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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: F F. Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Fh Fi Fj Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fr Fs Ft Fu Fw Fy
filature | filbert | filch | filcher | filchingly | file | file allocation table | file away | file cabinet | file clerk | file closer



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)


filen. [F. file row (cf. Pr., Sp., Pg., & It. fila), LL. fila, fr. L. filum a thread. Cf. Enfilade, Filament, Fillet.].
  •  An orderly succession; a line; a row  [1913 Webster]
    " The number of files in a company describes its width, as the number of ranks does its depth; thus, 100 men in “fours deep” would be spoken of as 25 files in 4 ranks. Farrow. "  Farrow.
    "It is upon a file with the duke's other letters."
  •  Course of thought; thread of narration.  [1913 Webster]
    "Let me resume the file of my narration."  [1913 Webster]
  •  a collection of data on a digital recording medium treated as a unit for the purpose of recording, reading, storage, or indexing; -- such a file is typically accessible by computer programs by the use of a file name. The data may be of any type codable digitally, such as simple ASCII-coded text, complex binary-coded data, or an executable program, or may be itself a collection of other files.  [PJC]
File firing, the act of firing by file, or each file independently of others. -- File leader, the soldier at the front of any file, who covers and leads those in rear of him. -- File marching, the marching of a line two deep, when faced to the right or left, so that the front and rear rank march side by side. Brande & C. --Indian file, or Single file, a line of people marching one behind another; a single row. Also used adverbially; as, to march Indian file. -- On file, preserved in an orderly collection; recorded in some database. -- Rank and file. (a) The body of soldiers constituting the mass of an army, including corporals and privates. Wilhelm. (b) Those who constitute the bulk or working members of a party, society, etc., in distinction from the leaders.
filev. t. 
  •  To set in order; to arrange, or lay away, esp. as papers in a methodical manner for preservation and reverence; to place on file; to insert in its proper place in an arranged body of papers.  [1913 Webster]
    "I would have my several courses and my dishes well filed."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bring before a court or legislative body by presenting proper papers in a regular way; as, to file a petition or bill.  Burrill.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To put upon the files or among the records of a court; to note on (a paper) the fact date of its reception in court.  [1913 Webster]
    "To file a paper, on the part of a party, is to place it in the official custody of the clerk. To file, on the part of the clerk, is to indorse upon the paper the date of its reception, and retain it in his office, subject to inspection by whomsoever it may concern."  [1913 Webster]
filev. i. [Cf. F. filer.].
     To march in a file or line, as soldiers, not abreast, but one after another; -- generally with off.  [1913 Webster]
    "My endeavors
    Have ever come too short of my desires,
    Yet filed with my abilities.
    "  [1913 Webster]
To file with, to follow closely, as one soldier after another in file; to keep pace.
filen. [AS. feól; akin to D. viji, OHG. fīla, fīhala, G. feile, Sw. fil, Dan. fiil, cf. Icel. , Russ. pila, and Skr. pi to cut out, adorn; perh. akin to E. paint.].
  •  A steel instrument, having cutting ridges or teeth, made by indentation with a chisel, used for abrading or smoothing other substances, as metals, wood, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    " A file differs from a rasp in having the furrows made by straight cuts of a chisel, either single or crossed, while the rasp has coarse, single teeth, raised by the pyramidal end of a triangular punch."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Anything employed to smooth, polish, or rasp, literally or figuratively.  [1913 Webster]
    "Mock the nice touches of the critic's file."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A shrewd or artful person.  Fielding.  [1913 Webster]
    "Will is an old file in spite of his smooth face."  [1913 Webster]
Bastard file, Cross file, etc. See under Bastard, Cross, etc. -- Cross-cut file, a file having two sets of teeth crossing obliquely. -- File blank, a steel blank shaped and ground ready for cutting to form a file. -- File cutter, a maker of files. -- Second-cut file, a file having teeth of a grade next finer than bastard. -- Single-cut file, a file having only one set of parallel teeth; a float. -- Smooth file, a file having teeth so fine as to make an almost smooth surface.
filev. t. 
  •  To rub, smooth, or cut away, with a file; to sharpen with a file; as, to file a saw or a tooth.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To smooth or polish as with a file.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "File your tongue to a little more courtesy."  [1913 Webster]
filev. t. [OE. fulen, filen, foulen, AS. flan, fr. fl foul. See Foul, and cf. Defile, v. t.].
     To make foul; to defile.  [1913 Webster]
    "All his hairy breast with blood was filed."  [1913 Webster]
    "For Banquo's issue have I filed my mind."  [1913 Webster]


