Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: E E- E. Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
exhalation | exhale | exhalement | exhalence | exhaling | exhaust | exhaust fan | exhaust fumes | exhaust hood | exhaust manifold | exhaust pipe



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive)
3 in 3 verses (in OT : 3 in 3 verses)


exhaustv. t. [L. exhaustus, p. p. of exhaurire; ex out + haurire, haustum, to draw, esp. water; perhaps akin to Icel. asua to sprinkle, pump.].
  •  To draw or let out wholly; to drain off completely; as, to exhaust the water of a well; the moisture of the earth is exhausted by evaporation.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To empty by drawing or letting out the contents; as, to exhaust a well, or a treasury.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To drain, metaphorically; to use or expend wholly, or till the supply comes to an end; to deprive wholly of strength; to use up; to weary or tire out; to wear out; as, to exhaust one's strength, patience, or resources.  [1913 Webster]
    "A decrepit, exhausted old man at fifty-five."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bring out or develop completely; to discuss thoroughly; as, to exhaust a subject.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To subject to the action of various solvents in order to remove all soluble substances or extractives; as, to exhaust a drug successively with water, alcohol, and ether.  [1913 Webster]
Exhausted receiver. (Physics) See under Receiver.
Syn. -- To spend; consume; tire out; weary.
exhausta. [L. exhaustus, p. p.].
  •  Drained; exhausted; having expended or lost its energy.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Pertaining to steam, air, gas, etc., that is released from the cylinder of an engine after having preformed its work.  [1913 Webster]
Exhaust draught, a forced draught produced by drawing air through a place, as through a furnace, instead of blowing it through. -- Exhaust fan, a fan blower so arranged as to produce an exhaust draught, or to draw air or gas out of a place, as out of a room in ventilating it. -- Exhaust nozzle, Exhaust orifice (Steam Engine), the blast orifice or nozzle. -- Exhaust pipe (Steam Engine), the pipe that conveys exhaust steam from the cylinder to the atmosphere or to the condenser. Exhaust port (Steam Engine), the opening, in the cylinder or valve, by which the exhaust steam escapes. -- Exhaust purifier (Milling), a machine for sorting grains, or purifying middlings by an exhaust draught. Knight. -- Exhaust steam (Steam Engine), steam which is allowed to escape from the cylinder after having been employed to produce motion of the piston. -- Exhaust valve (Steam Engine), a valve that lets exhaust steam escape out of a cylinder.
  •  The steam let out of a cylinder after it has done its work there.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The foul air let out of a room through a register or pipe provided for the purpose.  [1913 Webster]


exhaust, v. & n.
1 consume or use up the whole of.
2 (often as exhausted adj. or exhausting adj.) use up the strength or resources of; tire out.
3 study or expound on (a subject) completely.
4 (often foll. by of) empty (a vessel etc.) of its contents.
1 a waste gases etc. expelled from an engine after combustion. b (also exhaust-pipe) the pipe or system by which these are expelled. c the process of expulsion of these gases.
2 a the production of an outward current of air by the creation of a partial vacuum. b an apparatus for this.

exhauster n. exhaustible adj. exhaustibility n. exhaustibly adv.
L exhaurire exhaust- (as EX-(1), haurire draw (water), drain)



