Also see definition of "close" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: C C- C. C2 Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
clop | clopidogrel bisulfate | clopping | clorella | clorox | close | close at hand | close call | close corporation | close down | close in



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive), Adjective, Adverb
75 in 75 verses (in OT : 61 in 61 verses) (in NT : 14 in 14 verses)


closev. t. [From OF. & F. clos, p. p. of clore to close, fr. L. claudere; akin to G. schliessen to shut, and to E. clot, cloister, clavicle, conclude, sluice. Cf. Clause, n.].
  •  To stop, or fill up, as an opening; to shut; as, to close the eyes; to close a door.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bring together the parts of; to consolidate; as, to close the ranks of an army; -- often used with up.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bring to an end or period; to conclude; to complete; to finish; to end; to consummate; as, to close a bargain; to close a course of instruction.  [1913 Webster]
    "One frugal supper did our studies close."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To come or gather around; to inclose; to encompass; to confine.  [1913 Webster]
    "The depth closed me round about."  [1913 Webster]
    "But now thou dost thyself immure and close
    In some one corner of a feeble heart.
    "  [1913 Webster]
A closed sea, a sea within the jurisdiction of some particular nation, which controls its navigation.
closev. i. 
  •  To come together; to unite or coalesce, as the parts of a wound, or parts separated.  [1913 Webster]
    "What deep wounds ever closed without a scar?"  [1913 Webster]
  •  To end, terminate, or come to a period; as, the debate closed at six o'clock.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To grapple; to engage in hand-to-hand fight.  [1913 Webster]
    "They boldly closed in a hand-to-hand contest."  [1913 Webster]
To close on or To close upon, to come to a mutual agreement; to agree on or join in. “Would induce France and Holland to close upon some measures between them to our disadvantage.” Sir W. Temple. -- To close with. (a) To accede to; to consent or agree to; as, to close with the terms proposed. (b) To make an agreement with. -- To close with the land (Naut.), to approach the land.
  •  The manner of shutting; the union of parts; junction.  [1913 Webster]
    "The doors of plank were; their close exquisite."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Conclusion; cessation; ending; end.  [1913 Webster]
    " His long and troubled life was drawing to a close."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A grapple in wrestling.  Bacon.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The conclusion of a strain of music; cadence.  [1913 Webster]
    "At every close she made, the attending throng
    Replied, and bore the burden of the song.
Syn. -- Conclusion; termination; cessation; end; ending; extremity; extreme.
closen. [OF. & F. clos an inclosure, fr. clos, p. p. of clore. See Close, v. t.].
  •  An inclosed place; especially, a small field or piece of land surrounded by a wall, hedge, or fence of any kind; -- specifically, the precinct of a cathedral or abbey.  [1913 Webster]
    "Closes surrounded by the venerable abodes of deans and canons."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A narrow passage leading from a street to a court, and the houses within.  Halliwell  [1913 Webster]
  •  The interest which one may have in a piece of ground, even though it is not inclosed.  Bouvier.  [1913 Webster]
closea. [Of. & F. clos, p. p. of clore. See Close, v. t.].
  •  Shut fast; closed; tight; as, a close box.  [1913 Webster]
    "From a close bower this dainty music flowed."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Narrow; confined; as, a close alley; close quarters.  Dickens.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Oppressive; without motion or ventilation; causing a feeling of lassitude; -- said of the air, weather, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "If the rooms be low-roofed, or full of windows and doors, the one maketh the air close, . . . and the other maketh it exceeding unequal."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Strictly confined; carefully quarded; as, a close prisoner.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Out of the way observation; secluded; secret; hidden.  1 Chron. xii. 1  [1913 Webster]
    "“Her close intent.”"  [1913 Webster]
  •  Disposed to keep secrets; secretive; reticent.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Having the parts near each other; dense; solid; compact; as applied to bodies; viscous; tenacious; not volatile, as applied to liquids.  [1913 Webster]
    "The golden globe being put into a press, . . . the water made itself way through the pores of that very close metal."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Concise; to the point; as, close reasoning.  Dryden.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Adjoining; near; either in space; time, or thought; -- often followed by to.  [1913 Webster]
    "Plant the spring crocuses close to a wall."  [1913 Webster]
    "The thought of the Man of sorrows seemed a very close thing -- not a faint hearsay."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Short; as, to cut grass or hair close.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Intimate; familiar; confidential.  [1913 Webster]
    "League with you I seek
    And mutual amity, so strait, so close,
    That I with you must dwell, or you with me.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Nearly equal; almost evenly balanced; as, a close vote.  Prescott.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Difficult to obtain; as, money is close.  Bartlett.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Parsimonious; stingy.  Hawthorne.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Adhering strictly to a standard or original; exact; strict; as, a close translation.  Locke.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Accurate; careful; precise; also, attentive; undeviating; strict; not wandering; as, a close observer.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Uttered with a relatively contracted opening of the mouth, as certain sounds of e and o in French, Italian, and German; -- opposed to open.  [1913 Webster]
Close borough. See under Borough. -- Close breeding. See under Breeding. -- Close communion, communion in the Lord's supper, restricted to those who have received baptism by immersion. -- Close corporation, a body or corporation which fills its own vacancies. -- Close fertilization. (Bot.) See Fertilization. -- Close harmony (Mus.), compact harmony, in which the tones composing each chord are not widely distributed over several octaves. -- Close time, a fixed period during which killing game or catching certain fish is prohibited by law. -- Close vowel (Pron.), a vowel which is pronounced with a diminished aperture of the lips, or with contraction of the cavity of the mouth. -- Close to the wind (Naut.), directed as nearly to the point from which the wind blows as it is possible to sail; closehauled; -- said of a vessel.
  •  In a close manner.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Secretly; darkly.  [1913 Webster]
    "A wondrous vision which did close imply
    The course of all her fortune and posterity.
    "  [1913 Webster]


