Also see definition of "bottom" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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bottlenose whale | bottler | bottlescrew | bottling | bottling plant | bottom | bottom dog | bottom dollar | bottom feeder | bottom fermentation | bottom fermenting yeast



Adjective, Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)
14 in 14 verses (in OT : 11 in 11 verses) (in NT : 3 in 3 verses)


bottomn. [OE. botum, botme, AS. botm; akin to OS. bodom, D. bodem, OHG. podam, G. boden, Icel. botn, Sw. botten, Dan. bund (for budn), L. fundus (for fudnus), Gr. pyqmh`n (for fyqmh`n), Skr. budhna (for bhudhna), and Ir. bonn sole of the foot, W. bon stem, base. √257. Cf. 4th Found, Fund, n.].
  •  The lowest part of anything; the foot; as, the bottom of a tree or well; the bottom of a hill, a lane, or a page.  [1913 Webster]
    "Or dive into the bottom of the deep."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The part of anything which is beneath the contents and supports them, as the part of a chair on which a person sits, the circular base or lower head of a cask or tub, or the plank floor of a ship's hold; the under surface.  [1913 Webster]
    "Barrels with the bottom knocked out."  [1913 Webster]
    "No two chairs were alike; such high backs and low backs and leather bottoms and worsted bottoms."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That upon which anything rests or is founded, in a literal or a figurative sense; foundation; groundwork.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The bed of a body of water, as of a river, lake, sea.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The fundament; the buttocks.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An abyss.  Dryden.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Low land formed by alluvial deposits along a river; low-lying ground; a dale; a valley.  Stoddard.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The part of a ship which is ordinarily under water; hence, the vessel itself; a ship.  [1913 Webster]
    "My ventures are not in one bottom trusted."  [1913 Webster]
    "Not to sell the teas, but to return them to London in the
    same bottoms in which they were shipped.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Power of endurance; as, a horse of a good bottom.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Dregs or grounds; lees; sediment.  Johnson.  [1913 Webster]
    "He was at the bottom of many excellent counsels."  [1913 Webster]
Full bottom, a hull of such shape as permits carrying a large amount of merchandise.
     Of or pertaining to the bottom; fundamental; lowest; under; as, bottom rock; the bottom board of a wagon box; bottom prices.  [1913 Webster]
Bottom glade, a low glade or open place; a valley; a dale. Milton.
-- Bottom grass, grass growing on bottom lands. -- Bottom land. See 1st Bottom, n., 7.
bottomv. t. 
  •  To found or build upon; to fix upon as a support; -- followed by on or upon.  [1913 Webster]
    "Action is supposed to be bottomed upon principle."  [1913 Webster]
    "Those false and deceiving grounds upon which many bottom their eternal state]."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To furnish with a bottom; as, to bottom a chair.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To reach or get to the bottom of.  Smiles.  [1913 Webster]
bottomv. i. 
  •  To rest, as upon an ultimate support; to be based or grounded; -- usually with on or upon.  [1913 Webster]
    "Find on what foundation any proposition bottoms."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To reach or impinge against the bottom, so as to impede free action, as when the point of a cog strikes the bottom of a space between two other cogs, or a piston the end of a cylinder.  [1913 Webster]
bottomn. [OE. botme, perh. corrupt. for button. See Button.].
     A ball or skein of thread; a cocoon.  [1913 Webster]
    "Silkworms finish their bottoms in . . . fifteen days."  [1913 Webster]
bottomv. t. 
     To wind round something, as in making a ball of thread.  [1913 Webster]
    "As you unwind her love from him,
    Lest it should ravel and be good to none,
    You must provide to bottom it on me.
    "  [1913 Webster]


bottom, n., adj., & v.
1 a the lowest point or part (bottom of the stairs). b the part on which a thing rests (bottom of a saucepan). c the underneath part (scraped the bottom of the car). d the furthest or inmost part (bottom of the garden).
2 colloq. a the buttocks. b the seat of a chair etc.
3 a the less honourable, important, or successful end of a table, a class, etc. (at the bottom of the list of requirements). b a person occupying this place (he's always bottom of the class).
4 the ground under the water of a lake, a river, etc. (swam until he touched the bottom).
5 the basis; the origin (he's at the bottom of it).
6 the essential character; reality.
7 Naut. a the keel or hull of a ship. b a ship, esp. as a cargo-carrier.
8 staying power; endurance.
1 lowest (bottom button).
2 last (got the bottom score).
1 tr. put a bottom to (a chair, saucepan, etc.).
2 intr. (of a ship) reach or touch the bottom.
3 tr. find the extent or real nature of; work out.
4 tr. (usu. foll. by on) base (an argument etc.) (reasoning bottomed on logic).
5 tr. touch the bottom or lowest point of.