abate, ablate, absorb, assimilate, attenuate, avenue, backwash, bankrupt, beat, blackdamp, bleed, bleed white, blow, blow out, blowhole, blunt, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out, broach, burden, burn out, burn up, carry too far, cast forth, castrate, channel, charge, chokedamp, chute, clean out, clear, clear away, clear off, clear out, clear the decks, coal gas, condensation trail, consume, contrail, cough, cramp, cripple, crush one, damp, dampen, deaden, debilitate, debouch, decant, defecate, defluxion, demasculinize, denude, deplete, deplume, desex, desexualize, despoil, devitalize, digest, disable, discharge, disembogue, disgorge, displume, dissipate, divest, do in, do up, door, draft, draft off, drain, drain of resources, drain off, drain out, drainage, draw, draw from, draw off, dry, dull, eat, eat up, effeminize, effluence, effluent, effluvium, efflux, effluxion, effusion, egress, ejaculate, eliminate, emanation, emasculate, emission, emit, empty, empty out, emunctory, enervate, enfeeble, erode, eruct, erupt, escape, estuary, etiolate, evacuate, eviscerate, exaggerate, exhalation, exhale, exhaust gas, exit, expel, expend, expire, extenuate, extravasate, fag, fag out, fatigue, find vent, finish, finish off, firedamp, flag, flay, fleece, floodgate, flow, flow out, flowoff, flume, frazzle, fritter away, fuel, fume, fumes, gas, gasp, give off, give out, give vent to, go overboard, go to extremes, go too far, gobble, gobble up, gruel, gulp, gush, gush out, hack, harass, haunt, haunt the memory, hiccup, huff, impoverish, ingest, inhale, inspire, issue, jade, jet, jet propulsion, knock out, knock up, know no bounds, lay low, let, let blood, let out, liquid oxygen, loophole, lose, malaria, mephitis, milk, mitigate, obsess, open the floodgates, open the sluices, opening, oppress, out, outcome, outfall, outflow, outflowing, outgate, outgo, outlet, outpour, outpouring, overact, overcarry, overdevelop, overdo, overdrive, overelaborate, overemphasize, overexercise, overexert, overexpend, overfatigue, overindulge, overlabor, overplay, overreact, overspend, overstrain, overstress, overstudy, overtask, overtax, overtire, overtrain, overuse, overweary, overwork, pant, pass all bounds, phlebotomize, pick clean, pipette, pluck, poop, poop out, pore, port, pour, pour forth, pour out, prey on, propellant, propulsion charge, prostrate, protest too much, puff, pump, pump out, purge, rattle, reaction propulsion, reduce, reek, remove, respire, rocket propulsion, run out, run through, runoff, sally port, sap, scour out, send forth, send out, shake, shake up, shear, sigh, siphon off, skin, sluice, sluice out, smoke, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, snore, snort, snuff, snuffle, soften up, spend, spew, spew out, spill, spiracle, spout, spout out, spurt, squander, squirt, steam, sterilize, strain, stream, strip, strip bare, suck, suck dry, suck out, surge, swallow, swallow up, sweep out, tap, tax, throw off, throw out, thrust, tire, tire out, tire to death, tucker, unbrace, unclog, undermine, unfoul, unman, unnerve, unstrengthen, unstring, use up, vapor, vapor trail, venesect, vent, ventage, venthole, void, vomit forth, vomitory, vortex, wake, wash, waste, waste away, way out, weaken, wear, wear away, wear down, wear on, wear out, wear upon one, weary, weigh upon, weight down, weir, well, well out, wheeze, wilt, wind




VB spend, expend, use, consume, swallow up, exhaust, impoverish, spill, drain, empty, disperse, cast away, fool away, muddle away, throw away, fling away, fritter away, burn the candle at both ends, waste, squander, waste its sweetness on the desert air, cast one's bread upon the waters, cast pearls before swine, employ a steam engine to crack a nut, waste powder and shot, break a butterfly on a wheel, labor in vain, cut blocks with a razor, pour water into a sieve, leak, run to waste, ebb, melt away, run dry, dry up.


VB be fatigued, yawn, droop, sink, flag, lose breath, lose wind, gasp, pant, puff, blow, drop, swoon, faint, succumb, fatigue, tire, weary, irk, flag, jade, harass, exhaust, knock up, wear out, prostrate, tax, task, strain, overtask, overwork, overburden, overtax, overstrain.


