NAVE: Merom
EBD: Merom
In Bible versions:
Merom: NET AVS NRSV NASB TEVWaters of Merom: NIV
eminences; elevations

Strongs #04792: Mwrm Merowm
Merom = "high place"1) the lake in northern Canaan at which Joshua routed the northern
confederacy headed by Jabin
1a) site uncertain; probably the lake formed by the Jordan river
about 10 miles (16 km) north of the Sea of Galilee
4792 Merowm may-rome'
formed like 4791; height; Merom, a lake inPalestine:-Merom.
see HEBREW for 04791
Merom [EBD]
height, a lake in Northern Palestine through which the Jordan flows. It was the scene of the third and last great victory gained by Joshua over the Canaanites (Josh. 11:5-7). It is not again mentioned in Scripture. Its modern name is Bakrat el-Huleh. "The Ard el-Huleh, the centre of which the lake occupies, is a nearly level plain of 16 miles in length from north to south, and its breadth from east to west is from 7 to 8 miles. On the west it is walled in by the steep and lofty range of the hills of Kedesh-Naphtali; on the east it is bounded by the lower and more gradually ascending slopes of Bashan; on the north it is shut in by a line of hills hummocky and irregular in shape and of no great height, and stretching across from the mountains of Naphtali to the roots of Mount Hermon, which towers up at the north-eastern angle of the plain to a height of 10,000 feet. At its southern extremity the plain is similarly traversed by elevated and broken ground, through which, by deep and narrow clefts, the Jordan, after passing through Lake Huleh, makes its rapid descent to the Sea of Galilee."
The lake is triangular in form, about 4 1/2 miles in length by 3 1/2 at its greatest breadth. Its surface is 7 feet above that of the Mediterranean. It is surrounded by a morass, which is thickly covered with canes and papyrus reeds, which are impenetrable. Macgregor with his canoe, the Rob Roy, was the first that ever, in modern times, sailed on its waters. (See JORDAN.)
Merom [NAVE]
MEROMThe district near the springs of Jordan. Joshua conquered the confederacy of kings under Jabin, king of Hazor, near, Josh. 11:5-7.