Also see definition of "exile" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: E E- E. Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
exigent | exigenter | exigible | exiguity | exiguous | exile | exiled | exilement | exilic | exilition | exility


Noun, Verb (usu participle)
85 in 74 verses (in OT : 85 in 74 verses)


exilen. [OE. exil, fr. L. exilium, exsilium, fr. exsuil one who quits, or is banished from, his native soil; ex out + solum ground, land, soil, or perh. fr.the root of salire to leap, spring; cf. F. exil. Cf. Sole of the foot, Saltation.].
  •  Forced separation from one's native country; expulsion from one's home by the civil authority; banishment; sometimes, voluntary separation from one's native country.  [1913 Webster]
    "Let them be recalled from their exile."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The person expelled from his country by authority; also, one who separates himself from his home.  [1913 Webster]
    "Thou art in exile, and thou must not stay."
Syn. -- Banishment; proscription; expulsion.
exilev. t. 
     To banish or expel from one's own country or home; to drive away.  Tennyson.  [1913 Webster]
    "Calling home our exiled friends abroad."
Syn. -- See Banish.
exilea. [L. exilis.].
     Small; slender; thin; fine.  Bacon.  [1913 Webster]


exile, n. & v.
1 expulsion, or the state of being expelled, from one's native land or (internal exile) native town etc.
2 long absence abroad, esp. enforced.
3 a person expelled or long absent from his or her native country.
4 (the Exile) the captivity of the Jews in Babylon in the 6th c. BC. (foll. by from) officially expel (a person) from his or her native country or town etc.

exilic adj. (esp. in sense 4 of n.).
ME f. OF exil, exiler f. L exilium banishment



n. One who serves his country by residing abroad, yet is not an ambassador.
An English sea-captain being asked if he had read "The Exile of Erin," replied: "No, sir, but I should like to anchor on it." Years afterwards, when he had been hanged as a pirate after a career of unparalleled atrocities, the following memorandum was found in the ship's log that he had kept at the time of his reply:

Aug. 3d, 1842. Made a joke on the ex-Isle of Erin. Coldly
received. War with the whole world!



DP, Ishmael, Uitlander, abstract, alien, alienate, ban, banish, banishment, bar, barbarian, blackball, blackballing, cast off, cast out, castaway, chuck, clear, clear away, clear out, clear the decks, clearance, cut, cut out, declasse, defrocking, degradation, demotion, depluming, deport, deportation, deported population, deportee, deprivation, deracine, derelict, detachment, diaspora, disbarment, discard, disfellowship, disjunction, dispersion, displace, displaced person, displacement, displuming, disposal, dispose of, disposition, dispossess, drive out, eject, ejection, elide, eliminate, elimination, emigrant, emigrate, emigration, emigre, eradicate, eradication, evacuate, evacue, evacuee, evict, evictee, exclude, exclusion, excommunicate, excommunication, expatriate, expatriation, expel, expellee, expulsion, extradite, extradition, foreign devil, foreigner, fugitate, fugitation, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, gringo, immigrant, in-migrant, leper, liquidate, liquidation, maroon, migrant, migration, migrator, migratory worker, nonperson, ostracism, ostracization, ostracize, oust, out-migrant, out-migrate, out-migration, outcast, outcast of society, outcaste, outlander, outlaw, outlawing, outlawry, outsider, pariah, persona non grata, pick out, proscribe, purge, refugee, relegate, relegation, remigrate, remigration, removal, remove, riddance, root out, root up, rusticate, rustication, scattering, send away, send down, send to Coventry, separation, severance, snub, social outcast, spurn, stateless person, stranger, strike off, strike out, stripping, suspension, the Wandering Jew, throw over, throw overboard, thrust out, tramontane, transport, transportation, trekker, ultramontane, unacceptable person, undesirable, unfrocking, unperson, untouchable, wanderer, weed out, wetback, withdrawal




