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flusher | flushing | flushingly | flushless toilet | flushness | fluster | flusteration | flustered | flustrate | flustration | flute


Noun, Verb (usu participle)


flusterv. t. [Cf. Icel. flaustra to be flustered, flaustr a fluster.].
     To make hot and rosy, as with drinking; to heat; hence, to throw into agitation and confusion; to confuse; to muddle.  [1913 Webster]
    "His habit or flustering himself daily with claret."  [1913 Webster]
flusterv. i. 
     To be in a heat or bustle; to be agitated and confused.  [1913 Webster]
    "The flstering, vainglorious Greeks."  [1913 Webster]
     Heat or glow, as from drinking; agitation mingled with confusion; disorder.  [1913 Webster]


fluster, v. & n.
1 tr. & intr. make or become nervous or confused; flurry (was flustered by the noise; he flusters easily).
2 tr. confuse with drink; half-intoxicate.
3 intr. bustle.
--n. a confused or agitated state.

ME: orig. unkn.: cf. Icel. flaustr(a) hurry, bustle



addle, addle the wits, ado, agitate, agitation, baffle, bafflement, ball up, becloud, bedazzle, befuddle, befuddlement, bewilder, bewilderment, bluff, bluster, bluster and bluff, blustering, boastfulness, bobbery, boil, boiling, bother, botheration, bravado, brouhaha, bug, bullying, burst, bustle, chaos, churn, cloud, commotion, confound, confuse, confusion, conturbation, daze, dazzle, discombobulate, discombobulation, discomfit, discomfiture, discomfort, discommode, discompose, discomposure, disconcert, disconcertion, disorder, disorganization, disorganize, disorient, disorientation, disquiet, disquietude, distract, distraction, disturb, disturbance, dither, dizzy, ebullition, electrify, embarrass, embarrassment, embroilment, entangle, excitement, fanfaronade, faze, feery-fary, ferment, fermentation, fever, feverishness, fidgetiness, fidgets, fit, flap, flummox, flurry, flusteration, flustration, flutter, flutteration, flutteriness, fog, foment, foofaraw, frenzy, fret, fuddle, fuddlement, fume, fuss, fussiness, hassle, haze, hectoring, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly-burly, inquietude, intimidation, jar, jitters, jolt, jumble, jumpiness, lather, maelstrom, malaise, maze, mess, mist, mix up, moider, moil, muddle, muddlement, mystify, nerviness, nervosity, nervousness, nonplus, perplex, perplexity, perturb, perturbation, pother, pucker, put off, put out, puzzle, raise hell, rant, rattle, restlessness, rock, rodomontade, roil, rout, row, ruffle, scramble, seethe, seething, shake, shake up, shock, shuffle, side, spasm, splutter, spurt, sputter, stagger, stew, stir, stir up, swagger, swashbucklery, sweat, swirl, swivet, throw, throw into confusion, throw off, tizzy, to-do, trepidation, trepidity, trouble, tumult, tumultuation, turbidity, turbulence, turmoil, twitter, twitteration, unease, unhinge, unquiet, unrest, unsettle, unsettlement, upset, vortex, whirl




N feeling, suffering, endurance, tolerance, sufferance, supportance, experience, response, sympathy, impression, inspiration, affection, sensation, emotion, pathos, deep sense, warmth, glow, unction, gusto, vehemence, fervor, fervency, heartiness, cordiality, earnestness, eagerness, empressement, gush, ardor, zeal, passion, enthusiasm, verve, furore, fanaticism, excitation of feeling, fullness of the heart, passion, ecstasy, blush, suffusion, flush, hectic, tingling, thrill, turn, shock, agitation, quiver, heaving, flutter, flurry, fluster, twitter, tremor, throb, throbbing, pulsation, palpitation, panting, trepidation, perturbation, ruffle, hurry of spirits, pother, stew, ferment, state of excitement, feeling, sentient, sensuous, sensorial, sensory, emotive, emotional, of feeling, with feeling, warm, quick, lively, smart, strong, sharp, acute, cutting, piercing, incisive, keen, keen as a razor, trenchant, pungent, racy, piquant, poignant, caustic, impressive, deep, profound, indelible, deep felt, home felt, heartfelt, swelling, soul-stirring, deep-mouthed, heart-expanding, electric, thrilling, rapturous, ecstatic, earnest, wistful, eager, breathless, fervent, fervid, gushing, passionate, warm-hearted, hearty, cordial, sincere, zealous, enthusiastic, glowing, ardent, burning, red-hot, fiery, flaming, boiling over, pervading, penetrating, absorbing, rabid, raving, feverish, fanatical, hysterical, impetuous, impressed with, moved with, touched with, affected with, penetrated with, seized with, imbued with, devoured by, wrought up, struck all of a heap, rapt, in a quiver, enraptured, heart and soul, from the bottom of one's heart, ab imo pectore, at heart, con amore, heartily, devoutly, over head and ears, head over heels, the heart big, the heart full, the heart swelling, the heart beating, the heart pulsating, the heart throbbing, the heart thumping, the heart beating high, the heart melting, the heart overflowing, the heart bursting, the heart breaking, the heart goes out, a heart as big as all outdoors (sympathy).


