Also see definition of "Pool" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: P- P. P/ P< Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py
pooh | pooh pooh | pooh-bah | pooh-pooh | pookoo | Pool | pool ball | pool cue | pool player | pool stick | pool table



Noun, Verb (transitive)


Pooln. [AS. pōl; akin to LG. pool, pohl, D. poel, G. pfuhl; cf. Icel. pollr, also W. pwll, Gael. poll.].
  •  A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon.  Wyclif.  [1913 Webster]
    "Charity will hardly water the ground where it must first fill a pool."  [1913 Webster]
    "The sleepy pool above the dam."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
Pooln. [F. poule, properly, a hen. See Pullet.].
  •  The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.; an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a snare; also, the receptacle for the stakes.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A game at billiards, in which each of the players stakes a certain sum, the winner taking the whole; also, in public billiard rooms, a game in which the loser pays the entrance fee for all who engage in the game; a game of skill in pocketing the balls on a pool table.  [1913 Webster]
    " This game is played variously, but commonly with fifteen balls, besides one cue ball, the contest being to drive the most balls into the pockets."  [1913 Webster]
    "He plays pool at the billiard houses."  [1913 Webster]
  •  In rifle shooting, a contest in which each competitor pays a certain sum for every shot he makes, the net proceeds being divided among the winners.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Any gambling or commercial venture in which several persons join.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A combination of persons contributing money to be used for the purpose of increasing or depressing the market price of stocks, grain, or other commodities; also, the aggregate of the sums so contributed; as, the pool took all the wheat offered below the limit; he put $10,000 into the pool.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A mutual arrangement between competing lines, by which the receipts of all are aggregated, and then distributed pro rata according to agreement.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An aggregation of properties or rights, belonging to different people in a community, in a common fund, to be charged with common liabilities.  [1913 Webster]
Pin pool, a variety of the game of billiards in which small wooden pins are set up to be knocked down by the balls. -- Pool ball, one of the colored ivory balls used in playing the game at billiards called pool. -- Pool snipe (Zoöl.), the European redshank. [Prov. Eng.] -- Pool table, a billiard table with pockets.
Poolv. t. 
     To put together; to contribute to a common fund, on the basis of a mutual division of profits or losses; to make a common interest of; as, the companies pooled their traffic.  [1913 Webster]
    "Finally, it favors the poolingof all issues."  [1913 Webster]
Poolv. i. 
     To combine or contribute with others, as for a commercial, speculative, or gambling transaction.  [1913 Webster]


Pool, n. & v.
1 a small body of still water, usu. of natural formation.
2 a small shallow body of any liquid.
3 = swimming-pool (see SWIM).
4 a deep place in a river.
1 tr. form into a pool.
2 intr. (of blood) become static.

Pool, n. & v.
1 a (often attrib.) a common supply of persons, vehicles, commodities, etc. for sharing by a group of people (a typing pool; a pool car). b a group of persons sharing duties etc.
2 a the collective amount of players' stakes in gambling etc. b a receptacle for this.
3 a a joint commercial venture, esp. an arrangement between competing parties to fix prices and share business to eliminate competition. b the common funding for this.
4 a US a game on a billiard-table with usu. 16 balls. b Brit. a game on a billiard-table in which each player has a ball of a different colour with which he tries to pocket the others in fixed order, the winner taking all of the stakes.
5 a group of contestants who compete against each other in a tournament for the right to advance to the next round.
1 put (resources etc.) into a common fund.
2 share (things) in common.
3 (of transport or organizations etc.) share (traffic, receipts).
4 Austral. sl. a involve (a person) in a scheme etc., often by deception. b implicate, inform on.

the pools Brit. = football pool.
F poule (= hen) in same sense: assoc. with POOL(1)



Aktiengesellschaft, Swiss bank account, accumulate, aktiebolag, amalgamate, artificial lake, assets, balance, bank, bank account, bayou lake, bear pool, blind pool, body corporate, bottom dollar, budget, bull pool, business, business establishment, cartel, cash reserves, chain, chamber of commerce, checking account, cistern, collect, collection, combine, command of money, commercial enterprise, compagnie, company, concern, conglomerate, conglomerate corporation, consolidate, consolidating company, consortium, copartnership, corporate body, corporation, dam, dead water, dike, diversified corporation, enterprise, etang, exchequer, farm pond, finances, firm, fishpond, freshwater lake, fund, funds, gather, glacial lake, group, holding company, house, industry, inland sea, jackpot, joint-stock association, joint-stock company, kitty, lagoon, laguna, lake, lakelet, landlocked water, league, life savings, linn, loch, lough, means, mere, merge, millpond, millpool, moneys, natatorium, nest egg, nyanza, operating company, oxbow lake, partnership, pecuniary resources, plash, plunderbund, plunge, plunge bath, pocket, pond, pondlet, pot, public utility, puddle, purse, reserves, reservoir, resources, salina, salt pond, savings, savings account, stagnant water, stakes, standing water, still water, stock company, substance, sump, swimming bath, swimming hole, swimming pool, syndicate, tank, tarn, team up with, tidal pond, tiger, trade association, treasure, trust, unregistered bank account, utility, volcanic lake, wading pool, water hole, water pocket, well, wherewithal




