Also see definition of "Submission" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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subminister | subministrant | subministrate | subministration | submiss | Submission | submissive | submissively | submissiveness | submissly | submissness




Submissionn. [L. submissio a letting down, lowering: cf. F. soumission.].
  •  The act of submitting; the act of yielding to power or authority; surrender of the person and power to the control or government of another; obedience; compliance.  [1913 Webster]
    "Submission, dauphin! 't is a mere French word;
    We English warrious wot not what it means.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  The state of being submissive; acknowledgement of inferiority or dependence; humble or suppliant behavior; meekness; resignation.  [1913 Webster]
    "In all submission and humility
    York doth present himself unto your highness.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "No duty in religion is more justly required by God . . . than a perfect submission to his will in all things."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Acknowledgement of a fault; confession of error.  [1913 Webster]
    "Be not as extreme in submission
    As in offense.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  An agreement by which parties engage to submit any matter of controversy between them to the decision of arbitrators.  Wharton (Law Dict.). Bouvier.  [1913 Webster]


Submission, n.
1 a the act or an instance of submitting; the state of being submitted. b anything that is submitted.
2 humility, meekness, obedience, submissiveness (showed great submission of spirit).
3 Law a theory etc. submitted by counsel to a judge or jury.
4 (in wrestling) the surrender of a participant yielding to the pain of a hold.

ME f. OF submission or L submissio (as SUBMIT)



OK, Quakerism, acceptance, accord, acquiescence, advance, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative voice, agreement, allegiance, amenability, approach, approbation, approval, asking price, assent, aye, bend, bending the knee, bid, blessing, bob, bow, bowing, bowing and scraping, capitulation, compliance, concession, conformity, connivance, consent, contribution, cringing, curtsy, deference, dipping the colors, docility, duteousness, dutifulness, eagerness, endorsement, entry, faith, fealty, feeler, genuflection, giving in, homage, humbleness, humility, inclination, invitation, kneeling, kowtow, loyalty, making a leg, meekness, nod, nonresistance, nonviolent resistance, obedience, obediency, obeisance, obsequiousness, observance, offer, offering, okay, overture, passive resistance, passiveness, passivity, permission, preliminary approach, presentation, presenting arms, proffer, promptitude, promptness, prostration, quietism, ratification, readiness, resignation, reverence, salaam, salutation, salute, sanction, scrape, service, servility, servitium, standing at attention, submissiveness, submittal, submitting, suit and service, suit service, surrender, tender, tentative approach, timidity, tractability, uncomplainingness, ungrudgingness, unloathness, unreluctance, willingness, yielding




N submission, yielding, nonresistance, obedience, surrender, cession, capitulation, resignation, backdown, obeisance, homage, kneeling, genuflexion, courtesy, curtsy, kowtow, prostration, surrendering, submissive, resigned, crouching, downtrodden, down on one's marrow bones, on one's bended knee, unresistant, unresisting, nonresisting, pliant, undefended, untenable, indefensible, humble, have it your own way, it can't be helped, amen, da locum melioribus, tempori parendum.


N obedience, observance, compliance, submission, subjection, nonresistance, passiveness, resignation, allegiance, loyalty, fealty, homage, deference, devotion, constancy, fidelity, submissness, submissiveness, ductility, obsequiousness, obedient, complying, compliant, loyal, faithful, devoted, at one's call, at one's command, at one's orders, at one's beck and call, under beck and call, under control, restrainable, resigned, passive, submissive, henpecked, pliant, unresisted, obediently, in compliance with, in obedience to, to hear is to obey, as you please, if you please, your wish is my command, as you wish, no sooner said than done.


N subjection, dependence, dependency, subordination, thrall, thralldom, thraldom, enthrallment, subjugation, bondage, serfdom, feudalism, feudality, vassalage, villenage, slavery, enslavement, involuntary servitude, conquest, service, servitude, servitorship, tendence, employ, tutelage, clientship, liability, constraint, oppression, yoke, submission, obedience, subject, dependent, subordinate, feudal, feudatory, in subjection to, under control, in leading strings, in harness, subjected, enslaved, constrained, downtrodden, overborne, overwhelmed, under the lash, on the hip, led by the nose, henpecked, the puppet of, the sport of, the plaything of, under one's orders, under one's command, under one's thumb, a slave to, at the mercy of, in the power of, in the hands of, in the clutches of, at the feet of, at one's beck and call, liable, parasitical, stipendiary, under, slaves - in a land of light and law.