close, adj., adv., & n.
1 (often foll. by to) situated at only a short distance or interval.
2 a having a strong or immediate relation or connection (close friend; close relative). b in intimate friendship or association (were very close). c corresponding almost exactly (close resemblance). d fitting tightly (close cap). e (of hair etc.) short, near the surface.
3 in or almost in contact (close combat; close proximity).
4 dense, compact, with no or only slight intervals (close texture; close writing; close formation; close thicket).
5 in which competitors are almost equal (close contest; close election).
6 leaving no gaps or weaknesses, rigorous (close reasoning).
7 concentrated, searching (close examination; close attention).
8 (of air etc.) stuffy or humid.
9 closed, shut.
10 limited or restricted to certain persons etc. (close corporation; close scholarship).
11 a hidden, secret, covered. b secretive.
12 (of a danger etc.) directly threatening, narrowly avoided (that was close).
13 niggardly.
14 (of a vowel) pronounced with a relatively narrow opening of the mouth.
15 narrow, confined, contracted.
16 under prohibition.
1 (often foll. by by, on, to, upon) at only a short distance or interval (they live close by; close to the church).
2 closely, in a close manner (shut close).
1 an enclosed space.
2 Brit. a street closed at one end.
3 Brit. the precinct of a cathedral.
4 Brit. a school playing-field or playground.
5 Sc. an entry from the street to a common stairway or to a court at the back.

at close quarters very close together. close-fisted niggardly. close-fitting (of a garment) fitting close to the body. close-grained without gaps between fibres etc. close harmony harmony in which the notes of the chord are close together. close-hauled (of a ship) with the sails hauled aft to sail close to the wind. close-knit tightly bound or interlocked; closely united in friendship. close-mouthed reticent. close score Mus. a score with more than one part on the same staff. close season Brit. the season when something, esp. the killing of game etc., is illegal. close-set separated only by a small interval or intervals. close shave colloq. a narrow escape. close to the wind see WIND(1). close-up
1 a photograph etc. taken at close range and showing the subject on a large scale.
2 an intimate description. go close (of a racehorse) win or almost win.
closely adv. closeness n. closish adj.
close, v. & n.
1 a tr. shut (a lid, box, door, room, house, etc.). b intr. be shut (the door closed slowly). c tr. block up.
2 a tr. & intr. bring or come to an end. b intr. finish speaking (closed with an expression of thanks). c tr. settle (a bargain etc.).
3 a intr. end the day's business. b tr. end the day's business at (a shop, office, etc.).
4 tr. & intr. bring or come closer or into contact (close ranks).
5 tr. make (an electric circuit etc.) continuous.
6 intr. (foll. by with) express agreement (with an offer, terms, or the person offering them).
7 intr. (often foll. by with) come within striking distance; grapple.
8 intr. (foll. by on) (of a hand, box, etc.) grasp or entrap.
1 a conclusion, an end.
2 Mus. a cadence.

close down
1 (of a shop, factory, etc.) discontinue business, esp. permanently.
2 Brit. (of a broadcasting station) end transmission esp. until the next day. close one's eyes 1 (foll. by to) pay no attention.
2 die.
close in
1 enclose.
2 come nearer.
3 (of days) get successively shorter with the approach of the winter solstice. close out US discontinue, terminate, dispose of (a business).
close up
1 (often foll. by to) move closer.
2 shut, esp. temporarily.
3 block up.
4 (of an aperture) grow smaller.
5 coalesce. closing-time the time at which a public house, shop, etc., ends business.
closable adj. closer n.
ME f. OF clos- stem of clore f. L claudere shut



