Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: D D- D. Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dy Dz
dig in | dig into | dig out | dig up | digenesis | digest | digested | digester | digestibility | digestible | digestibleness


Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


digest, v. & n.
1 assimilate (food) in the stomach and bowels.
2 understand and assimilate mentally.
3 Chem. treat (a substance) with heat, enzymes, or a solvent in order to decompose it, extract the essence, etc.
4 a reduce to a systematic or convenient form; classify; summarize. b think over; arrange in the mind.
1 a a methodical summary esp. of a body of laws. b (the Digest) the compendium of Roman law compiled in the reign of Justinian (6th c. AD).
2 a regular or occasional synopsis of current literature or news.

digester n. digestible adj. digestibility n.
ME f. L digerere digest- distribute, dissolve, digest (as DI-(2), gerere carry)



Code Napoleon, Napoleonic code, abbreviate, abbreviation, abbreviature, abide, ablate, abrege, abridge, abridgement, abridgment, absorb, abstract, accept, adsorb, alphabetize, analyze, appreciate, apprehend, appropriate, arrange, assimilate, assort, be abstracted, be with one, bear, bleed white, blot, blot up, body of law, break down, brief, brood, brood over, brook, burn up, capitulary, capsule, catalog, catch, catch on, categorize, census, chemisorb, chemosorb, chew over, chew the cud, class, classify, code, code of laws, codification, codify, compend, comprehend, compress, con over, conceive, condensation, condense, condensed version, consider, conspectus, consume, contemplate, corpus juris, cut, debate, deliberate, deliberate over, deliberate upon, deplete, dig, digest of law, disregard, divide, down, draft, drain, drain of resources, drink, drink in, drink up, eat, eat up, endure, engross, epitome, epitomize, equity, erode, exhaust, expend, fathom, file, filter in, finish, finish off, follow, get, get hold of, get the drift, get the idea, get the picture, go, gobble, gobble up, grade, grasp, group, have, have it taped, head, ignore, imbibe, impoverish, index, infiltrate, ingest, introspect, inventory, ken, know, learn, list, master, meditate, meditate upon, metabolize, mull over, muse, muse on, muse over, nutshell, order, osmose, outline, overview, pandect, penal code, percolate in, perpend, pigeonhole, place, play around with, play with, pocket, pocket the affront, ponder, ponder over, precis, predigest, range, rank, rate, read, realize, reduce, reflect, reflect over, resume, review, revolve, rubric, ruminate, ruminate over, run over, savvy, seep in, seize, seize the meaning, sense, shorten, shortened version, skeleton, sketch, slurp up, soak in, soak up, sorb, sort, speculate, spend, sponge, squander, stand, stomach, study, subdivide, suck dry, sum, sum up, summarize, summary, summate, survey, survive, swallow, swallow an insult, swallow up, swill up, syllabus, synopsis, synopsize, table, table of organization, tabulate, take, take in, take up, think over, thumbnail sketch, tolerate, topical outline, toy with, turn aside provocation, turn over, type, understand, use up, waste away, wear away, weigh




N compend, compendium, abstract, precis, epitome, multum in parvo, analysis, pandect, digest, sum and substance, brief, abridgment, summary, apercu, draft, minute, note, excerpt, synopsis, textbook, conspectus, outlines, syllabus, contents, heads, prospectus, album, scrap book, note book, memorandum book, commonplace book, extracts, excerpta, cuttings, fugitive pieces, fugitive writing, spicilegium, flowers, anthology, collectanea, analecta, compilation, recapitulation, resume, review, abbreviation, abbreviature, contraction, shortening, compression, compendious, synoptic, analectic, abrege, abridged, variorum, in short, in epitome, in substance, in few words, it lies in a nutshell.


VB plan, scheme, design, frame, contrive, project, forecast, sketch, devise, invent, set one's wits to work, spring a project, fall upon, hit upon, strike out, chalk out, cut out, lay out, map out, lay down a plan, shape out a course, mark out a course, predetermine, concert, preconcert, preestablish, prepare, hatch, hatch a plot concoct, take steps, take measures, cast, recast, systematize, organize, arrange, digest, mature, plot, counter-plot, counter-mine, dig a mine, lay a train, intrigue.


