Study Dictionary
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Shiloni | Shilonite | Shilonite, The | Shilonites, The | Shilshah | Shimeah | Shimeam | Shimeath | Shimeathites | Shimeites | Shimhi


In Bible versions:

Shime-ah: AVS TEV
Shime-i: AVS TEV
son of Mikloth of Benjamin
son of Gershon/Gershom son of Levi
the son of Gera of Benjamin
son of Jesse (Judah); father of Jonathan who killed a giant
a man who was a friend of kings David and Solomon
son of Ela, Moses' land distribution deputy for Benjamin
son of Pedaiah son of King Jehoiachin
son of Zaccur of Simeon
son of Gog of Reuben
son of Libni of Merari of Levi
the head of a clan of Benjamin; son of Elpaal?
a man who was a descendant of Ladan/Libni son of Levi (WZ)
son of Jeduthun (Levi); worship leader under Jeduthun and David
a man of Ramoth; David's supervisor of vineyards
son of Heman (David's seer) of Samuel of Kohath of Levi
an officer of the temple store house under King Hezekiah
a Levite who put away his heathen wife
a layman of the Hashum Clan who put away his heathen wife
a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife
son of Kish; founding father of the clan of Shime-i of Benjamin
son of Jesse; David's brother
son of David and Bathsheba
son of Michael, of Gershom of Levi; ancestor of Asaph

that hears, or obeys; perdition ( --> same as Shimeath, Shimma)
that hears or obeys; my reputation; my fame ( --> same as Shimi)


Strongs #08093: hemv Shim`ah

Shimeah = "fame"

1) brother of David, the 3rd son of Jesse
1a) also 'Shammah', and 'Shimma'

8093 Shim`ah shim-aw'

feminine of 8088; annunciation; Shimah, an
see HEBREW for 08088

Strongs #08092: aemv Shim`a'

Shimea = "fame"

1) son of David by Bathsheba
2) brother of David, the 3rd son of Jesse
2a) also 'Shammah', 'Shimma', and 'Shimeah'
3) a Gershonite Levite, father of Berachiah, and grandfather of Asaph
4) a Merarite Levite, son of Uzzah, and father of Haggiah

8092 Shim`a' shim-aw'

for 8093; Shima, the name of four Israelites:-Shimea,
Shimei, Shamma.
see HEBREW for 08093

Strongs #08096: yemv Shim`iy

Shimei or Shimhi or Shimi or Shimea = "renowned"

1) a Benjamite, son of Gera of the house of Saul in the time of David
2) a Benjamite, son of Elah and commissariat officer in the time of
3) the Ramathite in charge of the vineyards of David
4) son of Gershon and grandson of Levi
5) a Levite, son of Jeduthun and chief of the 10th division of
singers in the time of David
6) a Levite of the sons of Heman who took part in the purification of
the temple in the time of king Hezekiah of Judah
7) a Levite, brother of Cononiah in charge of receiving the tithes
and offerings in the reign of king Hezekiah of Judah
8) a Levite who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
9) a Judaite, son of Pedaiah and brother of Zerubbabel
10) a Simeonite, son of Zacchur
11) a Reubenite, son of Gog and father of Micah
12) one of the sons of Hashum who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
13) one of the sons of Bani who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
14) a Benjamite, son of Kish, father of Jair, and grandfather of
Mordecai in the time of Esther
15) a Levite, son of Jahath, grandson of Gershon, and great grandson
of Levi
16) Benjamite, father of Adaiah, Beraiah, and Shimrath. Spelled 'Shimhi'

8096 Shim`iy shim-ee'

from 8088; famous; Shimi, the name of twenty
Israelites:-Shimeah (from the margin), Shimei, Shimhi,
see HEBREW for 08088

Strongs #08039: hamv Shim'ah

Shimeah = "report"

1) a Benjamite, son of Mikloth
1a) also 'Shimeam'

8039 Shim'ah shim-aw'

perhaps for 8093; Shimah, an Israelite:-Shimah. Compare
see HEBREW for 08093
see HEBREW for 08043

Shimea [EBD]

the hearing prayer. (1.) One of David's sons by Bathsheba (1 Chr. 3:5); called also Shammua (14:4).

(2.) A Levite of the family of Merari (1 Chr. 6:30).

(3.) Another Levite of the family of Gershon (1 Chr. 6:39).

(4.) One of David's brothers (1 Sam. 16:9, marg.).

Shimeah [EBD]

(1.) One of David's brothers (2 Sam. 13:3); same as Shimea (4).

(2.) A Benjamite, a descendant of Gibeon (1 Chr. 8:32); called also Shimeam (9:38).

Shimei [EBD]

famous. (1.) A son of Gershon, and grandson of Levi (Num. 3:18; 1 Chr. 6:17, 29); called Shimi in Ex. 6:17.