Autobahn, Spartan, US highway, abandonment, abbreviated, abort, about, about to be, abridged, abstruse, accented, accommodate, accost, accurate, adjacent, adjust, advance, agree, airless, airtight, alert, all but, alley, alleyway, almost, along toward, alongside, already in sight, alveolar, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, aposiopestic, approach, approaching, appropinquate, approximate, approximately, approximating, approximative, arcane, arena, arm-in-arm, around, arrange, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, articulated, as good as, assiduous, assimilated, at close quarters, at hand, attached, attentive, autistic, autoroute, autostrada, avaricious, avenue, back, bang, bar, barricade, barytone, bashful, batten, batten down, battle, bear down on, bear down upon, bear up, beclouded, belt highway, bilabial, blind, blind alley, block, block up, blockade, bolt, bonded, boulevard, box, brawl, breakoff, breathless, breezeless, brewing, brief, bristling, broad, broil, brusque, buddy-buddy, buried, burning, button, button up, bypass, byway, cabalistic, cacuminal, camino real, careful, carriageway, causeway, causey, cease, ceasing, cemented, censored, center, central, centralize, cerebral, cessation, chaussee, cheap, checked, cheek-by-jowl, chock, choke, choke off, cincture, circumferential, circumscribed, clap, clash, classified, climax, clinch, clipped, clos, close, close about, close at hand, close by, close down, close in, close off, close tight, close up, close with, close-fitting, close-knit, close-lipped, close-textured, close-tongued, close-woven, closed, closefisted, closely, closemouthed, closing, clouded, collide, combat, come, come closer, come forward, come near, come on, come to blows, come together, come up, coming, compact, compacted, compactly, comparable, compass, compass about, compendious, complete, completing, completion, compose, compressed, concealed, concenter, concentralize, concentrate, concentrated, concise, conclude, conclusion, concrete, condensed, confidential, confine, confined, confining, confront, congested, connect, conscientious, consolidated, consonant, consonantal, constant, constrict, constricted, contain, container, contend, contest, continuant, contract, contracted, converge, coop, corduroy road, correct, county road, court, courtyard, cover, covered, covert, crammed, crammed full, cramp, cramped, crawling, crescent, crisp, critical, croft, crowd, crowded, cryptic, cul-de-sac, culmination, curt, curtilage, cut, cut and thrust, dark, dead-end street, debar, decline, delicate, delimited field, demanding, dense, densely, dental, desinence, desistance, detailed, determine, devoted, dike, direct, dirt road, discontinuance, discontinuation, discontinue, discreet, disregard, dissimilated, dissociable, docked, dog, dorsal, draw near, draw nigh, drive, driveway, duel, dumb, dustproof, dusttight, eclipsed, economical of words, elliptic, embay, embosom, embrace, enclasp, enclave, enclose, enclosure, encompass, encounter, end, ending, enfold, enigmatic, envelop, environ, enwrap, epigrammatic, esoteric, establish, evasive, even, exact, exacting, exchange blows, exigent, express, expressway, exquisite, faithful, fall in with, familiar, fast, fast by, fasten, fastened, fence, feud, field, fight, fight a duel, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, finish, finish up, finishing, firm, firmly, fix, fixed, flat, fold, fold up, forthcoming, forty, freeway, front, full, full development, funnel, fussy, fusty, future, gain upon, gasproof, gastight, gathering, give and take, give satisfaction, glide, glossal, glottal, glued, gluey, gnomic, go around, go round, going to happen, grapple, grapple with, gravel road, ground, guarded, guttural, hand and glove, hand-in-hand, hard, hard by, hardfisted, heavily, heavy, hereabout, hereabouts, hermetic, hermetically sealed, hid, hidden, high, highroad, highway, highways and byways, homestretch, homologous, hot, humid, hush-hush, ignore, ill-ventilated, illiberal, immediate, imminent, impendent, impending, impenetrable, impermeable, in a cloud, in a fog, in danger imminent, in eclipse, in prospect, in purdah, in reserve, in spitting distance, in store, in the cards, in the neighborhood, in the offing, in the vicinity, in the wind, in the wings, in view, incapacious, incommodious, incommunicado, incompatible, indisposed to talk, inerrable, inerrant, infallible, inseparable, insociable, instant, intense, intent, intersect, interstate highway, intimate, intonated, invest, involve, isthmian, isthmic, jam, jam-packed, jammed, join, jostle, joust, just about, key, kill, kraal, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, laconic, lane, lap, lapse, last lap, last round, last stage, latch, latent, lateral, lax, light, lightproof, lighttight, like, limited, lingual, liquid, list, local road, lock, lock out, lock up, looming, lot, low, lowering, lurking, main drag, main road, make, make up, massive, mathematical, maturation, maturity, meager, mean, meet, menacing, meticulous, mews, micrometrically precise, microscopic, mid, mingy, minuscule, minute, miserly, mix it up, monophthongal, mopey, mopish, morose, motorway, much at one, much the same, muggy, mum, musty, mute, muted, mysterious, narrow, narrow the gap, nasal, nasalized, near, near at hand, near the mark, nearabout, nearabouts, nearby, nearing, nearish, nearly, nearly the same, nice, niggardly, nigh, nigh about, nighhand, nighish, nip, nongregarious, nonporous, not far, not far from, not quite, obfuscated, obscure, obscured, obstruct, obturate, occlude, occlusive, occult, oilproof, oiltight, on the horizon, only a step, open, oppressive, overhanging, overlook, oxytone, pack, packed, padlock, painstaking, palatal, palatalized, pale, paling, pally, palsy-walsy, parcel of land, park, parkway, parsimonious, particular, patch, pave, paved road, pen, penny-pinching, penurious, perfection, perorate, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pike, pinch, pinchfisted, pinching, pinpoint, pitch, pitched, pithy, place, plank road, plat, plot, plot of ground, plumb, pointed, populous, posttonic, practically, precise, precisianistic, precisionistic, preparing, pretty near, primary highway, private, private road, privy, propinque, proximal, proximate, pruned, punctilious, punctual, quad, quadrangle, quarrel, quasi, quiet, rainproof, raintight, rassle, real estate, recondite, refined, relatable, religious, religiously exact, relinquishment, renunciation, reserved, resolve, restricted, reticent, retroflex, right-of-way, rigid, rigorous, ring road, riot, ripeness, road, roadbed, roadway, round, round about, rounded, rounding off, rounding out, route nationale, row, royal road, run a tilt, run together, same but different, save-all, scant, scanty, scientific, scientifically exact, scramble, scrap, scratch, scrupulous, scrutinizing, scuffle, seal, seal off, seal up, sealed, searching, secluded, secluse, secondary road, secret, secretive, section, secure, self-contained, self-sufficient, semivowel, sententious, sequestered, serried, set, settle, settle with, severe, shifty, short, short and sweet, shortened, shut, shut down, shut fast, shut off, shut out, shut the door, shut tight, shut up, shut up shop, shutdown, side-by-side, sidle up to, sign, silent, similar, skirmish, slam, slender, smokeproof, smoketight, smothered, snap, snug, socially incompatible, soft, solid, solidly, sonant, spar, sparing of words, speechless, speedway, square, squeeze, squeeze shut, stale, state highway, staunch, step up, sticky, stifle, stifled, stifling, stingy, stop, stop up, stopped, stopping, stormproof, stormtight, straighten out, strait, strangle, strangulate, street, stressed, strict, strive, strong, struggle, stuck, stuffy, substantial, subtle, succinct, suffocate, suffocating, sullen, sultry, summary, superhighway, suppressed, surcease, surd, surround, suspend, swarming, switch off, syllabic, synopsized, taciturn, taped, taper, teeming, tense, terminate, termination, terminus, terrace, terse, that will be, theater, thereabout, thereabouts, thick, thick as thieves, thick-growing, thickly, thickset, thorough, thoroughfare, threatening, throaty, through street, thrust and parry, thruway, tight, tight-fisted, tight-lipped, tightfisted, tilt, tiny, to come, to the point, toft, toll road, tonal, tongue-tied, tonic, top secret, topping off, tourney, township road, tract, truncated, turn off, turnpike, tussle, twangy, ulterior, unaccented, unbreatheable, unclubbable, uncommunicative, uncompanionable, uncongenial, under an eclipse, under cover, under house arrest, under security, under wraps, underground, undeviating, undisclosable, undisclosed, undivulgable, undivulged, unerring, unfriendly, ungenerous, ungenial, unite, unknown, unloquacious, unrevealable, unrevealed, unrounded, unsociable, unsocial, unspoken, unstressed, untalkative, untellable, untold, unutterable, unvented, unventilated, unwhisperable, upcoming, velar, vicinal, viscid, viscose, viscous, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, wage war, waiting, war, warm, water-repellant, waterproof, watertight, weak, wedged, well-nigh, wide, wind up, windless, windproof, windtight, windup, within call, within earshot, within hearing, within reach, word-bound, wordless, work out, wrap, wrapped in clouds, wrestle, wynd, yard, zip up, zipper




