Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: D D- D. Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dy Dz
drafting table | draftsman | draftsmanship | draftsperson | drafty | drag | drag a bunt | drag coefficient | drag down | drag in | drag on



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)
11 in 11 verses (in OT : 10 in 10 verses) (in NT : 1 in 1 verses)


drag, v. & n.
--v. (dragged, dragging)
1 tr. pull along with effort or difficulty.
2 a tr. allow (one's feet, tail, etc.) to trail along the ground. b intr. trail along the ground. c intr. (of time etc.) go or pass heavily or slowly or tediously.
3 a intr. (usu. foll. by for) use a grapnel or drag (to find a drowned person or lost object). b tr. search the bottom of (a river etc.) with grapnels, nets, or drags.
4 tr. (often foll. by to) colloq. take (a person to a place etc., esp. against his or her will).
5 intr. (foll. by on, at) draw on (a cigarette etc.).
6 intr. (often foll. by on) continue at tedious length.
1 a an obstruction to progress. b Aeron. the longitudinal retarding force exerted by air. c slow motion; impeded progress. d an iron shoe for retarding a horse-drawn vehicle downhill.
2 colloq. a boring or dreary person, duty, performance, etc.
3 a a strong-smelling lure drawn before hounds as a substitute for a fox. b a hunt using this.
4 an apparatus for dredging or recovering drowned persons etc. from under water.
5 = drag-net.
6 sl. a draw on a cigarette etc.
7 sl. a women's clothes worn by men. b a party at which these are worn. c clothes in general.
8 an act of dragging.
9 a sl. a motor car. b (in full drag race) an acceleration race between cars usu. for a quarter of a mile.
10 US sl. influence, pull.
11 US sl. a street or road (the main drag).
12 hist. a private vehicle like a stagecoach, drawn by four horses.

drag anchor (of a ship) move from a moored position when the anchor fails to hold. drag-anchor n. = sea anchor. drag one's feet (or heels) be deliberately slow or reluctant to act. drag-hound a hound used to hunt with a drag. drag in introduce (a subject) irrelevantly. drag-line an excavator with a bucket pulled in by a wire rope. drag-net
1 a net drawn through a river or across ground to trap fish or game.
2 a systematic hunt for criminals etc. drag out protract. drag queen sl. a male homosexual transvestite.
drag up colloq.
1 deliberately mention (an unwelcome subject).
2 rear (a child) roughly and without proper training.
ME f. OE dragan or ON draga DRAW



adduct, adduction, affinity, aggravation, allurement, amble, annoyance, arrest, artery, attract, attractance, attraction, attractiveness, attractivity, avenue, bad news, bag, bale, barge, be magnetic, be prolonged, bearing rein, bedevilment, bit, block, bore, bother, botheration, bothersomeness, boulevard, bowl along, brake, bundle, burden, burdening, burthen, buttonholer, capillarity, capillary attraction, cargo, cascade, centripetal force, chain, chain-smoke, charge, charging, chaw, check, checkrein, chew, chewing, chock, claudicate, clog, clout, clump, coax, coefficient of friction, confine, countercheck, crashing bore, crawl, creep, cumber, cumbrance, curb, curb bit, dab, daggle, dally, damper, dangle, dawdle, deadweight, deceleration, delay, depend, detain, detention, devilment, difficulty, dillydally, distract, dogging, dogtrot, doorstop, downer, drabble, draft, drag along, drag on, drag out, drag sail, draggle, drain, drape, draw, draw towards, drench, dress, drift anchor, drift sail, drip, drogue, droop, dryasdust, dub, dusty, ease-off, ease-up, encumbrance, equalize, even, exasperation, fall, fall behind, falter, favor, fetter, flag, flagging, flap, flat tire, flatten, flop, flounce, flow, fluid friction, foot, footslog, force of friction, force of viscosity, freight, friction head, friction loss, frictional resistance, frightful bore, gait, gallop, get behind, go dead slow, go on, go slow, goof off, grade, gravitation, gravity, grease, habitual smoking, hale, halt, handicap, hang, hang back, hang down, harassment, harrow, harrying, haul, have an attraction, headache, heave, highway, hinder, hippety-hop, hitch, hobble, hold back, hold up, holdback, holdup, hop, hounding, humdrum, idle, impede, in, inch, inch along, incubus, incumbency, induce, influence, inhale, inhale snuff, inside track, interest, internal friction, jog, jog-trot, jolt, jump, keep back, lading, lag, lag behind, lallygag, lay, laze, letdown, letup, level, limp, linger, linger behind, linger on, load, loading, lock step, loiter, lollygag, lop, lubricate, lug, lumber, lunge, lurch, lure, magnet, magnetism, magnetize, make late, martingale, millstone, mince, mincing steps, minus acceleration, molestation, mosey, mow, mutual attraction, nicotine addiction, nicotinism, nod, nuisance, obstruct, obstruction, oil, oppression, overload, overtaxing, overweighting, pace, paddle, path, peg, pelham, pend, persecution, persuade, pest, piaffe, piaffer, pill, plane, planish, plaster, plod, poke, poke along, potter, prance, pressure, problem, procrastinate, proser, puff, pull, pull towards, pulling power, put off, rack, remora, resistance, retard, retardation, retardment, road, roll, rolling friction, saddling, sag, sashay, saunter, scotch, scuff, scuffle, scuttle, sea anchor, setback, shackle, shamble, shave, shilly-shally, shuffle, shuffle along, sidle, single-foot, skin friction, skip, slack-up, slacken, slackening, sliding friction, slink, slip friction, slither, slog, slouch, slow down, slowdown, slowing, slowing down, slowness, slowup, smoke, smoking, smoking habit, smooth, smooth down, smooth out, snaffle, snake, special favor, spoke, stagger, stagger along, stalk, stall, stamp, starting friction, static friction, stay, step, stomp, stop, straddle, straggle, strain, street, stride, stroll, strolling gait, strut, stump, suction, superincumbency, surcharge, swag, swagger, swill, swing, sympathy, tabacism, tabacosis, tabagism, take in tow, take snuff, tarry, taxing, thoroughfare, tittup, tobaccoism, toddle, toddle along, totter, totter along, tow, track, traction, trail, trail behind, train, traipse, trammel, trawl, tread, trial, trip, troll, trot, trouble, trudge, tug, twaddler, velocity, vexation, vexatiousness, waddle, walk, wamble, waste time, way, wear on, weep, wet blanket, wheedle, wiggle, wobble, worm, worm along, worriment, worry