(2.) A Benjamite of the house of Saul, who stoned and cursed David when he reached Bahurim in his flight from Jerusalem on the occasion of the rebellion of Absalom (2 Sam. 16:5-13). After the defeat of Absalom he "came cringing to the king, humbly suing for pardon, bringing with him a thousand of his Benjamite tribesmen, and representing that he was heartily sorry for his crime, and had hurried the first of all the house of Israel to offer homage to the king" (19:16-23). David forgave him; but on his death-bed he gave Solomon special instructions regarding Shimei, of whose fidelity he seems to have been in doubt (1 Kings 2:8,9). He was put to death at the command of Solomon, because he had violated his word by leaving Jerusalem and going to Gath to recover two of his servants who had escaped (36-46).

(3.) One of David's mighty men who refused to acknowledge Adonijah as David's successor (1 Kings 1:8). He is probably the same person who is called elsewhere (4:18) "the son of Elah."

(4.) A son of Pedaiah, the brother of Zerubbabel (1 Chr. 3:19).

(5.) A Simeonite (1 Chr. 4:26, 27).

(6.) A Reubenite (1 Chr. 5:4).

(7.) A Levite of the family of Gershon (1 Chr. 6:42).

(8.) A Ramathite who was "over the vineyards" of David (1 Chr. 27:27).

(9.) One of the sons of Heman, who assisted in the purification of the temple (2 Chr. 29:14).

(10.) A Levite (2 Chr. 31:12, 13).

(11.) Another Levite (Ezra 10:23). "The family of Shimei" (Zech. 12:13; R.V., "the family of the Shimeites") were the descendants of Shimei (1).

Shimea [NAVE]

1. See: Shammuah.
2. See: Shammah, 2.
3. A Merarite Levite, 1 Chr. 6:30.
4. Grandfather of Asaph, 1 Chr. 6:39.

Shimeah [NAVE]

1. A Benjamite, son of Mikloth, 1 Chr. 8:32.
Called Shimeam, 1 Chr. 9:38.
2. See: Shammah, 2.

Shimei [NAVE]

1. Called also Shimi.
Son of Gershon, Ex. 6:17; Num. 3:18; 1 Chr. 6:17; 23:7, 10.
2. A Benjamite. Curses David; David's magnanimity toward, 2 Sam. 16:5-13; 19:16-23, with 1 Kin. 2:36-46.
3. An officer of David, 1 Kin. 1:8.
4. One of Solomon's commissary officers, 1 Kin. 4:18.
5. Grandson of Jeconiah, 1 Chr. 3:19.
6. Son of Zacchur, 1 Chr. 4:26, 27.
7. A Reubenite. Son of Gog, 1 Chr. 5:4.
8. A Merarite. Son of Libni, 1 Chr. 6:29.
9. A Gershonite. Son of Jahath, 1 Chr. 6:42.
10. Father of a family in Benjamin, 1 Chr. 8:21.
Also called Shimhi.
11. A Levite, 1 Chr. 23:9.
12. A leader of singers in time of David, 1 Chr. 25:17.
13. David's overseer of vineyards, 1 Chr. 27:27.
14. A son of Heman, 2 Chr. 29:14.
15. A Levite. Treasurer of tithes and offerings in time of Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 31:12, 13.
16. A Levite who put away his Gentile wife, Ezra 10:23.
17. The name of two Israelites who put away Gentile wives, Ezra 10:33, 38.
18. A Benjamite. Grandfather of Mordecai, Esth. 2:5.
19. The ancestor of a family, Zech. 12:13.
Possibly identical with 1.


  1. Son of David by Beth-shean. (1 Chronicles 3:5) (B.C. 1045.)
  2. A Merarite Levite. (1 Chronicles 6:30) (15).
  3. A Gershonite Levite, ancestor of Asaph the minstrel. (1 Chronicles 6:39) (24). (B.C. before 1200.)
  4. The brother of David, (1 Chronicles 20:7) elsewhere called Shamma, Shimma and Shimeah.


  1. Brother of David, and father of Jonathan and Jonadab, (2 Samuel 21:21) called also Shammah, Shimea, and Shimma. (B.C. about 1060.)
  2. A descendant of Jehiel, the father or founder of Gibeon. (1 Chronicles 8:32) (B.C. perhaps 536.)


