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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: E E- E. Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
equites | equity | equity credit line | equivalence | equivalency | equivalent | equivalent weight | equivalent word | equivalent-binary-digit factor | equivalently | equivalue



Adjective, Noun
1 in 1 verses (in OT : 1 in 1 verses)


equivalenta. [L. aequivalens, -entis, p. pr. of aequivalere to have equal power; aequus equal + valere to be strong, be worth: cf. F. équivalent. See Equal, and Valiant.].
  •  Equal in worth or value, force, power, effect, import, and the like; alike in significance and value; of the same import or meaning.  [1913 Webster]
    "For now to serve and to minister, servile and ministerial, are terms equivalent."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Equal in measure but not admitting of superposition; -- applied to magnitudes; as, a square may be equivalent to a triangle.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Contemporaneous in origin; as, the equivalent strata of different countries.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Something equivalent; that which is equal in value, worth, weight, or force; as, to offer an equivalent for damage done.  [1913 Webster]
    "He owned that, if the Test Act were repealed, the Protestants were entitled to some equivalent. . . . During some weeks the word equivalent, then lately imported from France, was in the mouths of all the coffeehouse orators."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That comparative quantity by weight of an element which possesses the same chemical value as other elements, as determined by actual experiment and reference to the same standard. Specifically: (a) The comparative proportions by which one element replaces another in any particular compound; thus, as zinc replaces hydrogen in hydrochloric acid, their equivalents are 32.5 and 1. (b) The combining proportion by weight of a substance, or the number expressing this proportion, in any particular compound; as, the equivalents of hydrogen and oxygen in water are respectively 1 and 8, and in hydric dioxide 1 and 16.  [1913 Webster]
    " This term was adopted by Wollaston to avoid using the conjectural expression atomic weight, with which, however, for a time it was practically synonymous. The attempt to limit the term to the meaning of a universally comparative combining weight failed, because of the possibility of several compounds of the substances by reason of the variation in combining power which most elements exhibit. The equivalent was really identical with, or a multiple of submultiple of, the atomic weight."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A combining unit, whether an atom, a radical, or a molecule; as, in acid salt two or more equivalents of acid unite with one or more equivalents of base.  [1913 Webster]
    " The original definition of the Mechanical equivalent of heat in the 1913 Webster was as below. The difference between foot pounds and kilogram-meters ("on the centigrade scale") is puzzling as it should be a factor of 7.23, and the figure given for kilogram-meters may be a mistaken misinterpretation of the report. -- PJC:

    The number of units of work which the unit of heat can perform; the mechanical energy which must be expended to raise the temperature of a unit weight of water from 0Dr. Mayer of Heilbronn. Its value was found by Joule to be 1390 foot pounds upon the Centigrade, or 772 foot pounds upon the Fahrenheit, thermometric scale, whence it is often called Joule's equivalent, and represented by the symbol J. This is equal to 424 kilogram meters (Centigrade scale). A more recent determination by Professor Rowland gives the value 426.9 kilogram meters, for the latitude of Baltimore.
    "  [1913 Webster]
Mechanical equivalent of heat (Physics), originally defined as the number of units of work which the unit of heat can perform, equivalent to the mechanical energy which must be expended to raise the temperature of a pound of water one degree Fahrenheit; later this value was defined as one British thermal unit (B.t.u). Its value was found by Joule to be 772 foot pounds; later measurements give the value as 777.65 foot-pounds, equivalent to 107.5 kg-meters. This value was originally called Joule's equivalent, but the modern Joule is defined differently, being 107 ergs. The B.t.u. is now given as 1,054.35 absolute Joules, and therefore 1 calorie (the amount of heat needed to raise one gram of water one degree centigrade) is equivalent to 4.186 Joules.
equivalentv. t. 
     To make the equivalent to; to equal; equivalence.  [1913 Webster]


equivalent, adj. & n.
1 (often foll. by to) equal in value, amount, importance, etc.
2 corresponding.
3 (of words) having the same meaning.
4 having the same result.
5 Chem. (of a substance) equal in combining or displacing capacity.
1 an equivalent thing, amount, word, etc.
2 (in full equivalent weight) Chem. the weight of a substance that can combine with or displace one gram of hydrogen or eight grams of oxygen.

equivalence n. equivalency n. equivalently adv.
ME f. OF f. LL aequivalere (as EQUI-, valere be worth)



