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HEBREW: 2341 hlywx Chaviylah
NAVE: Havilah
EBD: Havilah
Haunt | Hauran | Have | Haven | Havens, Fair | Havilah | Havoc | Havoth-jair | Havothjair | Havvah | Havvoth Jair


In Bible versions:

son of Cush son of Ham son of Noah
son of Joktan of Shem
a region encircled by the Pishon River
a place whose exact position is unknown

that suffers pain; that brings forth
Google Maps: Havilah (2) (30° 8´, 35° 13´)


Strongs #02341: hlywx Chaviylah

Havilah = "circle"

n pr loc
1) a part of Eden through which flowed the river Pison (Araxes); was
probably the Grecian Colchis, in the northeast corner of Asia Minor,
near the Caspian Sea
2) a district in Arabia of the Ishmaelites named from the 2nd son of
Cush; probably the district of Kualan, in the northwestern part of

n pr m
3) a son of Cush
4) a son of Joktan

2341 Chaviylah khav-ee-law'

probably from 2342; circular; Chavilah, the name of two or
three eastern regions; also perhaps of two men:-Havilah.
see HEBREW for 02342

Havilah [EBD]

the sand region. (1.) A land mentioned in Gen. 2:11 rich in gold and bdellium and onyx stone. The question as to the locality of this region has given rise to a great diversity of opinion. It may perhaps be identified with the sandy tract which skirts Babylonia along the whole of its western border, stretching from the lower Euphrates to the mountains of Edom.

(2.) A district in Arabia-Felix. It is uncertain whether the tribe gave its name to this region or derived its name from it, and whether it was originally a Cushite (Gen. 10:7) or a Joktanite tribe (10:29; comp. 25:18), or whether there were both a Cushite and a Joktanite Havilah. It is the opinion of Kalisch, however, that Havilah "in both instances designates the same country, extending at least from the Persian to the Arabian Gulf, and on account of its vast extent easily divided into two distinct parts." This opinion may be well vindicated.

(3.) One of the sons of Cush (Gen. 10:7).

(4.) A son of Joktan (Gen. 10:29; 1 Chr. 1:23).

Havilah [NAVE]

1. Son of Cush, Gen. 10:7; 1 Chr. 1:9.
2. A son of Joktan, Gen. 10:29; 1 Chr. 1:23.
3. An unknown region, Gen. 2:11.
4. A district E. of Amalek, Gen. 25:18; 1 Sam. 15:7.


  1. A son of Cush. (Genesis 10:7)
  2. A son of Joktan. (Genesis 10:29)


(Genesis 2:11)
  1. A part of Eden through which flowed the river Pison (Araxes). It was probably the Grecian Colchis, in the northeast corner of Asia Minor, near the Caspian Sea.
  2. A district in Arabia Felix, (Genesis 10:7) named from the second son of Cush; probably the district of Kualan, in the northwestern part of Yemen.


HAVILAH - hav'-i-la (chawilah; Heuila):

(1) Son of Cush (Gen 10:7; 1 Ch 1:9).

(2) Son of Yoktan, descendant of Shem (Gen 10:29; 1 Ch 1:23).

(3) Mentioned with Shur as one of the limits of the territory of the Ishmaelites (Gen 25:18); compare the same limits of the land of the Amalekites (1 Sam 15:7), where, however, the text is doubtful. It is described (Gen 2:11,12) as bounded by the river Pishon and as being rich in gold, bdellium and "shoham-stone" (English Version of the Bible, "onyx"). The shoham-stone was perhaps the Assyrian samtu, probably the malachite or turquoise. The mention of a Cushite Havilah is explained by the fact that the Arabian tribes at an early time migrated to the coast of Africa. The context of Gen 10:7 thus favors situation on the Ethiopian shore, and the name is perhaps preserved in the kolpos Aualites and in the tribe Abalitai on the South side of the straits of Babel-Mandeb. Or possibly a trace of the name appears in the classical Aualis, now Zeila` in Somaliland. But its occurrence among the Yoktanite Arabs (Gen 10:29) suggests a location in Arabia. South Arabian inscriptions mention a district of Khaulan (Chaulan), and a place of this name is found both in Tihama and Southeast of San`a'. Again Strabo's Chaulotaioi and Chuwaila in Bahrein point to a district on the Arabian shore of the Persian Gulf. No exact identification has yet been made.

A. S. Fulton

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