Study Dictionary
NAVE: Ramath-lehi
EBD: Ramath-lehi
Ramath Lehi
In Bible versions:
Ramath Lehi: NET NIVRamath-Lehi: AVS TEV
Ramath-lehi: NRSV NASB
the place where Samson defended himself with a donkey's jawbone
elevation of the jaw-bone
elevation of the jaw-bone
Google Maps:
(31° 45´, 34° 58´)

Strongs #07437: yxl tmr Ramath Lechiy
Ramath-lehi = "height of a jawbone"1) a place by the rock Elam in northern Judah near the border of the
Philistines; named by Samson after his slaughter of the 1000
Philistines with the jawbone of an ass
7437 Ramath Lechiy raw'-math lekh'-ee
from 7413 and 3895; height of a jaw-bone; Ramath-Lechi, aplace in Palestine:-Ramath-lehi.
see HEBREW for 07413
see HEBREW for 03895
Ramath-lehi [EBD]
elevation of Lehi, or the jawbone height; i.e., the Ramah of Lehi (Judg. 15:15-17). The phrase "in the jaw," ver. 19, Authorized Version, is in the margin, also in the Revised Version, "in Lehi." Here Samson slew a thousand Philistines with a jawbone.
Ramath-lehi [NAVE]
RAMATH-LEHI, place where Samson killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, Judg. 15:17.RAMATH-LEHI [ISBE]
RAMATH-LEHI - ra'-math-le'-hi (ramath lechi, "the hill" or "height of Lehi"; Anairesis siagonos): So the place is said to have been called where Samson threw away the jaw-bone of an ass, with which he had slain 1,000 Philistines (Jdg 15:17). The Septuagint seems to have supposed that the name referred to the "heaving" or throwing up of the jaw-bone. The Hebrew, however, corresponds to the form used in other placenames, such as Ramath-mizpeh, and must be read as "Ramah of Lehi." The name Lehi may have been given because of some real or imagined likeness in the place to the shape of a jaw-bone (Jdg 15:9,14,19). It may have been in Wady es-Sarar, not far from Zorah and Timnath; but the available data do not permit of certain identification.See JAWBONE; LEHI.
W. Ewing