Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: C C- C. C2 Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
contendent | contender | contending | contendress | contenement | content | content word | contentation | contented | contentedly | contentedness



Interjection, Noun, Verb (transitive)
11 in 11 verses (in OT : 5 in 5 verses) (in NT : 6 in 6 verses)


contenta. [F. content, fr. L. contentus, p. p. of contenire to hold together, restrain. See Contain.].
     Contained within limits; hence, having the desires limited by that which one has; not disposed to repine or grumble; satisfied; contented; at rest.  [1913 Webster]
    "Having food and rai ment, let us be therewith content."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which is contained; the thing or things held by a receptacle or included within specified limits; as, the contents of a cask or bale or of a room; the contents of a book.  [1913 Webster]
    "I shall prove these writings . . . authentic, and the contents true, and worthy of a divine original."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Power of containing; capacity; extent; size.  [1913 Webster]
    "Strong ship's, of great content."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Area or quantity of space or matter contained within certain limits; as, solid contents; superficial contents.  [1913 Webster]
    "The geometrical content, figure, and situation of all the lands of a kingdom."  [1913 Webster]
Table of contents, or Contents, a table or list of topics in a book, showing their order and the place where they may be found: a summary.
contentv. t. [F. contenter, LL. contentare, fr. L. contentus, p. p. See Content, a.].
  •  To satisfy the desires of; to make easy in any situation; to appease or quiet; to gratify; to please.  [1913 Webster]
    "Do not content yourselves with obscure and confused ideas, where clearer are to be attained."  [1913 Webster]
    "Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To satisfy the expectations of; to pay; to requite.  [1913 Webster]
    "Come the next Sabbath, and I will content you."
Syn. -- To satisfy; appease; please. See Satiate.
  •  Rest or quietness of the mind in one's present condition; freedom from discontent; satisfaction; contentment; moderate happiness.  [1913 Webster]
    "Such is the fullness of my heart's content."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Acquiescence without examination.  [1913 Webster]
    "The sense they humbly take upon content."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which contents or satisfies; that which if attained would make one happy.  [1913 Webster]
    "So will I in England work your grace's full content."  [1913 Webster]
  •  An expression of assent to a bill or motion; an affirmative vote; also, a member who votes “Content.”.  [1913 Webster]
    "Supposing the number of “Contents” and “Not contents” strictly equal in number and consequence."  [1913 Webster]


content, adj., v., & n.
1 satisfied; adequately happy; in agreement.
2 (foll. by to + infin.) willing.
--v.tr. make content; satisfy.
--n. a contented state; satisfaction.

to one's heart's content to the full extent of one's desires.
content, n.
1 (usu. in pl.) what is contained in something, esp. in a vessel, book, or house.
2 the amount of a constituent contained (low sodium content).
3 the substance or material dealt with (in a speech, work of art, etc.) as distinct from its form or style.
4 the capacity or volume of a thing.

ME f. med.L contentum (as contain)



acceptance, accepting, accommodation, accordant, achieve inner harmony, acquiescent, acquiescing, affirmative, agreeable, agreed, agreeing, alacritous, amenable, amusement, animal pleasure, appease, approving, ardent, assentatious, assenting, at ease, bewitch, bodily pleasure, burden, capacity, captivate, carnal delight, census, charm, charmed, cheer, cheerful, comfort, comfortable, compliable, compliant, components, composed, composition, composure, conceding, concessive, consentient, consenting, constituents, contented, contentedness, contentment, contents, cooperative, cordage, coziness, cozy, creature comforts, delight, delighted, disposed, divisions, docile, eager, ease, easy, easygoing, elements, endorsing, endpleasure, enjoyment, enrapture, entertainment, enthusiastic, entire satisfaction, essence, eupeptic, euphoria, euphoric, exhilarated, fain, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably impressed with, favorably inclined, felicity, forepleasure, forward, fruition, fulfilled, fulfillment, fun, game, glad, gladden, gladsome, gratification, gratified, gratify, great satisfaction, gusto, guts, happiness, happy, hearty enjoyment, import, in clover, in the mind, in the mood, inclined, index, ingredients, innards, insides, intellectual pleasure, intrigued, inventory, items, joie de vivre, keen pleasure, kicks, limit, list, load, luxury, measure, minded, nothing loath, of good comfort, part, parts, peace, peace of mind, peacefulness, permissive, physical pleasure, please, pleased, pleased as Punch, pleased with, pleasure, pliant, poundage, predisposed, prompt, prone, purport, put at ease, quantity, quick, quiet pleasure, ratifying, ready, ready and willing, receptive, reconciled, reconcilement, reconciliation, relish, resignation, resigned, responsive, room, sanctioning, sans souci, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, self-gratification, self-indulgence, sensual pleasure, sensuous pleasure, serenity, set at ease, sexual pleasure, significance, size, sold on, soothe, space, stowage, submissive, substance, sweetness of life, taken with, text, theme, thesis, thrill, thrilled, tickle, tickled, tickled pink, tickled to death, titillation, tonnage, topic, tractable, tranquillity, uncomplaining, ungrudging, unloath, unrefusing, unreluctant, unrepining, volume, voluptuousness, well-being, well-disposed, well-inclined, whole, willed, willing, willinghearted, without care, zealous, zest




