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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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acheta domestica | achievability | achievable | achievance | achieve | achievement | achiever | achille ratti | achillea | achillea millefolium | achillea ptarmica




achievementn. [Cf. F. achèvement, E. Hatchment.].
  •  The act of achieving or performing; an obtaining by exertion; successful performance; accomplishment; as, the achievement of his object.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A great or heroic deed; something accomplished by valor, boldness, or praiseworthy exertion; a feat.  [1913 Webster]
    "[The exploits] of the ancient saints . . . do far surpass the most famous achievements of pagan heroes."  [1913 Webster]
    "The highest achievements of the human intellect."  [1913 Webster]
  •  An escutcheon or ensign armorial; now generally applied to the funeral shield commonly called hatchment.  Cussans.  [1913 Webster]


achievement, n.
1 something achieved.
2 a the act of achieving. b an instance of this.
3 Psychol. performance in a standardized test.
4 Heraldry a an escutcheon with adjuncts, or bearing, esp. in memory of a distinguished feat. b = HATCHMENT.



n. The death of endeavor and the birth of disgust.



accomplished fact, accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, act, acta, action, administration, advent, adventure, alerion, animal charge, annulet, appearance, approach, argent, aristeia, armorial bearings, armory, arms, arrival, attainment, azure, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, bend, bend sinister, billet, blazon, blazonry, blow, bold stroke, bordure, bringing to fruition, broad arrow, cadency mark, canton, carrying out, chaplet, charge, chevron, chief, coat of arms, cockatrice, coming, commission, completion, conduct, consummation, coronet, coup, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown, dealings, deed, device, difference, differencing, discharge, dispatch, doing, doings, eagle, effectuation, effort, enactment, endeavor, enterprise, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, execution, exploit, fait accompli, falcon, feat, fess, fess point, field, file, finish, flanch, fleur-de-lis, fret, fruition, fulfillment, fur, fusil, garland, gest, go, griffin, gules, gyron, hand, handiwork, handling, hatchment, helmet, heraldic device, heroic act, honor point, impalement, impaling, implementation, inescutcheon, job, label, lion, lozenge, management, maneuver, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, measure, metal, mission accomplished, motto, move, mullet, nombril point, octofoil, operation, or, ordinary, orle, overproduction, overt act, pale, paly, passage, pean, performance, perpetration, pheon, proceeding, production, productiveness, purpure, quarter, quartering, reaching, realization, res gestae, rose, sable, saltire, scutcheon, shield, spread eagle, step, stroke, stunt, subordinary, success, tenne, thing, thing done, tincture, torse, tour de force, transaction, tressure, turn, undertaking, unicorn, vair, vert, victory, work, works, wreath, yale




N action, performance, doing perpetration, exercise, excitation, movement, operation, evolution, work, labor, praxis, execution, procedure, handicraft, business, agency, deed, act, overt act, stitch, touch, gest transaction, job, doings, dealings, proceeding, measure, step, maneuver, bout, passage, move, stroke, blow, coup, coup de main, coup d'etat, tour de force, feat, exploit, achievement, handiwork, workmanship, manufacture, stroke of policy, actor, doing, acting, in action, in harness, on duty, in operation, in the act, in the midst of, in the thick of, red-handed, in flagrante delicto, while one's hand is in, action is eloquence, actions speak louder than words, actum aiunt ne agas, awake, arise, or be forever fall'n, dii pia facta vident, faire sans dire, fare fac, fronte capillata post est occasio calva, our deeds are sometimes better than our thoughts, the great end of life is not knowledge but action, thought is the soul of act, vivre-ce nest pas respirer c'est agir, we live in deeds not years.


N completion, accomplishment, achievement, fulfillment, performance, execution, despatch, dispatch, consummation, culmination, finish, conclusion, close, terminus, winding up, finale, denouement, catastrophe, issue, upshot, result, final touch, last touch, crowning touch, finishing touch, finishing stroke, last finish, coup de grace, crowning of the edifice, coping-stone, keystone, missing link, superstructure, ne plus ultra, work done, fait accompli, elaboration, finality, completeness, completing, final, concluding, conclusive, crowning, exhaustive, done, completed, done for, sped, wrought out, highly wrought, thorough, ripe, completely, to crown all, out of hand, the race is run, actum est, finis coronat opus, consummatum est, c'en est fait, it is all over, the game is played out, the bubble has burst, aussitot dit aussitot fait, aut non tentaris aut perfice.


