Also see definition of "bore" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: B B- B. Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw By
bordlode | bordman | bordrag | bordraging | bordure | bore | bore bit | bore-hole | boreal | boreas | borecole

bore (root: bear)


Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)
57 in 56 verses (in OT : 51 in 50 verses) (in NT : 6 in 6 verses)


borev. t. [OE. borien, AS. borian; akin to Icel. bora, Dan. bore, D. boren, OHG. porn, G. bohren, L. forare, Gr. to plow, Zend bar.
  •  To perforate or penetrate, as a solid body, by turning an auger, gimlet, drill, or other instrument; to make a round hole in or through; to pierce; as, to bore a plank.  [1913 Webster]
    "I'll believe as soon this whole earth may be bored."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To form or enlarge by means of a boring instrument or apparatus; as, to bore a steam cylinder or a gun barrel; to bore a hole.  [1913 Webster]
    "Short but very powerful jaws, by means whereof the insect can bore, as with a centerbit, a cylindrical passage through the most solid wood."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To make (a passage) by laborious effort, as in boring; as, to bore one's way through a crowd; to force a narrow and difficult passage through.  Gay.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To weary by tedious iteration or by dullness; to tire; to trouble; to vex; to annoy; to pester.  [1913 Webster]
    "He bores me with some trick."  [1913 Webster]
    "Used to come and bore me at rare intervals."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To befool; to trick.  [1913 Webster]
    "I am abused, betrayed; I am laughed at, scorned,
    Baffled and bored, it seems.
    "  [1913 Webster]
borev. i. 
  •  To make a hole or perforation with, or as with, a boring instrument; to cut a circular hole by the rotary motion of a tool; as, to bore for water or oil (i. e., to sink a well by boring for water or oil); to bore with a gimlet; to bore into a tree (as insects).  [1913 Webster]
  •  To be pierced or penetrated by an instrument that cuts as it turns; as, this timber does not bore well, or is hard to bore.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To push forward in a certain direction with laborious effort.  [1913 Webster]
    "They take their flight . . . boring to the west."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To shoot out the nose or toss it in the air; -- said of a horse.  Crabb.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A hole made by boring; a perforation.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The internal cylindrical cavity of a gun, cannon, pistol, or other firearm, or of a pipe or tube.  [1913 Webster]
    "The bores of wind instruments."  [1913 Webster]
    "Love's counselor should fill the bores of hearing."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The size of a hole; the interior diameter of a tube or gun barrel; the caliber.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A tool for making a hole by boring, as an auger.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Caliber; importance.  [1913 Webster]
    "Yet are they much too light for the bore of the matter."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A person or thing that wearies by prolixity or dullness; a tiresome person or affair; any person or thing which causes ennui.  [1913 Webster]
    "It is as great a bore as to hear a poet read his own verses."  [1913 Webster]
boren. [Icel. bāra wave: cf. G. empor upwards, OHG. bor height, burren to lift, perh. allied to AS. beran, E. 1st bear.
     A tidal flood which regularly or occasionally rushes into certain rivers of peculiar configuration or location, in one or more waves which present a very abrupt front of considerable height, dangerous to shipping, as at the mouth of the Amazon, in South America, the Hoogly and Indus, in India, and the Tsien-tang, in China.  [1913 Webster]
     imp. of 1st & 2d Bear.  [1913 Webster]


bore, v. & n.
1 tr. make a hole in, esp. with a revolving tool.
2 tr. hollow out (a tube etc.).
3 tr. a make (a hole) by boring or excavation. b make (one's way) through a crowd etc.
4 intr. (of an athlete, racehorse, etc.) push another competitor out of the way.
5 intr. drill a well (for oil etc.).
1 the hollow of a firearm barrel or of a cylinder in an internal-combustion engine.
2 the diameter of this; the calibre.

bore, n. & v.
--n. a tiresome or dull person or thing. weary by tedious talk or dullness.

bore a person to tears weary (a person) in the extreme.
bore, n. a high tidal wave rushing up a narrow estuary. Also called EAGRE.

bore, past of BEAR(1).



n. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.