file, n. & v.
1 a folder, box, etc., for holding loose papers, esp. arranged for reference.
2 a set of papers kept in this.
3 Computing a collection of (usu. related) data stored under one name.
4 a series of issues of a newspaper etc. in order.
5 a stiff pointed wire on which documents etc. are impaled for keeping.
1 place (papers) in a file or among (esp. public) records.
2 submit (a petition for divorce, an application for a patent, etc.) to the appropriate authority.
3 (of a reporter) send (a story, information, etc.) to a newspaper.

filing cabinet a case with drawers for storing documents.
filer n.
file, n. & v.
1 a line of persons or things one behind another.
2 (foll. by of) Mil. a small detachment of men (now usu. two).
3 Chess a line of squares from player to player (cf. RANK(1)).
--v.intr. walk in a file.

file off (or away) Mil. go off by files.
file, n. & v.
--n. a tool with a roughened surface or surfaces, usu. of steel, for smoothing or shaping wood, fingernails, etc.
1 smooth or shape with a file.
2 elaborate or improve (a thing, esp. a literary work).

file away remove (roughness etc.) with a file. file-fish any fish of the family Ostracionidae, with sharp dorsal fins and usu. bright coloration.
filer n.
OE fil f. WG



Indian file, KP, ablate, abrade, abrase, achievement, aculeate, acuminate, alerion, alphabetize, aluminum oxide, ammunition box, analyze, animal charge, annulet, apply for, archives, argent, ark, armorial bearings, armory, arms, army, army group, arrange, array, articulation, ask, ask for, assort, attache case, auto polish, azure, backpack, bandeau, bandolier, bank, bar, bar sinister, barb, bark, baton, battalion, battery, battle group, bearings, beg leave, bend, bend sinister, bespeak, bibliography, billet, billfold, bin, blank, blazon, blazonry, book, boot, bordure, box, break down, briefcase, brigade, broad arrow, bulletin board, bundle away, bunker, buzz, cache, cadency mark, cadre, caisson, calendar, call for, canister, canton, capsula, capsule, card, card catalog, cardcase, carton, carve, case, casket, catalog, catalog card, catalogue raisonne, categorize, catena, catenation, cedar chest, chafe, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chalk, chalk up, chancery, chaplet, charge, check in, chest, chevron, chief, chirograph, chronicle, chronologize, cigarette case, cist, class, classified catalog, classify, coat of arms, cockatrice, codify, coffer, coffin, cohort, colcothar, column, combat command, combat team, compact, company, complete, concatenation, cone, connection, consecution, continuum, coronet, corps, corundum, course, crate, crave, crescent, crest, crib, crocus, cross, cross moline, crown, cuspidate, cut, cycle, data, defile, demand, deposit, descent, desire, detachment, detail, device, difference, differencing, digest, disc, dispatch box, divide, division, docket, document, documentation, dossier, drone, eagle, echelon, edge, emery, emery board, emery paper, endless belt, endless round, engrave, enroll, enscroll, enter, enumerate, envelope, erase, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, erode, escutcheon, etui, falcon, fess, fess point, field, field army, field train, file folder, file for, file off, files, filiation, filing box, filing card, filing system, fill out, film, finding list, flanch, fleur-de-lis, flying column, folder, folio, footslog, form, fray, frazzle, fret, fur, fusil, gall, gamut, garland, garnet, garrison, gnaw, gnaw away, go on parade, goose-step, gradation, grade, grate, grave, graze, griffin, grind, group, gules, gyron, handlist, hatchment, helmet, heraldic device, hike, holograph, holster, hone, honor point, hope chest, housewife, hum, hussy, hutch, impalement, impaling, impanel, incise, indent, index, index card, inescutcheon, information, inscribe, insert, instrument, inventory, itemize, jot down, keep score, kit, kitchen police, label, lay away, lay down, lay in, lay in store, legal document, legal instrument, legal paper, legion, letter file, library catalog, line, lineage, lion, list, lodge, log, lozenge, magnetic tape, make a memorandum, make a note, make a request, make a requisition, make an entry, make application, make out, maniple, mantling, march, march past, mark down, marshaling, martlet, mascle, matriculate, metal, microcard, microdot, microfiche, microfilm, minute, monotone, monstrance, motion-picture film, motto, mullet, mush, nail file, nexus, nombril point, note, note down, octofoil, official document, oilstone, or, order, ordinary, organization, organize, orle, ostensorium, outfit, pack away, packet, packing case, pale, paly, paper, papers, parade, parchment, pean, pendulum, periodicity, personal file, phalanx, pheon, phonograph record, pigeonhole, pigeonholes, pillbox, place, place upon record, platoon, platter, plenum, pod, point, polishes, poll, portfolio, posse, post, post up, powder box, powder train, program, progression, promenade, pumice, pumice stone, purpure, put away, put down, put in for, put in order, put in writing, put on paper, put on tape, quarter, quartering, queue, quiver, rack, range, rank, rasp, rate, raze, record, recurrence, reduce to writing, regiment, register, register office, registry, reliquary, reposit, request, requisition, reservoir, reset, reticulation, roll, rose, rotation, rottenstone, rouge, round, routine, row, rub away, rub off, rub out, run, sable, salt away, salt down, saltire, sand, sandblast, sandpaper, sarcophagus, scabbard, scale, schedule, score, scoreboard, scorecard, scoresheet, scour, scrape, scrip, script, scroll, scrub, scuff, scutcheon, section, sequence, series, set, set down, sharpen, sheath, shield, shoe polish, silicon carbide, silver polish, single file, skin, skippet, slip, snuffbox, socket, sort, spectacle case, spectrum, spiculate, spread eagle, spur, squad, squadron, stash, store, store away, stow, stow away, stow down, strap, string, strop, subdivide, submit, subordinary, succession, swath, systematize, tabulate, tactical unit, take down, tally, tape, tape-record, taper, task force, tea chest, tenne, thread, ticker tape, tier, till, tincture, tinderbox, torse, train, tramp, tressure, troop, type, unicorn, unit, vair, vanity case, vasculum, vert, videotape, walk, wallet, warehouse, wax, wear, wear away, whet, whistle for, windrow, wing, wish, wreath, writ, write, write down, write in, write out, write up, writing, yale




