Also see definition of "clear" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: C C- C. C2 Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
cleansing agent | cleanthes | cleanup | cleanup position | cleanup spot | clear | clear and present danger | clear away | clear liquid diet | clear off | clear out



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive), Adjective, Adverb
35 in 36 verses (in OT : 20 in 20 verses) (in NT : 15 in 16 verses)


cleara. [OE. cler, cleer, OF. cler, F. clair, fr.L. clarus, clear, bright, loud, distinct, renowned; perh. akin to L. clamare to call, E. claim. Cf. Chanticleer, Clairvoyant, Claret, Clarify.].
  •  Free from opaqueness; transparent; bright; light; luminous; unclouded.  [1913 Webster]
    "The stream is so transparent, pure, and clear."  [1913 Webster]
    "Fair as the moon, clear as the sun."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Free from ambiguity or indistinctness; lucid; perspicuous; plain; evident; manifest; indubitable.  [1913 Webster]
    "One truth is clear; whatever is, is right."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Able to perceive clearly; keen; acute; penetrating; discriminating; as, a clear intellect; a clear head.  [1913 Webster]
    "Mother of science! now I feel thy power
    Within me clear, not only to discern
    Things in their causes, but to trace the ways
    Of highest agents.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not clouded with passion; serene; cheerful.  [1913 Webster]
    "With a countenance as clear
    As friendship wears at feasts.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Easily or distinctly heard; audible; canorous.  [1913 Webster]
    "Hark! the numbers soft and clear
    Gently steal upon the ear.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Without mixture; entirely pure; as, clear sand.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Without defect or blemish, such as freckles or knots; as, a clear complexion; clear lumber.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Free from guilt or stain; unblemished.  [1913 Webster]
    "Statesman, yet friend to truth! in soul sincere,
    In action faithful, and in honor clear.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Without diminution; in full; net; as, clear profit.  [1913 Webster]
    "I often wished that I had clear,
    For life, six hundred pounds a-year.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Free from impediment or obstruction; unobstructed; as, a clear view; to keep clear of debt.  [1913 Webster]
    "My companion . . . left the way clear for him."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Free from embarrassment; detention, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "The cruel corporal whispered in my ear,
    Five pounds, if rightly tipped, would set me clear.
    "  [1913 Webster]
Clear breach. See under Breach, n., 4. -- Clear days (Law.), days reckoned from one day to another, excluding both the first and last day; as, from Sunday to Sunday there are six clear days. -- Clear stuff, boards, planks, etc., free from knots.
Syn. -- Manifest; pure; unmixed; pellucid; transparent; luminous; obvious; visible; plain; evident; apparent; distinct; perspicuous. See Manifest.
     Full extent; distance between extreme limits; especially; the distance between the nearest surfaces of two bodies, or the space between walls; as, a room ten feet square in the clear.  [1913 Webster]
  •  In a clear manner; plainly.  [1913 Webster]
    "Now clear I understand
    What oft . . . thoughts have searched in vain.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Without limitation; wholly; quite; entirely; as, to cut a piece clear off.  [1913 Webster]
clearv. t. 
  •  To render bright, transparent, or undimmed; to free from clouds.  [1913 Webster]
    "He sweeps the skies and clears the cloudy north."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To free from impurities; to clarify; to cleanse.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To free from obscurity or ambiguity; to relive of perplexity; to make perspicuous.  [1913 Webster]
    "Many knotty points there are
    Which all discuss, but few can clear.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To render more quick or acute, as the understanding; to make perspicacious.  [1913 Webster]
    "Our common prints would clear up their understandings."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To free from impediment or incumbrance, from defilement, or from anything injurious, useless, or offensive; as, to clear land of trees or brushwood, or from stones; to clear the sight or the voice; to clear one's self from debt; -- often used with of, off, away, or out.  [1913 Webster]
    "Clear your mind of cant."  [1913 Webster]
    "A statue lies hid in a block of marble; and the art of the statuary only clears away the superfluous matter."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To free from the imputation of guilt; to justify, vindicate, or acquit; -- often used with from before the thing imputed.  [1913 Webster]
    "I . . . am sure he will clear me from partiality."  [1913 Webster]
    "How! wouldst thou clear rebellion?"  [1913 Webster]
  •  To leap or pass by, or over, without touching or failure; as, to clear a hedge; to clear a reef.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To gain without deduction; to net.  [1913 Webster]
    "The profit which she cleared on the cargo."  [1913 Webster]
To clear a ship at the customhouse, to exhibit the documents required by law, give bonds, or perform other acts requisite, and procure a permission to sail, and such papers as the law requires. -- To clear a ship for action, or To clear for action (Naut.), to remove incumbrances from the decks, and prepare for an engagement. -- To clear the land (Naut.), to gain such a distance from shore as to have sea room, and be out of danger from the land. -- To clear hawse (Naut.), to disentangle the cables when twisted. -- To clear up, to explain; to dispel, as doubts, cares or fears.
clearv. i. 
  •  To become free from clouds or fog; to become fair; -- of the weather; -- often followed by up, off, or away.  [1913 Webster]
    "So foul a sky clears not without a storm."  [1913 Webster]
    "Advise him to stay till the weather clears up."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To become free from turbidity; -- of solutions or suspensions of liquids; as, the salt has not completely dissolved until the suspension clears up; when refrigerated, the juice may become cloudy, but when warmed to room temperature, it clears up again.  [PJC]
  •  To disengage one's self from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements; to become free.  [1913 Webster]
    "He that clears at once will relapse; for finding himself out of straits, he will revert to his customs; but he that cleareth by degrees induceth a habit of frugality."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To make exchanges of checks and bills, and settle balances, as is done in a clearing house.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To obtain a clearance; as, the steamer cleared for Liverpool to-day.  [1913 Webster]
To clear out, to go or run away; to depart. [Colloq.]


