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exactress | exacuate | exacum | exacum affine | exaeretodon | exaggerate | exaggerated | exaggeratedly | exaggerating | exaggeration | exaggerative


Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)
1 in 1 verses (in NT : 1 in 1 verses)


exaggeratev. t. [L. exaggeratus , p. p. of exaggerare to heap up; ex out + aggerare to heap up, fr. agger heap, aggerere to bring to; ad to + gerere to bear. See Jest. ].
  •  To heap up; to accumulate.  Sir M. Hale.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To amplify; to magnify; to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth ; to delineate extravagantly ; to overstate the truth concerning.  [1913 Webster]
    "A friend exaggerates a man's virtues."  [1913 Webster]


exaggerate, v.tr.
1 (also absol.) give an impression of (a thing), esp. in speech or writing, that makes it seem larger or greater etc. than it really is.
2 enlarge or alter beyond normal or due proportions (spoke with exaggerated politeness).

exaggeratedly adv. exaggeratingly adv. exaggeration n. exaggerative adj. exaggerator n.
L exaggerare (as EX-(1), aggerare heap up f. agger heap)



accelerate, aggrandize, aggravate, amplify, ballyhoo, be untruthful, beef up, belie, blow up, build up, burlesque, camouflage, caricature, carry too far, color, complicate, concentrate, condense, consolidate, deceive, deepen, disguise, distort, double, draw the longbow, embellish, enhance, equivocate, exacerbate, exceed, exhaust, falsify, fib, fudge, garble, go beyond, go overboard, go to extremes, go too far, heat up, heighten, hop up, hot up, hyperbolize, idealize, intensify, jazz up, key up, know no bounds, lay it on, lie, lie flatly, magnify, make complex, make much of, miscolor, mislead, misquote, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, misteach, overact, overappraise, overassess, overcalculate, overcarry, overcharge, overcount, overdevelop, overdo, overdraw, overdrive, overelaborate, overemphasize, overesteem, overestimate, overexercise, overexert, overexpend, overgo, overindulge, overjump, overlabor, overleap, overmeasure, overpaint, overpass, overplay, overpraise, overprize, overrate, overreach, overreact, overreact to, overreckon, overrun, oversell, overshoot, overshoot the field, overshoot the mark, overspeak, overspend, overstate, overstep, overstrain, overstress, overstride, overstudy, overtask, overtax, overtrain, overuse, overvalue, overwork, pad, parody, pass all bounds, pervert, pile it on, prevaricate, protest too much, puff, ramify, redouble, reinforce, romance, romanticize, sharpen, slant, soup up, speak falsely, step up, story, strengthen, stretch, stretch the truth, superabound, talk big, talk in superlatives, tell a lie, tout, travesty, triple, twist, understate, warp, whet, wrench




VB superabound, overabound, know no bounds, swarm, meet one at every turn, creep with, crawl with, bristle with, overflow, run over, flow over, well over, brim over, run riot, overrun, overstock, overlay, overcharge, overdose, overfeed, overburden, overload, overdo, overwhelm, overshoot the mark, surcharge, supersaturate, gorge, glut, load, drench, whelm, inundate, deluge, flood, drug, drug the market, hepatize, choke, cloy, accloy, suffocate, pile up, lay on thick, impregnate with, lavish, send coals to Newcastle, carry coals to Newcastle, carry owls to Athens, teach one's grandmother to suck eggs, pisces natare docere, kill the slain, gild refined gold, gild the lily, butter one's bread on both sides, put butter upon bacon, employ a steam engine to crack a nut, exaggerate, wallow in roll in, remain on one's hands, hang heavy on hand, go a begging.


VB increase, augment, add to, enlarge, dilate, grow, wax, get ahead, gain strength, advance, run up, shoot up, rise, ascend, sprout, aggrandize, raise, exalt, deepen, heighten, strengthen, intensify, enhance, magnify, redouble, aggravate, exaggerate, exasperate, exacerbate, add fuel to the flame, oleum addere camino, superadd, spread.


VB become larger &c (large), expand, widen, enlarge, extend, grow, increase, incrassate, swell, gather, fill out, deploy, take open order, dilate, stretch, distend, spread, mantle, wax, grow up, spring up, bud, bourgeon, shoot, sprout, germinate, put forth, vegetate, pullulate, open, burst forth, gain flesh, gather flesh, outgrow, spread like wildfire, overrun, be larger than, surpass, render larger &c (large), expand, spread, extend, aggrandize, distend, develop, amplify, spread out, widen, magnify, rarefy, inflate, puff, blow up, stuff, pad, cram, exaggerate, fatten.


VB flatter, praise to the skies, puff, wheedle, cajole, glaver, coax, fawn upon, faun upon, humor, gloze, soothe, pet, coquet, slaver, butter, jolly, bespatter, beslubber, beplaster, beslaver, lay it on thick, overpraise, earwig, cog, collogue, truckle to, pander to, pandar to, suck up to, kiss the ass of, pay court to, court, creep into the good graces of, curry favor with, hang on the sleeve of, fool to the top of one's bent, lick the dust, lay the flattering unction to one's soul, gild the pill, make things pleasant, overestimate, exaggerate.


VB overestimate, overrate, overvalue, overprize, overweigh, overreckon, overstrain, overpraise, eulogize, estimate too highly, attach too much importance to, make mountains of molehills, catch at straws, strain, magnify, exaggerate, set too high a value upon, think much of, make much of, think too much of, make too much of, outreckon, panegyrize, extol, extol to the skies, make the most of, make the best of, make the worst of, make two bites of a cherry, have too high an opinion of oneself.


VB be false, be a liar, speak falsely, tell a lie, lie, fib, lie like a trooper, swear false, forswear, perjure oneself, bear false witness, misstate, misquote, miscite, misreport, misrepresent, belie, falsify, pervert, distort, put a false construction upon (misinterpret), prevaricate, equivocate, quibble, palter, palter to the understanding, repondre en Normand, trim, shuffle, fence, mince the truth, beat about the bush, blow hot and cold, play fast and loose, garble, gloss over, disguise, give a color to, give a gloss, put a gloss, put false coloring upon, color, varnish, cook, dress up, embroider, varnish right and puzzle wrong, exaggerate, blague, invent, fabricate, trump up, get up, force, fake, hatch, concoct, romance, cry 'wolf!', dissemble, dissimulate, feign, assume, put on, pretend, make believe, play possum, play false, play a double game, coquet, act a part, play a part, affect, simulate, pass off for, counterfeit, sham, make a show of, malinger, say the grapes are sour, cant, play the hypocrite, sham Abraham, faire pattes de velours, put on the mask, clean the outside of the platter, lie like a conjuror, hand out false colors, hold out false colors, sail under false colors, commend the poisoned chalice to the lips, ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces, deceive.


VB exaggerate, magnify, pile up, aggravate, amplify, overestimate, hyperbolize, overcharge, overstate, overdraw, overlay, overshoot the mark, overpraise, make over much, over the most of, strain, strain over a point, stretch, stretch a point, go great lengths, spin a long yarn, draw with a longbow, shoot with a longbow, deal in the marvelous, out-Herod Herod, run riot, talk at random, heighten, overcolor, color highly, color too highly, broder, flourish, color, puff.


VB misrepresent, distort, overdraw, exaggerate, caricature, daub, burlesque, parody, travesty.

For further exploring for "exaggerate" in Webster Dictionary Online

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