N arrangement, plan, preparation, disposal, disposition, collocation, allocation, distribution, sorting, assortment, allotment, apportionment, taxis, taxonomy, syntaxis, graduation, organization, grouping, tabulation, analysis, classification, clustering, division, digestion, digest, synopsis, syntagma, table, atlas, file, database, register, organism, architecture, sieve, riddle, screen, sorter, arranged, embattled, in battle array, cut and dried, methodical, orderly, regular, systematic, In vast cumbrous array.

VB reduce to order, bring into order, introduce order into, rally, arrange, dispose, place, form, put in order, set in order, place in order, set out, collocate, pack, marshal, range, size, rank, group, parcel out, allot, distribute, deal, cast the parts, assign the parts, dispose of, assign places to, assort, sort, sift, riddle, put to rights, set to rights, put into shape, put in trim, put in array, apportion, class, classify, divide, file, string together, thread, register, catalogue, tabulate, index, graduate, digest, grade, methodize, regulate, systematize, coordinate, organize, settle, fix, unravel, disentangle, ravel, card, disembroil, feaze.


VB be composed, laisser faire, laisser aller, take things easily, take things as they come, take it easy, rub on, live and let live, take easily, take cooly, take in good part, aequam servare mentem, bear the brunt, bear well, go through, support, endure, brave, disregard, tolerate, suffer, stand, bide, abide, aby, bear with, put up with, take up with, abide with, acquiesce, submit, submit with a good grace, resign oneself to, reconcile oneself to, brook, digest, eat, swallow, pocket, stomach, make light of, make the best of, make 'a virtue of necessity', put a good face on, keep one's countenance, check, check oneself, compose, appease (moderate), propitiate, repress, render insensible, overcome one's excitability, allay one's excitability, repress one's excitability, master one's feelings, make oneself easy, make one's mind easy, set one's mind at ease, set one's mind at rest, calm down, cool down, gentle, thaw, grow cool, be borne, be endured, go down.


VB heat, warm, chafe, stive, foment, make hot, sun oneself, sunbathe, go up in flames, burn to the ground (flame), fire, set fire to, set on fire, kindle, enkindle, light, ignite, strike a light, apply the match to, apply the torch to, rekindle, relume, fan the flame, add fuel to the flame, poke the fire, stir the fire, blow the fire, make a bonfire of, melt, thaw, fuse, liquefy, burn, inflame, roast, toast, fry, grill, singe, parch, bake, torrefy, scorch, brand, cauterize, sear, burn in, corrode, char, calcine, incinerate, smelt, scorify, reduce to ashes, burn to a cinder, commit to the flames, consign to the flames, boil, digest, stew, cook, seethe, scald, parboil, simmer, do to rags, take fire, catch fire, blaze.


VB think, reflect, cogitate, excogitate, consider, deliberate, bestow thought upon, bestow consideration upon, speculate, contemplate, meditate, ponder, muse, dream, ruminate, brood over, con over, animadvert, study, bend the mind, apply the mind, digest, discuss, hammer at, weigh, perpend, realize, appreciate, fancy, trow, take into consideration, take counsel, commune with oneself, bethink oneself, collect one's thoughts, revolve in the mind, turn over in the mind, run over in the mind, chew the cud upon, sleep upon, take counsel of one's pillow, advise with one's pillow, rack one's brains, ransack one's brains, crack one's brains, beat one's brains, cudgel one's brains, set one's brain to work, set one's wits to work, harbor an idea, entertain an idea, cherish an idea, nurture an idea, take into one's head, bear in mind, reconsider, occur, present itself, suggest itself, come into one's head, get into one's head, strike one, flit across the view, come uppermost, run in one s head, enter the mind, pass in the mind, cross the mind, flash on the mind, flash across the mind, float in the mind, fasten itself on the mind, be uppermost in the mind, occupy the mind, have in one's mind, make an impression, sink into the mind, penetrate into the mind, engross the thoughts.

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