Also see definition of "fly" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: F F. Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Fh Fi Fj Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fr Fs Ft Fu Fw Fy
fluxionist | fluxions | fluxive | fluxmeter | fluxure | fly | fly agaric | fly amanita | fly ash | fly ball | fly blind



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive), Adjective
13 in 13 verses (in OT : 12 in 12 verses) (in NT : 1 in 1 verses)


flyv. i. [OE. fleen, fleen, fleyen, flegen, AS. fleógan; akin to D. vliegen, OHG. fliogan, G. fliegen, Icel. flj, Sw. flyga, Dan. flyve, Goth. us-flaugjan to cause to fly away, blow about, and perh. to L. pluma feather, E. plume. Fledge, Flight, Flock of animals.].
  •  To move in or pass through the air with wings, as a bird.
  •  To move through the air or before the wind; esp., to pass or be driven rapidly through the air by any impulse.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To float, wave, or rise in the air, as sparks or a flag.  [1913 Webster]
    " Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To move or pass swiftly; to hasten away; to circulate rapidly; as, a ship flies on the deep; a top flies around; rumor flies.  [1913 Webster]
    "Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race."  [1913 Webster]
    "The dark waves murmured as the ships flew on."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To run from danger; to attempt to escape; to flee; as, an enemy or a coward flies. See Note under Flee.  [1913 Webster]
    "Fly, ere evil intercept thy flight."  [1913 Webster]
    "Whither shall I fly to escape their hands ?"  [1913 Webster]
  •  To move suddenly, or with violence; to do an act suddenly or swiftly; -- usually with a qualifying word; as, a door flies open; a bomb flies apart.  [1913 Webster]
To fly about (Naut.), to change frequently in a short time; -- said of the wind. -- To fly around, to move about in haste. [Colloq.] -- To fly at, to spring toward; to rush on; to attack suddenly. -- To fly in the face of, to insult; to assail; to set at defiance; to oppose with violence; to act in direct opposition to; to resist. -- To fly off, to separate, or become detached suddenly; to revolt. -- To fly on, to attack. -- To fly open, to open suddenly, or with violence. -- To fly out. (a) To rush out. (b) To burst into a passion; to break out into license. -- To let fly. (a) To throw or drive with violence; to discharge. “A man lets fly his arrow without taking any aim.” Addison. (b) (Naut.) To let go suddenly and entirely; as, to let fly the sheets.
flyv. t. 
  •  To cause to fly or to float in the air, as a bird, a kite, a flag, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "The brave black flag I fly."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To fly or flee from; to shun; to avoid.  [1913 Webster]
    "Sleep flies the wretch."  [1913 Webster]
    "To fly the favors of so good a king."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To hunt with a hawk.  Bacon.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To manage (an aircraft) in flight; as, to fly an aëroplane.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
To fly a kite (Com.), to raise money on commercial notes. [Cant or Slang]
flyn. [OE. flie, flege, AS. fl, fleóge, fr. fleógan to fly; akin to D. vlieg, OHG. flioga, G. fliege, Icel. & Sw. fluga, Dan. flue. Fly, v. i.].
  •  Any winged insect; esp., one with transparent wings; as, the Spanish fly; firefly; gall fly; dragon fly.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A hook dressed in imitation of a fly, -- used for fishing.  Gay.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A familiar spirit; a witch's attendant.  [1913 Webster]
    "A trifling fly, none of your great familiars."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A parasite.  Massinger.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A kind of light carriage for rapid transit, plying for hire and usually drawn by one horse.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The length of an extended flag from its staff; sometimes, the length from the “union” to the extreme end.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The part of a vane pointing the direction from which the wind blows.  [1913 Webster]
