Study Dictionary
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Zephathah, Valley Of | Zephi | Zephon | Zephonites | Zer | Zerah | Zerah (The Ethiopian) | Zered | Zered River | Zereda | Zeredathah


In Bible versions:

Zerahite: NET NIV
the Zerahite clan: NIV
the second high priest in the time of Zedekiah of Judah
son of Tahath of Kohath son of Levi
son of Cushi (Hezekiah Judah); minor prophet under King Josiah
father of Josiah, post-exile keeper of the temple treasures
a son of Judah and Tamar; brother of Perez; an ancestor of Jesus
son of Reuel son of Esau
a man from Bozrah; father of King Jobab of Edom
son of Judah and Tamar
son of Simeon
son of Iddo of Gershom/Gershon of Levi
son of Adaiah, of Gershom/Gershon of Levi; ancestor of Asaph
the Ethiopian (Cushite) commander who fought with King Asa
son of Uzzi; a chief priest
father of Eliehoenai, post-exile leader of the Pahath-Moab Clan
members of the clan of Zerah of Simeon
members of the clan of Zerah of Judah

east; brightness ( --> same as Zerah)
the Lord is my secret
east; brightness ( --> same as Zarah)
the Lord rising; brightness of the Lord


Strongs #2196: Zara Zara

Zara = "a rising (as the sun)"

1) the son of Judah, ancestor of Christ

2196 Zara dzar-ah'

of Hebrew origin (2226); Zara, (i.e. Zerach), an Israelite:-Zara.
see HEBREW for 02226


Strongs #02228: hyxrz Z@rachyah

Zerahiah = "Jehovah has risen"

1) a priest, son of Uzzi, and ancestor of Ezra the scribe
2) father of Elihoenai of the sons of Pahath-moab, whose descendants
returned from the captivity with Ezra

2228 Zrachyah zer-akh-yaw'

from 2225 and 3050; Jah has risen: Zerachjah, the name of two
see HEBREW for 02225
see HEBREW for 03050

Strongs #06846: hynpu Ts@phanyah or whynpu Ts@phanyahuw

Zephaniah = "Jehovah has treasured"

1) the 9th in order of the 12 minor prophets; descendant of king
Hezekiah of Judah and prophet in the time of king Josiah of Judah
2) son of Maaseiah and second priest in the reign of king Zedekiah of
Judah; succeeded Jehoiada and an officer of the temple; slain at
Riblah on the capture of Jerusalem
3) father of Josiah and Hen in the time of the prophet Zechariah
4) a Levite

6846 Tsphanyah tsef-an-yaw'

or Tsphanyahuw {tsef-an-yaw'-hoo}; from 6845 and 3050; Jah
has secreted; Tsephanjah, the name of four
see HEBREW for 06845
see HEBREW for 03050

Strongs #02226: xrz Zerach

Zerah or Zarah = "rising"

1) a son of Reuel and grandson of Esau, one of the dukes of the Edomites
2) twin brother of Pharez, sons of Judah and Tamar; descendants are
called Zarhites, Ezrahites, and Izrahites
3) son of Simeon; also called 'Zohar'
4) a Gershonite Levite, son of Iddo of Adaiah
5) the Ethiopian or Cushite, invader of Judah in the reign of Asa who
defeated the invaders; probably the same as the Egyptian king
Usarken I, second king of the Egyptian 22nd dynasty or perhaps more
probably Usarken II, his 2nd successor
6) another Edomite leader; possibly same as 1

2226 Zerach zeh'-rakh

the same as 2225; Zerach, the name of three Israelites, also
of an Idumaean and an Ethiopian prince:-Zarah, Zerah.
see HEBREW for 02225

Strongs #02227: yxrz Zarchiy

Zarhites = see Zerah

1) descendants of Zerah

2227 Zarchiy zar-khee'

patronymically from 2226; a Zarchite or descendant of
see HEBREW for 02226

Zephaniah [EBD]

Jehovah has concealed, or Jehovah of darkness. (1.) The son of Cushi, and great-grandson of Hezekiah, and the ninth in the order of the minor prophets. He prophesied in the days of Josiah, king of Judah (B.C. 641-610), and was contemporary with Jeremiah, with whom he had much in common. The book of his prophecies consists of:

(a) An introduction (1:1-6), announcing the judgment of the world, and the judgment upon Israel, because of their transgressions.

(b) The description of the judgment (1:7-18).

(c) An exhortation to seek God while there is still time (2:1-3).

(d) The announcement of judgment on the heathen (2:4-15).

(e) The hopeless misery of Jerusalem (3:1-7).

(f) The promise of salvation (3:8-20).

