Also see definition of "cornet" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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cornerback | cornercap | cornered | cornerstone | cornerwise | cornet | cornet-à-piston | cornetcy | corneter | cornetfish | cornetist





cornetn. [F. cornet, m. (for senses 1 & 2), cornette, f. & m. (for senses 3 & 4), dim. of corne horn, L. cornu. See Horn.].
  •  An obsolete rude reed instrument (Ger. Zinken), of the oboe family.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A cap of paper twisted at the end, used by retailers to inclose small wares.  Cotgrave.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A troop of cavalry; -- so called from its being accompanied by a cornet player.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A headdress  [1913 Webster]
  •  See Coronet, 2.  [1913 Webster]


cornet, n.
1 Mus. a a brass instrument resembling a trumpet but shorter and wider. b its player. c an organ stop with the quality of a cornet. d a cornetto.
2 Brit. a conical wafer for holding ice-cream.

cornetist n. cornettist n.
cornet, n. Brit. hist. the fifth commissioned officer in a cavalry troop, who carried the colours.

cornetcy n. (pl. -ies).
earlier sense 'pennon, standard' f. F cornette dimin. of corne ult. f. L cornua horns



English horn, alpenhorn, alphorn, althorn, alto horn, ballad horn, baritone, bass horn, bassoon, block flute, bombard, bourdon, brass choir, brass wind, brass-wind instrument, brasses, bugle, bugle horn, cello, claribel, clarinet, clarion, complex cone, concert flute, cone, conelet, conoid, cop, cornet-a-pistons, corno di caccia, cornopean, cromorna, cymbel, diapason, double-bell euphonium, dulciana, euphonium, flute stop, foundation stop, fourniture, funnel, gamba, gedeckt, gemshorn, harmonic flute, helicon, horn, hunting horn, hybrid stop, ice-cream cone, key trumpet, koppel flute, larigot, lituus, lur, mellophone, melodia, mixture, mutation stop, nazard, oboe, octave, ophicleide, orchestral horn, organ stop, piccolo, pine cone, plein jeu, pocket trumpet, posaune, post horn, principal, quint, quintaten, rank, ranket, reed stop, register, rohr flute, sackbut, saxhorn, saxtuba, serpent, sesquialtera, shawm, slide trombone, sliphorn, sousaphone, spitz flute, stop, stopped diapason, stopped flute, string diapason, string stop, tenor tuba, tierce, tremolo, tromba, trombone, trumpet, tuba, twelfth, unda maris, valve trombone, valve trumpet, vibrato, viola, voix celeste, vox angelica, vox humana




N master, padrone, lord, lord paramount, commander, commandant, captain, chief, chieftain, sirdar, sachem, sheik, head, senior, governor, ruler, dictator, leader, boss, cockarouse, sagamore, werowance, lord of the ascendant, cock of the walk, cock of the roost, gray mare, mistress, potentate, liege, liege lord, suzerain, sovereign, monarch, autocrat, despot, tyrant, oligarch, crowned head, emperor, king, anointed king, majesty, imperator, protector, president, stadholder, judge, ceasar, kaiser, czar, tsar, sultan, soldan, grand Turk, caliph, imaum, shah, padishah, sophi, mogul, great mogul, khan, lama, tycoon, mikado, tenno, inca, cazique, voivode, landamman, seyyid, Abuna, cacique, czarowitz, grand seignior, prince, duke, archduke, doge, elector, seignior, marland, margrave, rajah, emir, wali, sheik nizam, nawab, empress, queen, sultana, czarina, princess, infanta, duchess, margravine, czarevna, czarita, maharani, rani, rectrix, regent, viceroy, exarch, palatine, khedive, hospodar, beglerbeg, three-tailed bashaw, pasha, bashaw, bey, beg, dey, scherif, tetrarch, satrap, mandarin, subahdar, nabob, maharajah, burgrave, laird, collector, commissioner, deputy commissioner, woon, the authorities, the powers that be, the government, staff, etat major, aga, official, man in office, person in authority, sircar, sirkar, Sublime Porte, marshal, field marshal, marechal, general, generalissimo, commander in chief, seraskier, hetman, lieutenant general, major general, colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, captain, centurion, skipper, lieutenant, first lieutenant, second lieutenant, sublieutenant, officer, staff officer, aide-de-camp, brigadier, brigade major, adjutant, jemidar, ensign, cornet, cadet, subaltern, noncommissioned officer, warrant officer, sergeant, sergeant major, color sergeant, corporal, corporal major, lance corporal, acting corporal, drum major, captain general, dizdar, knight marshal, naik, pendragon, mayor, mayoralty, prefect, chancellor, archon, provost, magistrate, syndic, alcalde, alcaid, burgomaster, corregidor, seneschal, alderman, councilman, committeeman, councilwoman, warden, constable, portreeve, lord mayor, officer, dewan, fonctionnaire, admiral, admiralty, rear admiral, vice admiral, port admiral, commodore, captain, commander, lieutenant, ensign, skipper, mate, master, officer of the day, OD, navarch, da locum melioribus, der Furst ist der erste Diener seines Staats, the prince is the first servant of his state, lord of thy presence and no land beside.

Musical Instruments

N musical instruments, band, string-band, brass-band, orchestra, orchestrina, monochord, polychord, harp, lyre, lute, archlute, mandola, mandolin, mandoline, guitar, zither, cither, cithern, gittern, rebeck, bandurria, bandura, banjo, bina, vina, xanorphica, viol, violin, fiddle, kit, viola, viola d'amore, viola di gamba, tenor, cremona, violoncello, bass, bass viol, base viol, theorbo, double base, contrabasso, violone, psaltery, bow, fiddlestick, piano, pianoforte, harpsichord, clavichord, clarichord, manichord, clavier, spinet, virginals, dulcimer, hurdy-gurdy, vielle, pianino, Eolian harp, organ, harmonium, harmoniphon, American organ, barrel organ, hand organ, accordion, seraphina, concertina, humming top, flute, fife, piccolo, flageolet, clarinet, claronet, basset horn, corno di bassetto, oboe, hautboy, cor Anglais, corno Inglese, bassoon, double bassoon, contrafagotto, serpent, bass clarinet, bagpipes, union pipes, musette, ocarina, Pandean pipes, reed instrument, sirene, pipe, pitch-pipe, sourdet, whistle, catcall, doodlesack, harmoniphone, horn, bugle, cornet, cornet-a-pistons, cornopean, clarion, trumpet, trombone, ophicleide, French horn, saxophone, sax, buglehorn, saxhorn, flugelhorn, althorn, helicanhorn, posthorn, sackbut, euphonium, bombardon tuba, cymbal, bell, gong, tambour, tambourine, tamborine, drum, tom-tom, tabor, tabret, tabourine, taborin, side drum, kettle drum, timpani, tympani, tymbal, timbrel, castanet, bones, musical glasses, musical stones, harmonica, sounding-board, rattle, tam-tam, zambomba, reed, tuning fork, triangle, Jew's harp, musical box, harmonicon, xylophone, sordine, sordet, sourdine, sourdet, mute, (iv) PERCEPTION OF SOUND.

Also see definition of "cornet" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "cornet" in Webster Dictionary Online

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