VB subduct, subtract, deduct, deduce, bate, retrench, remove, withdraw, take from, take away, detract, garble, mutilate, amputate, detruncate, cut off, cut away, cut out, abscind, excise, pare, thin, prune, decimate, abrade, scrape, file, geld, castrate, eliminate, diminish, curtail, deprive of, weaken.


N arrangement, plan, preparation, disposal, disposition, collocation, allocation, distribution, sorting, assortment, allotment, apportionment, taxis, taxonomy, syntaxis, graduation, organization, grouping, tabulation, analysis, classification, clustering, division, digestion, digest, synopsis, syntagma, table, atlas, file, database, register, organism, architecture, sieve, riddle, screen, sorter, arranged, embattled, in battle array, cut and dried, methodical, orderly, regular, systematic, In vast cumbrous array.

VB reduce to order, bring into order, introduce order into, rally, arrange, dispose, place, form, put in order, set in order, place in order, set out, collocate, pack, marshal, range, size, rank, group, parcel out, allot, distribute, deal, cast the parts, assign the parts, dispose of, assign places to, assort, sort, sift, riddle, put to rights, set to rights, put into shape, put in trim, put in array, apportion, class, classify, divide, file, string together, thread, register, catalogue, tabulate, index, graduate, digest, grade, methodize, regulate, systematize, coordinate, organize, settle, fix, unravel, disentangle, ravel, card, disembroil, feaze.


N continuity, consecution, consecutiveness, succession, round, suite, progression, series, train chain, catenation, concatenation, scale, gradation, course, ceaselessness, constant flow, unbroken extent, procession, column, retinue, cortege, cavalcade, rank and file, line of battle, array, pedigree, genealogy, lineage, race, ancestry, descent, family, house, line, line of ancestors, strain, rank, file, line, row, range, tier, string, thread, team, suit, colonnade, continuous, continued, consecutive, progressive, gradual, serial, successive, immediate, unbroken, entire, linear, in a line, in a row, uninterrupted, unintermitting, unremitting, unrelenting (perseverence), perennial, evergreen, constant, continuously, seriatim, in a line, in succession, in turn, running, gradually, step by step, gradatim, at a stretch, in file, in column, in single file, in Indian file.

