Also see definition of "account" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: A A- A. Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
accostable | accosted | accouchement | accoucheur | accoucheuse | account | account book | account executive | account for | account payable | account representative



Noun, Verb (transitive)
62 in 61 verses (in OT : 41 in 41 verses) (in NT : 21 in 20 verses)


accountn. [OE. acount, account, accompt, OF. acont, fr. aconter. See Account, v. t., Count, n., 1.].
  •  A reckoning; computation; calculation; enumeration; a record of some reckoning; as, the Julian account of time.  [1913 Webster]
    "A beggarly account of empty boxes."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of other things subjected to a reckoning or review; as, to keep one's account at the bank.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event; as, no satisfactory account has been given of these phenomena. Hence, the word is often used simply for reason, ground, consideration, motive, etc.; as, on no account, on every account, on all accounts.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A statement of facts or occurrences; recital of transactions; a relation or narrative; a report; a description; as, an account of a battle.  Howell.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A statement and explanation or vindication of one's conduct with reference to judgment thereon.  [1913 Webster]
    "Give an account of thy stewardship."  [1913 Webster]
  •  An estimate or estimation; valuation; judgment.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Importance; worth; value; advantage; profit.  [1913 Webster]
    "This other part . . . makes account to find no slender arguments for this assertion out of those very scriptures which are commonly urged against it."  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Narrative; narration; relation; recital; description; explanation; rehearsal.
accountv. t. [OE. acounten, accompten, OF. aconter, (L. ad) + conter to count. F. conter to tell, compter to count, L. computare. See Count, v. t.].
  •  To reckon; to compute; to count.  [1913 Webster]
    "The motion of . . . the sun whereby years are accounted."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To place to one's account; to put to the credit of; to assign; -- with to.  Clarendon.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To value, estimate, or hold in opinion; to judge or consider; to deem.  [1913 Webster]
    "Accounting that God was able to raise him up."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To recount; to relate.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
accountv. i. 
  •  To render or receive an account or relation of particulars; as, an officer must account with or to the treasurer for money received.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To render an account; to answer in judgment; -- with for; as, we must account for the use of our opportunities.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To give a satisfactory reason; to tell the cause of; to explain; -- with for; as, idleness accounts for poverty.  [1913 Webster]
    "Newer was preaching more accounted of than in the sixteenth century."  [1913 Webster]
To account of, to esteem; to prize; to value. Now used only in the passive. “I account of her beauty.” Shak.


account, n. & v.
1 a narration or description (gave a long account of the ordeal).
2 a an arrangement or facility at a bank or building society etc. for commercial or financial transactions, esp. for depositing and withdrawing money (opened an account). b the assets credited by such an arrangement (has a large account; paid the money into her account). c an arrangement at a shop for buying goods on credit (has an account at the newsagent's).
3 a (often in pl.) a record or statement of money, goods, or services received or expended, with the balance (firms must keep detailed accounts). b (in pl.) the practice of accounting or reckoning (is good at accounts).
4 a statement of the administration of money in trust (demand an account).
5 the period during which transactions take place on a stock exchange; the period from one account day to the next.
6 counting, reckoning. (foll. by to be or compl.) consider, regard as (account it a misfortune; account him wise; account him to be guilty).

account day a day of periodic settlement of stock exchange accounts. account for
1 serve as or provide an explanation or reason for (that accounts for their misbehaviour).
2 a give a reckoning of or answer for (money etc. entrusted). b answer for (one's conduct).
3 succeed in killing, destroying, disposing of, or defeating.
4 supply or make up a specified amount or proportion of (rent accounts for 50% of expenditure). account rendered a bill which has been sent but is not yet paid. by all accounts in everyone's opinion. call to account require an explanation from (a person). give a good (or bad) account of oneself make a favourable (or unfavourable) impression; be successful (or unsuccessful). keep account of keep a record of; follow closely. leave out of account fail or decline to consider. money of account denominations of money used in reckoning, but not current as coins. of no account unimportant. of some account important.
on account
1 (of goods) to be paid for later.
2 (of money) in part payment. on account of because of. on no account under no circumstances; certainly not. on one's own account for one's own purposes; at one's own risk.
settle (or square) accounts with
1 receive or pay money etc. owed to.
2 have revenge on. take account of (or take into account) consider along with other factors (took their age into account). turn to account (or good account) turn to one's advantage.
ME f. OF acont, aconter (as AC-, conter COUNT(1))