VB effect, effectuate, accomplish, achieve, compass, consummate, hammer out, bring to maturity, bring to perfection, perfect, complete, elaborate, do, execute, make, go through, get through, work out, enact, bring about, bring to bear, bring to pass, bring through, bring to a head, despatch, dispatch, knock off, finish off, polish off, make short work of, dispose of, set at rest, perform, discharge, fulfill, realize, put in practice, put in force, carry out, carry into effect, carry into execution, make good, be as good as one's word, do thoroughly, not do by halves, go the whole hog, drive home, be in at the death, carry through, play out, exhaust, fill the bill, finish, bring to a close, wind up, stamp, clinch, seal, set the seal on, put the seal, give the final touch, to, put the last, put the finishing hand to, put the finishing touches on, crown, crown all, cap, ripen, culminate, come to a head, come to a crisis, come to its end, die a natural death, die of old age, run its course, run one's race, touch the goal, reach the goal, attain the goal, reach, get in the harvest.


VB take, catch, hook, nab, bag, sack, pocket, put into one's pocket, receive, accept, reap, crop, cull, pluck, gather, draw, appropriate, expropriate, impropriate, assume, possess oneself of, take possession of, commandeer, lay one's hands on, clap one's hands on, help oneself to, make free with, dip one's hands into, lay under contribution, intercept, scramble for, deprive of, take away, carry away, bear away, take off, carry off, bear off, adeem, abstract, hurry off with, run away with, abduct, steal, ravish, seize, pounce upon, spring upon, swoop to, swoop down upon, take by storm, take by assault, snatch, reave, snap up, nip up, whip up, catch up, kidnap, crimp, capture, lay violent hands on, get hold of, lay hold of, take hold of, catch hold of, lay fast hold of, take firm hold of, lay by the heels, take prisoner, fasten upon, grip, grapple, embrace, gripe, clasp, grab, clutch, collar, throttle, take by the throat, claw, clinch, clench, make sure of, catch at, jump at, make a grab at, snap at, snatch at, reach, make a long arm, stretch forth one's hand, take from, take away from, disseize, deduct, retrench, dispossess, ease one of, snatch from one's grasp, tear from, tear away from, wrench from, wrest from, wring from, extort, deprive of, bereave, disinherit, cut off with a shilling, oust, divest, levy, distrain, confiscate, sequester, sequestrate, accroach, usurp, despoil, strip, fleece, shear, displume, impoverish, eat out of house and home, drain, drain to the dregs, gut, dry, exhaust, swallow up, absorb, draw off, suck the blood of, suck like a leech, retake, resume, recover.


VB be impotent, not have a leg to stand on, vouloir rompre l'anguille au genou, vouloir prendre la lune avec les dents, collapse, faint, swoon, fall into a swoon, drop, go by the board, go by the wayside, go up in smoke, end in smoke, render powerless, deprive of power, disable, disenable, disarm, incapacitate, disqualify, unfit, invalidate, deaden, cramp, tie the hands, double up, prostrate, paralyze, muzzle, cripple, becripple, maim, lame, hamstring, draw the teeth of, throttle, strangle, garrotte, garrote, ratten, silence, sprain, clip the wings of, put hors de combat, spike the guns, take the wind out of one's sails, scotch the snake, put a spoke in one's wheel, break the neck, break the back, unhinge, unfit, put out of gear, unman, unnerve, enervate, emasculate, castrate, geld, alter, neuter, sterilize, fix, shatter, exhaust, weaken.


VB be prodigal, squander, lavish, sow broadcast, pour forth like water, blow, blow in, pay through the nose, spill, waste, dissipate, exhaust, drain, eat out of house and home, overdraw, outrun the constable, run out, run through, misspend, throw good money after bad, throw the helve after the hatchet, burn the candle at both ends, make ducks and drakes of one's money, fool away one's money, potter away one's money, muddle away one's money, fritter away one's money, throw away one's money, run through one's money, pour water into a sieve, kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, manger son ble en herbe.

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