Study Dictionary
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Hiom | Hip | Hippopotamus | Hippus | Hirah | Hiram | Hircanus | Hire | Hireling | His | Hiss


In Bible versions:

Huram Abi: NET
Huram-Abi: AVS NIV TEV
Huram-abi: NRSV NASB
king of Tyre in David's time
son of a man of Tyre and a woman of Naphtali or Dan
son of Bela son of Benjamin
king of Tyre in David and Solomon's time
son of a man of Tyre and a woman of Naphtali

exaltation of life; a destroyer
their liberty; their whiteness; their hole ( --> same as Huri)


Strongs #02438: Mryx Chiyram or Mwryx Chiyrowm

Hiram, Huram = "noble"

1) the king of Tyre who sent workmen and materials to Jerusalem to
build both the palace for David and the temple for Solomon
2) the chief architect and engineer of Solomon's temple sent by
King Hiram to Solomon

2438 Chiyram khee-rawm'

or Chiyrowm {khee-rome'}; another form of 2361; Chiram or
Chirom, the name of two Tyrians:-Hiram, Huram.
see HEBREW for 02361

Strongs #02361: Mrwx Chuwram

Huram = "noble born"

1) son of Bela and grandson of Benjamin
2) king of Tyre allied with David and Solomon; alternate spelling for
3) a chief architect of Solomon's temple; alternate spelling for

2361 Chuwram khoo-rawm'

probably from 2353; whiteness, i.e. noble; Churam, the name
of an Israelite and two Syrians:-Huram. Compare 2438.
see HEBREW for 02353
see HEBREW for 02438

Hiram [EBD]

high-born. (1.) Generally "Huram," one of the sons of Bela (1 Chr. 8:5).

(2.) Also "Huram" and "Horam," king of Tyre. He entered into an alliance with David, and assisted him in building his palace by sending him able workmen, and also cedar-trees and fir-trees from Lebanon (2 Sam. 5:11; 1 Chr. 14:1). After the death of David he entered into a similar alliance with Solomon, and assisted him greatly in building the temple (1 Kings 5:1; 9:11; 2 Chr. 2:3). He also took part in Solomon's traffic to the Eastern Seas (1 Kings 9:27; 10:11; 2 Chr. 8:18; 9:10).

(3.) The "master workman" whom Hiram sent to Solomon. He was the son of a widow of Dan, and of a Tyrian father. In 2 Chr. 2:13 "Huram my father" should be Huram Abi, the word "Abi" (rendered here "my father") being regarded as a proper name, or it may perhaps be a title of distinction given to Huram, and equivalent to "master." (Comp. 1 Kings 7:14; 2 Chr. 4:16.) He cast the magnificent brazen works for Solomon's temple in clay-beds in the valley of Jordan, between Succoth and Zarthan.

Hiram [NAVE]

1. Called Huram, king of Tyre. Builds a house for David, 2 Sam. 5:11; 1 Chr. 14:1; 2 Chr. 2:3.
Aids Solomon in building the temple, 1 Kin. 5; 2 Chr. 2:3-16.
Dissatisfied with cities given by Solomon, 1 Kin. 9:11-13.
Makes presents of gold and seamen to Solomon, 1 Kin. 9:14, 26-28; 10:11.
2. Called also Huram. An artificer sent by King Hiram to execute the artistic work of the interior of the temple, 1 Kin. 7:13-45; 2 Chr. 2:13; 4:11-16.

Huram [NAVE]

1. Son of Bela, 1 Chr. 8:5.
2. King of Tyre. See: Hiram.
3. See: Hiram.


  1. The king of Tyre who sent workmen and materials to Jerusalem, first, (2 Samuel 5:11; 1 Chronicles 14:1) to build a palace for David (B.C. 1064), whom he ever loved, (1 Kings 5:1) and again, 1Kin 5:10; 7:13; 2Chr 2:16 To build the temple for Solomon, with whom he had a treaty of peace and commerce (1 Kings 5:11,12) He admitted Solomon?s ships issuing from Joppa, to a share in the profitable trade of the Mediterranean, (1 Kings 10:22) and the Jewish sailors, under the guidance of Tyrians, were taught to bring the gold of India, (1 Kings 9:26) to Solomon?s two harbors on the Red Sea.
  2. Hiram was the name of a man of mixed race, (1 Kings 7:13,40) the principal architect and engineer sent by King Hiram to Solomon.