a reckoning of, account current, account for, account of, account rendered, account stated, accounting, accounts, acquaintance, acta, adjudge, adjudicate, advantage, aggregate, allow, allow for, allowance, amount, anecdotage, anecdote, annals, announcement, annual, answer for, approbation, approval, assessment, balance, bank account, bank balance, be judicious, benefit, bill, bill of account, bill of fare, bill of lading, blackmail, blood money, blue book, body count, books, box score, brief, briefing, bulletin, calculation, capitulation, carte, cash account, cast, catalog, census, census report, charge account, check, check of, checking account, chronicle, communication, communique, computation, consequence, consider, consideration, control account, conversion factor, correspondence, count, count of, credit, credit account, data, datum, deem, description, difference, directory, dispatch, documentation, dun, election returns, emolument, enlightenment, enumeration, epic, epos, esteem, estimation, evidence, exercise judgment, expense account, explain, explanation, express an opinion, face, face value, facts, factual information, familiarization, favor, fee, footing, form an opinion, gen, general information, guidebook, handout, hard information, head count, history, hold, honor, hush money, importance, incidental information, income account, info, information, initiation fee, instruction, intelligence, interest, inventory, invoice, itemized bill, judge, justify, knowledge, ledger, letters, light, list, manifest, market value, memorial, mention, menu, merit, message, mileage, minutes, narration, narrative, net worth, nose count, note, notice, notification, number, par value, pennyworth, pine, pipe roll, presentation, presume, proceedings, product, profit, promotional material, proof, provision account, publication, publicity, quantity, rate, recapitulation, recital, reckoning, record, recording, recount, recounting, regard, register, registry, rehearsal, relation, release, relic, remains, repertory, report, respect, retainer, retaining fee, returns, revenue account, roll, rolls, roster, rota, running account, saga, sake, sales account, savings account, score, scot, scroll, selling account, sidelight, significance, standing, statement, stipend, stock account, story, sum, summary, summation, summing, summing up, suppose, suspense account, tab, table, tabs of, take into consideration, take note of, tale, tally, tally of, the bottom line, the dope, the goods, the know, the record, the scoop, the story, the whole story, think of, token, total, trace, track of, transactions, transmission, tribute, use, valuation account, value, value received, vestige, white book, white paper, whole, word, worth, x number, yarn, yearbook




N description, account, statement, report, expose, specification, particulars, state of facts, summary of facts, brief, return, catalogue raisonne, guidebook, delineation, sketch, monograph, minute account, detailed particular account, circumstantial account, graphic account, narration, recital, rehearsal, relation, historiography, chronography, historic Muse, Clio, history, biography, autobiography, necrology, obituary, narrative, history, memoir, memorials, annals, saga, tradition, legend, story, tale, historiette, personal narrative, journal, life, adventures, fortunes, experiences, confessions, anecdote, ana, trait, work of fiction, novel, romance, Minerva press, fairy tale, nursery tale, fable, parable, apologue, dime novel, penny dreadful, shilling shocker relator, raconteur, historian, biographer, fabulist, novelist, descriptive, graphic, narrative, epic, suggestive, well-drawn, historic, traditional, traditionary, legendary, anecdotic, storied, described, furor scribendi.


N numeration, numbering, pagination, tale, recension, enumeration, summation, reckoning, computation, supputation, calculation, calculus, algorithm, algorism, rhabdology, dactylonomy, measurement, statistics, arithmetic, analysis, algebra, geometry, analytical geometry, fluxions, differential calculus, integral calculus, infinitesimal calculus, calculus of differences, dead reckoning, muster, poll, census, capitation, roll call, recapitulation, account, notation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rule of three, practice, equations, extraction of roots, reduction, involution, evolution, estimation, approximation, interpolation, differentiation, integration, abacus, logometer, slide rule, slipstick, tallies, Napier's bones, calculating machine, difference engine, suan- pan, adding machine, cash register, electronic calculator, calculator, computer, arithmetician, calculator, abacist, algebraist, mathematician, statistician, geometer, programmer, accountant, auditor, numeral, numerical, arithmetical, analytic, algebraic, statistical, numerable, computable, calculable, commensurable, commensurate, incommensurable, incommensurate, innumerable, unfathomable, infinite, quantitatively, arithmetically, measurably, in numbers.


