Also see definition of "Meet" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: M- M. M1 M2 M3 M< Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My
meekness | meer | meerestone | meerkat | meerschaum | Meet | meet head on | meet up with | meeten | meeter | meeth



Adjective, Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Meetv. t. [OE. meten, AS. m, fr. m, gem, a meeting; akin to OS. m to meet, Icel. mæta, Goth. gam. See Moot, v. t.].
  •  To join, or come in contact with; esp., to come in contact with by approach from an opposite direction; to come upon or against, front to front, as distinguished from contact by following and overtaking.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To come in collision with; to confront in conflict; to encounter hostilely; as, they met the enemy and defeated them; the ship met opposing winds and currents.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To come into the presence of without contact; to come close to; to intercept; to come within the perception, influence, or recognition of; as, to meet a train at a junction; to meet carriages or persons in the street; to meet friends at a party; sweet sounds met the ear.  [1913 Webster]
    "His daughter came out to meet him."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To perceive; to come to a knowledge of; to have personal acquaintance with; to experience; to suffer; as, the eye met a horrid sight; he met his fate.  [1913 Webster]
    "Of vice or virtue, whether blest or curst,
    Which meets contempt, or which compassion first.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To come up to; to be even with; to equal; to match; to satisfy; to ansver; as, to meet one's expectations; the supply meets the demand.  [1913 Webster]
To meet half way, literally, to go half the distance between in order to meet (one); hence, figuratively, to yield or concede half of the difference in order to effect a compromise or reconciliation with.
Meetv. t. 
  •  To come together by mutual approach; esp., to come in contact, or into proximity, by approach from opposite directions; to join; to come face to face; to come in close relationship; as, we met in the street; two lines meet so as to form an angle.  [1913 Webster]
    "O, when meet now
    Such pairs in love and mutual honor joined !
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To come together with hostile purpose; to have an encounter or conflict.  [1913 Webster]
    "Weapons more violent, when next we meet,
    May serve to better us and worse our foes.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To assemble together; to congregate; as, Congress meets on the first Monday of December.  [1913 Webster]
    "They . . . appointed a day to meet together."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To come together by mutual concessions; hence, to agree; to harmonize; to unite.  [1913 Webster]
    "We met with many things worthy of observation."  [1913 Webster]
    "Prepare to meet with more than brutal fury
    From the fierce prince.
    "  [1913 Webster]
     An assembling together; esp., the assembling of huntsmen for the hunt; also, the persons who so assemble, and the place of meeting.  [1913 Webster]
Meeta. [OE. mete fitting, moderate, scanty, AS. m moderate; akin to gemet fit, meet, metan to mete, and G. mässig moderate, gemäss fitting. See Mete.].
     Suitable; fit; proper; appropriate; qualified; convenient.  [1913 Webster]
    "It was meet that we should make merry."  [1913 Webster]
To be meet with, to be even with; to be equal to. [Obs.]
     Meetly.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]


Meet, v. & n.
--v. (past and past part. met)
1 a tr. encounter (a person or persons) by accident or design; come face to face with. b intr. (of two or more people) come into each other's company by accident or design (decided to meet on the bridge).
2 tr. go to a place to be present at the arrival of (a person, train, etc.).
3 a tr. (of a moving object, line, feature of landscape, etc.) come together or into contact with (where the road meets the flyover). b intr. come together or into contact (where the sea and the sky meet).
4 a tr. make the acquaintance of (delighted to meet you). b intr. (of two or more people) make each other's acquaintance.
5 intr. & tr. come together or come into contact with for the purposes of conference, business, worship, etc. (the committee meets every week; the union met management yesterday).
6 tr. a (of a person or a group) deal with or answer (a demand, objection, etc.) (met the original proposal with hostility). b satisfy or conform with (proposals, deadlines, a person, etc.) (agreed to meet the new terms; did my best to meet them on that point).
7 tr. pay (a bill etc.); provide the funds required by (a cheque etc.) (meet the cost of the move).
8 tr. & (foll. by with) intr. experience, encounter, or receive (success, disaster, a difficulty, etc.) (met their death; met with many problems).
9 tr. oppose in battle, contest, or confrontation.
10 intr. (of clothes, curtains, etc.) join or fasten correctly (my jacket won't meet).
1 the assembly of riders and hounds for a hunt.
2 the assembly of competitors for various sporting activities, esp. athletics.