Doppelganger, accordant, actual thing, affirmative, agent, agnate, agreeable, agreeing, akin, alike, all one, all the same, ally, alter ego, alternate, alternative, analogon, analogous, analogue, analogy, answerable, answering, associate, at one, backup, balance, ballast, brother, carbon copy, change, changeable, changeling, close, close copy, close match, coequal, coexistent, coexisting, coextensive, cognate, coherent, coincident, coincidental, coinciding, commensurate, commutable, commutative, companion, comparable, comparison, compatible, compeer, complement, complemental, complementary, concordant, concurring, conformable, congenator, congener, congenial, congruent, congruous, consentaneous, consentient, consideration, consistent, consonant, convertible, cooperating, cooperative, coordinate, copy, correlate, correlative, correspondent, corresponding, coterminous, counterbalance, counterfeit, counterpart, counterpoise, counterweight, dead ringer, deputy, ditto, double, dummy, duplicate, en rapport, equal, equalizing, equiparant, equipoise, equipollent, ersatz, even, exact counterpart, exchange, exchanged, facsimile, fake, fellow, fill-in, ghost, ghostwriter, give-and-take, harmonious, homograph, homologous, homonym, homophone, idem, identic, identical, identical same, image, imitation, in accord, in agreement, in rapport, in sync, in synchronization, inaccordance, indistinguishable, inharmony, interchangeable, interchanged, kindred spirit, like, like-minded, likeness, locum tenens, makeshift, makeweight, match, matching, mate, metaphor, metonymy, mock, much the same, mutual, near duplicate, next best thing, no other, none other, obverse, of a kind, of a piece, of a size, of like mind, of one mind, offset, on all fours, opposite number, parallel, paralleling, peer, pendant, permutable, personnel, phony, picture, pinch, pinch hitter, positive, proportionate, provisional, proxy, quid pro quo, reciprocal, reciprocating, reciprocative, reconcilable, relief, replacement, replica, representative, reserve, reserves, retaliatory, returnable, ringer, rival, second self, second string, secondary, self-consistent, selfsame, setoff, sign, similar, similitude, simulacrum, sister, something of value, soul mate, spare, spares, spit and image, spitting image, stand-in, standard, stopgap, sub, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, such, suchlike, superseder, supplanter, surrogate, swapped, switched, symbiotic, symbol, synchronized, synchronous, synecdoche, synonym, synonymous, tally, tantamount, temporary, tentative, the like of, the likes of, the same, the same difference, third string, tit for tat, token, traded, transposed, twin, unanimous, understudy, undifferenced, uniform, unisonant, unisonous, utility, utility player, very image, very same, vicar, vicarious, vice-president, vice-regent




N identity, sameness, coincidence, coalescence, convertibility, equality, selfness, self, oneself, identification, monotony, tautology, facsimile, homoousia: alter ego, ipsissima verba, same, self, very, one and the same, very thing, actual thing, real McCoy, no other, one and only, in the flesh, identical, self, ilk, the same, selfsame, one and the same, homoousian, coincide, coalescent, coalescing, indistinguishable, one, equivalent, tweedle dee and tweedle dum, much the same, of a muchness, unaltered, identically, on all fours.


N equality, parity, coextension, symmetry, balance, poise, evenness, monotony, level, equivalence, equipollence, equipoise, equilibrium, equiponderance, par, quits, a wash, not a pin to choose, distinction without a difference, six of one and half a dozen of the other, tweedle dee and tweedle dum, identity, similarity, equalization, equation, equilibration, co-ordination, adjustment, readjustment, drawn game, drawn battle, neck and neck race, tie, draw, standoff, dead heat, match, peer, compeer, equal, mate, fellow, brother, equivalent, equal, even, level, monotonous, coequal, symmetrical, coordinate, on a par with, on a level with, on a footing with, up to the mark, equiparant, equivalent, tantamount, indistinguishable, quits, homologous, synonymous, resolvable into, convertible, much at one, as broad as long, neither more nor less, much the same as, the same thing as, as good as, all one, all the same, equipollent, equiponderant, equiponderous, equibalanced, equalized, drawn, half and half, isochronal, isochronous isoperimetric, isoperimetrical, isobath, isobathic, equally, pari passu, ad eundum, caeteris paribus, in equilibrio, to all intents and purposes, it comes to the same thing, it amounts to the same thing, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gande, equality, parity, coextension, symmetry, balance, poise, evenness, monotony, level, equivalence, equipollence, equipoise, equilibrium, equiponderance, par, quits, a wash, not a pin to choose, distinction without a difference, six of one and half a dozen of the other, tweedle dee and tweedle dum, identity, similarity, equalization, equation, equilibration, co-ordination, adjustment, readjustment, drawn game, drawn battle, neck and neck race, tie, draw, standoff, dead heat, match, peer, compeer, equal, mate, fellow, brother, equivalent, equal, even, level, monotonous, coequal, symmetrical, coordinate, on a par with, on a level with, on a footing with, up to the mark, equiparant, equivalent, tantamount, indistinguishable, quits, homologous, synonymous, resolvable into, convertible, much at one, as broad as long, neither more nor less, much the same as, the same thing as, as good as, all one, all the same, equipollent, equiponderant, equiponderous, equibalanced, equalized, drawn, half and half, isochronal, isochronous isoperimetric, isoperimetrical, isobath, isobathic, equally, pari passu, ad eundum, caeteris paribus, in equilibrio, to all intents and purposes, it comes to the same thing, it amounts to the same thing, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gande.