VB cooperate, concur, coact, synergize, conduce, combine, unite one's efforts, keep together, draw together, pull together, club together, hand together, hold together, league together, band together, be banded together, pool, stand shoulder to shoulder, put shoulder to shoulder, act in concert, join forces, fraternize, cling to one another, conspire, concert, lay one's heads together, confederate, be in league with, collude, understand one another, play into the hands of, hunt in couples, side with, take side with, go along with, go hand in hand with, join hands with, make common cause with, strike in with, unite with, join with, mix oneself up with, take part with, cast in one's lot with, join partnership, enter into partnership with, rally round, follow the lead of, come to, pass over to, come into the views of, be in the same boat, row in the same boat, sail in the same boat, sail on the same tack, be a party to, lend oneself to, chip in, participate, have a hand in, have a finger in the pie, take part in, bear part in, second, take the part of, play the game of, espouse a cause, espouse a quarrel.


N acquisition, gaining, obtainment, procuration, procurement, purchase, descent, inheritance, gift, recovery, retrieval, revendication, replevin, restitution, redemption, salvage, trover, find, trouvaille, foundling, gain, thrift, money-making, money grubbing, lucre, filthy lucre, pelf, loaves and fishes, the main chance, emolument, profit, earnings, winnings, innings, pickings, net profit, avails, income, proceeds, produce, product, outcome, output, return, fruit, crop, harvest, second crop, aftermath, benefit, sweepstakes, trick, prize, pool, pot, wealth, subreption, obreption, stealing, acquiring, acquired, profitable, advantageous, gainful, remunerative, paying, lucrative, lucri causa.


N amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun, game, fun and games, diversion, divertissement, reaction, solace, pastime, passetemps, sport, labor of love, pleasure, relaxation, leisure, fun, frolic, merriment, jollity, joviality, jovialness, heyday, laughter, jocosity, jocoseness, drollery, buffoonery, tomfoolery, mummery, pleasantry, wit, quip, quirk, giggle, titter, snigger, snicker, crow, cheer, chuckle, shout, horse laugh, belly laugh, hearty laugh, guffaw, burst of laughter, fit of laughter, shout of laughter, roar of laughter, peal of laughter, cachinnation, Kentish fire, tiger, play, game, game at romps, gambol, romp, prank, antic, rig, lark, spree, skylarking, vagary, monkey trick, gambade, fredaine, escapade, echappee, bout, espieglerie, practical joke, dance, hop, reel, rigadoon, saraband, hornpipe, bolero, ballroom dance, minuet, waltz, polka, fox trot, tango, samba, rhumba, twist, stroll, hustle, cha-cha, fandango, cancan, bayadere, breakdown, cake-walk, cornwallis, break dancing, nautch-girl, shindig, skirtdance, stag dance, Virginia reel, square dance, galop, galopade, jig, Irish jig, fling, strathspey, allemande, gavot, gavotte, tarantella, mazurka, morisco, morris dance, quadrille, country dance, folk dance, cotillon, Sir Roger de Coverley, ballet, ball, bal, bal masque, bal costume, masquerade, Terpsichore, festivity, merrymaking, party, blowout, hullabaloo, hoedown, bat, bum, bust, clambake, donation party, fish fry, jamboree, kantikoy, nautch, randy, squantum, tear, Turnerfest, yule log, fete, festival, gala, ridotto, revels, revelry, reveling, carnival, brawl, saturnalia, high jinks, feast, banquet, regale, symposium, wassail, carouse, carousal, jollification, junket, wake, Irish wake, picnic, fete champetre, regatta, field day, treat, round of pleasures, dissipation, a short life and a merry one, racketing, holiday making, rejoicing, jubilee, bonfire, fireworks, feu-de-joie, firecracker, holiday, gala day, red letter day, play day, high days and holidays, high holiday, Bank holiday, May day, Derby day, Saint Monday, Easter Monday, Whit Monday, Bairam, wayz-goos, bean feast, Arbor Day, Declaration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, Mardi gras, mi-careme, feria, fiesta, place of amusement, theater, hall, concert room, ballroom, assemblyroom, music hall, park, plaisance, national park, national forest, state park, county park, city park, vest-pocket park, public park (public), arbor, garden, pleasure ground, playground, cricketground, croquet ground, archery ground, hunting ground, tennis court, racket court, bowling alley, green alley, croquet lawn, rink, glaciarum, skating rink, roundabout, merry-go-round, swing, montagne Russe, game of chance, game of skill, athletic sports, gymnastics, archery, rifle shooting, tournament, pugilism, sports, horse racing, the turf, aquatics, skating, sliding, cricket, tennis, lawn tennis, hockey, football, baseball, soccer, ice hockey, basketball, rackets, fives, trap bat and ball, battledore and shuttlecock, la grace, pall- mall, tipcat, croquet, golf, curling, pallone, polo, water polo, tent pegging, tilting at the ring, quintain, greasy pole, quoits, horseshoes, discus, rounders, lacrosse, tobogganing, water polo, knurr and spell, leapfrog, hop skip and jump, mother may I, French and English, tug of war, blindman's bluff, hunt the slopper, hide and seek, kiss in the ring, snapdragon, cross questions and crooked answers, crisscross, hopscotch, jacks, jackstones, marbles, mumblety-peg, mumble-the-peg, pushball, shinney, shinny, tag, billiards, pool, pingpong, pyramids, bagatelle, bowls, skittles, ninepins, kain, American bowls, tenpins, tivoli, cards, card games, whist, rubber, round game, loo, cribbage, besique, euchre, drole, ecarte, picquet, allfours, quadrille, omber, reverse, Pope Joan, commit, boston, boaston, blackjack, twenty- one, vingtun, quinze, thirty-one, put, speculation, connections, brag, cassino, lottery, commerce, snip-snap-snoren, lift smoke, blind hookey, Polish bank, Earl of Coventry, Napoleon, patience, pairs, banker, blind poker, draw poker, straight poker, stud poker, bluff, bridge, bridge whist, lotto, monte, three-card monte, nap, penny-ante, poker, reversis, squeezers, old maid, fright, beggar-my- neighbor, baccarat, ace, king, queen, knave, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, trey, deuce, joker, trump, wild card, spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds, major suit, minor suit, bower, right bower, left bower, dummy, jackpot, deck, pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full-house, four of a kind, royal flush, misere chess, draughts, checkers, checquers, backgammon, dominos, merelles, nine men's morris, go bang, solitaire, game of fox and goose, monopoly, loto, scrabble, scribbage, boggle, crossword puzzle, hangman, morra, gambling, toy, plaything, bauble, doll, teetotum, knickknack, magic lantern, peep show, puppet show, raree show, gallanty show, toy shop, quips and cranks and wanton wiles, nods and becks and wreathed smiles, entertainer, showman, showgirl, dancer, tap dancer, song-and-dance man, vaudeville act, singer, musician, sportsman, gamester, reveler, master of ceremonies, master of revels, pompom girl, arbiter elegantiarum, arbiter bibendi, archer, fan, toxophilite, turfman, amusing, entertaining, diverting, recreational, recreative, lusory, pleasant, laughable, witty, fun, festive, festal, jovial, jolly, jocund, roguish, rompish, playful, playful as a kitten, sportive, ludibrious, funny, very funny, hilarious, uproarious, side-splitting, amused, pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw, laughing, risible, ready to burst, ready to split, ready to die with laughter, convulsed with laughter, rolling in the aisles, on the light fantastic toe, at play, in sport, Int, vive la bagatelle!, vogue la galere!, deus nobis haec otia fecit, dum vivimus vivamus, dulce est desipere in loco, (every room) hath blazed with lights and brayed wi, misce stullitiam consiliis brevem.


N gulf, lake, land covered with water, gulf, gulph, bay, inlet, bight, estuary, arm of the sea, bayou, fiord, armlet, frith, firth, ostiary, mouth, lagune, lagoon, indraught, cove, creek, natural harbor, roads, strait, narrows, Euripus, sound, belt, gut, kyles, continental slope, continental shelf, lake, loch, lough, mere, tarn, plash, broad, pond, pool, lin, puddle, slab, well, artesian well, standing water, dead water, sheet of water, fish pond, mill pond, ditch, dike, dyke, dam, reservoir, alberca, barachois, hog wallow, lacustrine.

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