make ends meet see END. meet the case be adequate. meet the eye (or the ear) be visible (or audible). meet a person's eye check if another person is watching and look into his or her eyes in return. meet a person half way make a compromise, respond in a friendly way to the advances of another person. meet up colloq. happen to meet. meet with
1 see sense 8 of v.
2 receive (a reaction) (met with the committee's approval).
3 esp. US = sense 1a of v. more in it than meets the eye hidden qualities or complications.
meeter n.
Meet, adj. archaic suitable, fit, proper.

meetly adv. meetness n.
ME (i)mete repr. OE gem{aelig}te f. Gmc, rel. to METE(1)



Highland games, Olympiad, Olympic games, Olympics, abide by, abut, accepted, accommodate, accommodate with, accommodated, accord, accost, acknowledged, act up to, adapt, adapt to, adhere, adhere to, adjoin, adjust, adjust to, admitted, advantageous, advisable, affront, agree, agree in opinion, agree with, alight upon, answer, applicable, approach, appropriate, approved, apt, assemble, assemblee, assembly, assignation, assimilate to, at home, attend to, auspicious, avail, balanced, ball, bang, bang into, be equal to, be exposed to, be faithful to, be guided by, be subjected to, bear, beard, becoming, befitting, being done, bell the cat, bend, bite the bullet, bout, brave, brawl, brazen, brazen out, breast, bring before, bring forward, bring up, bump, bump into, bunch, bunch up, call together, cannon, carom, carom into, carousel, carry out, caucus, center, centralize, challenge, chance, chance upon, chime in with, civil, clash, clinch, close, close in, close up, close with, clot, cluster, cohere, coincide, collect, collide, colloquium, come across, come among, come into collision, come together, come up against, come upon, comme il faut, commission, committee, communicate, compete, compete with, competition, comply, comply with, compose, concenter, concentralize, concentrate, conclave, concours, concourse, concur, concuss, conflict, conform, conform to, conformable, confront, confront each other, confront with, congregate, congregation, congress, congruous, connect, contest, convene, convenient, conventicle, convention, conventional, converge, convocation, convoke, cope, copulate, correct, correspond, council, couple, crack up, crash, crash into, cross, crowd, crump, crunch, customary, dance, dare, dash into, date, de rigueur, deal with, decathlon, decent, decorous, defensible, defray, defy, derby, deserved, desirable, diet, discipline, dispose of, ditto, do, do it, do justice to, double-header, doubles, due, echo, eisteddfod, embrace, emulate, encounter, endure, engagement, envisage, equal, equitable, even, evenhanded, event, expedient, experience, face, face the music, face up, face up to, face with, fair, fair and square, fall across, fall among, fall foul of, fall in with, fall upon, favorable, feasible, feel, felicitous, festivity, fete, field day, fight, fill, fill the bill, find, fit, fitten, fitting, flock together, flow together, focus, follow, forgather, forgathering, formal, fortunate, forum, foul, foursome, front, fructuous, fulfill, funnel, fuse, game, games, games of chance, gang around, gang up, gather, gather around, gathering, gear to, genteel, get by, get together with, get-together, go, go along with, go around, go by, go through, go with, good, grapple, gratify, greet, grow together, gymkhana, hack it, handle, hang together, happen upon, happy, harmonize, have, heed, herd together, hit, hit against, hive, hold, hold a meeting, hold a session, hold by, hold together, horde, housewarming, huddle, hurt, hurtle, impinge, intercommunicate, intersect, jockey, join, joust, just, just do, justifiable, justified, keep, keep faith with, knit, knock, knock against, know, labor under, lawful, lay before, league, legal, levee, level, light, light upon, likely, link, link up, liquidate, live up to, luck, lucky, make conform, make good, make the grade, mass, match, matching, measure up, meet and right, meet boldly, meet head-on, meet requirements, meet squarely, meet up with, meet with, meeting, merge, merited, mill, mold, muster, narrow the gap, nip, observe, open, opportune, oppose, orthodox, outvie, panel, party, pass, pass muster, pass through, pay, pentathlon, percuss, pinch, pitch upon, place before, play, play-off, plenum, politic, present to, profitable, prom, proper, propitious, providential, put it to, qualify, quorum, race, rally, rally around, reach, received, reception, recognized, recommendable, reconcile, reconciled, rectify, regard, regatta, rencontre, rendezvous, respect, right, right and proper, rightful, ripe, rival, rub off corners, run across, run into, run smack into, run the gauntlet, run together, run up against, run upon, runoff, salute, satisfy, seance, seasonable, see, seemly, seethe, serve, serve the purpose, session, set at defiance, set before, settle, shape, shindig, side with, sideswipe, singles, sit, sit-in, sitting, slam into, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, soiree, sortable, speak out, speak up, spend, sport, square, stand, stand under, stand up, stand up to, stem, straighten, stream, stretch, strike, strike against, strike in with, stumble, stumble on, suffer, suffice, suit, suitable, summon, surge, sustain, swarm, symposium, synod, take care of, take it, take on, tally with, taper, taste, test, test one another, the Olympics, threesome, throng, tie, tilt, timely, to be desired, touch, tournament, tourney, track meet, traditional, trial, tumble, turnout, tussle, twosome, undergo, unite, urbane, useful, vie, vie with, warrantable, warranted, well-timed, whomp, wise, work, worthwhile, wrestle, yield