N willingness, voluntariness, willing mind, heart, disposition, inclination, leaning, animus, frame of mind, humor, mood, vein, bent, penchant, aptitude, docility, docibleness, persuasibleness, persuasibility, pliability, geniality, cordiality, goodwill, alacrity, readiness, earnestness, forwardness, eagerness, asset, compliance, pleasure, gratuitous service, labor of love, volunteer, volunteering, willing, minded, fain, disposed, inclined, favorable, favorably- minded, favorably inclined, favorably disposed, nothing loth, in the vein, in the mood, in the humor, in the mind, ready, forward, earnest, eager, bent upon, predisposed, propense, docile, persuadable, persuasible, suasible, easily persuaded, facile, easy-going, tractable, genial, gracious, cordial, cheering, hearty, content, voluntary, gratuitous, spontaneous, unasked &c (ask), unforced, willingly, fain, freely, as lief, heart and soul, with pleasure, with all one's heart, with open arms, with good will, with right will, de bonne volonte, ex animo, con amore, heart in hand, nothing loth, without reluctance, of one's own accord, graciously, with a good grace, a la bonne heure, by all means, by all manner of means, to one's heart's content, yes.


N inexcitability, imperturbability, inirritability, even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion, tolerance, patience, coolth, passiveness, hebetude, hebetation, impassibility, stupefaction, coolness, calmness, composure, placidity, indisturbance, imperturbation, sang froid, tranquility, serenity, quiet, quietude, peace of mind, mental calmness, staidness, gravity, sobriety, Quakerism, philosophy, equanimity, stoicism, command of temper, self-possession, self-control, self-command, self-restraint, ice water in one's veins, presence of mind, submission, resignation, sufferance, supportance, endurance, longsufferance, forbearance, longanimity, fortitude, patience of Job, patience on a monument, patience 'sovereign o'er transmuted ill', moderation, repression of feelings, subjugation of feeling, restraint, tranquillization, inexcitable, unexcitable, imperturbable, unsusceptible, unpassionate, dispassionate, cold-blooded, irritable, enduring, stoical, Platonic, philosophic, staid, stayed, sober, sober minded, grave, sober as a judge, grave as a judge, sedate, demure, cool-headed, easy-going, peaceful, placid, calm, quiet as a mouse, tranquil, serene, cool as a cucumber, cool as a custard, undemonstrative, temperate, composed, collected, unexcited, unstirred, unruffled, undisturbed, unperturbed, unimpassioned, unoffended, unresisting, meek, tolerant, patient, patient as Job, submissive, tame, content, resigned, chastened, subdued, lamblike, gentle as a lamb, suaviter in modo, mild as mothers milk, soft as peppermint, armed with patience, bearing with, clement, long-suffering, like patience on a monument smiling at grief, aequo animo, in cold blood, more in sorrow than in anger, Int, patience!, and shuffle the cards, cool calm and collected, keep calm in the midst of a storm, adversity's sweet milk, philosophy, mens aequa in arduis philosophia stemma non inspec, quo me cumque rapit tempestas deferor hospes, they also serve who only stand and wait.


N pleasure, gratification, enjoyment, fruition, oblectation, delectation, delection, relish, zest, gusto, satisfaction, complacency, well-being, good, snugness, comfort, ease, cushion, sans souci, without worry, mind at ease, joy, gladness, delight, glee, cheer, sunshine, cheerfulness, treat, refreshment, amusement, luxury, mens sana in corpore sano, a sound mind in a sound body, happiness, felicity, bliss, beatitude, beautification, enchantment, transport, rapture, ravishment, ecstasy, summum bonum, paradise, elysium, third heaven, seventh heaven, cloud nine, unalloyed happiness, hedonics, hedonism, honeymoon, palmy days, halcyon days, golden age, golden time, Dixie, Dixie's land, Saturnia regna, Arcadia, Shangri-La, happy valley, Agapemone, pleased, not sorry, glad, gladsome, pleased as Punch, happy, blest, blessed, blissful, beatified, happy as a clam at high water, happy as a clam, happy as a king, happy as the day is long, thrice happy, ter quaterque beatus, enjoying, joyful, hedonic, in a blissful state, in paradise, in raptures, in ecstasies, in a transport of delight, comfortable, at ease, content, sans souci, overjoyed, entranced, enchanted, enraptures, enravished, transported, fascinated, captivated, with a joyful face, with sparkling eyes, pleasing, ecstatic, beatic, painless, unalloyed, without alloy, cloudless, happily, with pleasure, with glee, one's heart leaping with joy, a wilderness of sweets, I wish you all the joy that you can wish, jour de ma vie, joy ruled the day and love the night, joys season'd high and tasting strong of guilt, oh happiness, our being's end and aim!, there is a pleasure that is born of pain, throned on highest bliss, vedi Napoli e poi muori, zwischen Freud und Leid ist die Brucke nicht weit, the bridge between joy and sorrow is not wide.