acupunctuation, acupuncture, aggravation, annoyance, auger, bad news, be tedious, bedevilment, billow, bite, bore stiff, bore to death, bore to distraction, bore to tears, boring, bother, botheration, bothersomeness, breakers, broach, burrow, buttonhole, buttonholer, caliber, chop, choppiness, chopping sea, comb, comber, countersink, crashing bore, delve, devilment, diameter, difficulty, dig, dig out, dike, dirty water, discompose, discontent, disquiet, dogging, downer, drag, dredge, drill, drill hole, drip, drive, dryasdust, dusty, eagre, empierce, empiercement, ennui, exasperation, excavate, exhaust, fix, fixing, flat tire, frightful bore, furrow, gape, gaup, gawk, glare, gloat, goggle, gore, goring, gouge, gouge out, gravity wave, groove, ground swell, grub, harassment, harrying, headache, heave, heavy sea, heavy swell, hole, hollow out, honeycomb, hounding, humdrum, impale, impalement, jade, lance, lancing, leave unsatisfied, lift, lop, lower, mine, molestation, needle, nuisance, pall, peak, peer, penetrate, penetration, perforate, perforation, persecution, pest, pierce, piercing, pill, pink, popple, prick, pricking, problem, proser, punch, punching, puncture, puncturing, quarry, radius, ream, ream out, riddle, riffle, ripple, rise, roll, roller, rough water, run through, sap, scend, scoop, scoop out, scrabble, scrape, scratch, sea, semidiameter, send, send to sleep, shovel, sink, skewer, skewering, spade, spear, spike, spit, stab, stare, stick, surf, surge, swell, tap, terebration, tidal bore, tidal wave, tide wave, tire, transfix, transfixation, transfixion, transforation, transpierce, trench, trepan, trepanning, trephine, trephining, trial, trouble, trough, tsunami, tunnel, twaddler, undulation, vexation, vexatiousness, water wave, wave, wavelet, wear out, weary, wet blanket, white horses, whitecaps, worriment, worry




N mental suffering, pain, dolor, suffering, sufferance, ache, smart, passion, displeasure, dissatisfaction, discomfort, discomposure, disquiet, malaise, inquietude, uneasiness, vexation of spirit, taking, discontent, dejection, weariness, anhedonia, annoyance, irritation, worry, infliction, visitation, plague, bore, bother, botheration, stew, vexation, mortification, chagrin, esclandre, mauvais quart d'heur, care, anxiety, solicitude, trouble, trial, ordeal, fiery ordeal, shock, blow, cark, dole, fret, burden, load, concern, grief, sorrow, distress, affliction, woe, bitterness, heartache, carking cares, heavy heart, aching heart, bleeding heart, broken heart, heavy affliction, gnawing grief, unhappiness, infelicity, misery, tribulation, wretchedness, desolation, despair, extremity, prostration, depth of misery, nightmare, ephialtes, incubus, pang, anguish, agony, torture, torment, purgatory, hell upon earth, iron age, reign of terror, slough of despond, peck of troubles, ills that flesh is heir to, miseries of human life, unkindest cut of all, sufferer, victim, prey, martyr, object of compassion, wretch, shorn lamb, in pain, in a state of pain, full of pain, suffering, pained, afflicted, worried, displeased, aching, griped, sore, on the rack, in limbo, between hawk and buzzard, uncomfortable, uneasy, ill at ease, in a taking, in a way, disturbed, discontented, out of humor, weary, heavy laden, stricken, crushed, a prey to, victimized, ill-used, unfortunate, to be pitied, doomed, devoted, accursed, undone, lost, stranded, fey, unhappy, infelicitous, poor, wretched, miserable, woe-begone, cheerless, careworn, concerned, sorry, sorrowing, sorrowful, cut up, chagrined, horrified, horror-stricken, in grief, plunged in grief, a prey to grief, in tears, steeped to the lips in misery, heart-stricken, heart-broken, heart-scalded, broken-hearted, in despair, the iron entered into our soul, haeret lateri lethalis arundo, one's heart bleeding, down, thou climbing sorrow, mirth cannot move a soul in agony, nessun maggior dolere che ricordarsi del tempo fel, sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier th, the Niobe of Nations.


