Also see definition of "aid" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: A A- A. Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
ahvenanmaa | ai | aiai | aiblins | aich's metal | aid | aid and abet | aid station | aid-de-camp | aid-major | aidance



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)
5 in 5 verses (in OT : 4 in 4 verses) (in NT : 1 in 1 verses)


aidv. t. [F. aider, OF. aidier, fr. L. adjutare to help, freq. of adjuvare to help; ad + juvare to help. Cf. Adjutant.].
     To support, either by furnishing strength or means in coöperation to effect a purpose, or to prevent or to remove evil; to help; to assist.  [1913 Webster]
    "You speedy helpers . . .
    Appear and aid me in this enterprise.
    "  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To help; assist; support; sustain; succor; relieve; befriend; co'94perate; promote. See Help.
aidn. [F. aide, OF. aïde, aïe, fr. the verb. See Aid, v. t.].
  •  Help; succor; assistance; relief.  [1913 Webster]
    "An unconstitutional mode of obtaining aid."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The person or thing that promotes or helps in something done; a helper; an assistant.  [1913 Webster]
    "It is not good that man should be alone; let us make unto him an aid like unto himself."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A subsidy granted to the king by Parliament; also, an exchequer loan.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A pecuniary tribute paid by a vassal to his lord on special occasions.  Blackstone.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An aid-de-camp, so called by abbreviation; as, a general's aid.  [1913 Webster]
Aid prayer (Law), a proceeding by which a defendant beseeches and claims assistance from some one who has a further or more permanent interest in the matter in suit. -- To pray in aid, to beseech and claim such assistance.


aid, abbr. artificial insemination by donor.

aid, n. & v.
1 help.
2 financial or material help, esp. given by one country to another.
3 a material source of help (teaching aid).
4 a person or thing that helps.
5 hist. a grant of subsidy or tax to a king.
1 (often foll. by to + infin.) help.
2 promote or encourage (sleep will aid recovery).

in aid of in support of. what's this (or all this) in aid of? colloq. what is the purpose of this?
ME f. OF a{iuml}de, a{iuml}dier, ult. f. L adjuvare (as AD-, juvare jut- help)



Samaritan, a leg up, abet, acolyte, adjutant, agent, aide, aide-de-camp, aider, alimony, alleviate, alleviation, allotment, allowance, alterative, analeptic, ancilla, annuity, assist, assistance, assistant, assister, assuagement, attendant, auxiliary, avail, backer, backing, bail out, balm, balsam, bear a hand, befriend, befriender, benefactor, benefactress, benefit, benefiter, best man, bounty, carriage, carrying, clear the way, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, comfort, corrective, cure, depletion allowance, deputy, do for, do good, doctor, dole, ease, executive officer, expedite, explain, facilitate, favor, fellowship, finance, financial assistance, fund, give a boost, give a hand, give a lift, give help, good Samaritan, good person, grant, grant-in-aid, grease, grease the ways, grease the wheels, guaranteed annual income, hand, hasten, healing agent, healing quality, help, help along, help out, helper, helping hand, helpmate, helpmeet, jack-at-a-pinch, lend a hand, lend one aid, lieutenant, lift, lighten, loose, lubricate, maintenance, make clear, make way for, ministering angel, ministrant, mitigate, mitigation, moral support, oil, old-age insurance, open the way, open up, paranymph, paraprofessional, patron, pave the way, pay the bills, pecuniary aid, pension, pension off, prepare the way, prescription, price support, proffer aid, protect, psychological support, public assistance, public welfare, quicken, rally, receipt, recipe, reclaim, redeem, reliance, relief, relieve, remedial measure, remedy, remove friction, render assistance, rescue, restorative, restore, resuscitate, retirement benefits, revive, run interference for, save, scholarship, second, security blanket, servant, set up, sideman, simplify, smooth, smooth the way, soap the ways, sovereign remedy, specific, specific remedy, speed, stead, stipend, striker, subsidization, subsidize, subsidy, subvention, succor, succorer, support, supporting actor, supporting instrumentalist, supportive relationship, supportive therapy, sustaining, sustainment, sustenance, sustentation, take in tow, tax benefit, unbar, unblock, unclog, unjam, upholding, upkeep, welfare, welfare aid, welfare payments




N instrumentality, aid, subservience, subserviency, mediation, intervention, medium, intermedium, vehicle, hand, agency, minister, handmaid, midwife, accoucheur, accoucheuse, obstetrician, gobetween, cat's-paw, stepping-stone, opener, key, master key, passkey, latchkey, open sesame, passport, passe-partout, safe-conduct, password, instrument, expedient, means, instrumental, useful, ministerial, subservient, mediatorial, intermediate, intervening, conducive, through, by, per, whereby, thereby, hereby, by the agency of, by dint of, by virtue of, in virtue of, through the medium of, along with, on the shoulders of, by means of, by the aid of, with the aid of, per fas et nefas, by fair means or foul, somehow, somehow or other, by hook or by crook.


N means, resources, wherewithal, ways and means, capital, revenue, stock in trade, provision, a shot in the locker, appliances, means and appliances, conveniences, cards to play, expedients, two strings to one's bow, sheet anchor, aid, medium, instrumental, mechanical, by means of, with, by what means, by all means, by any means, by some means, wherewith, herewith, therewith, wherewithal, how, through, with the aid of, by the aid of, by the agency of.


