Also see definition of "bound" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: B B- B. Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw By
bouncing bet | bouncing betty | bouncing putty | bouncingly | bouncy | bound | bound form | bound morpheme | bound off | bound up | boundary

bound (root: bind)


Adjective, Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)
45 in 43 verses (in OT : 23 in 23 verses) (in NT : 22 in 20 verses)


boundn. [OE. bounde, bunne, OF. bonne, bonde, bodne, F. borne, fr. LL. bodina, bodena, bonna; prob. of Celtic origin; cf. Arm. bonn boundary, limit, and boden, bod, a tuft or cluster of trees, by which a boundary or limit could be marked. Cf. Bourne.].
     The external or limiting line, either real or imaginary, of any object or space; that which limits or restrains, or within which something is limited or restrained; limit; confine; extent; boundary.  [1913 Webster]
    "He hath compassed the waters with bounds."  [1913 Webster]
    "On earth's remotest bounds."  [1913 Webster]
    "And mete the bounds of hate and love."  [1913 Webster]
To keep within bounds, not to exceed or pass beyond assigned limits; to act with propriety or discretion.
Syn. -- See Boundary.
boundv. t. 
  •  To limit; to terminate; to fix the furthest point of extension of; -- said of natural or of moral objects; to lie along, or form, a boundary of; to inclose; to circumscribe; to restrain; to confine.  [1913 Webster]
    "Where full measure only bounds excess."  [1913 Webster]
    "Phlegethon . . .
    Whose fiery flood the burning empire bounds.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To name the boundaries of; as, to bound France.  [1913 Webster]
boundv. i. [F. bondir to leap, OF. bondir, bundir, to leap, resound, fr. L. bombitare to buzz, hum, fr. bombus a humming, buzzing. See Bomb.].
  •  To move with a sudden spring or leap, or with a succession of springs or leaps; as the beast bounded from his den; the herd bounded across the plain.  [1913 Webster]
    "Before his lord the ready spaniel bounds."  [1913 Webster]
    "And the waves bound beneath me as a steed
    That knows his rider.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To rebound, as an elastic ball.  [1913 Webster]
boundv. t. 
  •  To make to bound or leap; as, to bound a horse.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To cause to rebound; to throw so that it will rebound; as, to bound a ball on the floor.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A leap; an elastic spring; a jump.  [1913 Webster]
    "A bound of graceful hardihood."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Rebound; as, the bound of a ball.  Johnson.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Spring from one foot to the other.  [1913 Webster]
boundimp. & p. p. 
     imp. & p. p. of Bind.  [1913 Webster]
boundp. p. & a. 
  •  Restrained by a hand, rope, chain, fetters, or the like.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Inclosed in a binding or cover; as, a bound volume.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Under legal or moral restraint or obligation.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Constrained or compelled; destined; certain; -- followed by the infinitive; as, he is bound to succeed; he is bound to fail.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Resolved; as, I am bound to do it.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Constipated; costive.  [1913 Webster]
    " Used also in composition; as, icebound, windbound, hidebound, etc."  [1913 Webster]
Bound bailiff (Eng. Law), a sheriff's officer who serves writs, makes arrests, etc. The sheriff being answerable for the bailiff's misdemeanors, the bailiff is usually under bond for the faithful discharge of his trust. -- Bound up in, entirely devoted to; inseparable from.
bounda. [Past p. of OE. bounen to prepare, fr. boun ready, prepared, fr. Icel. b, p. p. of b to dwell, prepare; akin to E. boor and bower. See Bond, a., and cf. Busk, v.].
     Ready or intending to go; on the way toward; going; -- with to or for, or with an adverb of motion; as, a ship is bound to Cadiz, or for Cadiz.  Cowper.  [1913 Webster]


bound, v. & n.
1 a spring, leap (bounded out of bed). b walk or run with leaping strides.
2 (of a ball etc.) recoil from a wall or the ground; bounce.
1 a springy movement upwards or outwards; a leap.
2 a bounce.

by leaps and bounds see LEAP.
bound, n. & v.
--n. (usu. in pl.)
1 a limitation; a restriction (beyond the bounds of possibility).
2 a border of a territory; a boundary.
1 (esp. in passive; foll. by by) set bounds to; limit (views bounded by prejudice).
2 be the boundary of.

out of bounds
1 outside the part of a school etc. in which one is allowed to be.
2 beyond what is acceptable; forbidden.
bound, adj.
1 (usu. foll. by for) ready to start or having started (bound for stardom).
2 (in comb.) moving in a specified direction (northbound; outward bound).

bound, past and past part. of BIND.

bound to certain to (he's bound to come).