  •  That part of a compass on which the points are marked; the compass card.  Totten.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Two or more vanes set on a revolving axis, to act as a fanner, or to equalize or impede the motion of machinery by the resistance of the air, as in the striking part of a clock.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The piece hinged to the needle, which holds the engaged loop in position while the needle is penetrating another loop; a latch.  Knight.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The pair of arms revolving around the bobbin, in a spinning wheel or spinning frame, to twist the yarn.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A shuttle driven through the shed by a blow or jerk.  Knight.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Formerly, the person who took the printed sheets from the press.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The outer canvas of a tent with double top, usually drawn over the ridgepole, but so extended as to touch the roof of the tent at no other place.  [1913 Webster]
  •  One of the upper screens of a stage in a theater.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The fore flap of a bootee; also, a lap on trousers, overcoats, etc., to conceal a row of buttons.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A batted ball that flies to a considerable distance, usually high in the air; also, the flight of a ball so struck; as, it was caught on the fly. Also called fly ball.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Waste cotton.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Black fly, Cheese fly, Dragon fly, etc. See under Black, Cheese, etc. -- Fly agaric (Bot.), a mushroom (Agaricus muscarius), having a narcotic juice which, in sufficient quantities, is poisonous. -- Fly block (Naut.), a pulley whose position shifts to suit the working of the tackle with which it is connected; -- used in the hoisting tackle of yards. -- Fly board (Printing Press), the board on which printed sheets are deposited by the fly. -- Fly book, a case in the form of a book for anglers' flies. Kingsley. -- Fly cap, a cap with wings, formerly worn by women. -- Fly drill, a drill having a reciprocating motion controlled by a fly wheel, the driving power being applied by the hand through a cord winding in reverse directions upon the spindle as it rotates backward and forward. Knight. -- Fly fishing, the act or art of angling with a bait of natural or artificial flies; fishing using a fly{2} as bait. Walton. -- -- Fly fisherman, one who fishes using natural or artificial flies{2} as bait, especially one who fishes exclusively in that manner. -- Fly flap, an implement for killing flies. -- Fly governor, a governor for regulating the speed of an engine, etc., by the resistance of vanes revolving in the air. -- Fly honeysuckle (Bot.), a plant of the honeysuckle genus (Lonicera), having a bushy stem and the flowers in pairs, as L. ciliata and L. Xylosteum. -- Fly hook, a fishhook supplied with an artificial fly. -- Fly leaf, an unprinted leaf at the beginning or end of a book, circular, programme, etc. -- Fly maggot, a maggot bred from the egg of a fly. Ray. -- Fly net, a screen to exclude insects. -- Fly nut (Mach.), a nut with wings; a thumb nut; a finger nut. -- Fly orchis (Bot.), a plant (Ophrys muscifera), whose flowers resemble flies. -- Fly paper, poisoned or sticky paper for killing flies that feed upon or are entangled by it. -- Fly powder, an arsenical powder used to poison flies. -- Fly press, a screw press for punching, embossing, etc., operated by hand and having a heavy fly. -- Fly rail, a bracket which turns out to support the hinged leaf of a table. -- Fly rod, a light fishing rod used in angling with a fly. -- Fly sheet, a small loose advertising sheet; a handbill. -- Fly snapper (Zoöl.), an American bird (Phainopepla nitens), allied to the chatterers and shrikes. The male is glossy blue-black; the female brownish gray. -- Fly wheel (Mach.), a heavy wheel attached to machinery to equalize the movement (opposing any sudden acceleration by its inertia and any retardation by its momentum), and to accumulate or give out energy for a variable or intermitting resistance. See Fly, n., 9. -- On the fly (Baseball), still in the air; -- said of a batted ball caught before touching the ground.<-- (b) at the moment needed, without prior preparation. -- said of objects created as needed in the course of some activity, rather than having been prepared before the activity began. A term Much used in computer programming. (c) busy; in motion.-->.
     Knowing; wide awake; fully understanding another's meaning.  Dickens.  [1913 Webster]