  1. Son of Gershon the son of Levi, (Numbers 3:18; 1 Chronicles 6:17,29; 23:7,9,10; Zechariah 12:13) called SHIMI in (Exodus 6:17) (B.C. after 1706.)
  2. Shimei the son of Gera, a Benjamite of the house of Saul, who lived at Bahurim. (B.C. 1023.) When David and his suite were seen descending the long defile, on his flight from Absolom, (2 Samuel 16:5-13) the whole feeling of the clan of Benjamin burst forth without restraint in the person of Shimei. He ran along the ridge, cursing and throwing stones at the king and is companions. The next meeting was very different. The king was now returning from his successful campaign. Just as he was crossing the Jordan, (2 Samuel 19:18) the first person to welcome him was Shimei who threw himself at David?s feet in abject penitence. But the king?s suspicions were not set at rest by this submission; and on his death-bed he recalls the whole scene to the recollection of his son Solomon. Solomon gave Shimei notice that from henceforth he must consider himself confined to the walls of Jerusalem, on pain of death. (1 Kings 3:36,37) For three years the engagement was kept. At the end of that time for the purpose of capturing two slaves who had escaped to Gath, he went out on his ass, and made his journey successfully. Ibid. (1 Kings 2:40) On his return the king took him at his word, and he was slain by Benaiah. Ibid. (1 Kings 2:41-46)
  3. One of the adherents of Solomon at the time of Adonjah?s usurpation. (1 Kings 1:8) (B.C.1015.)
  4. Solomon?s commissariat officer in Benjamin. (1 Kings 4:18)
  5. Son of Pedaiah, and brother of Zerubbabel. (1 Chronicles 3:19) (B.C. 536.)
  6. A Simeonite, son of Zacchur. (1 Chronicles 4:26,27)
  7. Son of Gog, a Reubenite. (1 Chronicles 5:4)
  8. A Gershonite Levite, son of Jahath. (1 Chronicles 6:42)
  9. Son of Jeduthun, and chief of the tenth division of the singers. (1 Chronicles 25:17)
  10. The Ramathite who was over David?s vineyards. (1 Chronicles 27:27)
  11. A Levite of the sons of Heman, who took part in the purification of the temple under Zedekiah. (2 Chronicles 29:14) (B.C. 726.)
  12. The brother of Cononiah the Levite, in the reign of Hezekiah. (2 Chronicles 31:12,13) Perhaps the same as the preceding.
  13. A Levite in the time of Ezra who had married a foreign wife. (Ezra 10:23)
  14. One of the family of Hashum, who put away his foreign wife at Ezra?s command. (Ezra 10:33)
  15. A son of Bani, who had also married a foreign wife, and put her away. (Ezra 10:38) (B.C. 459.)
  16. Son of Kish, a Benjamite, and ancestor of Mordecai. (Esther 2:5) (B.C. before 479).


SHIMEA - shim'-e-a (shim`a'):


(1) Brother of David.


(2) Son of David (1 Ch 3:5, Codex Vaticanus Saman; but in 2 Sam 5:14; 1 Ch 14:4, "Shammua").

(3) A Merarite Levite (1 Ch 6:30, Codex Vaticanus Somea; Codex Alexandrinus Sama, Lucian, Samaa).

(4) A Gershonite Levite (1 Ch 6:39 (24), Semaa).


SHIMEAH - shim'-e-a (shim'ah; Codex Vaticanus Semaa, Codex Alexandrinus Samea, Lucian, Samaa): A descendant of Jehiel, the "father" of Gibeon (1 Ch 8:32); in 1 Ch 9:38 he is called "Shimeam" (Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, Lucian; Samaa Codex Alexandrinus Sama; see Jewish Quarterly Review, XI, 110-13, section symbol section symbol 10-12).


SHIMEI - shim'-e-i (shim`i, possibly "hear me (El)" or "(Jah)"; Semeei, Semei): A name of frequent occurrence throughout the Old Testament records, sometimes varying slightly in form in English Versions of the Bible. The King James Version has "Shimi" in Ex 6:17; "Shimhi" in 1 Ch 8:21; "Shimeah" in 2 Sam 21:21. the Revised Version (British and American) has "Shimeites" in Zec 12:13, where the King James Version has "Shimei," and Nu 3:21 for the King James Version "Shimites." English Versions of the Bible has "Shema" in 1 Ch 8:13,21 margin for the "Shimei" of 8:21. In all others of the many occurrences in the King James Version and the Revised Version (British and American) the form is "Shimei."

(1) A family name among the Levites before and after the exile, at least five of whom bore it: (a) Son of Gershon and grandson of Levi (Ex 6:17; Nu 3:18; 1 Ch 6:17; 23:7,10). The text of 1 Chronicles 6 and 23 is corrupt, making difficult the tracing of the various genealogies and the identification of the several Shimeis. Evidently that of 23:9 is a scribe's error for one of the four sons of Ladan or Libni, whose names are given in the preceding verse. (b) An ancestor of Asaph the musician (1 Ch 6:42), possibly the same as (a) above, Jahath the son of South (compare 1 Ch 23:10) being by a copyist's error transposed so as to read as if he were the father of South (c) A descendant of the Merarite branch of the Levites (1 Ch 6:29). (d) One of the 288 trained singers in the service of the sanctuary under Asaph (1 Ch 25:17). (e) One of the Levites who helped to cleanse the Temple in Hezekiah's reformation (2 Ch 29:14). He was a descendant of Heman the musician. Hezekiah afterward appointed him with Conaniah to have chief oversight of "the oblations and the tithes and the dedicated things" which were brought into the chambers of Yahweh's house prepared for them (2 Ch 31:11,12). (f) A Levite who under Ezra put away his foreign wife (Ezr 10:23), "Semeis" in 1 Esdras 9:23.