N conciseness, brevity, the soul of wit, laconism, Tacitus, ellipsis, syncope, abridgment, compression, epitome, monostich, brunch word, portmanteau word, concise, brief, short, terse, close, to the point, exact, neat, compact, compressed, condensed, pointed, laconic, curt, pithy, trenchant, summary, pregnant, compendious, succinct, elliptical, epigrammatic, quaint, crisp, sententious, concisely, briefly, summarily, in brief, in short, in a word, in a few words, for shortness sake, to come to the point, to make a long story short, to cut the matter short, to be brief, it comes to this, the long and the short of it is, brevis esse laboro obscurus fio.


N similarity, resemblance, likeness, similitude, semblance, affinity, approximation, parallelism, agreement, analogy, analogicalness, correspondence, homoiousia, parity, connaturalness, connaturality, brotherhood, family likeness, alliteration, rhyme, pun, repetition, sameness, uniformity, isogamy, analogue, the like, match, pendant, fellow companion, pair, mate, twin, double, counterpart, brother, sister, one's second self, alter ego, chip of the old block, par nobile fratrum, Arcades ambo, birds of a feather, et hoc genus omne, gens de meme famille, parallel, simile, type, image, photograph, close resemblance, striking resemblance, speaking resemblance, faithful likeness, faithful resemblance, similar, resembling, like, alike, twin, analogous, analogical, parallel, of a piece, such as, so, homoiousian, connatural, congener, allied to, akin to, approximate, much the same, near, close, something like, sort of, in the ballpark, such like, a show of, mock, pseudo, simulating, representing, exact, lifelike, faithful, true to nature, true to life, the very image, the very picture of, for all the world like, comme deux gouttes d'eau, as like as two peas in a pod, as like as it can stare, instar omnium, cast in the same mold, ridiculously like, as if, so to speak, as it were, as if it were, quasi, just as, veluti in speculum, et sic de similibus, tel maitre tel valet, tel pere tel fils, like master, like servant, like father, like son, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, a chip off the old block.