N exclusion, nonadmission, omission, exception, rejection, repudiation, exile, noninclusion, preclusion, prohibition, separation, segregation, seposition, elimination, expulsion, cofferdam, excluding, exclusive, excluded, unrecounted, not included in, inadmissible, exclusive of, barring, except, with the exception of, save, bating, exclusion, seclusion, exclusion, seclusion, privacy, retirement, reclusion, recess, snugness, delitescence, rustication, rus in urbe, solitude, solitariness, isolation, loneliness, estrangement from the world, voluntary exile, aloofness, cell, hermitage, convent, sanctum sanctorum, depopulation, desertion, desolation, wilderness, howling wilderness, rotten borough, Old Sarum, exclusion, excommunication, banishment, exile, ostracism, proscription, cut, cut direct, dead cut, inhospitality, inhospitableness, dissociability, domesticity, Darby and Joan, recluse, hermit, eremite, cenobite, anchoret, anchorite, Simon Stylites, troglodyte, Timon of Athens, Santon, solitaire, ruralist, disciple of Zimmermann, closet cynic, Diogenes, outcast, Pariah, castaway, pilgarlic, wastrel, foundling, wilding, secluded, sequestered, retired, delitescent, private, bye, out of the world, out of the way, the world forgetting by the world forgot, snug, domestic, stay-at-home, unsociable, unsocial, dissocial, inhospitable, cynical, inconversable, unclubbable, sauvage, troglodytic, solitary, lonely, lonesome, isolated, single, estranged, unfrequented, uninhabitable, uninhabited, tenantless, abandoned, deserted, deserted in one's utmost need, unfriended, kithless, friendless, homeless, lorn, forlorn, desolate, unvisited, unintroduced, uninvited, unwelcome, under a cloud, left to shift for oneself, derelict, outcast, banished, noli me tangere, among them but not of them, and homeless near a thousand homes I stood, far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife, makes a solitude and calls it peace, magna civitas magna solitudo, never less alone than when alone, O sacred solitude! divine retreat!, exclusion, nonadmission, omission, exception, rejection, repudiation, exile, noninclusion, preclusion, prohibition, separation, segregation, seposition, elimination, expulsion, cofferdam, excluding, exclusive, excluded, unrecounted, not included in, inadmissible, exclusive of, barring, except, with the exception of, save, bating, exclusion, seclusion, exclusion, seclusion, privacy, retirement, reclusion, recess, snugness, delitescence, rustication, rus in urbe, solitude, solitariness, isolation, loneliness, estrangement from the world, voluntary exile, aloofness, cell, hermitage, convent, sanctum sanctorum, depopulation, desertion, desolation, wilderness, howling wilderness, rotten borough, Old Sarum, exclusion, excommunication, banishment, exile, ostracism, proscription, cut, cut direct, dead cut, inhospitality, inhospitableness, dissociability, domesticity, Darby and Joan, recluse, hermit, eremite, cenobite, anchoret, anchorite, Simon Stylites, troglodyte, Timon of Athens, Santon, solitaire, ruralist, disciple of Zimmermann, closet cynic, Diogenes, outcast, Pariah, castaway, pilgarlic, wastrel, foundling, wilding, secluded, sequestered, retired, delitescent, private, bye, out of the world, out of the way, the world forgetting by the world forgot, snug, domestic, stay-at-home, unsociable, unsocial, dissocial, inhospitable, cynical, inconversable, unclubbable, sauvage, troglodytic, solitary, lonely, lonesome, isolated, single, estranged, unfrequented, uninhabitable, uninhabited, tenantless, abandoned, deserted, deserted in one's utmost need, unfriended, kithless, friendless, homeless, lorn, forlorn, desolate, unvisited, unintroduced, uninvited, unwelcome, under a cloud, left to shift for oneself, derelict, outcast, banished, noli me tangere, among them but not of them, and homeless near a thousand homes I stood, far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife, makes a solitude and calls it peace, magna civitas magna solitudo, never less alone than when alone, O sacred solitude! divine retreat!.

