Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: E E- E. Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
exportation | exporter | exporting | exposé | exposal | exposé | exposed | exposedness | exposer | exposit | exposition


Verb (transitive)


exposév. t. [F. exposer; pref. ex- (L. ex out)+poser to place. See Pose, v. t.].
  •  To set forth; to set out to public view; to exhibit; to show; to display; as, to expose goods for sale; to expose pictures to public inspection.  [1913 Webster]
    "Those who seek truth only, freely expose their principles to the test, and are pleased to have them examined."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To lay bare; to lay open to attack, danger, or anything objectionable; to render accessible to anything which may affect, especially detrimentally; to make liable; as, to expose one's self to the heat of the sun, or to cold, insult, danger, or ridicule; to expose an army to destruction or defeat.  [1913 Webster]
    "Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To deprive of concealment; to discover; to lay open to public inspection, or bring to public notice, as a thing that shuns publicity, something criminal, shameful, or the like; as, to expose the faults of a neighbor.  [1913 Webster]
    "You only expose the follies of men, without arraigning their vices."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To disclose the faults or reprehensible practices of; to lay open to general condemnation or contempt by making public the character or arts of; as, to expose a cheat, liar, or hypocrite.  [1913 Webster]


exposé, v.tr.
1 leave uncovered or unprotected, esp. from the weather.
2 (foll. by to) cause to be liable to or in danger of (was exposed to great danger).
3 (as exposed adj.) a (foll. by to) open to; unprotected from (exposed to the east). b vulnerable, risky.
4 Photog. subject (a film) to light, esp. by operation of a camera.
5 reveal the identity or fact of (esp. a person or thing disapproved of or guilty of crime etc.).
6 disclose; make public.
7 exhibit, display.
8 put up for sale.

expose oneself display one's body, esp. the genitals, publicly and indecently.
exposer n.
ME f. OF exposer after L exponere: see EXPONENT, POSE(1)



advertise, air, apocalypse, attaint, awaken, bare, baring, belie, bespatter, betray, blacken, blot, blow sky-high, blow up, blow upon, brand, brandish, break the seal, break the spell, bring to light, broadcast, burst the bubble, censure, clear, compromise, construction, correct, debunk, defame, defile, deflate, denudate, denude, deobstruct, develop, dig up, disabuse, disappoint, disapprove, disclose, disclosing, disclosure, disconfirm, disconfirmation, discover, discovering, discovery, discredit, disenchant, disillude, disillusion, disillusionize, disinter, dismask, disparage, display, disport, disproof, disproval, disprove, disproving, divest, divulge, draw the veil, encounter danger, endanger, enlighten, excavate, exegesis, exhibit, exhume, explication, explode, explosion, expose to infamy, exposition, exposure, ferret out, fish up, flash, flaunt, fleece, free, gamble, gamble with, gibbet, hang in effigy, hazard, impart, imperil, incur danger, interpretation, invalidate, invalidation, jeopard, jeopardize, jeopardy, lay bare, lay open, laying bare, leak, let daylight in, let down easy, let in on, let out, make known, manifest, manifestation, negate, negation, negative, open, open up, parade, patefaction, patefy, peril, pillory, pluck, present, prick the bubble, prove the contrary, publish, puncture, put in danger, put in jeopardy, put in writing, put straight, raise the curtain, redargution, reductio ad absurdum, remove, removing the veil, reprimand, reveal, revealing, revealment, revelation, risk, root up, set right, set straight, shear, show, show off, show up, showing up, showup, slur, smear, soil, stain, stigmatize, strip, strip bare, stripping, subject, subject to, sully, taint, tarnish, tell the truth, trot out, turn up, unblindfold, unblock, uncase, uncharm, unclench, uncloak, uncloaking, unclog, unclothe, unclutch, uncork, uncover, uncovering, uncurtain, undeceive, undercut, undo, undrape, undress, unearth, unfold, unfolding, unfoldment, unfoul, unfurl, unkennel, unlatch, unlock, unmask, unmasking, unpack, unplug, unroll, unscreen, unseal, unsheathe, unshroud, unshut, unspell, unstop, unveil, unveiling, unwrap, unwrapping, ventilate, vilify, wake up, worm out