(2) The best-known Bible character of this name is the Benjamite, of the family of Saul (2 Sam 16:5-12; 19:16-20; 1 Ki 2:8,9,36-46), who met David at Bahurim as he was fleeing from Absalom, and in bitter and cowardly fashion cursed and attacked the hard-pressed king. Apparently David's flight to the Jordan led through a narrow ravine, on one side of which, or on the ridge above, stood Shimei in safety as he cast stones at David and his men, cursing as he threw (2 Sam 16:5,6). His hatred of David who had displaced his royal kinsman Saul had smouldered long in his mean heart; and now the flame bursts out, as the aged and apparently helpless king flees before his own son. Shimei seizes the long-coveted opportunity to pour out the acid hate of his heart. But when David's faithful companions would cross the ravine to make quick work of Shimei, the noble king forbade them with these remarkable words: "Behold, my son, who came forth from my bowels, seeketh my life: how much more may this Benjamite now do it? let him alone, and let him curse; for Yahweh hath bidden him. It may be that Yahweh .... will requite me good for his cursing" (2 Sam 16:11,12). After Absalom's overthrow, as the king was returning victorious and vindicated, Shimei met him at the Jordan with most abject confession and with vows of allegiance (2 Sam 19:16-23).

The king spared his life; but shortly before his death charged his son Solomon to see that due punishment should come to Shimei for his sins: "Thou shalt bring his hoar head down to Sheol with blood" (1 Ki 2:9). When he came to the throne Solomon summoned Shimei and bade him build a house in Jerusalem, to which he should come and from which he must not go out on pain of death (1 Ki 2:36-38). Feeling secure after some years, Shimei left his home in Jerusalem to recapture some escaped slaves (1 Ki 2:39-41), and in consequence he was promptly dispatched by that gruesome avenger of blood, the royal executioner, "Benaiah the son of Jehoiada," who "fell upon him," as he had upon Adonijah and Joab, "so that he died" (1 Ki 2:46).

(3) Another Benjamite, mentioned with Rei as an officer in the king's bodyguard, who was faithful to David in the rebellion of Adonijah (1 Ki 1:8). Josephus reads Rei as a common noun, describing Shimei as "the friend of David." He is to be identified with the son of Elah (1 Ki 4:18), whom Solomon, probably because of his fidelity, named as one of the 12 chief commissary officers appointed over all Israel, "who provided victuals for the king and his household."

(4) A man of some prominence in the tribe of Benjamin (1 Ch 8:21), whose home was in Aijalon, where he was a "head of fathers' houses" (1 Ch 8:13); but his descendants lived in Jerusalem (1 Ch 8:28). In the King James Version he is called "Shimhi"; in 1 Ch 8:13 he is called "Shema."

(5) Another Benjamite, an ancestor of Mordecai (Est 2:5), "Semeias" in Additions to Esther 11:2.

(6) A brother of David (2 Sam 21:21, the King James Version "Shimeah"); in 1 Sam 16:9 he is called "Shammah"; compare "Shimeah," "Shimea."

(7) A man of Judah, called "the Ramathite," who was "over the vineyards" in David's reign (1 Ch 27:27).

(8) A Simeonite living in the time of David (1 Ch 4:26,27), whose chief claim to distinction was that he was father of 16 sons and 6 daughters. The descendants of such a numerous progeny, not being able to maintain themselves in their ancestral home in Beer-sheba, in the days of Hezekiah fell upon Gerar, and dispossessed "the sons of Ham" (1 Ch 4:39, the Septuagint), and upon Mt. Seir, driving out the Amalekites (1 Ch 4:43).

(9) A man of Reuben, son of Gog (1 Ch 5:4).

(10), (11) Two men of "Israel," i.e. not priests or Levites, one "of the sons of Hashum" (Ezr 10:33), the other "of the sons of Bani" (Ezr 10:38), who put away their foreign wives at Ezra's command, in 1 Esdras called respectively "Semei" (9:33) and "Someis" (9:34).

(12) A brother of Zerubbabel (1 Ch 3:19).

The Shimeites were descendants of Shimei, grandson of Levi; compare (1) (a) above (Nu 3:21; Zec 12:13).

Edward Mack

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