clear, adj., adv., & v.
1 free from dirt or contamination.
2 (of weather, the sky, etc.) not dull or cloudy.
3 a transparent. b lustrous, shining; free from obscurity.
4 (of soup) not containing solid ingredients.
5 (of a fire) burning with little smoke.
6 a distinct, easily perceived by the senses. b unambiguous, easily understood (make a thing clear; make oneself clear). c manifest; not confused or doubtful (clear evidence).
7 that discerns or is able to discern readily and accurately (clear thinking; clear-sighted).
8 (usu. foll. by about, on, or that + clause) confident, convinced, certain.
9 (of a conscience) free from guilt.
10 (of a road etc.) unobstructed, open.
11 a net, without deduction (a clear {pound}1000). b complete (three clear days).
12 (often foll. by of) free, unhampered; unencumbered by debt, commitments, etc.
13 (foll. by of) not obstructed by.
1 clearly (speak loud and clear).
2 completely (he got clear away).
3 apart, out of contact (keep clear; stand clear of the doors).
4 (foll. by to) US all the way.
1 tr. & intr. make or become clear.
2 a tr. (often foll. by of) free from prohibition or obstruction. b tr. & intr. make or become empty or unobstructed. c tr. free (land) for cultivation or building by cutting down trees etc. d tr. cause people to leave (a room etc.).
3 tr. (often foll. by of) show or declare (a person) to be innocent (cleared them of complicity).
4 tr. approve (a person) for special duty, access to information, etc.
5 tr. pass over or by safely or without touching, esp. by jumping.
6 tr. make (an amount of money) as a net gain or to balance expenses.
7 tr. pass (a cheque) through a clearing-house.
8 tr. pass through (a customs office etc.).
9 tr. remove (an obstruction, an unwanted object, etc.) (clear them out of the way).
10 tr. (also absol.) Football send (the ball) out of one's defensive zone.
11 intr. (often foll. by away, up) (of physical phenomena) disappear, gradually diminish (mist cleared by lunchtime; my cold has cleared up).
12 tr. (often foll. by off) discharge (a debt).

clear the air
1 make the air less sultry.
2 disperse an atmosphere of suspicion, tension, etc.
clear away
1 remove completely.
2 remove the remains of a meal from the table. clear-cut sharply defined. clear the decks prepare for action, esp. fighting. clear off 1 get rid of.
2 colloq. go away.
clear out
1 empty.
2 remove.
3 colloq. go away. clear one's throat cough slightly to make one's voice clear.
clear up
1 tidy up.
2 solve (a mystery etc.).
3 (of weather) become fine.
clear the way
1 remove obstacles.
2 stand aside. clear a thing with get approval or authorization for a thing from (a person). in clear not in cipher or code. in the clear free from suspicion or difficulty. out of a clear sky as a complete surprise.
clearable adj. clearer n. clearly adv. clearness n.
ME f. OF cler f. L clarus



