Also see definition of "Ain" in Word Study
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In Bible versions:

En Rimmon: NET NIV
En-Rimmon: AVS TEV
En-rimmon: NRSV NASB
a place marking part of the north-eastern boarder of Israel
a town of Simeon in the western foothills of Judah
a spring & town of Simeon and Judah, 14 km north of Beer-Sheba
a town of Simeon and Judah, 14 km north of Beer-Sheba
a town of Zebulun 26 km ESE of Acco & 20 km west of Hamath
a rock; a prominent landmark in Benjamin, 6 km east of Bethel
a man of Benjamin from Beeroth; father of Baanah and Rechab
a pagan god of storms
a town of Zebulun, 26 km ESE of Acco & 20 km west of Tiberias

mass; heap; an hour; eye; fountain ( --> same as Aiath)
well of weight
exalted; pomegranate
Google Maps: Ain (1) (34° 21´, 36° 23´); Ain (2) (31° 22´, 34° 51´); En-rimmon (31° 22´, 34° 51´); Rimmon (1) (31° 56´, 35° 17´); Rimmon (2) (34° 21´, 36° 23´); Rimmon (3) (32° 46´, 35° 19´); Rimmono (32° 46´, 35° 19´)


Strongs #05871: Nye `Ayin

Ain = "spring"

1) one of the landmarks on the eastern boundary of Palestine
2) one of the southernmost cities of Judah in the Nekeb and allotted
to the tribe of Simeon and given to the priests

5871 `Ayin ah'-yin

the same as 5869; fountain; Ajin, the name (thus simply) of
two places in Palestine:-Ain.
see HEBREW for 05869

Strongs #07417: Nwmr Rimmown or (shorter) Nmr Rimmon or wnwmr Rimmownow (\\#1Ch 6:77\\)

Rimmon = "pomegranate"

n pr dei
1) the deity of wind, rain, and storm, worshipped by the Syrians of

n pr m
2) a Benjamite of Beeroth, the father of Rechab and Baanah, the
murderers of Ishbosheth

n pr loc
3) the Rock; a cliff or inaccessible natural fastness in which the
600 Benjamites who escaped the slaughter of Gibeah took refuge
4) a town in the southern portion of Judah allotted to Simeon
5) a Levitical city in Zebulun located approximately 6 miles north
of Nazareth

7417 Rimmown rim-mone'

or (shorter) Rimmon {rim-mone'}; or Rimmownow (1 Chronicles
6:62 (77)) {rim-mo-no'}; the same as 7416; Rimmon, the name of
a Syrian deity, also of five places in Palestine:-Remmon,
Rimmon. The addition "-methoar" (Josh. 19:13) is ham-mthonar
{ham-meth-o-awr'}; passive participle of 8388 with the
article; the (one) marked off, i.e. which pertains; mistaken
for part of the name.
see HEBREW for 077
see HEBREW for 07416
see HEBREW for 08388

Strongs #05884: Nwmr Nye `Eyn Rimmown

En-rimmon = "fount of the pomegranate"

1) one of the places that the returning exiles reinhabited in Judah

5884 `Eyn Rimmown ane rim-mone'

from 5869 and 7416; fountain of a pomegranate; En-Rimmon, a
place in Palestine:-En-rimmon.
see HEBREW for 05869
see HEBREW for 07416

Rimmon [EBD]

pomegranate. (1.) A man of Beeroth (2 Sam. 4:2), one of the four Gibeonite cities. (See Josh. 9:17.)

(2.) A Syrian idol, mentioned only in 2 Kings 5:18.

(3.) One of the "uttermost cities" of Judah, afterwards given to Simeon (Josh. 15:21, 32; 19:7; 1 Chr. 4:32). In Josh. 15:32 Ain and Rimmon are mentioned separately, but in 19:7 and 1 Chr. 4:32 (comp. Neh. 11:29) the two words are probably to be combined, as forming together the name of one place, Ain-Rimmon=the spring of the pomegranate. It has been identified with Um er-Rumamin, about 13 miles south-west of Hebron.