fly, v. & n.
--v. (flies; past flew; past part. flown)
1 intr. move through the air under control, esp. with wings.
2 (of an aircraft or its occupants): a intr. travel through the air or through space. b tr. traverse (a region or distance) (flew the Channel).
3 tr. a control the flight of (esp. an aircraft). b transport in an aircraft.
4 a tr. cause to fly or remain aloft. b intr. (of a flag, hair, etc.) wave or flutter.
5 intr. pass or rise quickly through the air or over an obstacle.
6 intr. go or move quickly; pass swiftly (time flies).
7 intr. a flee. b colloq. depart hastily.
8 intr. be driven or scattered; be forced off suddenly (sent me flying; the door flew open).
9 intr. (foll. by at, upon) a hasten or spring violently. b attack or criticize fiercely.
10 tr. flee from; escape in haste.
--n. (pl. -ies)
1 (usu. in pl.) a a flap on a garment, esp. trousers, to contain or cover a fastening. b this fastening.
2 a flap at the entrance of a tent.
3 (in pl.) the space over the proscenium in a theatre.
4 the act or an instance of flying.
5 (pl. usu. flys) Brit. hist. a one-horse hackney carriage.
6 a speed-regulating device in clockwork and machinery.

fly-away (of hair etc.) tending to fly out or up; streaming. fly-by (pl. -bys) a flight past a position, esp. the approach of a spacecraft to a planet for observation. fly-by-night adj. unreliable.
--n. an unreliable person. fly-half Rugby Football a stand-off half. fly high 1 pursue a high ambition.
2 excel, prosper. fly in the face of openly disregard or disobey; conflict roundly with (probability, the evidence, etc.). fly into a rage (or temper etc.) become suddenly or violently angry.
fly a kite
1 try something out; test public opinion.
2 raise money by an accommodation bill. fly off the handle colloq. lose one's temper suddenly and unexpectedly. fly-past a ceremonial flight of aircraft past a person or a place. fly-pitcher sl. a street-trader. fly-pitching sl. street-trading.
flyable adj.
fly, n. (pl. flies)
1 any insect of the order Diptera with two usu. transparent wings.
2 any other winged insect, e.g. a firefly or mayfly.
3 a disease of plants or animals caused by flies.
4 a natural or artificial fly used as bait in fishing.

fly agaric a poisonous fungus Amanita Muscaria, forming bright-red mushrooms with white flecks. fly-blow flies' eggs contaminating food, esp. meat. fly-blown adj. tainted, esp. by flies. fly-fish v.intr. fish with a fly. fly in the ointment a minor irritation that spoils enjoyment. fly on the wall an unnoticed observer. fly-paper sticky treated paper for catching flies. fly-post display (posters etc.) rapidly in unauthorized places. fly-tip illegally dump (waste). fly-tipper a person who engages in fly-tipping. fly-trap any of various plants that catch flies, esp. the Venus fly-trap. like flies in large numbers (usu. of people dying in an epidemic etc.). no flies on colloq. nothing to diminish (a person's) astuteness.
fly, adj. Brit. sl. knowing, clever, alert.

flyness n.
19th c.: orig. unkn.



abscond, absquatulate, advance, aeroplane, airlift, airplane, applique, arachnid, arise, arthropod, ascend, aspire, bait, ball the jack, balloon, barnstorm, barrel, be airborne, be annihilated, be consumed, be destroyed, be gone, be no more, be wiped out, bear, beat a retreat, become airborne, beetle, birdlime, bola, bolt, boom, bowl along, brandish, break, breeze, breeze along, brush, bug, bunk, carry, caterpillar, cease, cease to be, cease to exist, centipede, chilopod, claw skyward, clear out, clip, coast, cobweb, conduct, continue, control, convey, copilot, cruise, cut along, cut and run, cut out, daddy longlegs, dance, dart, dash, decamp, dematerialize, depart, desert, die, die away, die out, diplopod, disappear, dispel, disperse, dissipate, dissolve, do a fade-out, dragnet, drift, drive, dwindle, elapse, elope, endure, erode, evanesce, evaporate, exit, expire, fade, fade away, fade out, ferry, fishhook, flap, flaunt, flee, fleet, flicker, flit, flitter, float, flourish, flow, flow on, flutter, fly aloft, fly low, foot, freight, fugitate, gain altitude, gill net, glide, glissade, go, go AWOL, go away, go by, go fast, go on, ground bait, hang, harvestman, hasten, hexapod, hide, highball, hightail, hook, hop, hover, hurry, hydroplane, ice-skate, imbrication, insect, jet, jig, jump, jump bail, kite, lap, lapse, lariat, larva, lasso, last, leave no trace, leave the ground, leave the scene, levant, lift, lime, lug, lure, maggot, make knots, make off, make tracks, manhandle, manipulate, melt, melt away, melt like snow, meshes, millepede, millipede, mite, mount, navigate, net, nip, noose, nymph, outstrip the wind, overlap, overlapping, overlay, overlayer, pack, pass, pass away, pass by, pass out, peel off, perish, peter out, pilot, plane, plug, poise, pound net, pour it on, press on, proceed, purse seine, retire from sight, retreat, rip, rise, roll on, roller-skate, run, run along, run away, run away from, run away with, run for it, run its course, run off, run on, run out, rush, sail, sailplane, scamper, scape, scoot, scorch, scorpion, screw, scud, seaplane, seine, shake, shoot, show the heels, sideslip, sink, sink away, sizzle, skate, skateboard, skedaddle, ski, skid, skim, skip, skip out, sled, sleigh, slide, slip, slip the cable, slither, snare, sniggle, soar, solo, speed, spider, spinner, spire, springe, squid, storm along, suffer an eclipse, sweep, swing, take, take French leave, take flight, take off, take the air, take to flight, take wing, tarantula, tear, tear along, thunder along, tick, toboggan, toils, tote, transport, trawl, turn tail, undulate, vanish, vanish from sight, volplane, waft, wag, waste, waste away, wave, wear away, whish, whisk, whiz, wield, wigwag, wing, withdraw, wobbler, zing, zip, zoom




