Also see definition of "answer" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: A A- A. Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
anseriformes | anserinae | anserine | anserous | anshar | answer | answer back | answer for | answerability | answerable | answerableness



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)
136 in 134 verses (in OT : 110 in 108 verses) (in NT : 26 in 26 verses)


answerv. t. [OE. andswerien, AS. andswerian, andswarian, to answer, fr. andswaru, n., answer. See Answer, n.].
  •  To speak in defense against; to reply to in defense; as, to answer a charge; to answer an accusation.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To speak or write in return to, as in return to a call or question, or to a speech, declaration, argument, or the like; to reply to (a question, remark, etc.); to respond to.  [1913 Webster]
    "She answers him as if she knew his mind."  [1913 Webster]
    "So spake the apostate angel, though in pain: . . .
    And him thus answered soon his bold compeer.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To respond to satisfactorily; to meet successfully by way of explanation, argument, or justification, and the like; to refute.  [1913 Webster]
    "No man was able to answer him a word."  [1913 Webster]
    "These shifts refuted, answer thine appellant."  [1913 Webster]
    "The reasoning was not and could not be answered."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To be or act in return or response to.  [1913 Webster]
    "This proud king . . . studies day and night
    To answer all the debts he owes unto you.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "I will . . . send him to answer thee."  [1913 Webster]
    "And grievously hath Cæzar answered it."  [1913 Webster]
    "The windows answering each other, we could just discern the glowing horizon them."  [1913 Webster]
    "Money answereth all things."  [1913 Webster]
    "Weapons must needs be dangerous things, if they answered the bulk of so prodigious a person."  [1913 Webster]
answerv. i. 
  •  To speak or write by way of return (originally, to a charge), or in reply; to make response.  [1913 Webster]
    "There was no voice, nor any that answered."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To make a satisfactory response or return.  [1913 Webster]
    "Let his neck answer for it, if there is any martial law."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To be or act in return.  [1913 Webster]
    "Do the strings answer to thy noble hand?"  [1913 Webster]
    "That the time may have all shadow and silence in it, and the place answer to convenience."  [1913 Webster]
    "If this but answer to my just belief,
    I 'll remember you.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man."  [1913 Webster]
answern. [OE. andsware, AS. andswaru; and against + swerian to swear. Anti-, and Swear, and cf. 1st un-.].
  •  A reply to a charge; a defense.  [1913 Webster]
    "At my first answer no man stood with me."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Something said or written in reply to a question, a call, an argument, an address, or the like; a reply.  [1913 Webster]
    "A soft answer turneth away wrath."  [1913 Webster]
    "I called him, but he gave me no answer."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Something done in return for, or in consequence of, something else; a responsive action.  [1913 Webster]
    "Great the slaughter is
    Here made by the Roman; great the answer be
    Britons must take.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  A solution, the result of a mathematical operation; as, the answer to a problem.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A counter-statement of facts in a course of pleadings; a confutation of what the other party has alleged; a responsive declaration by a witness in reply to a question. In Equity, it is the usual form of defense to the complainant's charges in his bill.  Bouvier.  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Reply; rejoinder; response. See Reply.


answer, n. & v.
1 something said or done to deal with or in reaction to a question, statement, or circumstance.
2 the solution to a problem.
1 tr. make an answer to (answer me; answer my question).
2 intr. (often foll. by to) make an answer.
3 tr. respond to the summons or signal of (answer the door; answer the telephone).
4 tr. be satisfactory for (a purpose or need).
5 intr. (foll. by for, to) be responsible (you will answer to me for your conduct).
6 intr. (foll. by to) correspond, esp. to a description.
7 intr. be satisfactory or successful.

answer back answer a rebuke etc. impudently. answering machine a tape recorder which supplies a recorded answer to a telephone call. answering service a business that receives and answers telephone calls for its clients. answer to the name of be called.
OE andswaru, andswarian f. Gmc, = swear against (charge)