Attic, Ciceronian, Mickey Mouse, above water, abroad, absolute, absolve, absolved, abstract, account for, accumulate, acquire, acquit, acute, admitting no exception, adrift, afield, afloat, afoot and lighthearted, all abroad, all clear, all straight, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-out, all-pervading, altogether, ameliorate, amnesty, amortize, angelic, apodictic, apparent, appreciable, apprehensible, articulate, assured, astray, at large, at liberty, audible, bald, balmy, bare, barren, beat it, become airborne, bell-like, bestraddle, bestride, better, blameless, bland, blank, bleached, blooming, blossoming, blow, blow out, bolt, booming, born, bounce, bound, break, break loose, break out, bright, brightly, broad-based, buck, buckjump, burn off, capitalize on, capriole, cash in on, cast off, cast out, casual, categorical, certain, characterless, chaste, childlike, chuck, clarified, clarify, clarion, classic, clean, clean out, clean up, clean-cut, cleanly, cleanse, clear, clear and distinct, clear as crystal, clear as day, clear away, clear of, clear off, clear out, clear the decks, clear the hurdle, clear up, clear-cut, cleared, clearly, close, cloudless, coherent, coin money, come along, come on, command, commercialize, complete, completely, comprehensible, comprehensive, conclusive, confident, congenital, connected, consistent, conspicuous, consummate, contrastive, contrive, convinced, crisp, cry sour grapes, crystal, crystal-clear, crystalline, curvet, cushy, cut away, cut down, cut loose, cut out, cut the mustard, decamp, decided, decisive, decontaminate, decrassify, deep-dyed, defecate, defined, definite, definitive, defray, deobstruct, depart, deplete, deport, depurate, destigmatize, detached, determinate, determined, devoid, diaphane, diaphanous, direct, disappear, disburden, discernible, discernibly, discerning, discharge, disclose, disclosed, disembarrass, disembarrassed, disembroil, disencumber, disengage, disengaged, disentangle, disinvolve, dislodge, dismiss, dispense from, dispose of, distill, distilled, distinct, distinctive, distinctly, do justice to, dominate, dovelike, downright, drain, dyed-in-the-wool, earn, easy, easy as pie, easygoing, edulcorate, effortless, effulgently, egregious, eject, elegant, elide, eliminate, elucidate, elute, emancipated, empty, empty out, engineer, entire, entirely, eradicate, essentialize, evacuate, evanesce, evaporate, evident, exact, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exempt from, exhaust, exhaustive, exile, exonerate, exonerated, expatriate, expel, explain, explicate, explicit, expose, exposed, express, extract, extricate, exuberant, facile, fade, fair, far afield, fat, faultless, featureless, filmy, filter, filtrate, final, fine, finished, fixed, flat, flat-out, floating, flourishing, flowering, fly aloft, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, forgive, forgiven, free, free and clear, free and easy, free as air, free of, free up, freeborn, freed, fresh, fruiting, fully, gain, gain by, gather, gauzy, get, get along, get by, get on, get out, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, give absolution, glaring, glean, glib, global, go off, go on, go-as-you-please, going strong, gossamer, gossamery, graceful, gracile, grant amnesty to, grant immunity, grant remission, graspable, gross, guileless, guiltless, hack it, halcyon, hearable, hi-fi, high-fidelity, hippety-hop, hollow, honor, hop, hurdle, illuminate, illustrate, implicit, improve, in focus, in full swing, in good case, in the clear, inane, inappealable, incontrovertible, incorrupt, indisputable, indubitable, ineluctable, inevitable, innocent, insipid, intelligible, intensive, jump, jump off, jump over, justify, keen, knowable, lamblike, leach, leap, leap over, leapfrog, leave, leave the ground, legible, let go, let off, liberate, liberated, lift, light, light-pervious, lightish, lightsome, limpid, liquidate, lixiviate, look down upon, loose, lose, loud and clear, lucent, lucid, luculent, luminous, luminously, lustrous, make, make a killing, make accounts square, make clear, make it, make money, make money by, make out, make plain, make the grade, manage, manage somehow, manifest, meliorate, milky, muddle