VB abstain, refrain, spare, not attempt, not do, maintain the even tenor of one's way, eschew, keep from, let alone, have nothing to do with, keep aloof keep off, stand aloof, stand off, hold aloof, hold off, take no part in, have no hand in, avoid, shun, steer clear of, keep clear of, fight shy of, keep one's distance, keep at a respectful distance, keep out of the way, get out of the way, evade, elude, turn away from, set one's face against, deny oneself, shrink back, hang back, hold back, draw back, recoil, retire, flinch, blink, blench, shy, shirk, dodge, parry, make way for, give place to, beat a retreat, turn tail, turn one's back, take to one's heels, runaway, run for one's life, cut and run, be off like a shot, fly, flee, fly away, flee away, run away from, take flight, take to flight, desert, elope, make off, scamper off, sneak off, shuffle off, sheer off, break away, tear oneself away, slip away, slink away, steel away, make away from, scamper away from, sneak away from, shuffle away from, sheer away from, slip cable, part company, turn one's heel, sneak out of, play truant, give one the go by, give leg bail, take French leave, slope, decamp, flit, bolt, abscond, levant, skedaddle, absquatulat, cut one's stick, walk one's chalks, show a light pair of heels, make oneself scarce, escape, go away, abandon, reject, lead one a dance, lead one a pretty dance, throw off the scent, play at hide and seek, Adj, unsought, unattempted, avoiding, neutral, shy of, elusive, evasive, fugitive, runaway, shy, wild.


VB elapse, lapse, flow, run, proceed, advance, pass, roll on, wear on, press on, flit, fly, slip, slide, glide, run its course, run out, expire, go by, pass by, be past.


VB be transient, flit, pass away, fly, gallop, vanish, fade, evaporate, pass away like a cloud, pass away like a summer cloud, pass away like a shadow, pass away like a dream.


VB be violent, run high, ferment, effervesce, romp, rampage, go on a rampage, run wild, run amuck, run riot, break the peace, rush, tear, rush headlong, rush foremost, raise a storm, make a riot, rough house, riot, storm, wreak, bear down, ride roughshod, out Herod, Herod, spread like wildfire (person), explode, make a row, kick up a row, boil, boil over, fume, foam, come on like a lion, bluster, rage, roar, fly off the handle, go bananas, go ape, blow one's top, blow one's cool, flip one's lid, hit the ceiling, hit the roof, fly into a rage (anger), break out, fly out, burst out, bounce, explode, go off, displode, fly, detonate, thunder, blow up, crump, flash, flare, burst, shock, strain, break open, force open, prize open, render violent, sharpen, stir up, quicken, excite, incite, annoy, urge, lash, stimulate, turn on, irritate, inflame, kindle, suscitate, foment, accelerate, aggravate, exasperate, exacerbate, convulse, infuriate, madden, lash into fury, fan the flame, add fuel to the flame, pour oil on the fire, oleum addere camino, explode, let fly, fly off, discharge, detonate, set off, detonize, fulminate.