Highland fling, absolute, adjoin, affianced, affiliate, affiliated, allied, and jump, apodictic, apprenticed, articled, assembled, associate, associated, assured, backfire, backlash, backlashing, banded together, barred, befringe, beholden, beholden to, beleaguer, beleaguered, beset, besiege, besieged, betrothed, bind, blockade, blockaded, blocked, booked, boomerang, border, border line, borders, bounce, bounce back, bound and determined, bound back, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bounded, bounden, bounden to, bounds, bourn, box in, bracketed, break boundary, breakoff point, broad jump, buck, buckjump, cabined, cage, caged, cannon, cannon off, canter, caper, capriole, carom, ceiling, certain, chamber, choked, choked up, circle in, circumscribe, circumscription, clear, clear and distinct, clear as day, clogged, clogged up, cloistered, close in, closed-in, collateral, collected, committed, compass, compelled, compromised, conclusive, condition, conditioned, confine, confined, confines, congested, conjoined, conjugate, connected, constipated, constrained, contain, contracted, contrecoup, coop, coop in, coop up, cooped, copulate, copyright, copyrighted, cordon, cordon off, cordoned, cordoned off, corral, corralled, correlated, costive, coupled, cramped, cribbed, curvet, cutoff, cutoff point, deadline, decided, decisive, dedicated, define, definite, delimit, delimitate, delimitation, demarcate, demivolt, destined, determinant, determinate, determine, determined, devoted, directed, discipline, disciplined, divide, division line, doomed, draw the line, duty-bound, earnest, edge, encircle, enclose, enclosed, encompass, end, enframe, engaged, enshrine, enslaved, extent, extremity, fast, fastened, fated, fence in, fenced, fettered, finish, finite, fix, fixed, floor, fly back, flying jump, forced, foul, fouled, fox-trot, frame, fringe, frolic, frontier, full, galliard, gallop, gambol, gathered, gelandesprung, get, git, grand jete, guaranteed, hampered, hand-in-glove, hand-in-hand, handcuffed, handspring, have repercussions, headed, hedge, hedge about, hedge in, hedged, hem, hem in, hemmed, high jump, high-water mark, hightail, hippety-hop, hop, hop along, hotfoot, house in, hurdle, immured, implicated, impound, imprison, imprisoned, in bonds, in chains, in duty bound, in irons, incarcerate, incarcerated, include, incorporated, indebted to, indentured, ineluctable, inevitable, infarcted, integrated, intended, interface, interlinked, interlocked, interrelated, intimate, involved, ironbound, jail, jailed, jammed, jete, jig, joined, jump, jump over, jump shot, jump turn, jump-hop, jump-off, kennel, kick, kick back, kickback, knotted, lap, lash back, lavolta, lay off, leagued, leaguer, leaguered, leap, leap over, leapfrog, likely, limen, limit, limitation, limited, limiting factor, limits, line, line of demarcation, linked, list, long jump, lop, lope, low-water mark, lower limit, make tracks, manacled, march, marge, margin, marginate, mark, mark boundaries, mark off, mark out, mark the periphery, matched, mated, measure, merged, mete, mew, mew up, mewed, moderate, moderated, morris, narrow, necessary, negotiate, obligate, obligated, obliged, obliged to, obstinate, obstipated, obstructed, of that ilk, of that kind, overjump, overleap, overskip, packed, paired, paled, parallel, patent, patented, pen, pen in, penned, pent-up, perfectly sure, persevering, persistent, pledged, plighted, plugged, plugged up, pocket, pole vault, positive, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, precincts, predestined, predetermined, prescribed, promised, proscribed, purfle, purl, purlieus, purposeful, qualified, qualify, quarantine, quarantined, rail in, railed, rebound, rebuff, recalcitrate, recalcitration, recoil, register, related, relentless, repercuss, repercussion, repulse, required, resile, resilience, resolute, resolved, restrain, restrained, restrict, restricted, ricochet, rim, romp, rope off, run, running broad jump, running high jump, saddled, saut de basque, scant, scheduled, secured, separate, serious, set off, set the limit, shackled, shrine, shut in, shut up, shut-in, side, sincere, single-minded, ski jump, skip, skirt, snap back, specialize, specify, spliced, spring, spring back, sprint, stable, stake out, start, start aside, start up, starting line, starting point, steeplechase, step, step along, step lively, stint, stopped, stopped up, strait, straiten, straitened, strapped, stuffed, stuffed up, sure, sure-enough, surround, sworn, target date, tenacious, term, terminal date, terminus, tethered, threshold, tied, tied down, tied up, time allotment, tour jete, trammeled, trim, trip, trot, true, twinned, unambiguous, under obligation, underwritten, undivided, unequivocal, united, univocal, unmistakable, updive, upleap, upper limit, upspring, vault, verge, wall in, walled, walled-in, warranted, wed, wedded, wholehearted, wrap, yard, yard up, yoked




N promise, undertaking, word, troth, plight, pledge, parole, word of honor, vow, oath, profession, assurance, warranty, guarantee, insurance, obligation, contract, stipulation, engagement, preengagement, affiance, betroth, betrothal, betrothment, promising, promissory, votive, under hand and seal, upon oath, promised, affianced, pledged, bound, committed, compromised, in for it, as one's head shall answer for, in for a penny in for a pound, ex voto, gage d'amour.