N inexcitability, imperturbability, inirritability, even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion, tolerance, patience, coolth, passiveness, hebetude, hebetation, impassibility, stupefaction, coolness, calmness, composure, placidity, indisturbance, imperturbation, sang froid, tranquility, serenity, quiet, quietude, peace of mind, mental calmness, staidness, gravity, sobriety, Quakerism, philosophy, equanimity, stoicism, command of temper, self-possession, self-control, self-command, self-restraint, ice water in one's veins, presence of mind, submission, resignation, sufferance, supportance, endurance, longsufferance, forbearance, longanimity, fortitude, patience of Job, patience on a monument, patience 'sovereign o'er transmuted ill', moderation, repression of feelings, subjugation of feeling, restraint, tranquillization, inexcitable, unexcitable, imperturbable, unsusceptible, unpassionate, dispassionate, cold-blooded, irritable, enduring, stoical, Platonic, philosophic, staid, stayed, sober, sober minded, grave, sober as a judge, grave as a judge, sedate, demure, cool-headed, easy-going, peaceful, placid, calm, quiet as a mouse, tranquil, serene, cool as a cucumber, cool as a custard, undemonstrative, temperate, composed, collected, unexcited, unstirred, unruffled, undisturbed, unperturbed, unimpassioned, unoffended, unresisting, meek, tolerant, patient, patient as Job, submissive, tame, content, resigned, chastened, subdued, lamblike, gentle as a lamb, suaviter in modo, mild as mothers milk, soft as peppermint, armed with patience, bearing with, clement, long-suffering, like patience on a monument smiling at grief, aequo animo, in cold blood, more in sorrow than in anger, Int, patience!, and shuffle the cards, cool calm and collected, keep calm in the midst of a storm, adversity's sweet milk, philosophy, mens aequa in arduis philosophia stemma non inspec, quo me cumque rapit tempestas deferor hospes, they also serve who only stand and wait.


N hopelessness, despair, desperation, despondency, depression, pessimism, pessimist, Job's comforter, bird of bad omen, bird of ill omen, abandonment, desolation, resignation, surrender, submission, hope deferred, dashed hopes, vain expectation, airy hopes &c, forlorn hope, gone case, dead duck, gone coon, goner, bad job, bad business, enfant perdu, gloomy horizon, black spots in the horizon, slough of Despond, cave of Despair, immedicabile vulnus, hopeless, desperate, despairing, gone, in despair, au desespoir, forlorn, desolate, inconsolable, broken hearted, unpromising, unpropitious, inauspicious, ill-omened, threatening, clouded over, out of the question, not to be thought of, impracticable, past hope, past cure, past mending, past recall, at one's last gasp, given up, given over, incurable, cureless, immedicable, remediless, beyond remedy, incorrigible, irreparable, irremediable, irrecoverable, irreversible, irretrievable, irreclaimable, irredeemable, irrevocable, ruined, undone, immitigable, lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate, its days are numbered, the worst come to the worst, no change, no pause, no hope, yet I endure, O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon, mene mene tekel upharson.


N humility, humbleness, meekness, lowness, lowliness, lowlihood, abasement, self-abasement, submission, resignation, condescension, affability, modesty, verecundity, blush, suffusion, confusion, sense of shame, sense of disgrace, humiliation, mortification, let down, set down, humble, lowly, meek, modest, humble minded, sober-minded, unoffended, submissive, servile, condescending, affable, humbled, bowed down, resigned, abashed, ashamed, dashed, out of countenance, down in the mouth, down on one's knees, down on one's marrowbones, down on one's uppers, humbled in the dust, browbeaten, chapfallen, crestfallen, dumfoundered, flabbergasted, shorn of one's glory, with downcast eyes, with bated breath, with bended knee, on all fours, on one's feet, under correction, with due deference, I am your obedient servant, I am your very humble servant, my service to you, da locum melioribus, parvum parva decent.

Also see definition of "Submission" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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