(4.) "Rock of," to which the Benjamites fled (Judg. 20:45, 47; 21:13), and where they maintained themselves for four months after the fearful battle at Gibeah, in which they were almost exterminated, 600 only surviving out of about 27,000. It is the present village of Rummon, "on the very edge of the hill country, with a precipitous descent toward the Jordan valley," supposed to be the site of Ai.

Ain [NAVE]

1. A city of Simeon, Josh. 19:7; 15:32; 21:16; 1 Chr. 4:32.
Called also Ashan, 1 Chr. 6:59.
Possibly identical with En-Rimmon, Neh. 11:29.
2. A landmark on the northern boundary of Palestine, Num. 34:11.

En-rimmon [NAVE]

EN-RIMMON, a city of Judah, probably identical with Ain and Rimmon, Neh. 11:29.

Rimmon [NAVE]

1. Father of the murderers of Ish-bosheth, 2 Sam. 4:2, 5, 9.
2. A city S. of Jerusalem, Zech. 14:10.
Allotted to Judah, Josh. 15:32; Neh. 11:29; afterward to Simeon, Josh. 19:7; 1 Chr. 4:32.
Called Remmon, Josh. 19:7; and En-rimmon, Neh. 11:29.
3. A city of Zebulun, 1 Chr. 6:77.
Called Remmon-methoar, Josh. 19:13.
4. A rock in Benjamin, Judg. 20:45, 47; 21:13.
5. A Syrian idol, 2 Kin. 5:18.

Rimmono [NAVE]

See: Rimmon 3.


(spring, well).
  1. One of the landmarks on the eastern boundary of Palestine. (Numbers 34:11) It is probably ?Ain el-?Azy , the main source of the Orontes.
  2. One of the southernmost cities of Judah, (Joshua 15:32) afterwards allotted to Simeon, (Joshua 19:7; 1 Chronicles 4:32) and given to the priests. (Joshua 21:16)


(pomegranate) the name of several towns.
  1. A city of Zebulun (1 Chronicles 6:77; Nehemiah 11:29) a Levitical city, the present Rummaneh , six miles north of Nazareth.
  2. A town in the southern portion of Judah, (Joshua 15:3) allotted to Simeon, (Joshua 19:7; 1 Chronicles 4:32) probably 13 miles southwest of Hebron.
  3. Rimmon-parez (pomegranate of the breach), the name of a march-station in the wilderness. (Numbers 33:19,20) No place now known has been identified with it.
  4. Rimmon the Rock, a cliff or inaccessible natural fastness, in which the six hundred Benjamites who escaped the slaughter of Gibeah took refuge. (Judges 20:45,47; 21:13) In the wild country which lies on the east of the central highlands of Benjamin the name is still found attached to a village perched on the summit of a conical chalky hill, visible in all directions, and commanding the whole country.
  5. A Benjamite of Beeroth, the father of Rechab and Baanah, the murderers of Ish-bosheth. (2 Samuel 4:2,5,9)


a deity worshipped by the Syrians of Damascus, where there was a temple or house of Rimmon. (2 Kings 5:18) Rimmon is perhaps the abbreviated form of Hadad-rimmon, Hadad being the sun-god of the Syrians. Combining this with the pomegranate which was his symbol, Hadad-rimmon would then he the sun-god of the late summer, who ripens the pomegranate and other fruits.

AIN (1) [ISBE]

AIN (1) - See AYIN.

AIN (2) [ISBE]

AIN (2) - a'-in (`ayin, "eye or spring (of water)"):

(1) A town in the extreme Northwest corner of Canaan, so named, most probably, from a noted spring in the vicinity (Nu 34:11). Thomson and after him Robinson make Ain the same as `Ain el-`Asy, the chief source of the Orontes, some fifteen miles Southwest of Riblah, which, in turn, is about twenty miles Southwest of Emesa (Hums). As Ain is named in connection with Lake Gennesaret, some claim that Riblah of Nu 34:11 must be another place farther South and closer to that lake.

(2) A Levitical city (Josh 21:16) in the Negeb or southern part of Judah. It was first allotted to the tribe of Judah (Josh 15:32) but later to Simeon (Josh 19:7). The fact that it is several times named in immediate connection with Rimmon has lent plausibility to the view that we have here a compound word, and that we should read En-Rimmon, i.e. Ain-Rimmon (see Josh 15:32; 19:7; 1 Ch 4:32).