(noble born).
  1. A Benjamite; son of Bela, the first-born of the patriarch. (1 Chronicles 8:5)
  2. The form in which the name of the king of Tyre in alliance with David and Solomon --and elsewhere given as HIRAM, OR HURAM-- appears in Chronicles. (1 Chronicles 14:1; 2 Chronicles 2:3,11,12; 8:2,18; 9:10,21)
  3. The same Change occurs in Chronicles in the name of Hiram the artificer, which is given as HIRAM, OR HURAM in (2 Chronicles 2:13; 4:11,16) [HIRAM, OR HURAM]


HIRAM - hi'-ram (chiram; Septuagint Chiram, but Cheiram, in 2 Sam 5:11; 1 Ch 14:1): There is some confusion regarding the form of this name. In the books of Samuel and Kings the prevailing form is "Hiram" (chiram); but in 1 Ki 5:10,18 margin (Hebrew 24,32); 7:40 margin "Hirom" (chirom) is found. In Chronicles the form of the word is uniformly "Huram" (churam).

(1) A king of Tyre who lived on most friendly terms with both David and Solomon. After David had taken the stronghold of Zion, Hiram sent messengers and workmen and materials to build a palace for him at Jerusalem (2 Sam 5:11; 1 Ch 14:1). Solomon, on his accession to the throne, made a league with Hiram, in consequence of which Hiram furnished the new king of Israel with skilled workmen and with cedar trees and fir trees and algum trees from Lebanon for the building of the Temple. In return Solomon gave annually to Hiram large quantities of wheat and oil (1 Ki 5:1 (Hebrew 15) ff; 2 Ch 2:3 (Hebrew 2) ff). "At the end of twenty years, wherein Solomon had built the two houses, the house of Yahweh and the king's house," Solomon made a present to Hiram of twenty cities in the land of Galilee. Hiram was not at all pleased with these cities and contemptuously called them "Cabul." His displeasure, however, with this gift does not seem to have disturbed the amicable relations that had hitherto existed between the two kings, for subsequently Hiram sent to the king of Israel 120 talents of gold (1 Ki 9:10-14). Hiram and Solomon maintained merchant vessels on the Mediterranean and shared mutually in a profitable trade with foreign ports (1 Ki 10:22). Hiram's servants, "shipmen that had knowledge of the sea," taught the sailors of Solomon the route from Ezion-geber and Eloth to Ophir, whence large stores of gold were brought to King Solomon (1 Ki 9:26; 2 Ch 8:17 f).

Josephus (Apion, I, 17, 18) informs us, on the authority of the historians Dius and Menander, that Hiram was the son of Abibal, that he had a prosperous reign of 34 years, and died at the age of 53. He tells us on the same authority that Hiram and Solomon sent problems to each other to solve; that Hiram could not solve those sent him by Solomon, whereupon he paid to Solomon a large sum of money, as had at first been agreed upon. Finally, Abdemon, a man of Tyre, did solve the problems, and proposed others which Solomon was unable to explain; consequently Solomon was obliged to pay back to Hiram a vast sum of money. Josephus further states (Ant., VIII, ii, 8) that the correspondence carried on between Solomon and Hiram in regard to the building of the Temple was preserved, not only in the records of the Jews, but also in the public records of Tyre. It is also related by Phoenician historians that Hiram gave his daughter to Solomon in marriage.

(2) The name of a skillful worker in brass and other substances, whom Solomon secured from Hiram king of Tyre to do work on the Temple. His father was a brass-worker of Tyre, and his mother was a woman of the tribe of Naphtali (1 Ki 7:14), "a woman of the daughters of Dan" (2 Ch 2:14 (Hebrew 13); 1 Ki 7:13 ff; 2 Ch 2:13 f (Hebrew 12,13)).

Jesse L. Cotton


HURAM - hu'-ram (churam, "noble-born"):

(1) Grandson of Benjamin (1 Ch 8:5).

(2) King of Tyre in alliance with David and Solomon. So named in 2 Ch 2:3,11,12; 8:2; 9:10,21, but elsewhere written HIRAM (which see).

(3) The Tyrian artisan who is so named in 2 Ch 2:13; 4:11,16, but elsewhere called "Hiram."

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