VB be excluded from, exclude, bar, leave out, shut out, bar out, reject, repudiate, blackball, lay apart, put apart, set apart, lay aside, put aside, relegate, segregate, throw overboard, strike off, strike out, neglect, banish, separate, pass over, omit, garble, eliminate, weed, winnow, be secluded, live secluded, keep aloof, stand, hold oneself aloof, keep in the background, stand in the background, keep snug, shut oneself up, deny oneself, seclude oneself creep into a corner, rusticate, aller planter ses choux, retire, retire from the world, take the veil, abandon, sport one's oak, cut, cut dead, refuse to associate with, refuse to acknowledge, look cool upon, turn one's back upon, shut the door upon, repel, blackball, excommunicate, exclude, exile, expatriate, banish, outlaw, maroon, ostracize, proscribe, cut off from, send to Coventry, keep at arm's length, draw a cordon round, depopulate, dispeople, unpeople.


N punishment, punition, chastisement, chastening, correction, castigation, discipline, infliction, trial, judgment, penalty, retribution, thunderbolt, Nemesis, requital, penology, retributive justice, lash, scaffold, imprisonment, transportation, banishment, expulsion, exile, involuntary exile, ostracism, penal servitude, hard labor, galleys, beating, flagellation, fustigation, gantlet, strappado, estrapade, bastinado, argumentum baculinum, stick law, rap on the knuckles, box on the ear, blow, stripe, cuff, kick, buffet, pummel, slap, slap in the face, wipe, douse, coup de grace, torture, rack, picket, picketing, dragonnade, capital punishment, execution, lethal injection, the gas chamber, hanging, electrocution, rail-riding, scarpines, decapitation, decollation, garrotte, garrotto, crucifixion, impalement, firing squad, martyrdom, auto-da-fe, noyade, happy dispatch, hara-kiri, seppuku, drinking the hemlock, punishing, penal, punitory, punitive, inflictive, castigatory, punished, Int, a la lanterne!, culpan paena premit comes, eating the bitter bread of banishment, gravis ira regum est semper, sera tamen tacitis paena venit pedibus, suo sibi gladio hunc jugulo.

VB punish, chastise, chasten, castigate, correct, inflict punishment, administer correction, deal retributive justice, cowhide, lambaste, visit upon, pay, pay out, serve out, do for, make short work of, give a lesson to, serve one right, make an example of, have a rod in pickle for, give it one, strike, deal a blow to, administer the lash, smite, slap, slap the face, smack, cuff, box the ears, spank, thwack, thump, beat, lay on, swinge, buffet, thresh, thrash, pummel, drub, leather, trounce, sandbag, baste, belabor, lace, lace one's jacket, dress, dress down, give a dressing, trim, warm, wipe, tund, cob, bang, strap, comb, lash, lick, larrup, wallop, whop, flog, scourge, whip, birch, cane, give the stick, switch, flagellate, horsewhip, bastinado, towel, rub down with an oaken towel, rib roast, dust one's jacket, fustigate, pitch into, lay about one, beat black and blue, beat to a mummy, beat to a jelly, give a black eye, tar and feather, pelt, stone, lapidate, masthead, keelhaul, execute, bring to the block, bring to the gallows, behead, decapitate, guillotine, decollate, hang, turn off, gibbet, bowstring, hang draw and quarter, shoot, decimate, burn, break on the wheel, crucify, empale, impale, flay, lynch, electrocute, gas, send to the gas chamber, torture, put on, put to the rack, picket, banish, exile, transport, expel, ostracize, rusticate, drum out, dismiss, disbar, disbench, strike off the roll, unfrock, post, suffer, suffer for, suffer punishment, be flogged, be executed, suffer the ultimate penalty, be hanged, come to the gallows, mount the gallows, swing, twist in the wind, dance upon nothing, die in one's shoes, be rightly served, be electrocuted, fry, ride the lightning, face the firing squad.


N displacement, elocation, transposition, ejectment, exile, removal, misplacement, dislocation, fish out of water, displaced, unplaced, unhoused, unharbored, unestablished, unsettled, houseless, homeless, out of place, out of a situation, in the wrong place, misplaced, out of its element.

VB displace, misplace, displant, dislodge, disestablish, exile, ablegate, set aside, remove, take away, cart away, take off, draft off, lade, unload, empty, transfer, dispel, vacate, depart.

Also see definition of "exile" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "exile" in Webster Dictionary Online

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