N copy, facsimile, counterpart, effigies, effigy, form, likeness, image, picture, photo, xerox, similitude, semblance, ectype, photo offset, electrotype, imitation, model, representation, adumbration, study, portrait, resemblance, duplicate, reproduction, cast, tracing, reflex, reflexion, reflection, shadow, echo, transcript, transcription, recording, scan, chip off the old block, reprint, new printing, rechauffe, apograph, fair copy, parody, caricature, burlesque, travesty, travestie, paraphrase, derivative, derivation, modification, expansion, extension, revision, second edition, servile copy, servile imitation, plagiarism, counterfeit, fake, pasticcio, faithful, lifelike, close, conscientious, unoriginal, imitative, derivative.


N junction, joining, joinder, union connection, conjunction, conjugation, annexion, annexation, annexment, astriction, attachment, compagination, vincture, ligation, alligation, accouplement, marriage infibulation, inosculation, symphysis, anastomosis, confluence, communication, concatenation, meeting, reunion, assemblage, coition, copulation, sex, sexual congress, sexual conjunction, sexual intercourse, love-making, joint, joining, juncture, pivot, hinge, articulation, commissure, seam, gore, gusset, suture, stitch, link, miter mortise, closeness, tightness coherence, combination, annexationist, joined, joint, conjoint, conjunct, corporate, compact, hand in hand, firm, fast, close, tight, taut, taught, secure, set, intervolved, inseparable, indissoluble, insecable, severable, jointly, in conjunction with, fast, firmly intimately, tria juncta in uno.


N end, close, termination, desinence, conclusion, finis, finale, period, term, terminus, endpoint, last, omega, extreme, extremity, gable end, butt end, fag-end, tip, nib, point, tail, verge, tag, peroration, bonne bouche, bottom dollar, tail end, rear guard, consummation, denouement, finish, fate, doom, doomsday, crack of doom, day of Judgment, dies irae, fall of the curtain, goal, destination, limit, determination, expiration, expiry, extinction, extermination, death, end of all things, finality, eschatology, break up, commencement de la fin, last stage, turning point, coup de grace, deathblow, knock-out-blow, sockdolager, ending, final, terminal, definitive, crowning, last, ultimate, hindermost, rear, caudal, vergent, conterminate, conterminous, conterminable, ended, at an end, settled, decided, over, played out, set at rest, conclusive, penultimate, last but one, last but two, unbegun, uncommenced, fresh, finally, in fine, at the last, once for all, as high as Heaven and as deep as hell, deficit omne quod nascitur, en toute chose il faut considerer la fin, finem respice, ultimus Romanorum.

VB end, close, finish, terminate, conclude, be all over, expire, die, come-, draw-to-a-close, have run its course, run out, pass away, bring to an end, put an end to, make an end of, determine, get through, achieve, stop, shut up shop, hang up one's fiddle.


N completion, accomplishment, achievement, fulfillment, performance, execution, despatch, dispatch, consummation, culmination, finish, conclusion, close, terminus, winding up, finale, denouement, catastrophe, issue, upshot, result, final touch, last touch, crowning touch, finishing touch, finishing stroke, last finish, coup de grace, crowning of the edifice, coping-stone, keystone, missing link, superstructure, ne plus ultra, work done, fait accompli, elaboration, finality, completeness, completing, final, concluding, conclusive, crowning, exhaustive, done, completed, done for, sped, wrought out, highly wrought, thorough, ripe, completely, to crown all, out of hand, the race is run, actum est, finis coronat opus, consummatum est, c'en est fait, it is all over, the game is played out, the bubble has burst, aussitot dit aussitot fait, aut non tentaris aut perfice.


VB contract, covenant, agree for, engage, treat, negotiate, stipulate, make terms, bargain, make a bargain, strike a bargain, come to terms, come to an understanding, compromise, set at rest, close, close with, conclude, complete, settle, confirm, ratify, clench, subscribe, underwrite, endorse, indorse, put the seal to, sign, seal, indent, take one at one's word, bargain by inch of candle.


N parsimony, parcity, parsimoniousness, stinginess, stint, illiberality, tenacity, avarice, greed, miser, niggard, churl, screw, skinflint, crib, codger, muckworm, scrimp, lickpenny, hunks, curmudgeon, Harpagon, harpy, extortioner, Jew, usurer, Hessian, pinch fist, pinch penny, parsimonious, penurious, stingy, miserly, mean, shabby, peddling, scrubby, penny wise, near, niggardly, close, fast handed, close handed, strait handed, close fisted, hard fisted, tight fisted, tight, sparing, chary, grudging, griping, illiberal, ungenerous, churlish, hidebound, sordid, mercenary, venal, covetous, usurious, avaricious, greedy, extortionate, rapacious, with a sparing hand, desunt inopioe multa avaritiae omnia, hoards after hoards his rising raptures fill, the unsunn'd heaps of miser's treasures.


N region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle, reservation, pale, compartment, department, clearing, (property) &c 780 (Government), 1 arena, precincts, enceinte, walk, march, patch, plot, parcel, inclosure, close, field, court, enclave, reserve, preserve, street, clime, climate, zone, meridian, latitude, biosphere, lithosphere, territorial, local, parochial, provincial, regional.