VB fear, stand in awe of, be afraid, have qualms, apprehend, sit upon thorns, eye askance, distrust, hesitate, falter, funk, cower, crouch, skulk, let 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would' take fright, take alarm, start, wince, flinch, shy, shrink, fly, tremble, shake, shiver, shiver in one's shoes, shudder, flutter, shake like an aspen leaf, tremble like an aspen leaf, tremble all over, quake, quaver, quiver, quail, grow pale, turn pale, blench, stand aghast, not dare to say one's soul is one's own, inspire fear, excite fear, inspire awe, excite awe, raise apprehensions, be in a daze, bulldoze, faze, feeze, give an alarm, raise an alarm, sound an alarm, alarm, startle, scare, cry 'wolf', disquiet, dismay, fright, frighten, terrify, astound, fright from one's propriety, fright out of one's senses, fright out of one's wits, fright out of one's seven senses, awe, strike all of a heap, strike an awe into, strike terror, harrow up the soul, appall, unman, petrify, horrify, pile on the agony, make one's flesh creep, make one's hair stand on end, make one's blood run cold, make one's teeth chatter, take away one's breath, stop one's breath, make one tremble, haunt, prey on the mind, weigh on the mind, put in fear, put in bodily fear, terrorize, intimidate, cow, daunt, overawe, abash, deter, discourage, browbeat, bully, threaten.


N littleness, smallness, exiguity, inextension, parvitude, parvity, duodecimo, Elzevir edition, epitome, microcosm, rudiment, vanishing point, thinness, dwarf, pygmy, pigmy, Liliputian, chit, pigwidgeon, urchin, elf, atomy, dandiprat, doll, puppet, Tom Thumb, Hop-o'-my-thumb, manikin, mannikin, homunculus, dapperling, cock-sparrow, animalcule, monad, mite, insect, emmet, fly, midge, gnat, shrimp, minnow, worm, maggot, entozoon, bacteria, infusoria, microzoa, phytozoaria, microbe, grub, tit, tomtit, runt, mouse, small fry, millet seed, mustard seed, barleycorn, pebble, grain of sand, molehill, button, bubble, point, atom, fragment, powder, point of a pin, mathematical point, minutiae, micrometer, vernier, scale, microphotography, photomicrography, micrography, photomicrograph, microphotograph, microscopy, microscope (optical instruments), little, small, minute, diminutive, microscopic, microzoal, inconsiderable, exiguous, puny, tiny, wee, petty, minikin, miniature, pygmy, pigmy, elfin, undersized, dwarf, dwarfed, dwarfish, spare, stunted, limited, cramp, cramped, pollard, Liliputian, dapper, pocket, portative, portable, duodecimo, dumpy, squat, short, impalpable, intangible, evanescent, imperceptible, invisible, inappreciable, insignificant, inconsiderable, trivial, infinitesimal, homoeopathic, atomic, subatomic, corpuscular, molecular, rudimentary, rudimental, embryonic, vestigial, weazen, scant, scraggy, scrubby, thin, granular, shrunk, brevipennate, in a small compass, in a nutshell, on a small scale, minutely, microscopically.


VB sail, put to sea, take ship, get under way, set sail, spread sail, spread canvas, gather way, have way on, make sail, carry sail, plow the waves, plow the deep, plow the main, plow the ocean, walk the waters, navigate, warp, luff, scud, boom, kedge, drift, course, cruise, coast, hug the shore, hug the land, circumnavigate, ply the oar, row, paddle, pull, scull, punt, steam, swim, float, buffet the waves, ride the storm, skim, effleurer, dive, wade, fly, be wafted, hover, soar, flutter, jet, orbit, rocket, take wing, take a flight, take off, ascend, blast off, land, alight, wing one's flight, wing one's way, aviate, parachute, jump, glide.