N expedience, expediency, desirableness, desirability, fitness, utility, propriety, opportunism, advantage, high time, expedient, desirable, advisable, acceptable, convenient, worth while, meet, fit, fitting, due, proper, eligible, seemly, becoming, befitting, opportune, in loco, suitable, applicable, in the right place, conveniently, operae pretium est.


VB be accordant, agree, accord, harmonize, correspond, tally, respond, meet, suit, fit, befit, do, adapt itself to, fall in with, chime in with, square with, quadrate with, consort with, comport with, dovetail, assimilate, fit like a glove, fit to a tittle, fit to a T, match, become one, homologate, consent, render accordant, fit, suit, adapt, accommodate, graduate, adjust, dress, regulate, readjust, accord, harmonize, reconcile, fadge, dovetail, square.

N agreement, accord, accordance, unison, harmony, concord, concordance, concert, understanding, mutual understanding, conformity, conformance, uniformity, consonance, consentaneousness, consistency, congruity, congruence, keeping, congeniality, correspondence, parallelism, apposition, union, fitness, aptness, relevancy, pertinence, pertinencey, sortance, case in point, aptitude, coaptation, propriety, applicability, admissibility, commensurability, compatibility, cognation, adaption, adjustment, graduation, accommodation, reconciliation, reconcilement, assimilation, consent, concurrence, cooperation, right man in the right place, very thing, quite the thing, just the thing, agreeing, suiting, in accord, accordant, concordant, consonant, congruous, consentaneous, correspondent, congenial, coherent, becoming, harmonious reconcilable, conformable, in accordance with, in harmony with, in keeping with, in unison with at one with, of one mind, of a piece, consistent, compatible, proportionate, commensurate, on all fours, apt, apposite, pertinent, pat, to the point, to the purpose, happy, felicitous, germane, ad rem, in point, on point, directly on point, bearing upon, applicable, relevant, admissible, fit adapted, in loco, a propos, appropriate, seasonable, sortable, suitable, idoneous, deft, meet, at home, in one's proper element, a propos of, pertinently, rem acu tetigisti, if the shoe fits, wear it, the cap fits, auxilia humilia firma consensus facit, discers concordia.


VB assemble, collect, muster, meet, unite, join, rejoin, cluster, flock, swarm, surge, stream, herd, crowd, throng, associate, congregate, conglomerate, concentrate, precipitate, center round, rendezvous, resort, come together, flock get together, pig together, forgather, huddle, reassemble, assemble, muster, bring together, get together, put together, draw together, scrape together, lump together, collect, collocate, colligate, get, whip in, gather, hold a meeting, convene, convoke, convocate, rake up, dredge, heap, mass, pile, pack, put up, truss, cram, acervate, agglomerate, aggregate, compile, group, aggroup, concentrate, unite, collect into a focus, bring into a focus, amass, accumulate, collect in a dragnet, heap Ossa upon Pelion.


VB observe, comply with, respect, acknowledge, abide by, cling to, adhere to, be faithful to, act up to, meet, fulfill, carry out, carry into execution, execute, perform, keep, satisfy, discharge, do one's office, perform an obligation, fulfill an obligation, discharge an obligation, acquit oneself of an obligation, make good, make good one's word, make good one's promise, keep one's word, keep one's promise, redeem one's pledge, keep faith with, stand to one's engagement.


