Romans 14
Topic: RomansTests
1. THE WORLD TEST. Is it worldly? Will it make me worldly to do it (John 15:19, 1 John 2:15- 17)'
2. THE QUALITY TEST. Is it good for me physically, emotionally, and spiritually (Rom. 12:9b)'
3. THE TEMPLE TEST. Can I do it when I remember my body is Gods temple and must not be marred or misused (1 Cor. 6:19)'
4. THE GLORY TEST. Will it glorify my Lord, or will it on the other hand possibly bring shame to His name (1 Cor. 6:20, 10:32)'
5. THE BLESSING TEST. Can I honestly ask Gods blessing on it and be sure Ill not regret doing it (Prov. 10:22, Rom. 15:29)'
6. THE REPUTATION TEST. Is it apt to damage my testimony for the Lord (Phil. 2:15)'
7. THE CONSIDERATION TEST. Am I being considerate of others and the effect this might have on them (Rom. 14:7, 21)'
8. THE APPEARANCE TEST. Will it look bad? Does it have the appearance of what is wrong or suspicious (1 Thess. 5:22)'
9. THE WEIGHT TEST. Could this slacken or sidetrack me in running the Christian race (Heb. 12:1, 1 Cor. 9:24)'
10. THE COMING OF CHRIST TEST. Would I be ashamed to be found doing this when He comes again (1 John 2:28)'
11. THE COMPANION TEST. Can I invite Christ to go with me and participate with me in this (Matt. 28:20b, Col. 3:17)'
12. THE PEACE TEST. After having prayed about it, do I have perfect peace about doing it (Col. 3:15a, Phil. 4:6-7)'
- Between Two Truths, Klyne Snodgrass, Zondervan, 1990, p.127
- Fan The Flame, J. Stowell, Moody, 1986, pp. 99ff
- The Grace Awakening, C. Swindoll, 1990, p. 67
Definition of Sin
J. Wilbur Chapman said, My life is governed by this rule: Anything that dims my vision of Christ or takes away my taste for Bible study or cramps my prayer life or makes Christian work difficult is wrong for me, and I must, as a Christian, turn away from it.
Susannah Wesley
This was how Susannah Wesley defined sin to her young son, John Wesley: If you would judge of the lawfulness or the unlawfulness of pleasure, then take this simple rule: Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, and takes off the relish of spiritual thingsthat to you is sin.
- Restoring Fellowship, Ken & Joy Gage, Moody, 1984, p. 66