagist, pantophagist, phytophage, picnicker, plant-eater, predacean, teetotaler, teetotalist, trencherman, vegetarian, water-drinker




N temperance, moderation, sobriety, soberness, forbearance, abnegation, self-denial, self-restraint, self-control, frugality, vegetarianism, teetotalism, total abstinence, abstinence, abstemiousness, Encratism, prohibition, system of Pythagoras, system of Cornaro, Pythagorism, Stoicism, vegetarian, Pythagorean, gymnosophist, teetotaler, abstainer, designated driver, Encratite, fruitarian, hydropot, temperate, moderate, sober, frugal, sparing, abstemious, abstinent, within compass, measured, on the wagon, on the water wagon, dry, Pythagorean, vegetarian, teetotal, appetitus rationi obediant, l'abstenir pour jouir c'est l'epicurisme de la rai, trahit sua quemque voluptas.

For further exploring for "fruitarian" in Webster Dictionary Online

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