N description, account, statement, report, expose, specification, particulars, state of facts, summary of facts, brief, return, catalogue raisonne, guidebook, delineation, sketch, monograph, minute account, detailed particular account, circumstantial account, graphic account, narration, recital, rehearsal, relation, historiography, chronography, historic Muse, Clio, history, biography, autobiography, necrology, obituary, narrative, history, memoir, memorials, annals, saga, tradition, legend, story, tale, historiette, personal narrative, journal, life, adventures, fortunes, experiences, confessions, anecdote, ana, trait, work of fiction, novel, romance, Minerva press, fairy tale, nursery tale, fable, parable, apologue, dime novel, penny dreadful, shilling shocker relator, raconteur, historian, biographer, fabulist, novelist, descriptive, graphic, narrative, epic, suggestive, well-drawn, historic, traditional, traditionary, legendary, anecdotic, storied, described, furor scribendi.


VB divest, uncover &c (cover), denude, bare, strip, disfurnish, undress, disrobe &c (dress, enrobe), uncoif, dismantle, put off, take off, cast off, doff, peel, pare, decorticate, excoriate, skin, scalp, flay, expose, lay open, exfoliate, molt, mew, cast the skin.


VB disapprove, dislike, lament, object to, take exception to, be scandalized at, think ill of, view with disfavor, view with dark eyes, view with jaundiced eyes, nil admirari, disvalue, improbate, frown upon, look grave, bend the brows, knit the brows, shake the head at, shrug the shoulders, turn up the nose, look askance, look black upon, look with an evil eye, make a wry face, make a wry mouth at, set one's face against, dispraise, discommend, disparage, deprecate, speak ill of, not speak well of, condemn, blame, lay blame upon, cast blame upon, censure, fronder, reproach, pass censure on, reprobate, impugn, remonstrate, expostulate, recriminate, reprehend, chide, admonish, berate, betongue, bring to account, call to account, call over the coals, rake over the coals, call to order, take to task, reprove, lecture, bring to book, read a lesson, read a lecture to, rebuke, correct, reprimand, chastise, castigate, lash, blow up, trounce, trim, laver la tete, overhaul, give it one, give it one finely, gibbet, accuse, impeach, denounce, hold up to reprobation, hold up to execration, expose, brand, gibbet, stigmatize, show up, pull up, take up, cry 'shame' upon, be outspoken, raise a hue and cry against, execrate, exprobate, speak daggers, vituperate, abuse, abuse like a pickpocket, scold, rate, objurgate, upbraid, fall foul of, jaw, rail, rail at, rail in good set terms, bark at, anathematize, call names, call by hard names, call by ugly names, avile, revile, vilify, vilipend, bespatter, backbite, clapperclaw, rave against, thunder against, fulminate against, load with reproaches, exclaim against, protest against, inveigh against, declaim against, cry out against, raise one's voice against, decry, cry down, run down, frown down, clamor, hiss, hoot, mob, ostracize, blacklist, draw up a round robin, sign a round robin, animadvert upon, reflect upon, glance at, cast reflection, cast reproach, cast a slur upon, insinuate, damn with faint praise, hint a fault and hesitate dislike, not to be able to say much for, scoff at, point at, twit, taunt, sneer at, satirize, lampoon, defame, depreciate, find fault with, criticize, cut up, pull to pieces, pick to pieces, take exception, cavil, peck at, nibble at, carp at, be censorious, pick holes, pick a hole, pick a hole in one's coat, make a fuss about, take down, take down a peg, set down, snub, snap one up, give a rap on the knuckles, throw a stone at, throw a stone in one's garden, have a fling, have a snap at, have words with, pluck a crow with, give one a wipe, give one a lick with the rough side of the tongue, incur blame, excite disapprobation, scandalize, shock, revolt, get a bad name, forfeit one's good opinion, be under a cloud, come under the ferule, bring a hornet's nest about one's ears, take blame, stand corrected, have to answer for.


VB confute, refute, disprove, parry, negative, controvert, rebut, confound, disconfirm, redargue, expose, show the fallacy of, defeat, demolish, break, overthrow, overturn scatter to the winds, explode, invalidate, silence, put to silence, reduce to silence, clinch an argument, clinch a question, give one a setdown, stop the mouth, shut up, have, have on the hip, not leave a leg to stand on, cut the ground from under one's feet, be confuted, fail, expose one's weak point, show one's weak point, counter evidence.