VB induce, move, draw, draw on, bring in its train, give an impulse, to, inspire, put up to, prompt, call up, attract, beckon, stimulate, spirit up, inspirit, rouse, arouse, animate, incite, foment, provoke, instigate, set on, actuate, act upon, work upon, operate upon, encourage, pat on the back, pat on the shoulder, clap on the back, clap on the shoulder, influence, weigh with, bias, sway, incline, dispose, predispose, turn the scale, inoculate, lead by the nose, have influence with, have influence over, have influence upon, exercise influence with, exercise influence over, exercise influence upon, go round, come round one, turn the head, magnetize, lobby, persuade, prevail with, prevail upon, overcome, carry, bring round to one's senses, bring to one's senses, draw over, win over, gain over, come over, talk over, procure, enlist, engage, invite, court, tempt, seduce, overpersuade, entice, allure, captivate, fascinate, bewitch, carry away, charm, conciliate, wheedle, coax, lure, inveigle, tantalize, cajole, tamper with, bribe, suborn, grease the palm, bait with a silver hook, gild the pill, make things pleasant, put a sop into the pan, throw a sop to, bait the hook, enforce, force, impel, propel, whip, lash, goad, spur, prick, urge, egg on, hound, hurry on, drag, exhort, advise, call upon, press, advocate, set an example, set the fashion, keep in countenance, be persuaded, yield to temptation, come round, concede, obey a call, follow advice, follow the bent, follow the dictates of, act on principle.


N hindrance, prevention, preclusion, obstruction, stoppage, embolus, embolism, infarct, interruption, interception, interclusion, hindrance, impedition, retardment, retardation, embarrassment, oppilation, coarctation, stricture, restriction, restraint, inhibition, blockade, interference, interposition, obtrusion, discouragement, discountenance, impediment, let, obstacle, obstruction, knot, knag, check, hitch, contretemps, screw loose, grit in the oil, bar, stile, barrier, turnstile, turnpike, gate, portcullis, beaver dam, trocha, barricade, wall, dead wall, sea wall, levee breakwater, groyne, bulkhead, block, buffer, stopper, boom, dam, weir, burrock, drawback, objection, stumbling-block, stumbling-stone, lion in the path, snag, snags and sawyers, encumbrance, incumbrance, clog, skid, shoe, spoke, drag, drag chain, drag weight, stay, stop, preventive, prophylactic, load, burden, fardel, onus, millstone round one's neck, impedimenta, dead weight, lumber, pack, nightmare, Ephialtes, incubus, old man of the sea, remora, difficulty, insuperable, obstacle, estoppel, ill wind, head wind, trammel, tether, hold back, counterpoise, damper, wet blanket, hinderer, marplot, killjoy, party pooper, party crasher, interloper, trail of a red herring, opponent, hindering, obstructive, obstruent, impeditive, impedient, intercipient, prophylactic, impedimentary, in the way of, unfavorable, onerous, burdensome, cumbrous, cumbersome, obtrusive, hindered, windbound, waterlogged, heavy laden, hard pressed, unassisted &c (assist), single-handed, alone, deserted, occurrent nubes.