through, naked, natural, neat, necessary, negotiate, net, nonopaque, nonpros, not guilty, nothing to it, noticeable, null, null and void, observable, obtain, obvious, offenseless, omnibus, omnipresent, on the loose, opalescent, open, open up, open-and-shut, openhanded, out of debt, out-and-out, outlaw, outright, outtop, over, overarch, overjump, overleap, overlook, overshadow, overskip, overt, overtop, painless, palmy, palpable, pardon, patefy, patent, pay, pay in full, pay off, pay the bill, pay the shot, pay up, peekaboo, pellucid, perceivable, perceptible, perceptibly, perceptive, percolate, peremptory, perfect, perfectly, perfectly sure, perspicacious, perspicuous, pervasive, pick out, pick up, piping, plain, plain as day, pleasant, plumb, polished, positive, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, precise, predestined, predetermined, prelapsarian, pristine, profit, prominent, prominently, pronounced, prospering, public, published, pure, purge, purified, purify, put in order, put over, put through, quash the charge, quit, quit of, quite, radiantly, radical, rainless, rationalize, readable, realize, realize on, recognizable, rectified, rectify, redeem, refine, refined, regular, rehabilitate, reinstate, release, released, relucent, remit, remove, repay, reproachless, restore, restrained, retire, reveal, revealing, rickety, rid, rid of, rise above, root out, root up, rosy, rotate, round, rule out, run off, sans reproche, satisfy, scot-free, scour out, scram, scrape along, screen, secure, see-through, seeable, self-evident, self-explaining, self-explanatory, sensible, sensitive, separate, serene, set free, set in order, settle, shake off, shaky, sharp, shed of, sheer, shining, shiny, shrive, shut of, sieve, sift, simple, simple as ABC, sink, sinless, ski jump, skip, sleek, smooth, soft, solve, solvent, sparkling, spiritualize, spring, square, square accounts, stabilize, staring, stark, starkly, start, start aside, start up, steeplechase, straight, straight-out, straightforward, strain, strike a balance, strike off, strike out, sublimate, sublime, succeed in, sunlit, sunny, sunshiny, sure, sure-enough, surmount, sweep out, sweeping, swing, swing the deal, take, take off, take up, tangible, tasteful, taxi, tear loose, terse, thin, thorough, thoroughgoing, thriving, through-and-through, throw off, throw over, throw overboard, tidy up, to be seen, top, total, totally, tower above, tower over, translucent, translucid, transparent, transpicuous, trim, true, try, turn a penny, turn to account, turn to profit, ubiquitous, unadulterated, unaffected, unalloyed, unambiguous, unanchored, unattached, unblemished, unblended, unblock, unblocked, unbound, unburden, unburdened, unburdensome, uncase, uncircumscribed, unclench, unclog, unclogged, unclosed, unclouded, unclutch, unclutter, uncombined, uncommitted, uncomplicated, uncompounded, unconditional, unconfused, uncork, uncorrupted, uncover, uncovered, uncurtain, undarkened, undefiled, understandable, understandably, undiluted, undisputed, undo, undone, undoubting, undrape, unembarrassed, unencumbered, unengaged, unequivocal, unfallen, unfastened, unfixed, unfold, unfortified, unfoul, unhampered, unhandicapped, unhesitating, unhidden, unhindered, unimpeded, unindebted, uninvolved, universal, univocal, unknot, unlabored, unladen, unlapsed, unlatch, unleavened, unlimited, unlock, unmingled, unmistakable, unmitigated, unmixed, unobscured, unobstructed, unowing, unplug, unprevented, unqualified, unquestionable, unquestioned, unquestioning, unravel, unrelieved, unreserved, unrestricted, unroll, unscarred, unscramble, unseal, unsheathe, unshut, unsnarl, unsophisticated, unstop, unstopped, unstuck, untangle, untie, untied, untinged, untouched by evil, untrammeled, untwine, unveil, unwaivable, unwavering, unwrap, updive, upleap, upspring, utter, utterly, vacant, vacuous, vault, vent, veritable, vigorous, vindicate, visible, vivid, void, warrant, weed out, well-defined, well-marked, well-pronounced, well-resolved, white, whitewash, whole, wholesale, wholly, wide, wide-open, win, winnow, with clean hands, with nothing inside, withdraw, withdraw the charge, without content, without exception, without reproach, without reserve, worry along