Agnus Dei, Benedicite, ESP, Gloria, Gloria Patri, Gloria in Excelsis, Introit, Magnificat, Miserere, Nunc Dimittis, Parthian shot, Te Deum, Trisagion, Vedic hymn, accomplishment, accord, acknowledge, acknowledgment, action, action and reaction, ad hoc measure, address, advance, advantage, advocate, affect, affirmation, agree, allegation, allege in support, alleluia, answer back, answer conclusively, answer for, answer to, anthem, antiphon, antiphonal chanting, antiphony, apostrophe, appertain to, apply to, approach, argue down, argue for, argument, artifice, ascertainment, assent, assert, assertion, assort with, atone for, automatic reaction, autonomic reaction, avail, averment, be OK, be consistent, be equal to, be handy, be of one, be of use, be right, be uniform with, bear, bear on, bear upon, befit, befitting, belong to, benefit, bestead, billet, bottom, bounceback, business letter, canticle, champion, chant, check, chime, chit, chorale, clear up, clearing up, coequal, cohere, coincide, come back, come back at, come in, comeback, comment, commerce, communicate with, communication, communion, complement, complete answer, concern, concur, conform, conform to, conform with, confound, confounding, confutation, confute, congress, connect, connection, consist with, contact, contend for, contradict, contradiction, contrivance, controversion, controvert, conversation, converse, cooperate, correspond, correspond to, correspondence, counter, countercharge, countermove, counterstatement, coup, course of action, crack, cracking, crush, deal with, dealing, dealings, debug, decipher, decipherment, declaration, decode, decoding, defeat, defence, defend, defense, demarche, demolish, demolition, demurrer, denial, denouement, deny, determination, device, dictum, discrediting, disentangle, disentanglement, dismiss, dispatch, dispose of, disprove, divine, do, do it, do the job, do the trick, dodge, dope, dope out, dovetail, doxology, echo, effective rejoinder, effort, end, end result, epistle, espouse, establish connection, exception, exchange, exclamation, expedient, explain, explanation, expression, fall in together, fathom, favor, figure out, fill, fill the bill, find out, find the answer, find the solution, finding, finding-out, finish, fit, fit together, flash back, floor, forward, fulfill, get, get by, get right, get to, gimmick, give acknowledgment, give answer, give good returns, go around, go together, go with, greeting, guarantee, guess, guess right, hack it, hallelujah, hang together, harmonize, have connection with, have it, hit, hit it, hold, hold together, hosanna, hymn, hymn of praise, hymnody, hymnography, hymnology, improvisation, information, interaction, interchange, intercommunication, intercommunion, intercourse, interest, interjection, interlock, interplay, interpret, interpretation, interrogate, intersect, involve, issue, jibe, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, just do, justification, last expedient, last resort, last shift, laud, letter, liaise with, line, linguistic intercourse, link with, lock, maintain, make a plea, make advances, make contact with, make out, make overtures, make the grade, make up to, makeshift, maneuver, mantra, match, means, measure, meet, meet requirements, mention, message, missive, motet, move, nonplus, not come amiss, note, objection, observation, offertory, offertory sentence, open the lock, outcome, overlap, overthrow, overthrowal, overturn, overwhelm, paean, parallel, parry, pass, pass muster, pay, pay off, pertain to, phrase, pis aller, plea, plead for, pleading, plumb, position, predictable response, profit, promote, pronouncement, psalm, psalmody, psych, psych out, put to silence, puzzle out, qualify, question, raise, ravel, ravel out, reach, react, reaction, reason, rebut, rebuttal, rebutter, reciprocate, recognize, recriminate, reduce to silence, reecho, refer to, reflection, reflex, reflex action, refluence, reflux, refutal, refutation, refute, regard, register, register with, rejoin, rejoinder, relate, relate to, remark, replication, reply, reply to, report, rescript, resolution, resolve, resolving, resort, resource, respect, respond, respond to, respondence, response, responsory, responsory report, result, retort, retroaction, return, return answer, return for answer, reverberate, reverberation, revulsion, riddle, riddling, riposte, rise, satisfy, say, say in defense, say in reply, saying, sentence, serve, serve the purpose, settle, shake-up, shift, shoot back, shut up, silence, sing in chorus, smash all opposition, snap back, social intercourse, solution, solve, solving, sort out, sort with, sorting out, speak for, speak up for, speaking, special demurrer, special pleading, speech, speech circuit, speech situation, sponsor, square, square with, squash, squelch, stand, stand together, stand up, stand up for, statement, statement of defense, step, stick up for, stopgap, stratagem, stretch, stroke, stroke of policy, subjoinder, subversion, subvert, suffice, suit, suit the occasion, support, surrebuttal, surrebutter, surrejoinder, sustain, tactic, take it, take the bait, talk back, talking, tally, telepathy, temporary expedient, thought, tie in with, touch, touch upon, traffic, treat of, trick, truck, trump, two-way communication, undermine, undermining, undo, unlock, unravel, unraveling, unriddle, unriddling, unscramble, unscrambling, unspinning, untangle, untangling, unthinking response, untwist, untwisting, unweave, unweaving, uphold, upset, upsetting, upshot, urge reasons for, utterance, versicle, word, work, work out, working, working hypothesis, working proposition, working-out, yield a profit