VB follow in a series, form a series, fall in, arrange in a series, collate, string together, file, thread, graduate, organize, sort, tabulate.


N list, catalog, catalogue, inventory, register, account, bill, bill of costs, terrier, tally, listing, itemization, atlas, book, ledger, catalogue raisonne, tableau, invoice, bill of lading, prospectus, bill of fare, menu, carte, score, census, statistics, returns, contents, table of contents, outline, synopsis, checklist, table, chart, database, index, inverted file, word list, concordance, dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary, glossary, thesaurus, file, card index, card file, rolodex, address book, Red book, Blue book, Domesday book, cadastre, directory, gazetter, almanac, army list, clergy list, civil service list, navy list, Almanach de Gotha, cadaster, Lloyd's register, nautical almanac, who's who, Guiness's Book of World Records, roll, check roll, checker roll, bead roll, muster roll, muster book, roster, panel, jury list, cartulary, diptych, cadastral.


N combatant, disputant, controversialist, polemic, litigant, belligerent, competitor, rival, corrival, fighter, assailant, champion, Paladin, mosstrooper, swashbuckler fire eater, duelist, bully, bludgeon man, rough, prize fighter, pugilist, boxer, bruiser, the fancy, gladiator, athlete, wrestler, fighting-cock, game-cock, warrior, soldier, fighting man, Amazon, man at arms, armigerent, campaigner, veteran, swordsman, sabreur, redcoat, military man, Rajput, armed force, troops, soldiery, military forces, sabaoth, the army, standing army, regulars, the line, troops of the line, militia, yeomanry, volunteers, trainband, fencible, auxiliary, bersagliere, brave, garde-nationale, garde-royale, minuteman, auxiliary forces, reserve forces, reserves, posse comitatus, national guard, gendarme, beefeater, guards, guardsman, yeomen of the guard, life guards, household troops, janissary, myrmidon, Mama, Mameluke, spahee, spahi, Cossack, Croat, Pandoz, irregular, guerilla, partisan, condottiere, franctireur, tirailleur, bashi-bazouk, vietminh, vietcong, shining path, contras, huk, hukbalahap, mercenary, soldier of fortune, hired gun, gunfighter, gunslinger, bushwhacker, free lance, companion, Hessian, hit man torpedo, soldier, levy, draught, Landwehr, Landsturm, conscript, recruit, cadet, raw levies, infantry, infantryman, private, private soldier, foot soldier, Tommy Atkins, rank and file, peon, trooper, sepoy, legionnaire, legionary, cannon fodder, food for powder, officer, subaltern, ensign, standard bearer, spearman, pikeman, spear bearer, halberdier, lancer, musketeer, carabineer, rifleman, jager, sharpshooter, yager, skirmisher, grenadier, fusileer, archer, bowman, horse and foot, horse soldier, cavalry, horse, artillery, horse artillery, light horse, voltigeur, uhlan, mounted rifles, dragoon, hussar, light dragoon, heavy dragoon, heavy, cuirassier, Foot Guards, Horse Guards, gunner, cannoneer, bombardier, artilleryman, matross, sapper, sapper and miner, engineer, light infantry, rifles, chasseur, zouave, military train, coolie, army, corps d'armee, host, division, battalia, column, wing, detachment, garrison, flying column, brigade, regiment, corps, battalion, sotnia, squadron, company, platoon, battery, subdivision, section, squad, piquet, picket, guard, rank, file, legion, phalanx, cohort, cloud of skirmishers, war horse, charger, destrier, marine, man-of-war's man, navy, wooden walls, naval forces, fleet, flotilla, armada, squadron, man-of-war, destroyer, submarine, minesweeper, torpedo-boat, torpedo-destroyer, patrol torpedo boat, PT boat, torpedo- catcher, war castle, H, M, S, battleship, battle wagon, dreadnought, line of battle ship, ship of the line, aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop, helicopter carrier, missile platform, missile boat, ironclad, turret ship, ram, monitor, floating battery, first- rate, frigate, sloop of war, corvette, gunboat, bomb vessel, flagship, guard ship, cruiser, armored cruiser, protected cruiser, privateer, tender, store ship, troop ship, transport, catamaran, merchant marine.