VB be clean, render clean, clean, cleanse, mundify, rinse, wring, flush, full, wipe, mop, sponge, scour, swab, scrub, brush up, wash, lave, launder, buck, absterge, deterge, decrassify, clear, purify, depurate, despumate, defecate, purge, expurgate, elutriate, lixiviate, edulcorate, clarify, refine, rack, filter, filtrate, drain, strain, disinfect, fumigate, ventilate, deodorize, whitewash, castrate, emasculate, sift, winnow, pick, weed, comb, rake, brush, sweep, rout out, clear out, sweep out, make a clean sweep of.


VB render simple, simplify, sift, winnow, bolt, eliminate, exclude, get rid of, clear, purify, disentangle.


VB be easy, go on smoothly, run smoothly, have full play, go on all fours, run on all fours, obey the helm, work well, flow with the stream, swim with the stream, drift with the stream, go with the stream, flow with the tide, drift with the tide, see one's way, have all one's own way, have the game in one's own hands, walk over the course, win at a canter, make light of, make nothing of, make no bones of, be at home in, make it look easy, do it with one's eyes closed, do it in one's sleep, render easy, facilitate, smooth, ease, popularize, lighten, lighten the labor, free, clear, disencumber, disembarrass, disentangle, disengage, deobstruct, unclog, extricate, unravel, untie the knot, cut the knot, disburden, unload, exonerate, emancipate, free from, deoppilate, humor, lubricate, relieve, leave a hole to creep out of, leave a loophole, leave the matter open, give the reins to, give full play, give full swing, make way for, open the door to, open the way, prepare the ground, smooth the ground, clear the ground, open the way, open the path, open the road, pave the way, bridge over, permit.


VB liberate, free, set free, set clear, set at liberty, render free, emancipate, release, enfranchise, affranchise, manumit, enlarge, disband, discharge, disenthrall, disenthral, dismiss, let go, let loose, loose, let out, let slip, cast adrift, turn adrift, deliver, absolve, unfetter &c, untie, loose, loosen, relax, unbolt, unbar, unclose, uncork, unclog, unhand, unbind, unchain, unharness, unleash, disengage, disentangle, clear, extricate, unloose, gain one's liberty, obtain one's liberty, acquire one's liberty, get rid of, get clear of, deliver oneself from, shake off the yoke, slip the collar, break loose, break prison, tear asunder one's bonds, cast off trammels, escape.


VB acquire, get, gain, win, earn, obtain, procure, gather, collect, pick, pickup, glean, find, come upon, pitch upon, light upon, scrape up, scrape together, get in, reap and carry, net, bag, sack, bring home, secure, derive, draw, get in the harvest, profit, make profit, draw profit, turn a quick profit, turn to profit, turn to account, make capital out of, make money by, obtain a return, reap the fruits of, reap an advantage, gain an advantage, turn a penny, turn an honest penny, make the pot boil, bring grist to the mill, make money, coin money, raise money, raise funds, raise the wind, fill one's pocket, treasure up, realize, clear, produce, take, get back, recover, regain, retrieve, revendicate, replevy, redeem, come by one's own, come by, come in for, receive, inherit, step into a fortune, step into the shoes of, succeed to, get hold of, get between one's finger and thumb, get into one's hand, get at, take possession, come into possession, enter into possession, be profitable, pay, answer, accrue.


VB pay, defray, make payment, paydown, pay on the nail, pay ready money, pay at sight, pay in advance, cash, honor a bill, acknowledge, redeem, pay in kind, pay one's way, pay one's shot, pay one's footing, pay the piper, pay sauce for all, pay costs, do the needful, shell out, fork out, cough up, fork over, come down with, come down with the dust, tickle the palm, grease the palm, expend, put down, lay down, discharge, settle, quit, acquit oneself of, foot the bill, account with, reckon with, settle with, be even with, be quits with, strike a balance, settle accounts with, balance accounts with, square accounts with, quit scores, wipe off old scores, clear off old scores, satisfy, pay in full, satisfy all demands, pay in full of all demands, clear, liquidate, pay up, pay old debts, disgorge, make repayment, repay, refund, reimburse, retribute, make compensation, pay by credit card, put it on the plastic.