N prison, prison house, jail, gaol, cage, coop, den, cell, stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon, dungeon, Bastille, oubliette, bridewell, house of correction, hulks, tollbooth, panopticon, penitentiary, guardroom, lockup, hold, round house, watch house, station house, sponging house, station, house of detention, black hole, pen, fold, pound, inclosure, isolation (exclusion), penal settlement, penal colony, bilboes, stocks, limbo, quod, calaboose, chauki, choky, thana, workhouse, Newgate, Fleet, Marshalsea, King's Bench, Queen's Bench, bond, bandage, irons, pinion, gyve, fetter, shackle, trammel, manacle, handcuff, straight jacket, strait jacket, strait-jacket, strait-waistcoat, hopples, vice, vise, yoke, collar, halter, harness, muzzle, gag, bit, brake, curb, snaffle, bridle, rein, reins, bearing rein, martingale, leading string, tether, picket, band, guy, chain, cord, cavesson, hackamore, headstall, jaquima, lines, ribbons, bolt, deadbolt, bar, lock, police lock, combination lock, padlock, rail, wall, stone wall, paling, palisade, fence, picket fence, barbed wire fence, Cyclone fence, stockade fence, chain-link fence, barrier, barricade, drag.


VB transfer, transmit, transport, transplace, transplant, translocate, convey, carry, bear, fetch and carry, carry over, ferry over, hand pass, forward, shift, conduct, convoy, bring, fetch, reach, tote, port, import, export, send, delegate, consign, relegate, turn over to, deliver, ship, embark, waft, shunt, transpose, displace, throw, drag, mail, post, shovel, ladle, decant, draft off, transfuse, infuse, siphon.


N vehicle, conveyance, carriage, caravan, van, common carrier, wagon, waggon, wain, dray, cart, lorry, truck, tram, cariole, carriole, limber, tumbrel, pontoon, barrow, wheel barrow, hand barrow, perambulator, Bath chair, wheel chair, sedan chair, chaise, palankeen, palanquin, litter, brancard, crate, hurdle, stretcher, ambulance, black Maria, conestoga wagon, conestoga wain, jinrikisha, ricksha, brett, dearborn, dump cart, hack, hackery, jigger, kittereen, mailstate, manomotor, rig, rockaway, prairie schooner, shay, sloven, team, tonga, wheel, hobbyhorse, go-cart, cycle, bicycle, bike, two-wheeler, tricycle, velocipede, quadricycle, equipage, turn-out, coach, chariot, phaeton, break, mail phaeton, wagonette, drag, curricle, tilbury, whisky, landau, barouche, victoria, brougham, clarence, calash, caleche, britzka, araba, kibitka, berlin, sulky, desobligeant, sociable, vis-a-vis, dormeuse, jaunting car, outside car, dandi, doolie, dooly, munchil, palki, roller skates, skate, runabout, ski, tonjon, vettura, post chaise, diligence, stage, stage coach, mail coach, hackney coach, glass coach, stage wagon, car, omnibus, fly, cabriolet, cab, hansom, shofle, four-wheeler, growler, droshki, drosky, dogcart, trap, whitechapel, buggy, four-in-hand, unicorn, random, tandem, shandredhan, char-a-bancs, motor car, automobile, limousine, car, auto, jalopy, clunker, lemon, flivver, coupe, sedan, two-door sedan, four-door sedan, luxury sedan, wheels, sports car, roadster, gran turismo, jeep, four-wheel drive vehicle, electric car, steamer, golf cart, electric wagon, taxicab, cab, taxicoach, checker cab, yellow cab, station wagon, family car, motorcycle, motor bike, side car, van, minivan, bus, minibus, microbus, truck, wagon, pick-up wagon, pick-up, tractor- trailer, road train, articulated vehicle, racing car, racer, hot rod, stock car, souped-up car, bob, bobsled, bobsleigh, cutter, double ripper, double runner, jumper, sled, sledge, sleigh, toboggan, train, accommodation train, passenger train, express trail, special train, corridor train, parliamentary train, luggage train, freight train, goods train, 1st class train, 2nd class train, 3rd class train, 1st class carriage, 2nd class carriage, 3rd class carriage, 1st class compartment, 2nd class compartment, 3rd class compartment, rolling stock, horse box, cattle truck, baggage car, express car, freight car, parlor car, dining car, Pullman car, sleeping car, sleeper, dome car, surface car, tram car, trolley car, box car, box wagon, horse car, bullet train, shinkansen, cannonball, the Wabash cannonball, lightning express, luggage van, mail, mail car, mail van, shovel, spool, spatula, ladle, hod, hoe, spade, spaddle, loy, spud, pitchfork, post hole digger, tractor, steamshovel, backhoe, fork lift, earth mover, dump truck, bulldozer, grader, caterpillar, trench digger, steamroller, pile driver, crane, wrecking crane.


VB move slowly, creep, crawl, lag, slug, drawl, linger, loiter, saunter, plod, trudge, stump along, lumber, trail, drag, dawdle, grovel, worm one's way, steal along, job on, rub on, bundle on, toddle, waddle, wabble, slug, traipse, slouch, shuffle, halt, hobble, limp, caludicate, shamble, flag, falter, trotter, stagger, mince, step short, march in slow time, march in funeral procession, take one's time, hang fire, retard, relax, slacken, check, moderate, rein in, curb, reef, strike sail, shorten sail, take in sail, put on the drag, apply the brake, clip the wings, reduce the speed, slacken speed, slacken one's pace, lose ground.


VB draw, pull, haul, lug, rake, drag, tug, tow, trail, train, take in tow, wrench, jerk, twitch, touse, yank.

For further exploring for "drag" in Webster Dictionary Online

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