VB make manifest, render manifest, bring forth, bring forward, bring to the front, bring into view, give notice, express, represent, set forth, exhibit, show, show up, expose, produce, hold up to view, expose to view, set before one, place before one, lay before one, one's eyes, tell to one's face, trot out, put through one's paces, bring to light, display, demonstrate, unroll, lay open, draw out, bring out, bring out in strong relief, call into notice, bring into notice, hold up the mirror, wear one's heart upon his sleeve, show one's face, show one's colors, manifest oneself, speak out, make no mystery, make no secret of, unfurl the flag, proclaim, indicate, disclose, elicit, be manifest, appear, transpire, speak for itself, stand to reason, stare one in the face, rear its head, give token, give sign, give indication of, tell its own tale.


N disclosure, retection, unveiling, deterration, revealment, revelation, exposition, exposure, expose, whole truth, telltale, acknowledgment, avowal, confession, confessional, shrift, bursting of a bubble, denouement, tattletale, snitch, fink, stool pigeon, canary, disclosed, open, public, Int, out with it!, the murder is out, a light breaks in upon one, the scales fall from one's eyes, the eyes are opened.

VB disclose, discover, dismask, draw the veil, draw aside the veil, lift the veil, raise the veil, lift up the veil, remove the veil, tear aside the veil, tear the curtain, unmask, unveil, unfold, uncover, unseal, unkennel, take off the seal, break the seal, lay open, lay bare, expose, open, open up, bare, bring to light, divulge, reveal, break, squeal, tattle, sing, rat, snitch, let into the secret, reveal the secrets of the prison house, tell, breathe, utter, blab, peach, let out, let fall, let drop, let slip, spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, betray, tell tales, come out of school, come out with, give vent, give utterance to, open the lips, blurt out, vent, whisper about, speak out, make public, unriddle, split, acknowledge, allow, concede, grant, admit, own, own up to, confess, avow, throw off all disguise, turn inside out, make a clean breast, show one's hand, show one's cards, unburden one's mind, disburden one's mind, disburden one's conscience, disburden one's heart, open one's mind, lay bare one's mind, tell a piece of one's mind, unbosom oneself, own to the soft impeachment, say the truth, speak the truth, turn King's evidence, Queen's evidence, acknowledge the corn, raise the mask, drop the mask, lift the mask, remove the mask, throw off the mask, expose, lay open, undeceive, unbeguile, disabuse, set right, correct, open the eyes of, d_esillusionner, be disclosed, transpire, come to light, come in sight, become known, escape the lips, come out, ooze out, creep out, leak out, peep out, crop-out, show its face, show its colors, discover itself, break through the clouds, flash on the mind, disclose, discover, dismask, draw the veil, draw aside the veil, lift the veil, raise the veil, lift up the veil, remove the veil, tear aside the veil, tear the curtain, unmask, unveil, unfold, uncover, unseal, unkennel, take off the seal, break the seal, lay open, lay bare, expose, open, open up, bare, bring to light, divulge, reveal, break, squeal, tattle, sing, rat, snitch, let into the secret, reveal the secrets of the prison house, tell, breathe, utter, blab, peach, let out, let fall, let drop, let slip, spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, betray, tell tales, come out of school, come out with, give vent, give utterance to, open the lips, blurt out, vent, whisper about, speak out, make public, unriddle, split, acknowledge, allow, concede, grant, admit, own, own up to, confess, avow, throw off all disguise, turn inside out, make a clean breast, show one's hand, show one's cards, unburden one's mind, disburden one's mind, disburden one's conscience, disburden one's heart, open one's mind, lay bare one's mind, tell a piece of one's mind, unbosom oneself, own to the soft impeachment, say the truth, speak the truth, turn King's evidence, Queen's evidence, acknowledge the corn, raise the mask, drop the mask, lift the mask, remove the mask, throw off the mask, expose, lay open, undeceive, unbeguile, disabuse, set right, correct, open the eyes of, d_esillusionner, be disclosed, transpire, come to light, come in sight, become known, escape the lips, come out, ooze out, creep out, leak out, peep out, crop-out, show its face, show its colors, discover itself, break through the clouds, flash on the mind.

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