N abode, dwelling, lodging, domicile, residence, apartment, place, digs, pad, address, habitation, where one's lot is cast, local habitation, berth, diggings, seat, lap, sojourn, housing, quarters, headquarters, resiance, tabernacle, throne, ark, home, fatherland, country, homestead, homestall, fireside, hearth, hearth stone, chimney corner, inglenook, ingle side, harem, seraglio, zenana, household gods, lares et penates, roof, household, housing, dulce domum, paternal domicile, native soil, native land, habitat, range, stamping ground, haunt, hangout, biosphere, environment, ecological niche, nest, nidus, snuggery, arbor, bower, lair, den, cave, hole, hiding place, cell, sanctum sanctorum, aerie, eyrie, eyry, rookery, hive, covert, resort, retreat, perch, roost, nidification, kala jagah, bivouac, camp, encampment, cantonment, castrametation, barrack, casemate, casern, tent, building, chamber, xenodochium, tenement, messuage, farm, farmhouse, grange, hacienda, toft, cot, cabin, hut, chalet, croft, shed, booth, stall, hovel, bothy, shanty, dugout, wigwam, pen, barn, bawn, kennel, sty, doghold, cote, coop, hutch, byre, cow house, cow shed, stable, dovecote, columbary, columbarium, shippen, igloo, iglu, jacal, lacustrine dwelling, lacuslake dwelling, lacuspile dwelling, log cabin, log house, shack, shebang, tepee, topek, house, mansion, place, villa, cottage, box, lodge, hermitage, rus in urbe, folly, rotunda, tower, chateau, castle, pavilion, hotel, court, manor-house, capital messuage, hall, palace, kiosk, bungalow, casa, country seat, apartment house, flat house, frame house, shingle house, tenement house, temple, hamlet, village, thorp, dorp, ham, kraal, borough, burgh, town, city, capital, metropolis, suburb, province, country, county town, county seat, courthouse, ghetto, street, place, terrace, parade, esplanade, alameda, board walk, embankment, road, row, lane, alley, court, quadrangle, quad, wynd, close, yard, passage, rents, buildings, mews, square, polygon, circus, crescent, mall, piazza, arcade, colonnade, peristyle, cloister, gardens, grove, residences, block of buildings, market place, place, plaza, anchorage, roadstead, roads, dock, basin, wharf, quay, port, harbor, quarter, parish, assembly room, meetinghouse, pump room, spa, watering place, inn, hostel, hostelry, hotel, tavern, caravansary, dak bungalow, khan, hospice, public house, pub, pot house, mug house, gin mill, gin palace, bar, bar room, barrel house, cabaret, chophouse, club, clubhouse, cookshop, dive, exchange, grill room, saloon, shebeen, coffee house, eating house, canteen, restaurant, buffet, cafe, estaminet, posada, almshouse, poorhouse, townhouse, garden, park, pleasure ground, plaisance, demesne, cage, terrarium, doghouse, pen, aviary, barn, stall, zoo, urban, metropolitan, suburban, provincial, rural, rustic, domestic, cosmopolitan, palatial, eigner Hert ist goldes Werth, even cities have their graves, ubi libertas ibi patria, home sweet home.


N nearness, proximity, propinquity, vicinity, vicinage, neighborhood, adjacency, contiguity, short distance, short step, short cut, earshot, close quarters, stone's throw, bow shot, gun shot, pistol shot, hair's breadth, span, purlieus, neighborhood, vicinage, environs, alentours, suburbs, confines, banlieue, borderland, whereabouts, bystander, neighbor, borderer, approach, convergence, perihelion, near, nigh, close at hand, near at hand, close, neighboring, bordering upon, contiguous, adjacent, adjoining, proximate, proximal, at hand, handy, near the mark, near run, home, intimate, near, nigh, hard by, fast by, close to, close upon, hard upon, at the point of, next door to, within reach, within call, within hearing, within earshot, within an ace of, but a step, not far from, at no great distance, on the verge of, on the brink of, on the skirts of, in the environs, at one's door, at one's feet, at one's elbow, at one's finger's end, at one's side, on the tip of one's tongue, under one's nose, within a stone's throw, in sight of, in presence of, at close quarters, cheek by jole, cheek by jowl, beside, alongside, side by side, tete-a-tete, in juxtaposition, yardarm to yardarm, at the heels of, on the confines of, at the threshold, bordering upon, verging to, in the way, about, hereabouts, thereabouts, roughly, in round numbers, approximately, approximatively, as good as, well-nigh.


N narrowness, thinness, narrowness, closeness, exility, exiguity, line, hair's breadth, finger's breadth, strip, streak, vein, monolayer, epitaxial deposition, thinness, tenuity, emaciation, macilency, marcor, shaving, slip, thread paper, skeleton, shadow, anatomy, spindleshanks, lantern jaws, mere skin and bone, middle constriction, stricture, neck, waist, isthmus, wasp, hourglass, ridge, ghaut, ghat, pass, ravine, narrowing, coarctation, angustation, tapering, contraction, narrow, close, slender, thin, fine, thread-like, finespun, gossamer, paper-thin, taper, slim, slight-made, scant, scanty, spare, delicate, incapacious, contracted, unexpanded &c (expand), slender as a thread, emaciated, lean, meager, gaunt, macilent, lank, lanky, weedy, skinny, scrawny slinky, starved, starveling, herring gutted, worn to a shadow, lean as a rake, thin as a lath, thin as a whipping post, thin as a wafer, hatchet-faced, lantern-jawed, attenuated, shriveled, extenuated, tabid, marcid, barebone, rawboned, monomolecular.