N vehicle, conveyance, carriage, caravan, van, common carrier, wagon, waggon, wain, dray, cart, lorry, truck, tram, cariole, carriole, limber, tumbrel, pontoon, barrow, wheel barrow, hand barrow, perambulator, Bath chair, wheel chair, sedan chair, chaise, palankeen, palanquin, litter, brancard, crate, hurdle, stretcher, ambulance, black Maria, conestoga wagon, conestoga wain, jinrikisha, ricksha, brett, dearborn, dump cart, hack, hackery, jigger, kittereen, mailstate, manomotor, rig, rockaway, prairie schooner, shay, sloven, team, tonga, wheel, hobbyhorse, go-cart, cycle, bicycle, bike, two-wheeler, tricycle, velocipede, quadricycle, equipage, turn-out, coach, chariot, phaeton, break, mail phaeton, wagonette, drag, curricle, tilbury, whisky, landau, barouche, victoria, brougham, clarence, calash, caleche, britzka, araba, kibitka, berlin, sulky, desobligeant, sociable, vis-a-vis, dormeuse, jaunting car, outside car, dandi, doolie, dooly, munchil, palki, roller skates, skate, runabout, ski, tonjon, vettura, post chaise, diligence, stage, stage coach, mail coach, hackney coach, glass coach, stage wagon, car, omnibus, fly, cabriolet, cab, hansom, shofle, four-wheeler, growler, droshki, drosky, dogcart, trap, whitechapel, buggy, four-in-hand, unicorn, random, tandem, shandredhan, char-a-bancs, motor car, automobile, limousine, car, auto, jalopy, clunker, lemon, flivver, coupe, sedan, two-door sedan, four-door sedan, luxury sedan, wheels, sports car, roadster, gran turismo, jeep, four-wheel drive vehicle, electric car, steamer, golf cart, electric wagon, taxicab, cab, taxicoach, checker cab, yellow cab, station wagon, family car, motorcycle, motor bike, side car, van, minivan, bus, minibus, microbus, truck, wagon, pick-up wagon, pick-up, tractor- trailer, road train, articulated vehicle, racing car, racer, hot rod, stock car, souped-up car, bob, bobsled, bobsleigh, cutter, double ripper, double runner, jumper, sled, sledge, sleigh, toboggan, train, accommodation train, passenger train, express trail, special train, corridor train, parliamentary train, luggage train, freight train, goods train, 1st class train, 2nd class train, 3rd class train, 1st class carriage, 2nd class carriage, 3rd class carriage, 1st class compartment, 2nd class compartment, 3rd class compartment, rolling stock, horse box, cattle truck, baggage car, express car, freight car, parlor car, dining car, Pullman car, sleeping car, sleeper, dome car, surface car, tram car, trolley car, box car, box wagon, horse car, bullet train, shinkansen, cannonball, the Wabash cannonball, lightning express, luggage van, mail, mail car, mail van, shovel, spool, spatula, ladle, hod, hoe, spade, spaddle, loy, spud, pitchfork, post hole digger, tractor, steamshovel, backhoe, fork lift, earth mover, dump truck, bulldozer, grader, caterpillar, trench digger, steamroller, pile driver, crane, wrecking crane.


VB move quickly, trip, fisk, speed, hie, hasten, post, spank, scuttle, scud, scuddle, scour, scour the plain, scamper, run like mad, beat it, fly, race, run a race, cut away, shot, tear, whisk, zoom, swoosh, sweep, skim, brush, cut along, bowl along, barrel along, barrel, scorch, burn up the track, rush, dash on, dash off, dash forward, bolt, trot, gallop, amble, troll, bound, flit, spring, dart, boom, march in quick time, march in double time, ride hard, get over the ground, hurry, accelerate, put on, quicken, quicken one's pace, mend one's pace, clap spurs to one's horse, make haste, make rapid strides, make forced marches, make the best of one's way, put one's best leg foremost, stir one's stumps, wing one's way, set off at a score, carry sail, crowd sail, go off like a shot, go like a shot, go ahead, gain ground, outstrip the wind, fly on the wings of the wind, keep up with, keep pace with, outstrip, outmarch.


VB depart, go away, take one's departure, set out, set off, march off, put off, start off, be off, move off, get off, whip off, pack off, go off, take oneself off, start, issue, march out, debouch, go forth, sally forth, sally, set forward, be gone, hail from, leave a place, quit, vacate, evacuate, abandon, go off the stage, make one's exit, retire, withdraw, remove, vamoose, vamose, go one's way, go along, go from home, take flight, take wing, spring, fly, flit, wing one's flight, fly away, whip away, embark, go on board, go aboard, set sail' put to sea, go to sea, sail, take ship, hoist blue Peter, get under way, weigh anchor, strike tents, decamp, walk one's chalks, cut one's stick, take leave, say good bye, bid goodbye, disappear, abscond, entrain, inspan.


VB be brittle, live in a glass house, break, crack, snap, split, shiver, splinter, crumble, break short, burst, fly, give way, fall to pieces, crumble to, crumble into dust.


N sibilance, sibilation, zip, hiss, sternutation, high note, goose, serpent, snake (animal sounds), insect, bug, bee, mosquito, wasp, fly, tea kettle, pressure cooker, air valve, pressure release valve, safety valve, tires, air escaping from tires, punctured tire, escaping steam, steam, steam radiator, steam release valve, sibilant, hissing, wheezy, sternutative.


VB lose color, fade, fly, go, become colorless, turn pale, pale, deprive of color, decolorize, bleach, tarnish, achromatize, blanch, etiolate, wash out, tone down.

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