VB become small, become smaller, lessen, decrease, grow less, dwindle, shrink, contract, narrow, shrivel, collapse, wither, lose flesh, wizen, fall away, waste, wane, ebb, decay, be smaller than, fall short of, not come up to, render smaller, lessen, diminish, contract, draw in, narrow, coarctate, boil down, constrict, constringe, condense, compress, squeeze, corrugate, crimp, crunch, crush, crumple up, warp, purse up, pack, squeeze, stow, pinch, tighten, strangle, cramp, dwarf, bedwarf, shorten, circumscribe, restrain, (subtraction) 38 abrade, pare, reduce, attenuate, rub down, scrape, file, file down, grind, grind down, chip, shave, shear, wear down.


VB smooth, smoothen, plane, file, mow, shave, level, roll, macadamize, polish, burnish, calender, glaze, iron, hot-press, mangle, lubricate.


N journey, travel, traveling, wayfaring, campaigning, journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, grand tour, circuit, peregrination, discursion, ramble, pilgrimage, hajj, trek, course, ambulation, march, walk, promenade, constitutional, stroll, saunter, tramp, jog trot, turn, stalk, perambulation, noctambulation, noctambulism, somnambulism, outing, ride, drive, airing, jaunt, equitation, horsemanship, riding, manege, ride and tie, basophobia, roving, vagrancy, pererration, marching and countermarching, nomadism, vagabondism, vagabondage, hoboism, gadding, flit, flitting, migration, emigration, immigration, demigration, intermigration, wanderlust, plan, itinerary, guide, handbook, guidebook, road book, Baedeker, Bradshaw, Murray, map, road map, transportation guide, subway map, procession, cavalcade, caravan, file, cortege, column, vehicle, automobile, train, bus, airplane, plane, autobus, omnibus, subway, motorbike, dirt bike, off-road vehicle, van, minivan, motor scooter, trolley, locomotive, legs, feet, pegs, pins, trotters, traveler, depot, railway station, station, traveling, ambulatory, itinerant, peripatetic, roving, rambling, gadding, discursive, vagrant, migratory, monadic, circumforanean, circumforaneous, noctivagrant, mundivagrant, locomotive, wayfaring, wayworn, travel-stained, on foot, on horseback, on Shanks's mare, by the Marrowbone stage: in transitu, en route, Int, come along!.


N powderiness, pulverulence, sandiness, efflorescence, friability, powder, dust, sand, shingle, sawdust, grit, meal, bran, flour, farina, rice, paddy, spore, sporule, crumb, seed, grain, particle, limature, filings, debris, detritus, tailings, talus slope, scobs, magistery, fine powder, flocculi, smoke, cloud of dust, cloud of sand, cloud of smoke, puff of smoke, volume of smoke, sand storm, dust storm, pulverization, comminution, attenuation, granulation, disintegration, subaction, contusion, trituration, levigation, abrasion, detrition, multure, limitation, tripsis, filing, mill, arrastra, gristmill, grater, rasp, file, mortar and pestle, nutmeg grater, teeth, grinder, grindstone, kern, quern, koniology, powdery, pulverulent, granular, mealy, floury, farinaceous, branny, furfuraceous, flocculent, dusty, sandy, sabulous, psammous, arenose, arenarious, arenaceous, gritty, efflorescent, impalpable, lentiginous, lepidote, sabuline, sporaceous, sporous, pulverizable, friable, crumbly, shivery, pulverized, attrite, in pieces.

VB come to dust, be disintegrated, be reduced to powder reduce to powder, grind to powder, pulverize, comminute, granulate, triturate, levigate, scrape, file, abrade, rub down, grind, grate, rasp, pound, bray, bruise, contuse, contund, beat, crush, cranch, craunch, crunch, scranch, crumble, disintegrate, attenuate.


VB rub, scratch, scrape, scrub, slide, fray, rasp, graze, curry, scour, polish, rub out, wear down, gnaw, file, grind, set one's teeth on edge, rosin.


VB record, put on record, place on record, chronicle, calendar, hand down to posterity, keep up the memory, commemorate, report, write, commit to writing, reduce to writing, put in writing, set down in writing, writing in black and white, put down, jot down, take down, write down, note down, set down, note, minute, put on paper, take note, make a note, take minute, take memorandum, make a return, mark, sign, enter, book, post, post up, insert, make an entry of, mark off, tick off, register, enroll, inscroll, file, burn into memory, carve in stone.

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