(2.) The son of Maaseiah, the "second priest" in the reign of Zedekiah, often mentioned in Jeremiah as having been sent from the king to inquire (Jer. 21:1) regarding the coming woes which he had denounced, and to entreat the prophet's intercession that the judgment threatened might be averted (Jer. 29:25, 26, 29; 37:3; 52:24). He, along with some other captive Jews, was put to death by the king of Babylon "at Riblah in the land of Hamath" (2 Kings 25:21).

(3.) A Kohathite ancestor of the prophet Samuel (1 Chr. 6:36).

(4.) The father of Josiah, the priest who dwelt in Jerusalem when Darius issued the decree that the temple should be rebuilt (Zech. 6:10).

Zerah [EBD]

sunrise. (1.) An "Ethiopian," probably Osorkon II., the successor of Shishak on the throne of Egypt. With an enormous army, the largest we read of in Scripture, he invaded the kingdom of Judah in the days of Asa (2 Chr. 14:9-15). He reached Zephathah, and there encountered the army of Asa. This is the only instance "in all the annals of Judah of a victorious encounter in the field with a first-class heathen power in full force." The Egyptian host was utterly routed, and the Hebrews gathered "exceeding much spoil." Three hundred years elapsed before another Egyptian army, that of Necho (B.C. 609), came up against Jerusalem.

(2.) A son of Tamar (Gen. 38:30); called also Zara (Matt. 1:3).

(3.) A Gershonite Levite (1 Chr. 6:21, 41).

Zara [NAVE]

ZARA, called also Zarah. Son of Judah, Matt. 1:3.

Zarah [NAVE]

ZARAH, called also Zerah and Zara. Son of Judah and Tamar, Gen. 38:30; 46:12; Num. 26:60; 1 Chr. 2:4, 6; Neh. 11:24.

Zephaniah [NAVE]

1. A priest in the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah. Sent by the king to Jeremiah with a message soliciting the prophet's intercession and prayers, Jer. 21:1, 2.
Shows Jeremiah the false prophet's letter, Jer. 29:25-29.
Taken to Riblah and slain, 2 Kin. 25:18-21; Jer. 52:24-27.
2. A Kohathite, 1 Chr. 6:36.
3. A prophet in the days of Josiah, Zeph. 1:1.
4. Father of Josiah, Zech. 6:10, 14.

Zerah [NAVE]

1. Son of Reuel, Gen. 36:13, 17; 1 Chr. 1:37.
2. Father of Jobab, Gen. 36:33; 1 Chr. 1:44.
3. See: Zarah.
4. Son of Simeon, Num. 26:13; 1 Chr. 4:24.
5. A Gershonite, 1 Chr. 6:21.
6. A Levite, 1 Chr. 6:41.
7. King of Ethiopia, 2 Chr. 14:9-15.

Zerahiah [NAVE]

1. An ancestor of Ezra, 1 Chr. 6:6, 51; Ezra 7:4.
2. Father of Elihoenai, Ezra 8:4.

Zerahite [NAVE]

See: Zerah 4.

Zerahites [NAVE]

See: Zarhites.


the son of Judah. (Matthew 1:3)


the son of Judah. (Genesis 38:30; 48:12)


(hidden by Jehovah).
  1. The ninth in order of the twelve minor prophets. His pedigree is traced to his fourth ancestor, Hezekiah, (Zephaniah 1:1) supposed to be the celebrated king of that name. The chief characteristics of this book are the unity and harmony of the composition, the grace, energy and dignity of its style, and the rapid and effective alternations of threats and promises. The general tone of the last portion is Messianic, but without any specific reference to the person of our Lord. The date of the book is given in the inscription--viz, the reign of Josiah, from 642 to 611 B.C. It is most probable moreover, that the prophecy was delivered before the eighteenth year of Josiah.
  2. The son of Maaseiah, (Jeremiah 21:1) and sagan or second priest in the reign of Zedekiah. (B.C. 588.) He succeeded Jehoida, (Jeremiah 29:25,26) and was probably a ruler of the temple, whose office it was, among others, to punish pretenders to the gift of prophecy. (Jeremiah 29:29) On the capture of Jerusalem he was taken and slain at Riblah. (Jeremiah 52:24,27; 2 Kings 25:18,21)
  3. Father of Josiah, 2, (Zechariah 6:10) and of Hen, according to the reading of the received text of (Zechariah 6:14)