VB be useful, avail, serve, subserve, conduce, answer, serve one's turn, answer a purpose, serve a purpose, act a part, perform a function, discharge a function, render a service, render good service, render yeoman's service, bestead, stand one in good stead be the making of, help, bear fruit, bring grist to the mill, profit, remunerate, benefit, find one's account in, find one's advantage in, reap the benefit of, render useful.


VB succeed, be successful, gain one's end, gain one's ends, crown with success, gain a point, attain a point, carry a point, secure a point, win a point, win an object, get there, manage to, contrive to, accomplish, do wonders, work wonders, make a go of it, come off well, come off successful, come off with flying colors, make short work of, take by storm, carry by storm, bear away the bell, win one's wings, win one's spurs, win the battle, win the day, carry the day, gain the day, gain the prize, gain the palm, have the best of it, have it all one's own way, have the game in one's owns hands, have the ball at one's feet, have one on the hop, walk over the course, carry all before one, remain in possession of the field, score a success, speed, make progress, win one's way, make one's way, work one's way, find one's way, strive to some purpose, prosper, drive a roaring trade, make profit, reap the fruits, gather the fruits, reap the benefit of, reap the harvest, strike oil, gain a windfall, make one's fortune, get in the harvest, turn to good account, turn to account, triumph, be triumphant, gain a victory, obtain a victory, gain an advantage, chain victory to one's car, nail a coonskin to the wall, surmount a difficulty, overcome a difficulty, get over a difficulty, get over an obstacle, se tirer d'affaire, make head against, stem the torrent, stem the tide, stem the current, weather the storm, weather a point, turn a corner, keep one's head above water, tide over, master, get the better of, have the better of, gain the better of, gain the best of, gain the upper hand, gain the ascendancy, gain the whip hand, gain the start of, distance, surpass, defeat, conquer, vanquish, discomfit, euchre, overcome, overthrow, overpower, overmaster, overmatch, overset, override, overreach, outwit, outdo, outflank, outmaneuver, outgeneral, outvote, take the wind out of one's adversary's sails, beat, beat hollow, rout, lick, drub, floor, worst, put down, put to flight, put to the rout, put hors de combat, put out of court, silence, quell, nonsuit, checkmate, upset, confound, nonplus, stalemate, trump, baffle, circumvent, elude, trip up, trip up the heels of, drive into a corner, drive to the wall, run hard, put one's nose out of joint, settle, do for, break the neck of, break the back of, capsize, sink, shipwreck, drown, swamp, subdue, subjugate, reduce, make the enemy bite the dust, victimize, roll in the dust, trample under foot, put an extinguisher upon, answer, answer the purpose, avail, prevail, take effect, do, turn out well, work well, take, tell, bear fruit, hit it, hit the mark, hit the right nail on the head, nick it, turn up trumps, make a hit, find one's account in.