N painfulness, trouble, care, trial, affliction, infliction, blow, stroke, burden, load, curse, bitter pill, bitter draught, waters of bitterness, annoyance, grievance, nuisance, vexation, mortification, sickener, bore, bother, pother, hot water, sea of troubles, hornet's nest, plague, pest, cancer, ulcer, sting, thorn, canker, scorpion, dagger, scourge, carking care, canker worm of care, mishap, misfortune, desagrement, esclandre, rub, source of irritation, source of annoyance, wound, open sore, sore subject, skeleton in the closet, thorn in the flesh, thorn in one's side, where the shoe pinches, gall and wormwood, sorry sight, heavy news, provocation, affront, head and front of one's offending, infestation, molestation, malignity, causing pain, hurting, hurtful, painful, dolorific, dolorous, unpleasant, unpleasing, displeasing, disagreeable, unpalatable, bitter, distasteful, uninviting, unwelcome, undesirable, undesired, obnoxious, unacceptable, unpopular, thankless, unsatisfactory, untoward, unlucky, uncomfortable, distressing, afflicting, afflictive, joyless, cheerless, comfortless, dismal, disheartening, depressing, depressive, dreary, melancholy, grievous, piteous, woeful, rueful, mournful, deplorable, pitiable, lamentable, sad, affecting, touching, pathetic, irritating, provoking, stinging, annoying, aggravating, mortifying, galling, unaccommodating, invidious, vexatious, troublesome, tiresome, irksome, wearisome, plaguing, plaguy, awkward, importunate, teasing, pestering, bothering, harassing, worrying, tormenting, carking, intolerable, insufferable, insupportable, unbearable, unendurable, past bearing, not to be borne, not to be endured, more than flesh and blood can bear, enough to drive one mad, enough to provoke a saint, enough to make a parson swear, enough to gag a maggot, shocking, terrific, grim, appalling, crushing, dreadful, fearful, frightful, thrilling, tremendous, dire, heart-breaking, heart-rending, heart-wounding, heart-corroding, heart-sickening, harrowing, rending, odious, hateful, execrable, repulsive, repellent, abhorrent, horrid, horrible, horrific, horrifying, offensive, nauseous, nauseating, disgusting, sickening, revolting, nasty, loathsome, loathful, fulsome, vile, hideous, sharp, acute, sore, severe, grave, hard, harsh, cruel, biting, caustic, cutting, corroding, consuming, racking, excruciating, searching, grinding, grating, agonizing, envenomed, catheretic, pyrotic, ruinous, disastrous, calamitous, tragical, desolating, withering, burdensome, onerous, oppressive, cumbrous, cumbersome, painfully, with pain, deuced, Int, hinc illae lachrymae!, surgit amari aliquid, the place being too hot to hold one, the iron entering into the soul, he jests at scars that never felt a wound, I must be cruel only to be kind, what deep wounds ever closed without a scar?.

VB cause pain, occasion pain, give pain, bring pain, induce pain, produce pain, create pain, inflict pain, pain, hurt, wound, pinch, prick, gripe, pierce, lancinate, cut, hurt the feelings, wound the feelings, grate upon the feelings, grate upon the nerves, jar upon the feelings, wring the heart, pierce the heart, lacerate the heart, break the heart, rend the heart, make the heart bleed, tear the heart strings, rend the heart strings, draw tears from the eyes, sadden, make unhappy, plunge into sorrow, grieve, fash, afflict, distress, cut up, cut to the heart, displease, annoy, incommode, discompose, trouble, disquiet, faze, feaze, feeze, disturb, cross, perplex, molest, tease, tire, irk, vex, mortify, wherret, worry, plague, bother, pester, bore, pother, harass, harry, badger, heckle, bait, beset, infest, persecute, importune, wring, harrow, torment, torture, bullyrag, put to the rack, put to the question, break on the wheel, rack, scarify, cruciate, crucify, convulse, agonize, barb the dart, plant a dagger in the breast, plant a thorn in one's side, irritate, provoke, sting, nettle, try the patience, pique, fret, rile, tweak the nose, chafe, gall, sting to the quick, wound to the quick, cut to the quick, aggrieve, affront, enchafe, enrage, ruffle, sour the temper, give offense, maltreat, bite, snap at, assail, smite, sicken, disgust, revolt, nauseate, disenchant, repel, offend, shock, stink in the nostrils, go against the stomach, turn the stomach, make one sick, set the teeth on edge, go against the grain, grate on the ear, stick in one's throat, stick in one's gizzard, rankle, gnaw, corrode, horrify, appal, appall, freeze the blood, make the flesh creep, make the hair stand on end, make the blood curdle, make the blood run cold, make one shudder, haunt the memory, weigh on the heart, prey on the heart, weigh on the mind, prey on the mind, weigh on the spirits, prey on the spirits, bring one's gray hairs with sorrow to the grave, add a nail to one's coffin.


N weariness, defatigation, lassitude, drowsiness, disgust, nausea, loathing, sickness, satiety, taedium vitae, boredom, ennui, wearisomeness, tediousness, dull work, tedium, monotony, twice-told tale, bore, buttonholer, proser, wet blanket, pill, stiff, heavy hours, the enemy (time), wearying, wearing, wearisome, tiresome, irksome, uninteresting, stupid, bald, devoid of interest, dry, monotonous, dull, arid, tedious, humdrum, mortal, flat, prosy, prosing, slow, soporific, somniferous, disgusting, unenjoyed, weary, tired, drowsy, uninterested, flagging, used up, worn out, blase, life-weary, weary of life, sick of, wearily, usque ad nauseam, time hanging heavily on one's hands, toujours perdrix, crambe repetita.

VB weary, tire, bore, bore to death, weary to death, tire to death, bore out of one's skull, bore out of one's life, weary out of one's life, tire out of one's life, bore out of all patience, weary out of all patience, wear out one's patience, tire out of all patience, set to sleep, send to sleep, buttonhole, pall, sicken, nauseate, disgust, harp on the same string, drag its slow length along, drag its weary length along, never hear the last of, be tired of, be sick of, be tired with, yawn, die with ennui, MEGO, my eyes glaze over.