(rising (of the sun)).
  1. A son of Reuel, son of Esau, (Genesis 36:13; 1 Chronicles 1:37) and one of the "dukes" or phylarchs of the Edomites. (Genesis 36:17) (B.C. after 1760.)
  2. Less properly, Zarah, twin son, with his elder brother Pharez, of Judah and Tamar. (Genesis 38:30; 1 Chronicles 2:4; Matthew 1:3) (B.C. about 1728.) His descendants were called Zarhites, Ezrahites and Izrahites. (Numbers 26:20; 1 Kings 4:31; 1 Chronicles 27:8,11)
  3. Son of Simeon, (1 Chronicles 4:24) called ZOHAR in (Genesis 46:10) (B.C. 1706.)
  4. A Gershonite Levite, son of Iddo or Adaiah. (1 Chronicles 6:21,41) (B.C. 1043.)
  5. The Ethiopian or Cushite, an invader of Judah, defeated by Asa about B.C. 941. [ASA] Zerah is probably the Hebrew name of Usarken I., second king of the Egyptian twenty-second dynasty; or perhaps more probably Usarken II his second successor. In the fourteenth year of Asa, Zerah the Ethiopian, with a mighty army of or million, invaded his kingdom, and advanced unopposed in the field as far as the valley of Zephathah at Mareshah. The Egyptian monuments enable us to picture the general disposition of Zerah?s army. The chariots formed the first corps in a single or double line; behind them, massed in phalanxes, were heavy-armed troops; probably on the flanks stood archers and horsemen in lighter formations. After a prayer by Asa, his army attacked the Egyptians and defeated them. The chariots, broken by the charge and with horses made unmanageable by flights of arrows must have been forced back upon the cumbrous host behind. So complete was the overthrow that the Hebrews could capture and spoil the cities around Gerah which must have been in alliance with Zerah. The defeat of the Egyptian army is without parallel in the history of the Jews. On no other occasion did an Israelite army meet an army of one of the great powers and defeat it.


(Jehovah has risen).
  1. A priest, son of Uzzi and ancestor of Ezra the scribe. (1 Chronicles 6:6,51; Ezra 7:4)
  2. Father of Elihoenai of the sons of Pahath-moab, whose descendants returned from the captivity with Ezra. (Ezra 8:4)


ZARA - za'-ra (Zara): the King James Version (Mt 1:3) = Greek form of ZERAH (which see).


ZARAH - za'-ra.

See ZERAH (1).


ZEPHANIAH - zef-a-ni'-a (tsephanyah, tsephanyahu, "Yah hath treasured"):

(1) The prophet.


(2) A Levite or priest (1 Ch 6:36 (Hebrew 6:21)), called in some genealogies "Uriel" (1 Ch 6:24; 15:5,11).

(3) Judean father or fathers of various contemporaries of Zechariah, the prophet (Zec 6:10,14).

(4) A priest, the second in rank in the days of Jeremiah. He was a leader of the "patriotic" party which opposed Jeremiah. Nevertheless, he was sent to the prophet as a messenger of King Zedekiah when Nebuchadnezzar was about to attack the city (Jer 21:1) and at other crises (Jer 37:3; compare 29:25,29; 2 Ki 25:18). That he continued to adhere to the policy of resistance against Babylonian authority is indicated by the fact that he was among the leaders of Israel taken by Nebuzaradan before the king of Babylon, and killed at Riblah (2 Ki 25:18 parallel Jer 52:24).

Nathan Isaacs


ZERAH - ze'-ra (zerach, meaning uncertain):

(1) In Gen 38:30; 46:12; Nu 26:20; Josh 7:1,18,24; 22:20; 1 Ch 2:4,6; 9:6; Neh 11:24; Mt 1:3, younger twin-son of Judah and Tamar, and an ancestor of Achan. In Nu 26:20; Josh 7:17 f he is the head of the Zerahites (also 1 Ch 27:11,13). the King James Version has "Zarah" in Gen 38:30; 46:12, and "Zarhites" for "Zerahites" in Numbers, Joshua and 1 Chronicles. See Curtis (Chronicles, 84 f) for identification of Ezrahite with Zerahite.

(2) Edomites: (a) an Edomite chief (Gen 36:13,17; 1 Ch 1:37); (b) father of an Edomite king (Gen 36:33; 1 Ch 1:44).

(3) Levites: (a) 1 Ch 6:21 (Hebrew verse 6); (b) 1 Ch 6:41 (Hebrew verse 26).

(4) Head of the Zerahites (Nu 26:13, the King James Version "Zarhites"; 1 Ch 4:24). In Nu 26:13 = "Zohar" of Gen 46:10; Ex 6:15.

See ZOHAR, (2).

(5) Cushite king (2 Ch 14:9). See the next article

David Francis Roberts


ZERAHIAH - zer-a-hi'-a (zerachyah, "Yahweh hath risen" or "come forth"; the Septuagint has Zaraia, with variants):

(1) A priest of the line of Eleazar (1 Ch 6:6,51; Ezr 7:4).

(2) A head of a family, who returned with Ezra from Babylon (Ezr 8:4).


ZERAHITES - ze'-ra-hits (ha-zarchi; Codex Vaticanus ho Zarai; Codex Alexandrinus ho Zaraei; the King James Version Zarhites):

(1) A family of Simeonites (Nu 26:13).

(2) Descendants of Zerah, son of Judah (Nu 26:20). To this family Achan belonged (Josh 7:17), as did also two of David's captains (1 Ch 27:11,13).

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