Also see definition of "Issachar" in Word Study
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In Bible versions:

Issacharites: NET
son of Joseph of Issachar; a spy sent by Moses
son of Nathan of Zobah; one of David's military elite
son of Shemaiah, a descendant of Hananiah, Zerubbabel and David
the tribe of Israel that came from his Jacob's son Issachar
son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Issachar
the tribe of Issachar in Israel
son of Obed-Edom

redeemed; defiled
reward; recompense
Arts Topics: Portraits of Issachar, Son of Jacob


Strongs #2466: Issacar Isachar

Issachar = "reward"

1) the ninth son of Jacob and the fifth of Leah

2466 Isachar ee-sakh-ar'

of Hebrew origin (3485); Isachar (i.e. Jissaskar), a son of Jacob
(figuratively, his descendant):-Issachar.
see HEBREW for 03485


Strongs #03008: lagy Yig'al

Igal or Igeal = "He redeems"

1) son of Joseph and a spy from the tribe of Issachar
2) son of Nathan of Zobah, one of David's mighty warriors
3) a son of Shemaiah and descendant of Zerubbabel

3008 Yig'al yig-awl'

from 1350; avenger; Jigal, the name of three
Israelites:-Igal, Igeal.
see HEBREW for 01350

Strongs #03485: rkvsy Yissaskar (strictly yis-saws-kawr')

Issachar = "there is recompense"

n pr m
1) the 9th son of Jacob and the 5th by Leah his first wife and the
progenitor of a tribe by his name
2) a Korahite Levite and the 7th son of Obed-edom and doorkeeper to
the temple

n pr coll
3) the tribe descended from Issachar the son of Jacob

n pr loc
4) the territory allocated to the descendants of Issachar when they
entered the land of Canaan

3485 Yissaskar yis-saw-kawr'

(strictly yis-saws-kawr'); from 5375 and 7939; he will bring
a reward; Jissaskar, a son of Jacob:-Issachar.
see HEBREW for 05375
see HEBREW for 07939

Igal [EBD]

avengers. (1.) Num. 13:7, one of the spies of the tribe of Issachar. (2.) Son of Nathan of Zobah, and one of David's warriors (2 Sam. 23:36). (3.) 1 Chr. 3:22.

Issachar [EBD]

hired (Gen. 30:18). "God hath given me," said Leah, "my hire (Heb. sekhari)...and she called his name Issachar." He was Jacob's ninth son, and was born in Padan-aram (comp. 28:2). He had four sons at the going down into Egypt (46:13; Num. 26:23, 25).

Issachar, Tribe of, during the journey through the wilderness, along with Judah and Zebulun (Num. 2:5), marched on the east of the tabernacle. This tribe contained 54,400 fighting men when the census was taken at Sinai. After the entrance into the Promised Land, this tribe was one of the six which stood on Gerizim during the ceremony of the blessing and cursing (Deut. 27:12). The allotment of Issachar is described in Josh. 19:17-23. It included the plain of Esdraelon (=Jezreel), which was and still is the richest portion of Palestine (Deut. 33:18, 19; 1 Chr. 12:40).

The prophetic blessing pronounced by Jacob on Issachar corresponds with that of Moses (Gen. 49:14, 15; comp. Deut. 33:18, 19).

Igal [NAVE]

1. One of the spies sent to Canaan, Num. 13:7.
2. Called also Joel. One of David's guards, 2 Sam. 23:36; 1 Chr. 11:38.

Issachar [NAVE]

1. Son of Jacob, Gen. 30:18; Ex. 1:3; 1 Chr. 2:1.
Jacob's prophetic benedictions upon, Gen. 49:14, 15.
In the time of David, 1 Chr. 7:2, 5.
See Tribe of below.
Tribe of
Military forces of, taken at Sinai, Num. 1:28, 29; 2:6; on the plains of Moab, Num. 26:25.
Moses's blessing upon, Deut. 33:18, 19.
Place in march and camp, Num. 2:3, 5; 10:14, 15.
Parts of Canaan allotted to, Josh. 19:17-23, with Josh. 17:10, 11.
Join Deborah and Barak in war against Sisera, Judg. 5:15.
Insurgents from, joined David, 1 Chr. 12:32, 40.
Join with the kingdom of Judah after the conquest of the land by, 2 Chr. 30:18.
For things common to all the tribes, See: Israelites, Tribes of.


(whom God will avenge).
  1. One of the spies, son of Joseph, of the tribe of Issachar. (Numbers 13:7) (B.C. 1490.)
  2. One of the heroes of David?s guard, son of Nathan of Zobah. (2 Samuel 23:36) (B.C. 1046.)