N aid, aidance, assistance, help, opitulation, succor, support, lift, advance, furtherance, promotion, coadjuvancy, patronage, championship, countenance, favor, interest, advocacy, sustentation, subvention, alimentation, nutrition, nourishment, eutrophy, manna in the wilderness, food, means, ministry, ministration, subministration, accommodation, relief, rescue, help at a dead lift, supernatural aid, deus ex machina, supplies, reinforcements, reenforcements, succors, contingents, recruits, support, adjunct, ally, aiding, auxiliary, adjuvant, helpful, coadjuvant, subservient, ministrant, ancillary, accessory, subsidiary, at one's beck, at one's beck and call, friendly, amicable, favorable, propitious, well-disposed, neighborly, obliging, with the aid, by the aid of, on behalf of, in behalf of, in aid of, in the service of, in the name of, in favor of, in furtherance of, on account of, for the sake of, on the part of, non obstante, Int, help!, save us!, to the rescue!, alterum alterius auxilio eget, God befriend us as our cause is just, at your service.

VB aid, assist, help, succor, lend one's aid, come to the aid, of, contribute, subscribe to, bring aid, give aid, furnish aid, afford aid, supply aid, give a helping hand, stretch a hand, lend a helping hand, lend a hand, bear a helping hand, hold out a hand, hold out a helping hand, give one a life, give one a cast, give one a turn, take by the hand, take in tow, help a lame dog over a stile, lend wings to, relieve, rescue, set up, set agoing, set on one's legs, bear through, pull through, give new life to, be the making of, reinforce, reenforce, recruit, set forward, put forward, push forward, give a lift, give a shove, give an impulse to, promote, further, forward, advance expedite, speed, quicken, hasten, support, sustain, uphold, prop, hold up, bolster, cradle, nourish, nurture, nurse, dry nurse, suckle, put out to nurse, manure, cultivate, force, foster, cherish, foment, feed the flame, fan the flame, serve, do service to, tender to, pander to, administer to, subminister to, minister to, tend, attend, wait on, take care of, entertain, smooth the bed of death, oblige, accommodate, consult the wishes of, humor, cheer, encourage, second, stand by, back, back up, pay the piper, abet, work for, make interest for, stick up for, take up the cudgels for, take up the cause of, espouse the cause of, adopt the cause of, advocate, beat up for recruits, press into the service, squire, give moral support to, keep in countenance, countenance, patronize, lend oneself to, lend one's countenance to, smile upon, shine upon, favor, befriend, take in hand, enlist under the banners of, side with, be of use to, subserve, benefit, render a service, conduce.


N support, ground, foundation, base, basis, terra firma, bearing, fulcrum, bait, caudex crib, point d'appui, pou sto, purchase footing, hold, locus standi, landing place, landing stage, stage, platform, block, rest, resting place, groundwork, substratum, riprap, sustentation, subvention, floor, supporter, aid, prop, stand, anvil, fulciment, cue rest, jigger, monkey, stay, shore, skid, rib, truss, bandage, sleeper, stirrup, stilts, shoe, sole, heel, splint, lap, bar, rod, boom, sprit, outrigger, ratlings, staff, stick, crutch, alpenstock, baton, staddle, bourdon, cowlstaff, lathi, mahlstick, post, pillar, shaft, thill, column, pilaster, pediment, pedicle, pedestal, plinth, shank, leg, socle, zocle, buttress, jamb, mullion, abutment, baluster, banister, stanchion, balustrade, headstone, upright, door post, jamb, door jamb, frame, framework, scaffold, skeleton, beam, rafter, girder, lintel, joist, travis, trave, corner stone, summer, transom, rung, round, step, sill, angle rafter, hip rafter, cantilever, modillion, crown post, king post, vertebra, columella, backbone, keystone, axle, axletree, axis, arch, mainstay, trunnion, pivot, rowlock, peg, tiebeam, thole pin, board, ledge, shelf, hob, bracket, trevet, trivet, arbor, rack, mantel, mantle piece, mantleshelf, slab, console, counter, dresser, flange, corbel, table, trestle, shoulder, perch, horse, easel, desk, clotheshorse, hatrack, retable, teapoy, seat, throne, dais, divan, musnud, chair, bench, form, stool, sofa, settee, stall, arm chair, easy chair, elbow chair, rocking chair, couch, fauteuil, woolsack, ottoman, settle, squab, bench, aparejo, faldstool, horn, long chair, long sleeve chair, morris chair, lamba chauki, lamba kursi, saddle, pannel, pillion, side saddle, pack saddle, pommel, bed, berth, pallet, tester, crib, cot, hammock, shakedown, trucklebed, cradle, litter, stretcher, bedstead, four poster, French bed, bunk, kip, palang, bedding, bichhona, mattress, paillasse, pillow, bolster, mat, rug, cushion, footstool, hassock, tabouret, tripod, monopod, Atlas, Persides, Atlantes, Caryatides, Hercules, supporting, supported, fundamental, dorsigerous, astride on, straddle.

VB be supported, lie on, sit on, recline on, lean on, loll on, rest on, stand on, step on, repose on, abut on, bear on, be based on, have at one's back, bestride, bestraddle, support, bear, carry, hold, sustain, shoulder, hold up, back up, bolster up, shore up, uphold, upbear, prop, under prop, under pin, under set, riprap, bandage, give support, furnish support, afford support, supply support, lend support, give foundations, furnish foundations, afford foundations, supply foundations, lend foundations, bottom, found, base, ground, imbed, embed, maintain, keep on foot, aid.


VB be benevolent, have one's heart in the right place, bear good will, wish well, wish Godspeed, view with an eye of favor, regard with an eye of favor, take in good part, take an interest in, feel an interest in, be interested in, feel interested in, sympathize with, empathize with, feel for, fraternize, enter into the feelings of others, do as you would be done by, meet halfway, treat well, give comfort, smooth the bed of death, do good, do a good turn, benefit, render a service, be of use, aid.

Also see definition of "aid" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "aid" in Webster Dictionary Online

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