VB acquit, exculpate, exonerate, clear, absolve, whitewash, assoil, discharge, release, liberate, reprieve, respite, pardon, let off, let off scot- free, drop the charges, plea bargain, strike a deal, no-cause (in civil suits), get no-caused.


N vindication, justification, warrant, exoneration, exculpation, acquittal, whitewashing, extenuation, palliation, palliative, softening, mitigation, reply, defense, recrimination, apology, gloss, varnish, plea, salvo, excuse, extenuating circumstances, allowance, allowance to be made, locus paenitentiae, apologist, vindicator, justifier, defendant, justifiable charge, true bill, v, justify, warrant, be an excuse for, lend a color, furnish a handle, vindicate, exculpate, disculpate, acquit, clear, set right, exonerate, whitewash, clear the skirts of, extenuate, palliate, excuse, soften, apologize, varnish, slur, gloze, put a gloss, put a good face upon, mince, gloss over, bolster up, help a lame dog over a stile, advocate, defend, plead one's cause, stand up for, stick up for, speak up for, contend for, speak for, bear out, keep in countenance, support, plead, say in defense, plead ignorance, confess and avoid, propugn, put in a good word for, take the will for the deed, make allowance for, give credit for, do justice to, give one his due, give the Devil his due, make good, prove the truth of, prove one's case, be justified by the event, vindicated, vindicating, exculpatory, apologetic, excusable, defensible, pardonable, venial, veniable, specious, plausible, justifiable, honi sot qui mal y pense, good wine needs no bush.


N innocence, guiltlessness, incorruption, impeccability, clean hands, clear conscience, mens sibi conscia recti, innocent, lamb, dove, innocent, not guilty, unguilty, guiltless, faultless, sinless, stainless, bloodless, spotless, clear, immaculate, rectus in curia, unspotted, unblemished, unerring, undefiled, unhardened, Saturnian, Arcadian, inculpable, unculpable, unblamed, unblamable, blameless, unfallen, inerrable, above suspicion, irreproachable, irreprovable, irreprehensible, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, unimpeachable, salvable, venial, harmless, inoffensive, innoxious, innocuous, dove-like, lamb-like, pure, harmless as doves, innocent as a lamb, innocent as the babe unborn, more sinned against than sinning, virtuous, unreproved, unimpeached, unreproached, innocently, with clean hands, with a clear conscience, with a safe conscience, murus aeneus conscientia sana.


N concord, accord, harmony, symphony, homologue, agreement, sympathy, empathy, response, union, unison, unity, bonds of harmony, peace, unanimity, league, happy family, rapprochement, reunion, amity, alliance, entente cordiale, good understanding, conciliation, peacemaker, intercessor, mediator, concordant, congenial, agreeing, in accord, harmonious, united, cemented, banded together, allied, friendly, fraternal, conciliatory, at one with, of one mind, at peace, in still water, tranquil, with one voice, in concert with, hand in hand, on one's side, commune periculum concordiam parit, melody concord, melody, rhythm, measure, rhyme, pitch, timbre, intonation, tone, scale, gamut, diapason, diatonic chromatic scale, enharmonic scale, key, clef, chords, modulation, temperament, syncope, syncopation, preparation, suspension, resolution, staff, stave, line, space, brace, bar, rest, appoggiato, appoggiatura, acciaccatura, note, musical note, notes of a scale, sharp, flat, natural, high note, low note, interval, semitone, second, third, fourth, diatessaron, breve, semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver, semiquaver, demisemiquaver, hemidemisemiquaver, sustained note, drone, burden, tonic, key note, leading note, fundamental note, supertonic, mediant, dominant, submediant, subdominant, octave, tetrachord, major key, minor key, major scale, minor scale, major mode, minor mode, passage, phrase, concord, harmony, emmeleia, unison, unisonance, chime, homophony, euphony, euphonism, tonality, consonance, consent, part, harmony, harmonics, thorough-bass, fundamental-bass, counterpoint, faburden, piece of music, composer, harmonist, contrapuntist (musician), harmonious, harmonical, in concord, in tune, in concert, unisonant, concentual, symphonizing, isotonic, homophonous, assonant, ariose, consonant, measured, rhythmical, diatonic, chromatic, enharmonic, melodious, musical, melic, tuneful, tunable, sweet, dulcet, canorous, mellow, mellifluous, soft, clear, clear as a bell, silvery, euphonious, euphonic, euphonical, symphonious, enchanting fine-toned, full-toned, silver-toned, harmoniously, in harmony, as one, the hidden soul of harmony.