N production, creation, construction, formation, fabrication, manufacture, building, architecture, erection, edification, coinage, diaster, organization, nisus formativus, putting together, establishment, workmanship, performance, achievement, flowering, fructification, inflorescence, bringing forth, parturition, birth, birth-throe, childbirth, delivery, confinement, accouchement, travail, labor, midwifery, obstetrics, geniture, gestation, assimilation, evolution, development, growth, entelechy, fertilization, gemination, germination, heterogamy, genesis, generation, epigenesis, procreation, progeneration, propagation, fecundation, impregnation, albumen, spontaneous generation, archegenesis, archebiosis, biogenesis, abiogenesis, digenesis, dysmerogenesis, eumerogenesis, heterogenesis, oogenesis, merogenesis, metogenesis, monogenesis, parthenogenesis, homogenesis, xenogenesis, authorship, publication, works, opus, oeuvre, biogeny, dissogeny, xenogeny, tocogony, vacuolization, edifice, building, structure, fabric, erection, pile, tower, flower, fruit, produced, producing, productive of, prolific, creative, formative, genetic, genial, genital, pregnant, enceinte, big with, fraught with, in the family way, teeming, parturient, in the straw, brought to bed of, puerperal, puerperous, digenetic, heterogenetic, oogenetic, xenogenetic, ectogenous, gamic, haematobious, sporogenous, sporophorous, architectonic, ex nihilo nihil, fiat lux, materiam superabat opus, nemo dat quod non habet.


N courage, bravery, valor, resoluteness, boldness, spirit, daring, gallantry, intrepidity, contempt of danger, defiance of danger, derring-do, audacity, rashness, dash, defiance, confidence, self-reliance, manliness, manhood, nerve, pluck, mettle, game, heart, heart of grace, spunk, guts, face, virtue, hardihood, fortitude, intestinal fortitude, firmness, heart of oak, bottom, backbone, spine, resolution, bulldog courage, prowess, heroism, chivalry, exploit, feat, achievement, heroic deed, heroic act, bold stroke, man, man of mettle, hero, demigod, Amazon, Hector, lion, tiger, panther, bulldog, gamecock, fighting-cock, bully, fire eater, courageous, brave, valiant, valorous, gallant, intrepid, spirited, spiritful, high-spirited, high-mettled, mettlesome, plucky, manly, manful, resolute, stout, stout-hearted, iron-hearted, lion-hearted, heart of oak, Penthesilean, bold, bold-spirited, daring, audacious, fearless, dauntless, dreadless, aweless, undaunted, unappalled, undismayed, unawed, unblanched, unabashed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblanching, unapprehensive, confident, self-reliant, bold as a lion, bold as brass, enterprising, adventurous, venturous, venturesome, dashing, chivalrous, soldierly, heroic, fierce, savage, pugnacious, strong-minded, hardy, doughty, firm, determined, dogged, indomitable, up to, up to the scratch, upon one's mettle, reassured, unfeared, undreaded, one's blood being up, courage sans peur, fortes fortuna adjuvat, have I not in my time heard lions roar, I dare do all that may become a man, male vincetis sed vincite, omne solum forti patria, self-trust is the essence of heroism, stimulos dedit oemula virtus, strong and great, a hero, teloque animus proestantior omni, there, is always safety in valor, virtus ariete fortier.


N record, trace, vestige, relic, remains, scar, cicatrix, footstep, footmark, footprint, pug, track mark, wake, trail, scent, piste, monument, hatchment, slab, tablet, trophy, achievement, obelisk, pillar, column, monolith, memorial, memento, testimonial, medal, commemoration, record, note, minute, register, registry, roll, cartulary, diptych, Domesday book, catalogue raisonne, entry, memorandum, indorsement, inscription, copy, duplicate, docket, notch, muniment, deed, document, deposition, proces verbal, affidavit, certificate, notebook, memorandum book, memo book, pocketbook, commonplace book, portfolio, pigeonholes, excerpta, adversaria, jottings, dottings, gazette, gazetteer, newspaper, daily, magazine, almanac, almanack, calendar, ephemeris, diary, log, journal, daybook, ledger, cashbook, petty cashbook, professional journal, scientific literature, the literature, primary literature, secondary literature, article, review article, archive, scroll, state paper, return, blue book, statistics, compte rendu, Acts of, Transactions of, Proceedings of, Hansard's Debates, chronicle, annals, legend, history, biography, Congressional Records, registration, registry, enrollment, inrollment, tabulation, entry, booking, signature, recorder, journalism, recording, tape recording, videotape, compact disk, floppy disk, diskette, hard disk, Winchester disk, read-only memory, ROM, write once read mostly memory, WORM, on record, exegi monumentum aere perennium, read their history in a nation's eyes, records that defy the tooth of time.

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