N content, contentment, contentedness, complacency, satisfaction, entire satisfaction, ease, heart's ease, peace of mind, serenity, cheerfulness, ray of comfort, comfort reconciliation, resignation, waiter on Providence, content, contented, satisfied, at ease, at one's ease, at home, with the mind at ease, sans souci, sine cura, easygoing, not particular, conciliatory, unrepining, of good comfort, resigned, cheerful, unafflicted, unvexed, unmolested, unplagued, serene, at rest, snug, comfortable, in one's element, satisfactory, tolerable, good enough, OK, all right, acceptable, contently, contentedly, to one's heart's content, a la bonne heure, all for the best, Int, amen, very well, all the better, so much the better, well and good, it will do, that will do, it cannot be helped, nothing comes amiss, a heart with room for every joy, ich habe genossen das irdische Gluck ich habe gele, nor cast one longing lingering look behind, shut up in measureless content, sweet are the thoughts that savor of content, their wants but few their wishes all confined, might as well relax and enjoy it, content, contentment, contentedness, complacency, satisfaction, entire satisfaction, ease, heart's ease, peace of mind, serenity, cheerfulness, ray of comfort, comfort reconciliation, resignation, waiter on Providence, content, contented, satisfied, at ease, at one's ease, at home, with the mind at ease, sans souci, sine cura, easygoing, not particular, conciliatory, unrepining, of good comfort, resigned, cheerful, unafflicted, unvexed, unmolested, unplagued, serene, at rest, snug, comfortable, in one's element, satisfactory, tolerable, good enough, OK, all right, acceptable, contently, contentedly, to one's heart's content, a la bonne heure, all for the best, Int, amen, very well, all the better, so much the better, well and good, it will do, that will do, it cannot be helped, nothing comes amiss, a heart with room for every joy, ich habe genossen das irdische Gluck ich habe gele, nor cast one longing lingering look behind, shut up in measureless content, sweet are the thoughts that savor of content, their wants but few their wishes all confined, might as well relax and enjoy it.

VB be content, rest satisfied, rest and be thankful, take the good the gods provide, let well alone, let well enough alone, feel oneself at home, hug oneself, lay the flattering unction to one's soul, take up with, take in good part, accept, tolerate, consent, acquiesce, assent, be reconciled to, make one's peace with, get over it, take heart, take comfort, put up with, render content, set at ease, comfort, set one's heart at ease, set one's mind at ease, set one's heart at rest, set one's mind at rest, speak peace, conciliate, reconcile, win over, propitiate, disarm, beguile, content, satisfy, gratify, be tolerated, go down, go down well, go down with, do, be OK.


N assent, assentment, acquiescence, admission, nod, accord, concord, concordance, agreement, affirmance, affirmation, recognition, acknowledgment, avowal, confession of faith, unanimity, common consent, consensus, acclamation, chorus, vox populi, popular belief, current belief, current opinion, public opinion, concurrence, cooperation, ratification, confirmation, corroboration, approval, acceptance, visa, indorsement, consent, pressure to conform, herd instinct, peer pressure, assenting, of one accord, of one mind, of the same mind, at one with, agreed, acquiescent, content, willing, uncontradicted, unchallenged, unquestioned, uncontroverted, carried, agreed, nem, con, nemine contradicente unanimous, agreed on all hands, carried by acclamation, affirmative, yes, yea, ay, aye, true, good, well, very well, very true, well and good, granted, even so, just so, to be sure, 'thou hast said', you said it, you said a mouthful, truly, exactly, precisely, that's just it, indeed, certainly, you bet, certes, ex concesso, of course, unquestionably, assuredly, no doubt, doubtless, naturally, natch, be it so, so be it, so let it be, amen, willingly, affirmatively, in the affirmative, OK, all right, might as well, why not? with one consent, with one voice, with one accord, unanimously, una voce, by common consent, in chorus, to a man, nem, con, nemine contradicente, nemine dissentiente, without a dissentient voice, as one man, one and all, on all hands, avec plaisir, chi tace accousente, the public mind is the creation of the Master-Writ, you bet your sweet ass it is, what are we waiting for? whenever you're ready, anytime you're ready.

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