Also see definition of "bud" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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buckyball | bucolic | bucolical | bucranium | bucuresti | bud | bud brush | bud sagebrush | budapest | buddha | buddhism



Noun, Verb (usu participle)
10 in 6 verses (in OT : 10 in 6 verses)


budn. [OE. budde; cf. D. bot, G. butze, butz, the core of a fruit, bud, LG. butte in hagebutte, hainbutte, a hip of the dog-rose, or OF. boton, F. bouton, bud, button, OF. boter to bud, push; all akin to E. beat. See Button.].
  •  A small protuberance on the stem or branches of a plant, containing the rudiments of future leaves, flowers, or stems; an undeveloped branch or flower.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A small protuberance on certain low forms of animals and vegetables which develops into a new organism, either free or attached. See Hydra.  [1913 Webster]
Bud moth (Zoöl.), a lepidopterous insect of several species, which destroys the buds of fruit trees; esp. Tmetocera ocellana and Eccopsis malana on the apple tree.
budv. i. 
  •  To put forth or produce buds, as a plant; to grow, as a bud does, into a flower or shoot.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner of a bud, as a horn.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To be like a bud in respect to youth and freshness, or growth and promise; as, a budding virgin.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To sprout; germinate; blossom.
budv. t. 
     To graft, as a plant with another or into another, by inserting a bud from the one into an opening in the bark of the other, in order to raise, upon the budded stock, fruit different from that which it would naturally bear.  [1913 Webster]
    "The apricot and the nectarine may be, and usually are, budded upon the peach; the plum and the peach are budded on each other."  [1913 Webster]


bud, n. & v.
1 a an immature knoblike shoot from which a stem, leaf, or flower develops. b a flower or leaf that is not fully open.
2 Biol. an asexual outgrowth from a parent organism that separates to form a new individual.
3 anything still undeveloped.
--v. (budded, budding)
1 intr. Bot. & Zool. form a bud.
2 intr. begin to grow or develop (a budding cricketer).
3 tr. Hort. graft a bud (of a plant) on to another plant.

in bud having newly formed buds.
bud, n. US colloq. (as a form of address) = BUDDY.




Anlage, acrospire, aunt, auntie, blood brother, boy, brethren, brother, bub, bubba, buck, buddy, burgeon, burst forth, chick, chickabiddy, colt, country cousin, cousin, cousin once removed, cousin twice removed, cub, daughter, egg, embryo, engraft, father, fellow, first cousin, fledgling, flourish, flower bud, foster brother, frater, gemma, gemmate, gemmula, gemmule, germ, germen, germinate, graft, grandnephew, grandniece, granduncle, great-aunt, great-uncle, grow, grow rank, half brother, hobbledehoy, imp, implant, inarch, juvenile, kid, kid brother, lad, laddie, leaf, leaf bud, leaf out, leave, loins, luxuriate, manchild, master, moppet, mother, muchacho, nephew, niece, nipper, nucleus, nuncle, nunks, nunky, overgrow, overrun, ovum, plumule, pullulate, pup, puppy, put forth, put forth leaves, put out buds, riot, root, rudiment, schoolboy, second cousin, seed, shoot, shoot up, sis, sissy, sister, sister-german, sistern, son, sonny, sonny boy, spark, spermatozoon, sprout, sprout up, stepbrother, stepsister, strike root, take root, unc, uncle, uncs, upspear, upsprout, uterine brother, vegetate, whelp, young man, youngling, youngster, youth




N beginning, commencement, opening, outset, incipience, inception, inchoation, introduction, alpha, initial, inauguration, debut, le premier pas, embarcation, rising of the curtain, maiden speech, outbreak, onset, brunt, initiative, move, first move, narrow end of the wedge, thin end of the wedge, fresh start, new departure, origin, source, rise, bud, germ, egg, rudiment, genesis, primogenesis, birth, nativity, cradle, infancy, start, inception, creation, starting point, dawn, evolution, title-page, head, heading, van, caption, fatihah, entrance, entry, inlet, orifice, mouth, chops, lips, porch, portal, portico, propylon, door, gate, gateway, postern, wicket, threshold, vestibule, propylaeum, skirts, border, first stage, first blush, first glance, first impression, first sight, rudiments, elements, outlines, grammar, alphabet, ABC, beginning, initial, initiatory, initiative, inceptive, introductory, incipient, proemial, inaugural, inchoate, inchoative, embryonic, rudimental, primogenial, primeval, primitive, primordial, aboriginal, natal, nascent, first, foremost, leading, maiden, begun, just begun, at the beginning, in the beginning first, in the first place, imprimis, first and foremost, in limine, in the bud, in embryo, in its infancy, from the beginning, from its birth, ab initio, ab ovo, ab incunabilis, ab origine, let's get going!, let's get this show on the road!, up and at 'em!, aller Anfang ist schwer, dimidium facti qui coepit habet, omnium rerum principia parva sunt.


N cause, origin, source, principle, element, occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile, vera causa, author, mainspring, agent, leaven, groundwork, foundation, spring, fountain, well, font, fountainhead, spring head, wellhead, fons et origo, genesis, descent, remote cause, influence, pivot, hinge, turning point, lever, crux, fulcrum, key, proximate cause, causa causans, straw that breaks the camel's back, ground, reason, reason why, why and wherefore, rationale, occasion, derivation, final cause, les dessous des cartes, undercurrents, rudiment, egg, germ, embryo, bud, root, radix radical, etymon, nucleus, seed, stem, stock, stirps, trunk, tap-root, gemmule, radicle, semen, sperm, nest, cradle, nursery, womb, nidus, birthplace, hotbed, causality, causation, origination, production, caused, causal, original, primary, primitive, primordial, aboriginal, protogenal, radical, embryonic, embryotic, in embryo, in ovo, seminal, germinal, at the bottom of, connate, having a common origin, because, behind the scenes, causa latet vis est notissima, felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.


N effect, consequence, aftergrowth, aftercome, derivative, derivation, result, resultant, resultance, upshot, issue, denouement, end, development, outgrowth, fruit, crop, harvest, product, bud, production, produce, work, handiwork, fabric, performance, creature, creation, offspring, offshoot, firstfruits, firstlings, heredity, telegony, premices premises, owing to, resulting from, derivable from, due to, caused by, dependent upon, derived from, evolved from, derivative, hereditary, telegonous, of course, it follows that, naturally, consequently, as a consequence, in consequence, through, all along of, necessarily, eventually, cela va sans dire, thereby hangs a tale.


VB become larger &c (large), expand, widen, enlarge, extend, grow, increase, incrassate, swell, gather, fill out, deploy, take open order, dilate, stretch, distend, spread, mantle, wax, grow up, spring up, bud, bourgeon, shoot, sprout, germinate, put forth, vegetate, pullulate, open, burst forth, gain flesh, gather flesh, outgrow, spread like wildfire, overrun, be larger than, surpass, render larger &c (large), expand, spread, extend, aggrandize, distend, develop, amplify, spread out, widen, magnify, rarefy, inflate, puff, blow up, stuff, pad, cram, exaggerate, fatten.


VB insert, introduce, intromit, put into, run into, import, inject, interject, infuse, instill, inoculate, impregnate, imbue, imbrue, graft, ingraft, bud, plant, implant, dovetail, obtrude, thrust in, stick in, ram in, stuff in, tuck in, press, in, drive in, pop in, whip in, drop in, put in, impact, empierce, imbed, immerse, immerge, merge, bathe, soak, dip, plunge, bury, insert itself, lodge itself, plunge in medias res.

Also see definition of "bud" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "bud" in Webster Dictionary Online

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