Most Rewarding Time of Life
Topic: Old AgeOld age can be a most rewarding period of life. For those who have found the satisfaction of a loving and close relationship with the Heavenly Father through faith in His Son, the sunset years can be more appropriately labeled the golden years.
Henry Durbanville felt that way. In his book The Best Is Yet To Be he wrote, I feel so sorry for folks who dont like to grow old...I revel in my years. They enrich me...I would not exchange...the abiding rest of soul, the measure of wisdom I have gained from the sweet and bitter and perplexing experiences of life; nor the confirmed faith I now have in of God, for all the bright and uncertain hopes and tumultuous joys of youth. Indeed, I would not! These are the best years of my life...The way grows brighter; the birds sing sweeter; the winds blow softer; the sun shines more radiantly than ever before. I suppose my outward man is perishing, but my inward an is being joyously renewed day by day.
Robertson McQuilkin wrote, God planned the strength and beauty of youth to be physical. But the strength and beauty of age is spiritual. We gradually lose the strength and beauty that is temporary so well be sure to concentrate on the strength and beauty that is forever.