N list, catalog, catalogue, inventory, register, account, bill, bill of costs, terrier, tally, listing, itemization, atlas, book, ledger, catalogue raisonne, tableau, invoice, bill of lading, prospectus, bill of fare, menu, carte, score, census, statistics, returns, contents, table of contents, outline, synopsis, checklist, table, chart, database, index, inverted file, word list, concordance, dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary, glossary, thesaurus, file, card index, card file, rolodex, address book, Red book, Blue book, Domesday book, cadastre, directory, gazetter, almanac, army list, clergy list, civil service list, navy list, Almanach de Gotha, cadaster, Lloyd's register, nautical almanac, who's who, Guiness's Book of World Records, roll, check roll, checker roll, bead roll, muster roll, muster book, roster, panel, jury list, cartulary, diptych, cadastral.


N credit, trust, tick, score, tally, account, letter of credit, circular note, duplicate, mortgage, lien, debenture, paper credit, floating capital, draft, lettre de creance, securities, creditor, lender, lessor, mortgagee, dun, usurer, credit account, line of credit, open line of credit, credit card, crediting, credited, accredited, on credit, on account, to the account of, to the credit of, a compte.


N accounts, accompts, commercial arithmetic, monetary arithmetic, statistics, money matters, finance, budget, bill, score, reckoning, account, books, account book, ledger, day book, cash book, pass book, journal, debtor and creditor account, cash account, running account, account current, balance, balance sheet, compte rendu, account settled, acquit, assets, expenditure, liabilities, outstanding accounts, profit and loss account, profit and loss statement, receipts, bookkeeping, accounting, double entry bookkeeping, reckoning, audit, accountant, auditor, actuary, bookkeeper, bean counter, financier, accounting party, chartered accountant, certified accountant, accounting firm, auditing firm, monetary, accountable, accounting.


N repute, distinction, mark, name, figure, repute, reputation, good repute, high repute, note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation, vogue, celebrity, fame, famousness, renown, popularity, aura popularis, approbation, credit, succes d'estime, prestige, talk of the town, name to conjure with, glory, honor, luster, illustriousness, account, regard, respect, reputableness, respectability, good name, good report, fair name, dignity, stateliness, solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, majesty, sublimity, rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status, position, position in society, order, degree, baccalaureate, locus standi, caste, condition, greatness, eminence, height, importance, preeminence, supereminence, high mightiness, primacy, top of the ladder, top of the tree, elevation, ascent, superaltation, exaltation, dignification, aggrandizement, dedication, consecration, enthronement, canonization, celebration, enshrinement, glorification, hero, man of mark, great card, celebrity, worthy, lion, rara avis, notability, somebody, classman, man of rank, pillar of the state, pillar of the church, pillar of the community, chief, first fiddle, cynosure, mirror, flower, pink, pearl, paragon, choice and master spirits of the age, elite, star, sun, constellation, galaxy, ornament, honor, feather in one's cap, halo, aureole, nimbus, halo of glory, blaze of glory, blushing honors, laurels, memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame, immortality, immortal name, magni nominis umbra, distinguished, distingue, noted, of note, honored, popular, fashionable, in good odor in, favor, in high favor, reputable, respectable, creditable, remarkable, notable, notorious, celebrated, renowned, ion every one's mouth, talked of, famous, famed, far-famed, conspicuous, to the front, foremost, in the front rank, in the ascendant, imperishable, deathless, immortal, never fading, aere perennius, time honored, illustrious, glorious, splendid, brilliant, radiant, bright, full-blown, honorific, eminent, prominent, high, in the zenith, at the head of, at the top of the tree, peerless, of the first water, superior, supereminent, preeminent, great, dignified, proud, noble, honorable, worshipful, lordly, grand, stately, august, princely, imposing, solemn, transcendent, majestic, sacred, sublime, heaven- born, heroic, sans peur et sans reproche, sacrosanct, Int, hail!, all hail!, ave!, viva!, vive!, long life to!, banzai!, glory be to, honor be to?, one's name being in every mouth, one's name living for ever, sic itur ad astra, fama volat, aut Caesar aut nullus, not to know him argues oneself unknown, none but himself could be his parallel, palmam qui meruit ferat, above all Greek above all Roman fame, cineri gloria sera est, great is the glory for the strife is hard, honor virtutis praemium, immensum gloria calcar habet, the glory dies not and the grief is past, vivit post funera virtus.


