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animalize | animallike | animally | animalness | animastic | animate | animate being | animate thing | animated | animated cartoon | animated oat



Adjective, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


animatev. t. [L. animatus, p. p. of animare, fr. anima breath, soul; akin to animus soul, mind, Gr. wind, Skr. an to breathe, live, Goth. us-anan to expire (us- out), Icel. önd breath, anda to breathe, OHG. ando anger. Cf. Animal.].
  •  To give natural life to; to make alive; to quicken; as, the soul animates the body.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To give powers to, or to heighten the powers or effect of; as, to animate a lyre.  Dryden.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To give spirit or vigor to; to stimulate or incite; to inspirit; to rouse; to enliven.  [1913 Webster]
    "The more to animate the people, he stood on high . . . and cried unto them with a loud voice."  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To enliven; inspirit; stimulate; exhilarate; inspire; instigate; rouse; urge; cheer; prompt; incite; quicken; gladden.
animatea. [L. animatus, p. p.].
     Endowed with life; alive; living; animated; lively.  [1913 Webster]
    "The admirable structure of animate bodies."  [1913 Webster]


animate, adj. & v.
1 having life.
2 lively.
1 enliven, make lively.
2 give life to.
3 inspire, actuate.
4 encourage.

L animatus past part. of animare give life to f. anima life, soul



aboveground, activate, activated, active, actuate, alert, alive, alive and kicking, among the living, animated, arouse, biological, biotic, boost, brace, brace up, breathe life into, breathing, brighten, bring into being, bring into existence, bring to life, brisk, brisken, buck up, buoy up, call into being, call into existence, cant, capable of life, cheer, chirk up, common gender, compel, conceive, conscious, drive, drive on, dynamic, dynamize, electrify, embolden, embue, encourage, endow with life, endowed with life, energize, energized, enliven, enlivened, exalt, excite, exhilarate, existent, feminine, fillip, fire, fire up, force, fortify, forward, foster, fresh up, freshen, freshen up, galvanize, gay, gender, give a lift, give an impetus, give birth, give life to, give momentum, gladden, goad, hearten, imbue, impel, in the flesh, inanimate, incite, infect, inflame, inform, infuse, infuse life into, inject, inoculate, inspire, inspirit, inspirited, instinct with life, invigorate, jazz up, keen, kindle, live, lively, liven, living, long-lived, masculine, motivate, move, move to action, moving, nerve, neuter, organic, organized, pep up, perk up, physiological, pick up, pique, power, promote, propel, provoke, put in motion, quick, quicken, reanimate, recreate, refresh, refreshen, regale, reinforce, reinvigorate, rejoice, rejoice the heart, renew, resuscitate, revitalize, revive, revivify, rouse, set agoing, set going, set in motion, set up, sharpen, snap up, spark, spirit, spirit up, spirited, sprightly, spur on, steel, stimulate, stir, strengthen, tenacious of life, thrust, very much alive, viable, vital, vitalize, vivacious, vivified, vivify, warm, whet, whip on, zip up, zoetic




VB induce, move, draw, draw on, bring in its train, give an impulse, to, inspire, put up to, prompt, call up, attract, beckon, stimulate, spirit up, inspirit, rouse, arouse, animate, incite, foment, provoke, instigate, set on, actuate, act upon, work upon, operate upon, encourage, pat on the back, pat on the shoulder, clap on the back, clap on the shoulder, influence, weigh with, bias, sway, incline, dispose, predispose, turn the scale, inoculate, lead by the nose, have influence with, have influence over, have influence upon, exercise influence with, exercise influence over, exercise influence upon, go round, come round one, turn the head, magnetize, lobby, persuade, prevail with, prevail upon, overcome, carry, bring round to one's senses, bring to one's senses, draw over, win over, gain over, come over, talk over, procure, enlist, engage, invite, court, tempt, seduce, overpersuade, entice, allure, captivate, fascinate, bewitch, carry away, charm, conciliate, wheedle, coax, lure, inveigle, tantalize, cajole, tamper with, bribe, suborn, grease the palm, bait with a silver hook, gild the pill, make things pleasant, put a sop into the pan, throw a sop to, bait the hook, enforce, force, impel, propel, whip, lash, goad, spur, prick, urge, egg on, hound, hurry on, drag, exhort, advise, call upon, press, advocate, set an example, set the fashion, keep in countenance, be persuaded, yield to temptation, come round, concede, obey a call, follow advice, follow the bent, follow the dictates of, act on principle.


VB excite, affect, touch, move, impress, strike, interest, animate, inspire, impassion, smite, infect, stir the blood, fire the blood, warm the blood, set astir, wake, awake, awaken, call forth, evoke, provoke, raise up, summon up, call up, wake up, blow up, get up, light up, raise, get up the steam, rouse, arouse, stir, fire, kindle, enkindle, apply the torch, set on fire, inflame, stimulate, exsuscitate, inspirit, spirit up, stir up, work up, pique, infuse life into, give new life to, bring new blood, introduce new blood, quicken, sharpen, whet, work upon, hurry on, give a fillip, put on one's mettle, fan the fire, fan the flame, blow the coals, stir the embers, fan into a flame, foster, heat, warm, foment, raise to a fever heat, keep up, keep the pot boiling, revive, rekindle, rake up, rip up, stir the feelings, play on the feelings, come home to the feelings, touch a string, touch a chord, touch the soul, touch the heart, go to one's heart, penetrate, pierce, go through one, touch to the quick, possess the soul, pervade the soul, penetrate the soul, imbrue the soul, absorb the soul, affect the soul, disturb the soul, absorb, rivet the attention, sink into the mind, sink into the heart, prey on the mind, distract, intoxicate, overwhelm, overpower, bouleverser, upset, turn one's head, fascinate, enrapture, agitate, perturb, ruffle, fluster, shake, disturb, startle, shock, stagger, give one a shock, give one a turn, strike all of a heap, stun, astound, electrify, galvanize, petrify, irritate, sting, cut to the heart, cut to the quick, try one's temper, fool to the top of one's bent, pique, infuriate, madden, make one's blood boil, lash into fury, be excited, flush up, flare up, catch the infection, thrill, mantle, work oneself up, seethe, boil, simmer, foam, fume, flame, rage, rave, run mad.


VB be cheerful, have the mind at ease, smile, put a good face upon, keep up one's spirits, view the bright side of the picture, view things en couleur de rose, ridentem dicere virum, cheer up, brighten up, light up, bear up, chirp, take heart, cast away care, drive dull care away, perk up, keep a stiff upper lip, rejoice, carol, chirrup, lilt, frisk, rollick, give a loose to mirth, cheer, enliven, elate, exhilarate, gladden, inspirit, animate, raise the spirits, inspire, perk up, put in good humor, cheer the heart, rejoice the heart, delight.

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