Also see definition of "botch" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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botany bay fig | botargo | botaurus | botaurus lentiginosus | botaurus stellaris | botch | botch up | botched | botchedly | botcher | botcherly



Noun, Verb (transitive)


botchn. [Same as Boss a stud. For senses 2 & 3 cf. D. botsen to beat, akin to E. beat.].
  •  A swelling on the skin; a large ulcerous affection; a boil; an eruptive disease.  [1913 Webster]
    "Botches and blains must all his flesh emboss."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A patch put on, or a part of a garment patched or mended in a clumsy manner.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Work done in a bungling manner; a clumsy performance; a piece of work, or a place in work, marred in the doing, or not properly finished; a bungle.  [1913 Webster]
    "To leave no rubs nor botches in the work."  [1913 Webster]
botchv. t. [See Botch, n.].
  •  To mark with, or as with, botches.  [1913 Webster]
    "Young Hylas, botched with stains."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To repair; to mend; esp. to patch in a clumsy or imperfect manner, as a garment; -- sometimes with up.  [1913 Webster]
    "Sick bodies . . . to be kept and botched up for a time."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To put together unsuitably or unskillfully; to express or perform in a bungling manner; to bungle; to spoil or mar, as by unskillful work.  [1913 Webster]
    "For treason botched in rhyme will be thy bane."  [1913 Webster]


botch, v. & n. (also bodge)
1 bungle; do badly.
2 patch or repair clumsily.
--n. bungled or spoilt work (made a botch of it).

botcher n.
ME: orig. unkn.



anamorphosis, bad job, bad likeness, bat out, be all thumbs, bevue, bitch up, blight, blow, blunder, blunder away, blunder into, blunder on, blunder upon, bobble, boggle, bollix, bonehead play, boner, boo-boo, botchery, bugger up, bumble, bungle, bungling, burlesque, butcher, caricature, clumsy performance, cobble, commit a gaffe, confuse, dash off, daub, destroy, disorder, distortion, do anyhow, do by halves, do carelessly, do offhand, dub, error, etourderie, fake up, faux pas, fiasco, flounder, flub, fluff, flunk, foozle, fudge up, fumble, gaffe, gaucherie, goof up, gum up, haphazardness, hash, indiscretion, jury-rig, knock off, knock out, knock together, lash up, loose ends, louse up, lumber, make a blunder, make a misstep, mangle, mar, mess, mess up, messiness, misconduct, miscue, misdraw, mishandle, mismanage, mispaint, misspeak, mistake, mix-up, muck, muck up, mucker, muddle, muff, mull, murder, muss, mutilate, off day, parody, patch, patch together, patch up, play havoc with, play hell with, pound out, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, ruin, sad work, scratch, screw up, scribble, shambles, slap up, slapdash, slip, slipshoddiness, slipshodness, sloppiness, slovenliness, slovenly performance, slovenry, sluttishness, solecism, spoil, stumble, stupidity, throw off, throw together, tinker, toss off, toss out, toss together, travesty, trifle with, trip, untidiness, washout, whomp up, wreck




VB return to the original state, recover, rally, revive, come come to, come round, come to oneself, pull through, weather the storm, be oneself again, get well, get round, get the better of, get over, get about, rise from one's ashes, rise from the grave, survive, resume, reappear, come to, come to life again, live again, rise again, heal, skin over, cicatrize, right itself, restore, put back, place in statu quo, reinstate, replace, reseat, rehabilitate, reestablish, reestate, reinstall, reconstruct, rebuild, reorganize, reconstitute, reconvert, renew, renovate, regenerate, rejuvenate, redeem, reclaim, recover, retrieve, rescue, redress, recure, cure, heal, remedy, doctor, physic, medicate, break of, bring round, set on one's legs, resuscitate, revive, reanimate, revivify, recall to life, reproduce, warm up, reinvigorate, refresh, make whole, redintegrate, recoup, make good, make all square, rectify, correct, put right, put to rights, set right, set to rights, set straight, set up, put in order, refit, recruit, fill up, fill up the ranks, reinforce, repair, put in repair, remanufacture, put in thorough repair, put in complete repair, retouch, refashion, botch, vamp, tinker, cobble, do up, patch up, touch up, plaster up, vamp up, darn, finedraw, heelpiece, stop a gap, stanch, staunch, caulk, calk, careen, splice, bind up wounds.


N unskillfulness, want of skill, incompetence, incompentency, inability, infelicity, indexterity, inexperience, disqualification, unproficiency, quackery, folly, stupidity indiscretion, thoughtlessness, sabotage, mismanagement, misconduct, impolicy, maladministration, misrule, misgovernment, misapplication, misdirection, misfeasance, petticoat government, absence of rule, rule of thumb, bungling, failure, screw loose: too many cooks, blunder, etourderie gaucherie, act of folly, balourdise, botch, botchery, bad job, sad work, sprat sent out to catch a whale, much ado about nothing, wild- goose chase, bungler, fool, unskillful, inexpert, bungling, awkward, clumsy, unhandy, lubberly, gauche, maladroit, left-handed, heavy-handed, slovenly, slatternly, gawky, adrift, at fault, inapt, unapt, inhabile, untractable, unteachable, giddy, inconsiderate, stupid inactive, incompetent, unqualified, disqualified, ill-qualified, unfit, quackish, raw, green, inexperienced, rusty, out of practice, unaccustomed, unused, untrained &c, uninitiated, unconversant, shiftless, unstatesmanlike, unadvised, ill-advised, misadvised, ill-devised, ill-imagined, ill-judged, ill-contrived, ill-conducted, unguided, misguided, misconducted, foolish, wild, infelicitous, penny wise and pound foolish, one's fingers being all thumbs, the right hand forgets its cunning, il se noyerait dans une goutte d'eau, incidit in Scyllam qui vult vitare Charybdim, out of the frying pan into the fire, non omnia possumus omnes.

VB be unskillful, not see an inch beyond one's nose, blunder, bungle, boggle, fumble, botch, bitch, flounder, stumble, trip, hobble, put one's foot in it, make a mess of, make hash of, make sad work of, overshoot the mark, play tricks with, play Puck, mismanage, misconduct, misdirect, misapply, missend, stultify oneself, make a fool of oneself, commit oneself, act foolishly, play the fool, put oneself out of court, lose control, lose control of oneself, lose one's head, lose one's cunning, begin at the wrong end, do things by halves, make two bites of a cherry, play at cross purposes, strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, put the cart before the horse, lock the stable door when the horse is stolen, not know what one is about, not know one's own interest, not know on which side one's bread is buttered, stand in one's own light, quarrel with one's bread and butter, throw a stone in one's own garden, kill the goose which lays the golden eggs, pay dear for one's whistle, cut one's own throat, bum one's fingers, knock one's head against a stone wall, beat one's head against a stone wall, fall into a trap, catch a Tartar, bring the house about one's ears, have too many eggs in one basket (imprudent), have too many irons in the fire, mistake, take the shadow for the substance, bark up the wrong tree, be in the wrong box, aim at a pigeon and kill a crow, take the wrong pig by the tail, get the wrong pig by the tail, get the wrong sow by the ear, get the dirty end of the stick, put the saddle on the wrong horse, put a square peg into a round hole, put new wine into old bottles, cut blocks with a razor, hold a farthing candle to the sun, fight with a shadow, grasp at a shadow, catch at straws, lean on a broken reed, reckon without one's host, pursue a wild goose chase, go on a fool's goose chase, sleeveless errand, go further and fare worse, lose one's way, miss one's way, fail.

Also see definition of "botch" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "botch" in Webster Dictionary Online

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