VB close, occlude, plug, block up, stop up, fill up, bung up, cork up, button up, stuff up, shut up, dam up, blockade, obstruct, bar, bolt, stop, seal, plumb, choke, throttle, ram down, dam, cram, trap, clinch, put to the door, shut the door.


N density, solidity, solidness, impenetrability, impermeability, incompressibility, imporosity, cohesion, constipation, consistence, spissitude, specific gravity, hydrometer, areometer, condensation, caseation, solidation, solidification, consolidation, concretion, coagulation, petrification, crystallization, precipitation, deposit, precipitate, inspissation, gelation, thickening, indivisibility, indiscerptibility, insolubility, indissolvableness, solid body, mass, block, knot, lump, concretion, concrete, conglomerate, cake, clot, stone, curd, coagulum, bone, gristle, cartilage, casein, crassamentum, legumin, superdense matter, condensed states of matter, dwarf star, neutron star, dense, solid, solidified, caseous, pukka, coherent, cohesive, compact, close, serried, thickset, substantial, massive, lumpish, impenetrable, impermeable, nonporous, imporous, incompressible, constipated, concrete, knotted, knotty, gnarled, crystalline, crystallizable, thick, grumous, stuffy, undissolved, unmelted, unliquefied, unthawed, indivisible, indiscerptible, infrangible, indissolvable, indissoluble, insoluble, infusible.


N heat, caloric, temperature, warmth, fervor, calidity, incalescence, incandescence, glow, flush, fever, hectic, phlogiston, fire, spark, scintillation, flash, flame, blaze, bonfire, firework, pyrotechnics, pyrotechny, wildfire, sheet of fire, lambent flame, devouring element, adiathermancy, recalescence, summer, dog days, canicular days, baking, heat, white heat, tropical heat, Afric heat, Bengal heat, summer heat, blood heat, sirocco, simoom, broiling sun, insolation, warming, sun, pyrology, thermology, thermotics, thermodynamics, thermometer, calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie, kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie, British Thermal Unit, B, T, U, therm, quad, degrees Kelvin, kelvins, degrees centigrade, degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, hot, warm, mild, genial, tepid, lukewarm, unfrozen, thermal, thermic, calorific, fervent, fervid, ardent, aglow, sunny, torrid, tropical, estival, canicular, steamy, close, sultry, stifling, stuffy, suffocating, oppressive, reeking, baking, red hot, white hot, smoking hot, burning, hot, piping hot, like a furnace, like an oven, burning, hot as fire, hot as pepper, hot enough to roast an ox, hot enough to boil an egg, fiery, incandescent, incalescent, candent, ebullient, glowing, smoking, live, on fire, dazzling, in flames, blazing, in a blaze, alight, afire, ablaze, unquenched, unextinguished, smoldering, in a heat, in a glow, in a fever, in a perspiration, in a sweat, sudorific, sweltering, sweltered, blood hot, blood warm, warm as a toast, warm as wool, volcanic, plutonic, igneous, isothermal, isothermic, isotheral, not a breath of air, whirlwinds of tempestuous fire.


N truth, fact, reality, plain fact, plain matter of fact, nature, truth, verity, gospel, gospel truth, God's honest truth, orthodoxy, authenticity, veracity, correctness, correctitude, accuracy, exactitude, exactness, preciseness, precision, delicacy, rigor, mathematical precision, punctuality, clockwork precision, conformity to rule, nicety, orthology, ipsissima verba, realism, plain truth, honest truth, sober truth, naked truth, unalloyed truth, unqualified truth, stern truth, exact truth, intrinsic truth, nuda veritas, the very thing, not an illusion, real Simon Pure, unvarnished tale, unvarnished truth, the truth the whole truth and nothing but the trut, just the thing, real, actual, veritable, true, right, correct, certain, substantially true, categorically true, definitively true, true to the letter, true as gospel, unimpeachable, veracious, unreconfuted, unconfuted, unideal, unimagined, realistic, exact, accurate, definite, precise, well-defined, just, just so, so, strict, severe, close, literal, rigid, rigorous, scrupulous, religiously exact, punctual, mathematical, scientific, faithful, constant, unerring, curious, particular, nice, delicate, fine, clean-cut, clear-cut, verified, empirically true, experimentally verified, substantiated, proven (demonstrated), rigorously true, unquestionably true, true by definition, genuine, authentic, legitimate, orthodox, official, ex officio, pure, natural, sound, sterling, unsophisticated, unadulterated, unvarnished, unalloyed, uncolored, in its true colors, pukka, well-grounded, well founded, solid, substantial, tangible, valid, undistorted, undisguised, unaffected, unexaggerated, unromantic, unflattering, truly, verily, indeed, really, in reality, with truth, certainly, actually, in effect, exactly, ad amussim, verbatim, verbatim et literatim, word for word, literally, literatim, totidem vervis, sic, to the letter, chapter and verse, ipsissimis verbis, ad unguem, to an inch, to a nicety, to a hair, to a tittle, to a turn, to a T, au pied de la lettre, neither more nor less, in every respect, in all respects, sous tous les rapports, at any rate, at all events, strictly speaking, the truth is, the fact is, rem acu tetigisti, en suivant la verite, ex facto jus oritur, la verita e figlia del empo, locos y ninos dicen la verdad, crazy people and children tell the truth, nihil est veritatis luce dulcius, veritas nunquam perit, veritatem dies aperit, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, just the facts, ma'am, just the facts.