VB be contiguous, join, adjoin, abut on, march with, graze, touch, meet, osculate, come in contact, coincide, coexist, adhere, juxtapose, contact, join (unite), link (vinculum).


VB be courageous, dare, venture, make bold, face danger, front danger, affront danger, confront danger, brave danger, defy danger, despise danger, mock danger, look in the face, look full in the face, look boldly in the face, look danger in the face, face, meet, meet in front, brave, beard, defy, take courage, muster courage, summon up courage, pluck up courage, nerve oneself, take heart, take heart, pluck up heart of grace, hold up one's head, screw one's courage to the sticking place, come up to scratch, stick to one's guns, standfire, stand against, bear up, bear up against, hold out, put a bold face upon, show a bold front, present a bold front, show fight, face the music, bell the cat, take the bull by the horns, beard the lion in his den, march up to the cannon's mouth, go through fire and water, run the gantlet, give courage, infuse courage, inspire courage, reassure, encourage, embolden, inspirit, cheer, nerve, put upon one's mettle, rally, raise a rallying cry, pat on the back, make a man of, keep in countenance.


N due, dueness, right, privilege, prerogative, prescription, title, claim, pretension, demand, birthright, immunity, license, liberty, franchise, vested interest, vested right, sanction, authority, warranty, charter, warrant, constitution, tenure, bond, claimant, appellant, plaintiff, having a right to, entitled to, claiming, deserving, meriting, worthy of, privileged, allowed, sanctioned, warranted, authorized, ordained, prescribed, constitutional, chartered, enfranchised, prescriptive, presumptive, absolute, indefeasible, unalienable, inalienable, imprescriptible, inviolable, unimpeachable, unchallenged, sacrosanct, due to, merited, deserved, condign, richly deserved, allowable, lawful, licit, legitimate, legal, legalized, square, unexceptionable, right, equitable, due, en r gle, fit, fitting, correct, proper, meet, befitting, becoming, seemly, decorous, creditable, up to the mark, right as a trivet, just the thing, quite the thing, selon les r gles, duly, ex officio, de jure, by right, by divine right, jure divino, Dei gratia, in the name of, civis Romanus sum, +a chaque saint sa chandelle.


N duty, what ought to be done, moral obligation, accountableness, liability, onus, responsibility, bounden duty, imperative duty, call, call of duty, accountability, allegiance, fealty, tie engagement, part, function, calling, morality, morals, decalogue, case of conscience, conscientiousness, conscience, inward monitor, still small voice within, sense of duty, tender conscience, superego, the hell within, dueness, propriety, fitness, seemliness, amenability, decorum, to prepon, the thing, the proper thing, the right thing to do, the proper thing to do, ethics, ethology, deontology, aretology, moral philosophy, ethical philosophy, casuistry, polity, observance, fulfillment, discharge, performance, acquittal, satisfaction, redemption, good behavior, obligatory, binding, imperative, peremptory, stringent, behooving, incumbent on, chargeable on, under obligation, obliged by, bound by, tied by, saddled with, due to, beholden to, bound to, indebted to, tied down, compromised, in duty bound, amenable, liable, accountable, responsible, answerable, right, meet, moral, ethical, casuistical, conscientious, ethological, with a safe conscience, as in duty, bound, on one's own responsibility, at one's own risk, suo periculo, in foro conscientiae, quamdiu se bene gesserit, dura lex sed lex, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, honos habet onus, leve fit quod bene fertur onus, loyaute m'oblige, simple duty bath no place for fear, stern daughter of the voice of God, there is a higher law than the Constitution.


VB converge, concur, come together, unite, meet, fall in with, close with, close in upon, center round, center in, enter in, pour in, gather together, unite, concentrate, bring into a focus.


VB arrive, get to, come to, come, reach, attain, come up with, come up to, overtake, make, fetch, complete, join, rejoin, light, alight, dismount, land, go ashore, debark, disembark, put in, put into, visit, cast anchor, pitch one's tent, sit down, get to one's journey's end, make the land, be in at the death, come back, get back, come home, get home, return, come in, make one's appearance, drop in, detrain, deplane, outspan, de-orbit, come to hand, come at, come across, hit, come upon, light upon, pop upon, bounce upon, plump upon, burst upon, pitch upon, meet, encounter, rencounter, come in contact.

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