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GREEK: 1443 eber Eber
HEBREW: 5677 rbe `Eber 2268 rbx Cheber
NAVE: Eber Heber
EBD: Eber Heber
Ebedmelech | Eben-Bohan | Eben-Ezel | Eben-ezer | Ebenezer | Eber | Ebez | Ebiasaph | Ebionism | Ebionites, Gospel Of The | Ebla


In Bible versions:

a son of Shelah; the father of Peleg; an ancestor of Jesus
son of Shelah (Arpachshad Aram Shem Noah)
a nation: poetic description of Israel
son of Abihail; a founding father of one of the clans of Gad
son of Elpaal of Benjamin
son of Shashak of Benjamin
a priest and head of the clan of Amok under High Priest Joiakim
son of Beriah of Asher
the Kenite husband of the woman Jael who killed Sisera
son of Mered of Judah by his Jewish wife

one that passes; anger
one that passes; anger


Strongs #1443: eber Eber

Eber or Hebrew = "the region beyond"

1) the son of Salah, and great grandson of Shem, one of Abraham's

1443 Eber eb-er'

of Hebrew origin (5677); Eber, a patriarch:-Eber.
see HEBREW for 05677


Strongs #05677: rbe `Eber

Eber or Heber = "the region beyond"

1) son of Salah, great grandson of Shem, father of Peleg and Joktan
2) a Gadite chief
3) a Benjamite, son of Elpaal and descendant of Sharahaim
4) a Benjamite, son of Shashak
5) a priest in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua

5677 `Eber ay'-ber

the same as 5676; Eber, the name of two patriarchs and four
Israelites:-Eber, Heber.
see HEBREW for 05676

Strongs #02268: rbx Cheber

Heber = "comrade"

1) the Kenite, husband of Jael, who slew Sisera by driving a nail
into his temple
2) grandson of Asher from whom came the Heberites
3) father of Socho, a Judahite
4) a Benjamite
5) another Benjamite
6) a Gadite

2268 Cheber kheh'-ber

the same as 2267; community; Cheber, the name of a Kenite and
of three Israelites:-Heber.
see HEBREW for 02267

Eber [EBD]

beyond. (1.). The third post-duluvian patriach after Shem (Gen. 10:24; 11:14). He is regarded as the founder of the Hebrew race (10:21; Num. 24:24). In Luke 3:35 he is called Heber.

(2.) One of the seven heads of the families of the Gadites (1 Chr. 5:13).

(3.) The oldest of the three sons of Elpaal the Benjamite (8:12).

(4.) One of the heads of the familes of Benjamites in Jerusalem (22).

(5.) The head of the priestly family of Amok in the time of Zerubbabel (Neh. 12:20).

Heber [EBD]

passing over. (1.) Son of Beriah and grandson of Asher (Gen. 46:17; 1 Chr. 7:31, 32).

(2.) The Kenite (Judg. 4:11, 17; 5:24), a descendant of Hobab. His wife Jael received Sisera (q.v.) into her tent and then killed him.

(3.) 1 Chr. 4:18.

(4.) A Benjamite (1 Chr. 8:17).

(5.) A Gadite (5:13). (See EBER.)

Eber [NAVE]

EBER, called also Heber. 1. The probable founder of the Hebrew race, Gen. 10:21-25; 11:14; 1 Chr. 1:19, 25; Luke 3:35.
Prophecy concerning, Num. 24:24.
2. A Gadite, called Heber, 1 Chr. 5:13.
3. A Benjamite, 1 Chr. 8:12.
4. A Benjamite of Jerusalem, 1 Chr. 8:22.
5. A priest, Neh. 12:20.

Heber [NAVE]

1. Head of a family in the tribe of Gad, 1 Chr. 5:13.
2. A Benjamite, 1 Chr. 8:22.
3. A son of Beriah, Gen. 46:17; Num. 26:45; 1 Chr. 7:31, 32; Luke 3:35.
4. Husband of Jael, Judg. 4:11, 17, 21; 5:24.
5. Son of Ezra, 1 Chr. 4:18.
6. A Benjamite, 1 Chr. 8:17.


(the region beyond).
  1. Son of Salah, and great-grandson of Shem. (Genesis 10:24; 1 Chronicles 1:19) (B.C. 2277-1813.) [For confusion between Eber and Heber see HEBER]
  2. Son of Elpaal and descendant of Sharahaim of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:12) (B.C. 1400).
  3. A priest in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua. (Nehemiah 12:20) (B.C. 445.)


  1. Grandson of the patriarch Asher, (Genesis 46:17; Numbers 26:45; 1 Chronicles 7:31) from whom came the Heberites. (Numbers 26:45)
  2. The patriarch Eber. (Luke 3:35) [EBER]
  3. The father of Socho; a Judite. (1 Chronicles 4:18)
  4. A Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:17)
  5. A Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:22)
  6. A Gadite. (1 Chronicles 5:13)
  7. The husband of Jael, who slew Sisera by driving a nail into his temple. (Judges 4:21,22)


EBER - e'-ber (`ebher; Eber, in Gen; Obed, in Ch):

(1) Occurs in the genealogies (Gen 10:21,25; 11:14 ff) as the great-grandson of Shem and father of Peleg and Joktan. The word means "the other side," "across," and the form "Hebrew," which is derived from it, is intended to denote the people or tribe who came "from the other, side of the river" (i.e. the Euphrates), from Haran (Gen 11:31), whence Abraham and his dependents migrated to Canaan.

(2) A Gadite (1 Ch 5:13).

(3) (4) Two Benjamites (1 Ch 8:12,22).

(5) The head of a priestly family (Neh 12:20).

A. C. Grant


HEBER - he'-ber (chebher, "associate" or, possibly, "enchanter"; Eber): A name occurring several times in the Old Testament as the name of an individual or of a clan.

(1) A member of the tribe of Asher and son of Beraiah (Gen 46:17; Nu 26:45; 1 Ch 7:31 f).

(2) A Kenite, husband of Jael, who deceptively slew Sisera, captain of the army of Jabin, a Canaanite king (Jdg 4:17; 5:24). He had separated himself from the main body of the Kenites, which accounts for his tent being near Kedesh, the place of Sisera's disastrous battle (Jdg 4:11).

(3) Head of a clan of Judah, and son of Mered by his Jewish, as distinguished from an Egyptian wife. He was father, or founder, of Soco (1 Ch 4:18).

(4) A Benjamite, or clan or family of Elpaal belonging to Benjamin (1 Ch 8:17).

(5) Heber, of our Lord's genealogy (Lk 3:35 the King James Version), better, Eber.

So, the name "Eber," `ebher, in 1 Ch 5:13; 8:22, is not to be confused with Heber, chebher, as in the foregoing passages.

Edward Bagby Pollard

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