VB circumscribe, limit, bound, confine, inclose, surround, compass about, imprison, hedge in, wall in, rail in, fence round, fence in, hedge round, picket, corral, enfold, bury, encase, incase, pack up, enshrine, inclasp, wrap up, embay, embosom, containment (inclusion).


N duty, what ought to be done, moral obligation, accountableness, liability, onus, responsibility, bounden duty, imperative duty, call, call of duty, accountability, allegiance, fealty, tie engagement, part, function, calling, morality, morals, decalogue, case of conscience, conscientiousness, conscience, inward monitor, still small voice within, sense of duty, tender conscience, superego, the hell within, dueness, propriety, fitness, seemliness, amenability, decorum, to prepon, the thing, the proper thing, the right thing to do, the proper thing to do, ethics, ethology, deontology, aretology, moral philosophy, ethical philosophy, casuistry, polity, observance, fulfillment, discharge, performance, acquittal, satisfaction, redemption, good behavior, obligatory, binding, imperative, peremptory, stringent, behooving, incumbent on, chargeable on, under obligation, obliged by, bound by, tied by, saddled with, due to, beholden to, bound to, indebted to, tied down, compromised, in duty bound, amenable, liable, accountable, responsible, answerable, right, meet, moral, ethical, casuistical, conscientious, ethological, with a safe conscience, as in duty, bound, on one's own responsibility, at one's own risk, suo periculo, in foro conscientiae, quamdiu se bene gesserit, dura lex sed lex, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, honos habet onus, leve fit quod bene fertur onus, loyaute m'oblige, simple duty bath no place for fear, stern daughter of the voice of God, there is a higher law than the Constitution.


VB move quickly, trip, fisk, speed, hie, hasten, post, spank, scuttle, scud, scuddle, scour, scour the plain, scamper, run like mad, beat it, fly, race, run a race, cut away, shot, tear, whisk, zoom, swoosh, sweep, skim, brush, cut along, bowl along, barrel along, barrel, scorch, burn up the track, rush, dash on, dash off, dash forward, bolt, trot, gallop, amble, troll, bound, flit, spring, dart, boom, march in quick time, march in double time, ride hard, get over the ground, hurry, accelerate, put on, quicken, quicken one's pace, mend one's pace, clap spurs to one's horse, make haste, make rapid strides, make forced marches, make the best of one's way, put one's best leg foremost, stir one's stumps, wing one's way, set off at a score, carry sail, crowd sail, go off like a shot, go like a shot, go ahead, gain ground, outstrip the wind, fly on the wings of the wind, keep up with, keep pace with, outstrip, outmarch.


N leap, jump, hop, spring, bound, vault, saltation, ance, caper, curvet, caracole, gambade, gambado, capriole, demivolt, buck, buck jump, hop skip and jump, falcade, kangaroo, jerboa, chamois, goat, frog, grasshopper, flea, buckjumper, wallaby, leaping, saltatory, frisky, on the light fantastic toe, di salto in salto.

VB leap, jump up, jump over the moon, hop, spring, bound, vault, ramp, cut capers, trip, skip, dance, caper, buck, buck jump, curvet, caracole, foot it, bob, bounce, flounce, start, frisk, jump about, trip it on the light fantastic toe, trip the light fantastic, dance oneself off one's legs, dance off one's shoes.


N certainty, necessity, certitude, surety, assurance, dead certainty, moral certainty, infallibleness, infallibility, reliability, indubitableness, inevitableness, unquestionableness, gospel, scripture, church, pope, court of final appeal, res judicata, ultimatum positiveness, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatizer, doctrinaire, bigot, opinionist, Sir Oracle, ipse dixit, fact, positive fact, matter of fact, fait accompli, certain, sure, assured, solid, well-founded, unqualified, absolute, positive, determinate, definite, clear, unequivocal, categorical, unmistakable, decisive, decided, ascertained, inevitable, unavoidable, avoidless, ineluctable, unerring, infallible, unchangeable, to be depended on, trustworthy, reliable, bound, unimpeachable, undeniable, unquestionable, indisputable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, conclusive, without power of appeal, indubious, without doubt, beyond a doubt, without a shade or shadow of doubt, without question, beyond question, past dispute, clear as day, beyond all question, beyond all dispute, undoubted, uncontested, unquestioned, undisputed, questionless, doubtless, authoritative, authentic, official, sure as fate, sure as death and taxes, sure as a gun, evident, self-evident, axiomatic, clear, clear as day, clear as the sun at noonday, certainly, for certain, certes, sure, no doubt, doubtless, and no mistake, flagrante delicto, sure enough, to be sure, of course, as a matter of course, a coup sur, to a certainty, in truth, at any rate, at all events, without fail, coute que coute, coute qu'il coute, whatever may happen, if the worst come to the worst, come what may, happen what may, come what will, sink or swim, rain or shine, cela va sans dire, there is no question, no question, not a shadow of doubt, there is not a shadow of doubt, the die is cast, facts are stubborn things.

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