(reward). I. The ninth son of Jacob and the fifth of Leah. (Genesis 30:17,18) (B.C. 1753-45) At the descent into Egypt four sons are ascribed to him, who founded the four chief families of the tribes. (Genesis 46:13; Numbers 26:23,25; 1 Chronicles 7:1) The number of the fighting men of Issachar, when taken in the census at Sinai, was 54,400. During the journey they seem to have steadily increased. The allotment of Issachar lay above that of Manasseh. (Joshua 19:17-23) In the words of Josephus, "it extended in length from Carmel to the Jordan, in breadth to Mount Tabor." This territory was, as it still is, among the richest land in Palestine. It is this aspect of the territory of Issachar which appears to be alluded to in the blessing of Jacob.
  1. A Korhite Levite, one of the door-keepers of the house of Jehovah, seventh son of Obed-edom. (1 Chronicles 26:5)


IGAL - i'-gal (yigh'al, "he (God) redeems"; Septuagint variously Igal, Gaal, Ieol):

(1) One of the twelve spies sent by Moses from the wilderness of Paran; son of Joseph, tribe of Issachar (Nu 13:7).

(2) One of David's heroes, son of Nathan of Zobah (2 Sam 23:36). In 1 Ch 11:38 he is "Joel (yo'el), the brother of Nathan."

(3) Son of Shemaiah of the royal house of David, descendant of Zerubbabel (1 Ch 3:22, the King James Version "Igeal").


ISSACHAR - is'-a-kar (yissa(se)khar; Septuagint, Swete Issachar; Tischendorf, Issachar, so also in the New Testament, Tregelles, and Westcott and Hort, The New Testament in Greek):

(1) The 9th son of Jacob, the 5th borne to him by Leah (Gen 30:17 f).

1. The Name:

His birth is in this passage connected with the strange story of Reuben and his mandrakes, and the name given him is apparently conceived as derived from 'ish sakhar, "a hired workman." There is a play upon the name in this sense in Gen 49:15, "He bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant under taskwork." Wellhausen (Textder Buch. Sam., 95) thinks that the second element of the name may denote a deity; and Sokar, an Egyptian god, has been suggested. The name in that case would mean "worshipper of Sokar." Practically nothing is preserved of the personal history of this patriarch beyond his share in the common actions of the sons of Jacob. Four sons were born to him before Jacob's family removed to Egypt (Gen 46:13). In that land he died and was buried.

2. The Tribe:

At Sinai the tribe numbered 54,000 men of war over 20 years of age (Nu 1:29). At the end of the wanderings the numbers had grown to 64,300 (Nu 26:25). In the days of David, the Chronicler puts the figures at 87,000 (1 Ch 7:5). See NUMBERS. The place of Issachar in the desert-march was with the standard of the tribe of Judah (along with Zebulun) on the East side of the tabernacle (Nu 2:5), this group forming the van of the host (Nu 10:14 f). The rabbis say that this standard was of 3 colors, sardine, topaz and carbuncle, on which were inscribed the names of the 3 tribes, bearing the figure of a lion's whelp (Tg, pseudo. Jon. on Nu 2:3). The captain of the tribe was Nethanel ben-Zuar (Nu 1:8, etc.). Later this place was held by Igal ben-Joseph, the tribal representative among the spies (Nu 13:7). The prince chosen from Issachar to assist in the division of the land was Paltiel ben-Azzan (Nu 34:26). The position of Issachar at the strange ceremony near Shechem was on Mt. Gerizim, "to bless the people" (Dt 27:12).

3. The Tribal Territory:

Sixteen cities of Issachar are mentioned in Josh 19:17 ff, but the only indications of boundaries are Tabor in the North and Jordan in the East. We gather elsewhere that the territory of this tribe marched on the North with Zebulun and Naphtali (19:11,33); on the West with Manasseh and possibly Asher (17:10); and on the South with Manasseh (17:11). It does not seem to have had any point of contact with the sea. The portion of Issachar, therefore, included the plain of Esdraelon, Tabor, the hill of Moreh, and the slopes East to the Jordan. The fortresses along the South edge of the plain were held by Manasseh. Tola, a man of Issachar, held Shamir, a stronghold in Mt. Ephraim (Jdg 10:1). To Manasseh was given Beth-shean with her "towns" (Josh 17:11). No reliable line can be drawn for the South border. The district thus indicated was small; but it embraced some of the most fruitful land in Palestine. By the very riches of the soil Issachar was tempted. "He saw a resting-place that it was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and he bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant under taskwork" (Gen 49:15). "The mountain" in Dt 33:19 may possibly be Tabor, on which, most likely, there was an ancient sanctuary and place of pilgrimage. This would certainly be associated with a market, in which Issachar and Zebulun, the adjoining tribes, would be able to enrich themselves by trade with the pilgrims from afar. Issachar took part in the battle with Sisera (Jdg 5:15). To Israel Issachar gave one judge, Tola (Jdg 10:1), and two kings, Baasha and his son (1 Ki 15:27, etc.).

4. Men of Issachar:

Of the 200 "heads" of the men of Issachar who came to David at Hebron it is said that they were "men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do" (1 Ch 12:32). According to the Targum, this meant that they knew how to ascertain the periods of the sun and moon, the intercalation of months, the dates of solemn feasts, and could interpret the signs of the times. A company from Issachar came to the celebration of the Passover when it was restored by Hezekiah (2 Ch 30:18). Issachar has a portion assigned to him in Ezekiel's ideal division of the land (Ezek 48:25); and he appears also in the list in Rev (7:7).

(2) A Korahite doorkeeper, the 7th son of Obededom (1 Ch 26:5).

W. Ewing

Also see definition of "Issachar" in Word Study

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