N light, ray, beam, stream, gleam, streak, pencil, sunbeam, moonbeam, aurora, day, sunshine, light of day, light of heaven, moonlight, starlight, sunlight, daylight, broad daylight, noontide light, noontide, noonday, noonday sun, glow, glimmering, glint, play of light, flood of light, phosphorescence, lambent flame, flush, halo, glory, nimbus, aureola, spark, scintilla, facula, sparkling, emication, scintillation, flash, blaze, coruscation, fulguration, flame, lightning, levin, ignis fatuus, luster, sheen, shimmer, reflexion, reflection, gloss, tinsel, spangle, brightness, brilliancy, splendor, effulgence, refulgence, fulgor, fulgidity, dazzlement, resplendence, transplendency, luminousness, luminosity, lucidity, renitency, nitency, radiance, radiation, irradiation, illumination, actinic rays, actinism, Roentgen-ray, Xray, photography, heliography, photometer, optics, photology, photometry, dioptrics, catoptrics, chiaroscuro, clairobscur, clear obscure, breadth, light and shade, black and white, tonality, reflection, refraction, dispersion, refractivity, shining, luminous, luminiferous, lucid, lucent, luculent, lucific, luciferous, light, lightsome, bright, vivid, splendent, nitid, lustrous, shiny, beamy, scintillant, radiant, lambent, sheen, sheeny, glossy, burnished, glassy, sunny, orient, meridian, noonday, tide, cloudless, clear, unclouded, unobscured, gairish, garish, resplendent, transplendent, refulgent, effulgent, fulgid, fulgent, relucent, splendid, blazing, in a blaze, ablaze, rutilant, meteoric, phosphorescent, aglow, bright as silver, light as day, bright as day, light as noonday, bright as noonday, bright as the sun at noonday, actinic, photogenic, graphic, heliographic, heliophagous, a day for gods to stoop and men to soar, dark with excessive bright.


N transparence, transparency, clarity, translucence, translucency, diaphaneity, lucidity, pellucidity, limpidity, fluorescence, transillumination, translumination, transparent medium, glass, crystal, lymph, vitrite, water, transparent, pellucid, lucid, diaphanous, translucent, tralucent, relucent, limpid, clear, serene, crystalline, clear as crystal, vitreous, transpicuous, glassy, hyaline, hyaloid, vitreform.


N visibility, perceptibility, conspicuousness, distinctness, conspicuity, conspicuousness, appearance, bassetting, exposure, manifestation, ocular proof, ocular evidence, ocular demonstration, field of view, periscopism, visible, perceptible, perceivable, discernible, apparent, in view, in full view, in sight, exposed to view, en vidence, unclouded, unobscured, in the foreground, obvious, plain, clear, distinct, definite, well defined, well marked, in focus, recognizable, palpable, autoptical, glaring, staring, conspicuous, stereoscopic, in bold, in strong relief, periscopic, panoramic, before one's eyes, under one's eyes, before one, +a vue d'oeil, in one's eye, oculis subjecta fidelibus, visibly, in sight of, before one's eyes, veluti in speculum.