VB acquire, get, gain, win, earn, obtain, procure, gather, collect, pick, pickup, glean, find, come upon, pitch upon, light upon, scrape up, scrape together, get in, reap and carry, net, bag, sack, bring home, secure, derive, draw, get in the harvest, profit, make profit, draw profit, turn a quick profit, turn to profit, turn to account, make capital out of, make money by, obtain a return, reap the fruits of, reap an advantage, gain an advantage, turn a penny, turn an honest penny, make the pot boil, bring grist to the mill, make money, coin money, raise money, raise funds, raise the wind, fill one's pocket, treasure up, realize, clear, produce, take, get back, recover, regain, retrieve, revendicate, replevy, redeem, come by one's own, come by, come in for, receive, inherit, step into a fortune, step into the shoes of, succeed to, get hold of, get between one's finger and thumb, get into one's hand, get at, take possession, come into possession, enter into possession, be profitable, pay, answer, accrue.


N lawsuit, suit, action, cause, litigation, suit in law, dispute, citation, arraignment, prosecution, impeachment, accusation, presentment, true bill, indictment, apprehension, arrest, committal, imprisonment, writ, summons, subpoena, latitat, nisi prius, venire, venire facias pleadings, declaration, bill, claim, proces verbal, bill of right, information, corpus delicti, affidavit, state of facts, answer, reply, replication, plea, demurrer, rebutter, rejoinder, surrebutter, surrejoinder, suitor, party to a suit, plaintiff, defendant, litigant, hearing, trial, verdict, appeal, appeal motion, writ of error, certiorari, case, decision, precedent, decided case, reports (legal reference works, see reference books), litigious, qui tam, coram judice, sub judice, pendente lite, adhuc sub judice lis est, accedas ad curiam, transeat in exemplum.


N answer, response, reply, replication, riposte, rejoinder, surrejoinder, rebutter, surrebutter, retort, repartee, rescript, rescription, antiphon, antiphony, acknowledgment, password, echo, counter statement, discovery, solution, rationale, clue, Oedipus, oracle, return, answering, responsive, respondent, conclusive, because, on the scent, on the right scent, Int, eureka!.

VB answer, respond, reply, rebut, retort, rejoin, give for answer, return for answer, acknowledge, echo, explain, solve, discover, fathom, hunt out, satisfy, set at rest, determine.


N confutation, refutation, answer, complete answer, disproof, conviction, redargution, invalidation, exposure, exposition, clincher, retort, reductio ad absurdum, knock down argument, tu quoque argument, sockdolager, correction, dissuasion, confuting, confuted capable of refutation, refutable, confutable, defeasible, contravene (counter evidence), condemned on one's own showing, condemned out of one's own mouth, the argument falls to the ground, cadit quaestio, it does not hold water, suo sibi gladio hunc jugulo, his argument was demolished by new evidence.


N interpretation, definition, explanation, explication, solution, answer, rationale, plain interpretation, simple interpretation, strict interpretation, meaning, translation, rendering, rendition, redition, literal translation, free translation, key, secret, clew, clavis, crib, pony, trot, exegesis, expounding, exposition, hermeneutics, comment, commentary, inference, illustration, exemplification, gloss, annotation, scholium, note, elucidation, dilucidation, eclaircissement, mot d'enigme, symptomatology, semiology, semeiology, semiotics, metoposcopy, physiognomy, paleography, oneirology acception, acceptation, acceptance, light, reading, lection, construction, version, equivalent, equivalent meaning, synonym, paraphrase, metaphrase, convertible terms, apposition, dictionary, polyglot, explanatory, expository, explicative, explicatory, exegetical, construable, polyglot, literal, paraphrastic, metaphrastic, consignificative, synonymous, equivalent, in explanation, that is to say, id est, videlicet, to wit, namely, in other words, literally, strictly speaking, in plain, in plainer terms, in plainer words, in plainer English, more simply.

Also see definition of "answer" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "answer" in Webster Dictionary Online

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