VB excite, affect, touch, move, impress, strike, interest, animate, inspire, impassion, smite, infect, stir the blood, fire the blood, warm the blood, set astir, wake, awake, awaken, call forth, evoke, provoke, raise up, summon up, call up, wake up, blow up, get up, light up, raise, get up the steam, rouse, arouse, stir, fire, kindle, enkindle, apply the torch, set on fire, inflame, stimulate, exsuscitate, inspirit, spirit up, stir up, work up, pique, infuse life into, give new life to, bring new blood, introduce new blood, quicken, sharpen, whet, work upon, hurry on, give a fillip, put on one's mettle, fan the fire, fan the flame, blow the coals, stir the embers, fan into a flame, foster, heat, warm, foment, raise to a fever heat, keep up, keep the pot boiling, revive, rekindle, rake up, rip up, stir the feelings, play on the feelings, come home to the feelings, touch a string, touch a chord, touch the soul, touch the heart, go to one's heart, penetrate, pierce, go through one, touch to the quick, possess the soul, pervade the soul, penetrate the soul, imbrue the soul, absorb the soul, affect the soul, disturb the soul, absorb, rivet the attention, sink into the mind, sink into the heart, prey on the mind, distract, intoxicate, overwhelm, overpower, bouleverser, upset, turn one's head, fascinate, enrapture, agitate, perturb, ruffle, fluster, shake, disturb, startle, shock, stagger, give one a shock, give one a turn, strike all of a heap, stun, astound, electrify, galvanize, petrify, irritate, sting, cut to the heart, cut to the quick, try one's temper, fool to the top of one's bent, pique, infuriate, madden, make one's blood boil, lash into fury, be excited, flush up, flare up, catch the infection, thrill, mantle, work oneself up, seethe, boil, simmer, foam, fume, flame, rage, rave, run mad.


N excitability, impetuosity, vehemence, boisterousness, turbulence, impatience, intolerance, nonendurance, irritability, itching, wincing, disquiet, disquietude, restlessness, fidgets, fidgetiness, agitation, trepidation, perturbation, ruffle, hurry, fuss, flurry, fluster, flutter, pother, stew, ferment, whirl, buck fever, hurry-skurry, thrill, state of excitement, fever of excitement, transport, passion, excitement, flush, heat, fever, heat, fire, flame, fume, blood boiling, tumult, effervescence, ebullition, boiling over, whiff, gust, story, tempest, scene, breaking out, burst, fit, paroxysm, explosion, outbreak, outburst, agony, violence, fierceness, rage, fury, furor, furore, desperation, madness, distraction, raving, delirium, phrensy, frenzy, hysterics, intoxication, tearing passion, raging passion, anger, fascination, infatuation, fanaticism, Quixotism, Quixotry, tete montee, excitable, easily excited, in an excitable state, high-strung, irritable, impatient, intolerant, feverish, febrile, hysterical, delirious, mad, moody, maggoty- headed, unquiet, mercurial, electric, galvanic, hasty, hurried, restless, fidgety, fussy, chafing, startlish, mettlesome, high-mettled, skittish, vehement, demonstrative, violent, wild, furious, fierce, fiery, hot-headed, madcap, overzealous, enthusiastic, impassioned, fanatical, rabid, rampant, clamorous, uproarious, turbulent, tempestuous, tumultuary, boisterous, impulsive, impetuous, passionate, uncontrolled, uncontrollable, ungovernable, irrepressible, stanchless, inextinguishable, burning, simmering, volcanic, ready to burst forth, volatile, excited, exciting, Int, pish!, pshaw!, noli me tangere, filled with fury, rapt, inspir'd, maggiore fretta minore atto.


VB be inattentive, overlook, disregard, pass by, not observe, think little of, close one's eyes to, shut one's eyes to, pay no attention to, dismiss from one's thoughts, discard from one's thoughts, discharge from one's thoughts, dismiss from one's mind, discard from one's mind, discharge from one's mind, drop the subject, think no more of, set aside, turn aside, put aside, turn away from, turn one's attention from, turn a deaf ear to, turn one's back upon, abstract oneself, dream, indulge in reverie, escape notice, escape attention, come in at one ear and go out at the other, forget, call off the attention, draw off the attention, call away the attention, divert the attention, distract the mind, put out of one's head, disconcert, discompose, put out, confuse, perplex, bewilder, moider, fluster, muddle, dazzle, throw a sop to Cerberus.

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