at bottom basically, essentially. be at the bottom of have caused. bet one's bottom dollar sl. stake all. bottom dog = UNDERDOG. bottom drawer Brit. linen etc. stored by a woman in preparation for her marriage. bottom falls out collapse occurs. bottom gear see GEAR. bottom line colloq. the underlying or ultimate truth; the ultimate, esp. financial, criterion. bottom out reach the lowest level. bottoms up! a call to drain one's glass. bottom up upside-down. get to the bottom of fully investigate and explain. knock the bottom out of prove (a thing) worthless.
bottommost adj.
OE botm f. Gmc



argosy, arse, ass, at bottom, backbone, backside, bark, basal, base, basement, basic, basically, basin, basis, baygall, bed, bedrock, behind, belly, best, boat, bog, bottom glade, bottomland, bottommost, bottoms, breech, bucket, buffalo wallow, bum, butt, buttocks, can, cause, channel, chutzpah, coulee, courage, craft, cut, dale, dell, depths, derriere, dingle, duff, end, essentiality, essentially, establish, everglade, fanny, fen, fenland, floor, foot, footing, found, foundation, foundational, fundament, fundamentally, gameness, gap, gill, giveaway, glade, glen, gluteus maximus, grit, ground, groundwork, grove, guts, gutsiness, guttiness, half-price, heart, heart of oak, heinie, hindquarters, hog wallow, holm, hooker, hulk, hull, in reality, in truth, intervale, intestinal fortitude, keel, keister, leviathan, low, lower strata, lowermost, lowest, lowest level, lowest point, lunar rill, marais, marish, marked down, marrow, marsh, marshland, meadow, mere, mettle, mettlesomeness, mire, moor, moorland, morass, moss, moxie, mud, mud flat, nadir, nerve, nethermost, nub, ocean bottom, origin, packet, pass, peat bog, pith, pluck, pluckiness, posterior, prat, predicate, primary, quagmire, quicksand, quintessence, quintessential, radical, ravine, really, rear, rear end, reduced, rest, rock-bottom, rump, sacrificial, salt marsh, seat, ship, slashed, slob land, slough, sole, sough, soul, source, spirit, spunk, spunkiness, stamina, stay, stout heart, strath, stuff, substance, substructure, sump, swale, swamp, swampland, taiga, toughness, trench, trough, true grit, truly, tub, tuchis, tush, tushy, underbelly, underlying, underlying level, undermost, underneath, underpinning, underside, vale, valley, vessel, virtuality, wadi, wallow, wash, watercraft




N perseverance, continuance, permanence, firmness, constancy, steadiness, singleness of purpose, tenacity of purpose, persistence, plodding, patience, sedulity, pertinacy, pertinacity, pertinaciousness, iteration, bottom, game, pluck, stamina, backbone, grit, indefatigability, indefatigableness, bulldog courage, persevering, constant, steady, steadfast, undeviating, unwavering, unfaltering, unswerving, unflinching, unsleeping, unflagging, undrooping, steady as time, unrelenting, unintermitting, unremitting, plodding, industrious, strenuous, pertinacious, persisting, persistent, solid, sturdy, staunch, stanch, true to oneself, unchangeable, unconquerable, indomitable, game to the last, indefatigable, untiring, unwearied, never tiring, through evil report and good report, through thick and thin, through fire and water, per fas et nefas, without fail, sink or swim, at any price, vogue la galere, never say die, give it the old college try, vestigia nulla retrorsum, aut vincer aut mori, la garde meurt et ne se rend pas, tout vient a temps pour qui sait attendre.


N courage, bravery, valor, resoluteness, boldness, spirit, daring, gallantry, intrepidity, contempt of danger, defiance of danger, derring-do, audacity, rashness, dash, defiance, confidence, self-reliance, manliness, manhood, nerve, pluck, mettle, game, heart, heart of grace, spunk, guts, face, virtue, hardihood, fortitude, intestinal fortitude, firmness, heart of oak, bottom, backbone, spine, resolution, bulldog courage, prowess, heroism, chivalry, exploit, feat, achievement, heroic deed, heroic act, bold stroke, man, man of mettle, hero, demigod, Amazon, Hector, lion, tiger, panther, bulldog, gamecock, fighting-cock, bully, fire eater, courageous, brave, valiant, valorous, gallant, intrepid, spirited, spiritful, high-spirited, high-mettled, mettlesome, plucky, manly, manful, resolute, stout, stout-hearted, iron-hearted, lion-hearted, heart of oak, Penthesilean, bold, bold-spirited, daring, audacious, fearless, dauntless, dreadless, aweless, undaunted, unappalled, undismayed, unawed, unblanched, unabashed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblanching, unapprehensive, confident, self-reliant, bold as a lion, bold as brass, enterprising, adventurous, venturous, venturesome, dashing, chivalrous, soldierly, heroic, fierce, savage, pugnacious, strong-minded, hardy, doughty, firm, determined, dogged, indomitable, up to, up to the scratch, upon one's mettle, reassured, unfeared, undreaded, one's blood being up, courage sans peur, fortes fortuna adjuvat, have I not in my time heard lions roar, I dare do all that may become a man, male vincetis sed vincite, omne solum forti patria, self-trust is the essence of heroism, stimulos dedit oemula virtus, strong and great, a hero, teloque animus proestantior omni, there, is always safety in valor, virtus ariete fortier.