N approbation, approval, approvement, sanction, advocacy, nod of approbation, esteem, estimation, good opinion, golden opinions, admiration, love, appreciation, regard, account, popularity, kudos, credit, repute, best seller, commendation, praise, laud, laudation, good word, meed of praise, tribute of praise, encomium, eulogy, eulogium, eloge, panegyric, homage, hero worship, benediction, blessing, benison, applause, plaudit, clap, clapping, clapping of hands, acclaim, acclamation, cheer, paean, hosannah, shout of applause, peal of applause, chorus of applause, chorus of praise, Prytaneum, approving, in favor of, lost in admiration, commendatory, complimentary, benedictory, laudatory, panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, lavish of praise, uncritical, approved, praised, uncensured, unimpeached, popular, in good odor, in high esteem, in favor, in high favor, deserving of praise, worthy of praise, praiseworthy, commendable, of estimation, good, meritorious, estimable, creditable, plausible, unimpeachable, beyond all praise, with credit, to admiration, well, with three times three, Int, hear hear!, bully for you!, well done!, bravo!, bravissimo!, euge!, macte virtute!, so far so good, that's right, quite right, optime!, one cheer more, may your shadow never be less!, esto perpetua!, long life to!, viva!, enviva!, Godspeed!, valete et plaudite!, encore!, bis!, probatum est, tacent satis laudant, servant of God, well done!.


VB judge, conclude, come to a conclusion, draw a conclusion, arrive at a conclusion, ascertain, determine, make up one's mind, deduce, derive, gather, collect, draw an inference, make a deduction, weet, ween, form an estimate, estimate, appreciate, value, count, assess, rate, rank, account, regard, consider, think of, look upon, review, size up, settle, pass an opinion, give an opinion, decide, try, pronounce, rule, pass judgment, pass sentence, sentence, doom, find, give judgment, deliver judgment, adjudge, adjudicate, arbitrate, award, report, bring in a verdict, make absolute, set a question at rest, confirm, comment, criticize, kibitz, pass under review, investigate, hold the scales, sit in judgment, try judgment, hear a cause.


N information, enlightenment, acquaintance, knowledge, publicity, data, communication, intimation, notice, notification, enunciation, annunciation, announcement, communiqu_e, representation, round robin, presentment, case, estimate, specification, report, advice, monition, news, return, account, statement, mention, acquainting, instruction, outpouring, intercommunication, communicativeness, informant, authority, teller, intelligencer, reporter, exponent, mouthpiece, informer, eavesdropper, delator, detective, sleuth, mouchard, spy, newsmonger, messenger, amicus curiae, valet de place, cicerone, pilot, guide, guidebook, handbook, vade mecum, manual, map, plan, chart, gazetteer, itinerary, hint, suggestion, innuendo, inkling, whisper, passing word, word in the ear, subaudition, cue, byplay, gesture, gentle hint, broad hint, verbum sapienti, a word to the wise, insinuation, information theory, bit, byte, word, doubleword, quad word, paragraph, segment, magnetic media, paper medium, optical media, random access memory, RAM, read-only memory, ROM, write once read mostly memory, WORM, informed, communique, reported, published, expressive, explicit plain spoken, (artless), nuncupative, nuncupatory, declaratory, expository, enunciative, communicative, communicatory, from information received, a little bird told me, I heard it through the grapevine.

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