N certainty, necessity, certitude, surety, assurance, dead certainty, moral certainty, infallibleness, infallibility, reliability, indubitableness, inevitableness, unquestionableness, gospel, scripture, church, pope, court of final appeal, res judicata, ultimatum positiveness, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatizer, doctrinaire, bigot, opinionist, Sir Oracle, ipse dixit, fact, positive fact, matter of fact, fait accompli, certain, sure, assured, solid, well-founded, unqualified, absolute, positive, determinate, definite, clear, unequivocal, categorical, unmistakable, decisive, decided, ascertained, inevitable, unavoidable, avoidless, ineluctable, unerring, infallible, unchangeable, to be depended on, trustworthy, reliable, bound, unimpeachable, undeniable, unquestionable, indisputable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, conclusive, without power of appeal, indubious, without doubt, beyond a doubt, without a shade or shadow of doubt, without question, beyond question, past dispute, clear as day, beyond all question, beyond all dispute, undoubted, uncontested, unquestioned, undisputed, questionless, doubtless, authoritative, authentic, official, sure as fate, sure as death and taxes, sure as a gun, evident, self-evident, axiomatic, clear, clear as day, clear as the sun at noonday, certainly, for certain, certes, sure, no doubt, doubtless, and no mistake, flagrante delicto, sure enough, to be sure, of course, as a matter of course, a coup sur, to a certainty, in truth, at any rate, at all events, without fail, coute que coute, coute qu'il coute, whatever may happen, if the worst come to the worst, come what may, happen what may, come what will, sink or swim, rain or shine, cela va sans dire, there is no question, no question, not a shadow of doubt, there is not a shadow of doubt, the die is cast, facts are stubborn things, certainty, necessity, certitude, surety, assurance, dead certainty, moral certainty, infallibleness, infallibility, reliability, indubitableness, inevitableness, unquestionableness, gospel, scripture, church, pope, court of final appeal, res judicata, ultimatum positiveness, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatizer, doctrinaire, bigot, opinionist, Sir Oracle, ipse dixit, fact, positive fact, matter of fact, fait accompli, certain, sure, assured, solid, well-founded, unqualified, absolute, positive, determinate, definite, clear, unequivocal, categorical, unmistakable, decisive, decided, ascertained, inevitable, unavoidable, avoidless, ineluctable, unerring, infallible, unchangeable, to be depended on, trustworthy, reliable, bound, unimpeachable, undeniable, unquestionable, indisputable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, conclusive, without power of appeal, indubious, without doubt, beyond a doubt, without a shade or shadow of doubt, without question, beyond question, past dispute, clear as day, beyond all question, beyond all dispute, undoubted, uncontested, unquestioned, undisputed, questionless, doubtless, authoritative, authentic, official, sure as fate, sure as death and taxes, sure as a gun, evident, self-evident, axiomatic, clear, clear as day, clear as the sun at noonday, certainly, for certain, certes, sure, no doubt, doubtless, and no mistake, flagrante delicto, sure enough, to be sure, of course, as a matter of course, a coup sur, to a certainty, in truth, at any rate, at all events, without fail, coute que coute, coute qu'il coute, whatever may happen, if the worst come to the worst, come what may, happen what may, come what will, sink or swim, rain or shine, cela va sans dire, there is no question, no question, not a shadow of doubt, there is not a shadow of doubt, the die is cast, facts are stubborn things.


N intelligibility, clearness, explicitness, lucidity, comprehensibility, perspicuity, legibility, plain speaking, precision, phonanta synetoisy, a word to the wise, intelligible, clear, clear as day, clear as noonday, lucid, perspicuous, transpicuous, luminous, transparent, easily understood, easy to understand, for the million, intelligible to the meanest capacity, popularized, plain, distinct, explicit, positive, definite, graphic, expressive, illustrative, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable, unconfused, legible, recognizable, obvious, in plain terms, in plain words, in plain English, he that runs may read.


N manifestation, plainness, plain speaking, expression, showing, exposition, demonstration, exhibition, production, display, show, showing off, premonstration, exhibit, indication, publicity, disclosure, openness panchement, evidence, manifest, apparent, salient, striking, demonstrative, prominent, in the foreground, notable, pronounced, flagrant, notorious, arrant, stark staring, unshaded, glaring, defined, definite, distinct, conspicuous, obvious, evident, unmistakable, indubitable, not to be mistaken, palpable, self-evident, autoptical, intelligible, plain, clear, clear as day, clear as daylight, clear as noonday, plain as a pike staff, plain as the sun at noon-day, plain as the nose on one's face, plain as the way to parish church, explicit, overt, patent, express, ostensible, open, open as day, naked, bare, literal, downright, undisguised, exoteric, unreserved, frank, plain-spoken, candid (veracious), barefaced, manifested, disclosed, capable of being shown, producible, inconcealable, unconcealable, no secret, manifestly, openly, before one's eyes, under one's nose, to one's face, face to face, above board, cartes sur table, on the stage, in open court, in the open streets, in market overt, in the face of day, face of heaven, in broad daylight, in open daylight, without reserve, at first blush, prima facie, on the face of, in set terms, cela saute aux yeux, he that runs may read, you can see it with half an eye, it needs no ghost to tell us, the meaning lies on the surface, cela va sans dire, res ipsa loquitur, clothing the palpable and familiar, fari quae sentiat, volto sciolto i pensieri stretti, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the.

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