Psalm 150
Topic:Praise the Lord
Throughout the Psalms, the command to Praise the Lord is almost always followed by the activity of praise itselfthat is, reciting back to the Lord His attributes and works. One notable exception is Psalm 150, where the command to Praise the Lord is repeated throughout, as though in needless repetition. At second glance, however, we see that there is great purpose behind this repetition. In verse 1, the command is given along with the added information of where God should be praisedboth in His sanctuary (the Temple) and in His own abode, the heavenlies. Next, verse 2 tells us why God should be praisedbecause His great acts of power and surpassing greatness demand nothing less. Gods creation and His plan of salvation alone should fill our hearts with unceasing praise. Then, in verses 3-5, the command to praise the Lord is repeated six times along with a vivid picture of how God should be praisedwith every type of musical instrument, and even with reverent, interpretive dance (a common practice in Old Testament worship). Notice too the definite emphasis on joy and celebration. Finally, in verse 6, the command to praise the Lord is followed by a description of who should praise Himeverything that has breath.