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COMPARE - kom-par' (damah, mashal, [`arakh]; paraballo, sugkrino): "Compare" is the translation of damah, "to be like" (Song 1:9); of mashal, "to liken," "compare" (Isa 46:5); of `arakh, "to set in array," "compare" (Ps 89:6; Isa 40:18); of shawah, "to be equal" (Prov 3:15; 8:11).

In the New Testament sugkrino, "to judge" or "sift together," is translated "comparing," "comparing spiritual things with spiritual" (1 Cor 2:13 the English Revised Version), the American Standard Revised Version "combining" ("adapting the discourse to the subject," Thayer), the Revised Version, margin "interpreting spiritual things to spiritual (men)."

W. L. Walker

Also see definition of "Compare" in Word Study

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