Proverbs 17:1
Topic:The Influence of Affluence
When battered by soaring prices, we are tempted to think that we could cope better and be happier if we were wealthy.
Not really, according to a study of graduates from a major American university. The careers of 140 of the graduates of the 1974 class in business administration were closely followed for five years. The researcher categorized the graduates into three groups: top-paid graduates whose average salaries were $75,000; the medium salary range with $38,000 annually; the low salary group with $25,000 annually. At the end of the five-year period, he found that unhappiness in the high income group had increased dramatically. The low income group was happier with its family and life-style. The medium salary group also was ahead of the high income group in its satisfaction with life.
A dry crust eaten in peace is better than steak every day along with argument and strife (Proverbs 17:1, The Bible).