N concealment, hiding, occultation, mystification, seal of secrecy, screen, disguise, masquerade, masked battery, hiding place, cryptography, steganography, freemasonry, stealth, stealthiness, sneakiness, obreption, slyness, latitancy, latitation, seclusion, privacy, secrecy, secretness, incognita, reticence, reserve, mental reserve, reservation, arriere pensee, suppression, evasion, white lie, misprision, silence, suppression of truth, underhand dealing, closeness, secretiveness, mystery, latency, snake in the grass, secret, stowaway, concealed, hidden, secret, recondite, mystic, cabalistic, occult, dark, cryptic, cryptical, private, privy, in petto, auricular, clandestine, close, inviolate, tortuous, behind a screen, undercover, under an eclipse, in ambush, in hiding, in disguise, in a cloud, in a fog, in a mist, in a haze, in a dark corner, in the shade, in the dark, clouded, wrapped in clouds, wrapt in clouds, invisible, buried, underground, perdu, secluded, undisclosed &c, untold, covert, untraceable, mysterious, irrevealable, inviolable, confidential, esoteric, not to be spoken of, unmentionable, obreptitious, furtive, stealthy, feline, skulking, surreptitious, underhand, hole and corner, sly, secretive, evasive, reserved, reticent, uncommunicative, buttoned up, close, close as wax, taciturn, secretly, in secret, in private, in one's sleeve, in holes and corners, in the dark, januis clausis, with closed doors, a huis clos, hugger mugger, a la derobee, under the cloak of, under the rose, under the table, sub rosa, en tapinois, in the background, aside, on the sly, with bated breath, sotto voce, in a whisper, without beat of drum, a la sourdine, behind the veil, beyond mortal ken, beyond the grave, beyond the veil, hid from mortal vision, into the eternal secret, into the realms supersensible, into the supreme mystery, in confidence, in strict confidence, in strictest confidence, confidentially, between ourselves, between you and me, between you and me and the bedpost, entre nous, inter nos, under the seal of secrecy, a couvert, underhand, by stealth, like a thief in the night, stealthily, behind the scenes, behind the curtain, behind one's back, behind a screen, incognito, in camera, it must go no further, it will go no further, don't tell a soul, tell it not in Gath, nobody the wiser, alitur vitium vivitque tegendo, let it be tenable in your silence still, background information, deep background information, deep background, background session, backgrounder, not for attribution, concealment, hiding, occultation, mystification, seal of secrecy, screen, disguise, masquerade, masked battery, hiding place, cryptography, steganography, freemasonry, stealth, stealthiness, sneakiness, obreption, slyness, latitancy, latitation, seclusion, privacy, secrecy, secretness, incognita, reticence, reserve, mental reserve, reservation, arriere pensee, suppression, evasion, white lie, misprision, silence, suppression of truth, underhand dealing, closeness, secretiveness, mystery, latency, snake in the grass, secret, stowaway, concealed, hidden, secret, recondite, mystic, cabalistic, occult, dark, cryptic, cryptical, private, privy, in petto, auricular, clandestine, close, inviolate, tortuous, behind a screen, undercover, under an eclipse, in ambush, in hiding, in disguise, in a cloud, in a fog, in a mist, in a haze, in a dark corner, in the shade, in the dark, clouded, wrapped in clouds, wrapt in clouds, invisible, buried, underground, perdu, secluded, undisclosed &c, untold, covert, untraceable, mysterious, irrevealable, inviolable, confidential, esoteric, not to be spoken of, unmentionable, obreptitious, furtive, stealthy, feline, skulking, surreptitious, underhand, hole and corner, sly, secretive, evasive, reserved, reticent, uncommunicative, buttoned up, close, close as wax, taciturn, secretly, in secret, in private, in one's sleeve, in holes and corners, in the dark, januis clausis, with closed doors, a huis clos, hugger mugger, a la derobee, under the cloak of, under the rose, under the table, sub rosa, en tapinois, in the background, aside, on the sly, with bated breath, sotto voce, in a whisper, without beat of drum, a la sourdine, behind the veil, beyond mortal ken, beyond the grave, beyond the veil, hid from mortal vision, into the eternal secret, into the realms supersensible, into the supreme mystery, in confidence, in strict confidence, in strictest confidence, confidentially, between ourselves, between you and me, between you and me and the bedpost, entre nous, inter nos, under the seal of secrecy, a couvert, underhand, by stealth, like a thief in the night, stealthily, behind the scenes, behind the curtain, behind one's back, behind a screen, incognito, in camera, it must go no further, it will go no further, don't tell a soul, tell it not in Gath, nobody the wiser, alitur vitium vivitque tegendo, let it be tenable in your silence still, background information, deep background information, deep background, background session, backgrounder, not for attribution.

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