See also AYIN.

W. W. Davies


EN-RIMMON - en-rim'-on (`en-rimmon, "the fountain of Rimmon" (see RIMMON), or perhaps "the spring of the pomegranate"; Eromoth, Rhemmon): A city of Judah (Josh 15:32), "Ain and Rimmon"; ascribed to Simeon (Josh 19:7; 1 Ch 4:32, "Ain, Rimmon"). In Neh 11:29 mentioned as reinhabited after the Captivity. Zec 14:10, runs: "All the land shall be made like the Arabah, from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem." It must have been a very southerly place. In the Eusebius, Onomasticon, ("Erimmon") it is described as a "very large village 16 miles South of Eleutheropolis." Kh. Umm er Rumamin, 9 miles North of Beersheba is the usually accepted site. See PEF, 398; Sh XXIV.

E. W. G. Masterman


RIMMON (1) - rim'-on:

(1) The rock Rimmon (cela` rimmon; he petra Rhemmon): The place of refuge of the 600 surviving Benjamites of Gibeah (Jeba`) who "turned and fled toward the wilderness unto the rock of Rimmon, and abode in the rock of Rimmon four months" (Jdg 20:45,47; 21:13). Robinson's identification (RB, I, 440) has been very generally accepted. He found a conical and very prominent hill some 6 miles North-Northeast of Jeba` upon which stands a village called Rummon. This site was known to Eusebius and Jerome (OS 146 6; 287 98), who describe it as 15 Roman miles from Jerusalem. Another view, which would locate the place of refuge of the Benjamites in the Mugharet el jai, a large cavern on the south of the Wady Suweinit, near Jeba`, is strongly advocated by Rawnsley and Birch (see PEF, III, 137-48). The latter connects this again with 1 Sam 14:2, where Saul, accompanied by his 600, "abode in the uttermost part of Gibeah" under the pomegranate tree (Rimmon).

(2) (rimmon; Eremmon, or Rhemmoth): A city in the Negeb, near the border of Edom, ascribed to Judah (Josh 15:32) and to Simeon (Josh 19:7; 1 Ch 4:32, the King James Version "Remmon"). In Zec 14:10 it is mentioned as the extreme South of Judah--"from Geba to Rimmon, South of Jerusalem." In the earlier references Rimmon occurs in close association with `Ain (a spring), and in Neh 11:29, what is apparently the same place, `Ain Rimmon, is called En-rimmon (which see).

(3) (rimmon (Josh 19:13), rimmonah, in some Hebrew manuscripts dimah (see DIMNAH) (Josh 21:35), and rimmono (1 Ch 6:77)): In the King James Version we have "Remmon-methoar" in Josh 19:13, but the Revised Version (British and American) translates the latter as "which stretcheth." This was a city on the border of Zebulun (Josh 19:13) allotted to the Levites (Josh 21:35, "Dimnah"; 1 Ch 6:77). The site is now the little village of Rummaneh on a low ridge South of the western end of the marshy plain el Battauf in Galilee; there are many rock-cut tombs and cisterns. It is about 4 miles North of el Mesh-hed, usually considered to be the site of Gath-hepher. See PEF, I, 363, Sh VI.

E. W. G. Masterman


RIMMON (2) - (rimmon, "pomegranate"; see RIMMON-PEREZ):

(1) A Syrian god. Naaman the Syrian leper after being cured is troubled over the fact that he will still have to bow down in the house of the Syrian god, Rimmon, when his master goes into the house to worship leaning on his hand (2 Ki 5:18). Elisha answers him ambiguously: "Go in peace." Judging from Naaman's position and this incident, Rimmon must have been one of the leading gods of the Syrians worshipped in Damascus. He has been identified with Rammanu, the Assyrian god of wind, rain and storm. The name appears in the Syrian personal names HADADRIMMON and TABRIMMON (which see) and its meaning is dubious (ramamu, "to thunder" (?))

(2) A Benjamite of Beeroth, whose sons Baanah and Rechab assassinated Ish-bosheth (2 Sam 4:2,5,9).

Nathan Isaacs


RIMMONAH; RIMMONO - rim-mo'-na, rimmo'-no.

See RIMMON, (3).

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