N breadth, thickness, breadth, width, latitude, amplitude, diameter, bore, caliber, radius, superficial extent, thickness, crassitude, corpulence, dilation, broad, wide, ample, extended, discous, fanlike, outspread, outstretched, wide as a church-door, latifoliate, latifolous, thick, dumpy, squab, squat, thickset, thick as a rope.


VB sate, satiate, satisfy, saturate, cloy, quench, slake, pall, glut, gorge, surfeit, bore, tire, spoil, have enough of, have quite enough of, have one's fill, have too much of, be satiated.


N opening, hole, foramen, puncture, perforation, fontanel, transforation, pinhole, keyhole, loophole, porthole, peephole, mousehole, pigeonhole, eye of a needle, eyelet, slot, opening, aperture, apertness, hiation, yawning, oscitancy, dehiscence, patefaction, pandiculation, chasm, embrasure, window, casement, abatjour, light, sky light, fan light, lattice, bay window, bow window, oriel, dormer, lantern, outlet, inlet, vent, vomitory, embouchure, orifice, mouth, sucker, muzzle, throat, gullet, weasand, wizen, nozzle, placket, portal, porch, gate, ostiary, postern, wicket, trapdoor, hatch, door, arcade, cellarway, driveway, gateway, doorway, hatchway, gangway, lich gate, way, path, thoroughfare, channel, passage, passageway, tube, pipe, water pipe, air pipe, vessel, tubule, canal, gut, fistula, adjutage, ajutage, ostium, smokestack, chimney, flue, tap, funnel, gully, tunnel, main, mine, pit, adit, shaft, gallery, alley, aisle, glade, vista, bore, caliber, pore, blind orifice, fulgurite, thundertube, porousness, porosity, sieve, cullender, colander, cribble, riddle, screen, honeycomb, apertion, perforation, piercing, terebration, empalement, pertusion, puncture, acupuncture, penetration, key, opener, master key, password, combination, passe- partout, open, perforated, perforate, wide open, ajar, unclosed, unstopped, oscitant, gaping, yawning, patent, tubular, cannular, fistulous, pervious, permeable, foraminous, vesicular, vasicular, porous, follicular, cribriform, honeycombed, infundibular, riddled, tubulous, tubulated, piped, tubate, opening, aperient, Int, open sesame!.

VB open, ope, gape, yawn, bilge, fly open, perforate, pierce, empierce, tap, bore, drill, mine, tunnel, transpierce, transfix, enfilade, impale, spike, spear, gore, spit, stab, pink, puncture, lance, stick, prick, riddle, punch, stave in, cut a passage through, make way for, make room for, uncover, unclose, unrip, lay open, cut open, rip open, throw open, pop open, blow open, pry open, tear open, pull open.


N river, running water, jet, spirt, spurt, squirt, spout, spray, splash, rush, gush, jet d'eau, sluice, water spout, water fall, cascade, force, foss, lin, linn, ghyll, Niagara, cataract, rapids, white water, catadupe, cataclysm, debacle, inundation, deluge, chute, washout, rain, rainfall, serein, shower, scud, downpour, driving rain, drenching rain, cloudburst, hyetology, hyetography, predominance of Aquarius, reign of St. Swithin, mizzle, drizzle, stillicidum, plash, dropping, falling weather, northeaster, hurricane, typhoon, stream, course, flux, flow, profluence, effluence, defluxion, flowing, current, tide, race, coulee, spring, artesian well, fount, fountain, rill, rivulet, gill, gullet, rillet, streamlet, brooklet, branch, runnel, sike, burn, beck, creek, brook, bayou, stream, river, reach, tributary, geyser, spout, waterspout, body of water, torrent, rapids, flush, flood, swash, spring tide, high tide, full tide, bore, tidal bore, eagre, hygre, fresh, freshet, indraught, reflux, undercurrent, eddy, vortex, gurge, whirlpool, Maelstrom, regurgitation, overflow, confluence, corrivation, wave, billow, surge, swell, ripple, anerythmon gelasma, beach comber, riffle, rollers, ground swell, surf, breakers, white horses, whitecaps, rough sea, heavy sea, high seas, cross sea, long sea, short sea, chopping sea, hydrodynamics, hydraulics, hydraulicostatics, rain gauge, flowmeter, pegology, irrigation, pump, watering pot, watering cart, hydrant, syringe, garden hose, lawn spray, bhisti, mussuk, fluent, diffluent, profluent, affluent, tidal, flowing, meandering, meandry, meandrous, fluvial, fluviatile, streamy, showery, rainy, pluvial, stillicidous, stillatitious, for men may come and men may go but I go on foreve, that old man river, he just keeps rolling along.

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