N base, basement, plinth, dado, wainscot, baseboard, mopboard, bedrock, hardpan, foundation, substructure, substratum, ground, earth, pavement, floor, paving, flag, carped, ground floor, deck, footing, ground work, basis, hold, bilge, bottom, nadir, foot, sole, toe, hoof, keel, root, centerboard, bottom, undermost, nethermost, fundamental, founded on, based on, grounded on, built on, base, basement, plinth, dado, wainscot, baseboard, mopboard, bedrock, hardpan, foundation, substructure, substratum, ground, earth, pavement, floor, paving, flag, carped, ground floor, deck, footing, ground work, basis, hold, bilge, bottom, nadir, foot, sole, toe, hoof, keel, root, centerboard, bottom, undermost, nethermost, fundamental, founded on, based on, grounded on, built on.


VB be supported, lie on, sit on, recline on, lean on, loll on, rest on, stand on, step on, repose on, abut on, bear on, be based on, have at one's back, bestride, bestraddle, support, bear, carry, hold, sustain, shoulder, hold up, back up, bolster up, shore up, uphold, upbear, prop, under prop, under pin, under set, riprap, bandage, give support, furnish support, afford support, supply support, lend support, give foundations, furnish foundations, afford foundations, supply foundations, lend foundations, bottom, found, base, ground, imbed, embed, maintain, keep on foot, aid.


N concavity, depression, dip, hollow, hollowness, indentation, intaglio, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, sinus, alveolus, lacuna, excavation, strip mine, trough, honeycomb, cup, basin, crater, punch bowl, cell, socket, valley, vale, dale, dell, dingle, combe, bottom, slade, strath, glade, grove, glen, cave, cavern, cove, grot, grotto, alcove, cul-de- sac, gully, arch, bay, excavator, sapper, miner, honeycomb (sponge), depressed, alveolate, calathiform, cup-shaped, dishing, favaginous, faveolate, favose, scyphiform, scyphose, concave, hollow, stove in, retiring, retreating, cavernous, porous, infundibul, infundibular, infundibuliform, funnel shaped, bell shaped, campaniform, capsular, vaulted, arched.


N ship, vessel, sail, craft, bottom, navy, marine, fleet, flotilla, shipping, man of war, transport, tender, storeship, merchant ship, merchantman, packet, liner, whaler, slaver, collier, coaster, lighter, fishing boat, pilot boat, trawler, hulk, yacht, baggala, floating hotel, floating palace, ocean greyhound, ship, bark, barque, brig, snow, hermaphrodite brig, brigantine, barkantine, schooner, topsail schooner, for and aft schooner, three masted schooner, chasse-maree, sloop, cutter, corvette, clipper, foist, yawl, dandy, ketch, smack, lugger, barge, hoy, cat, buss, sailer, sailing vessel, windjammer, steamer, steamboat, steamship, liner, ocean liner, cruiseship, ship of the line, mail steamer, paddle steamer, screw steamer, tug, line of steamers, destroyer, cruiser, frigate, landing ship, LST, aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop, nuclear powered carrier, submarine, submersible, atomic submarine, boat, pinnace, launch, life boat, long boat, jolly boat, bum boat, fly boat, cock boat, ferry boat, canal boat, swamp boat, ark, bully, battery, bateau, broadhorn, dory, droger, drogher, dugout, durham boat, flatboat, galiot, shallop, gig, funny, skiff, dingy, scow, cockleshell, wherry, coble, punt, cog, kedge, lerret, eight oar, four oar, pair oar, randan, outrigger, float, raft, pontoon, prame, iceboat, ice canoe, ice yacht, catamaran, hydroplane, hovercraft, coracle, gondola, carvel, caravel, felucca, caique, canoe, birch bark canoe, dugout canoe, galley, galleyfoist, bilander, dogger, hooker, howker, argosy, carack, galliass, galleon, polacca, polacre, tartane, junk, lorcha, praam, proa, prahu, saick, sampan, xebec, dhow, dahabeah, nuggah, kayak, keel boat, log canoe, pirogue, quadrireme, trireme, stern-wheeler, wanigan, wangan, wharf boat, balloon, airship, aeroplane, biplane, monoplane, triplane, hydroplane, aerodrome, air balloon, pilot balloon, fire balloon, dirigible, zeppelin, aerostat, Montgolfier, kite, parachute, jet plane, rocket plane, jet liner, turbojet, prop-jet, propeller plane, corporate plane, corporate jet, private plane, private aviation, airline, common carrier, fighter, bomber, fighter-bomber, escort plane, spy plane, supersonic aircraft, subsonic aircraft, afloat, aboard, on board, on ship board, hard a lee, hard a port, hard a starboard, hard a weather.

Also see definition of "bottom" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "bottom" in Webster Dictionary Online

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