N compensation, equation, commutation, indemnification, compromise, neutralization, nullification, counteraction, reaction, measure for measure, retaliation, equalization, robbing Peter to pay Paul, set-off, offset, make-weight, casting-weight, counterpoise, ballast, indemnity, equivalent, quid pro quo, bribe, hush money, amends, counterbalance, counterclaim, cross-debt, cross- demand, compensating, compensatory, countervailing, in the opposite scale, equivalent, in return, in consideration, but, however, yet, still, notwithstanding, nevertheless, nathless, none the less, although, though, albeit, howbeit, mauger, at all events, at any rate, be that as it may, for all that, even so, on the other, hand, at the same time, quoad minus, quand meme, however that may be, after all is said and done, taking one thing with another, light is mingled with the gloom, every dark cloud has a silver lining, primo avulso non deficit alter, saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas, compensation, equation, commutation, indemnification, compromise, neutralization, nullification, counteraction, reaction, measure for measure, retaliation, equalization, robbing Peter to pay Paul, set-off, offset, make-weight, casting-weight, counterpoise, ballast, indemnity, equivalent, quid pro quo, bribe, hush money, amends, counterbalance, counterclaim, cross-debt, cross- demand, compensating, compensatory, countervailing, in the opposite scale, equivalent, in return, in consideration, but, however, yet, still, notwithstanding, nevertheless, nathless, none the less, although, though, albeit, howbeit, mauger, at all events, at any rate, be that as it may, for all that, even so, on the other, hand, at the same time, quoad minus, quand meme, however that may be, after all is said and done, taking one thing with another, light is mingled with the gloom, every dark cloud has a silver lining, primo avulso non deficit alter, saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas.


N substitution, commutation, supplanting, metaphor, metonymy, substitute, ersatz, makeshift, temporary expedient, replacement, succedaneum, shift, pis aller, stopgap, jury rigging, jury mast, locum tenens, warming pan, dummy, scapegoat, double, changeling, quid pro quo, alternative, representative, palimpsest, price, purchase money, consideration, equivalent, substituted, ersatz, phony, vicarious, subdititious, instead, in place of, in lieu of, in the stead of, in the room of, faute de mieux.


N interpretation, definition, explanation, explication, solution, answer, rationale, plain interpretation, simple interpretation, strict interpretation, meaning, translation, rendering, rendition, redition, literal translation, free translation, key, secret, clew, clavis, crib, pony, trot, exegesis, expounding, exposition, hermeneutics, comment, commentary, inference, illustration, exemplification, gloss, annotation, scholium, note, elucidation, dilucidation, eclaircissement, mot d'enigme, symptomatology, semiology, semeiology, semiotics, metoposcopy, physiognomy, paleography, oneirology acception, acceptation, acceptance, light, reading, lection, construction, version, equivalent, equivalent meaning, synonym, paraphrase, metaphrase, convertible terms, apposition, dictionary, polyglot, explanatory, expository, explicative, explicatory, exegetical, construable, polyglot, literal, paraphrastic, metaphrastic, consignificative, synonymous, equivalent, in explanation, that is to say, id est, videlicet, to wit, namely, in other words, literally, strictly speaking, in plain, in plainer terms, in plainer words, in plainer English, more simply, interpretation, definition, explanation, explication, solution, answer, rationale, plain interpretation, simple interpretation, strict interpretation, meaning, translation, rendering, rendition, redition, literal translation, free translation, key, secret, clew, clavis, crib, pony, trot, exegesis, expounding, exposition, hermeneutics, comment, commentary, inference, illustration, exemplification, gloss, annotation, scholium, note, elucidation, dilucidation, eclaircissement, mot d'enigme, symptomatology, semiology, semeiology, semiotics, metoposcopy, physiognomy, paleography, oneirology acception, acceptation, acceptance, light, reading, lection, construction, version, equivalent, equivalent meaning, synonym, paraphrase, metaphrase, convertible terms, apposition, dictionary, polyglot, explanatory, expository, explicative, explicatory, exegetical, construable, polyglot, literal, paraphrastic, metaphrastic, consignificative, synonymous, equivalent, in explanation, that is to say, id est, videlicet, to wit, namely, in other words, literally, strictly speaking, in plain, in plainer terms, in plainer words, in plainer English, more simply.

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