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HEBREW: 6372 oxnyp Piyn@chac
NAVE: Phinehas
EBD: Phinehas
Philo, Judaeus | Philologus | Philometor | Philosophy | Phinees | Phinehas | Phinoe | Phlegon | Phoebe | Phoenice | Phoenice, Phoenicia


In Bible versions:

Phineas: NET
son of Eleazar; a chief priest, Phinehas I
a priest; son of Eli; Phinehas II
father of Eleazar, a priest on duty in the days of Ezra

bold aspect; face of trust or protection


Strongs #06372: oxnyp Piyn@chac

Phinehas = "mouth of brass"

1) son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron; his zealousness for the Lord
averted a plague on Israel and gained him the promise of the Lord
of an everlasting priesthood in his family
2) a priest and the son of the priest Eli
3) the father of a helper of Ezra

6372 Piynchac pee-nekh-aws'

apparently from 6310 and a variation of 5175; mouth of a
serpent; Pinechas, the name of three Israelites:-Phinehas.
see HEBREW for 06310
see HEBREW for 05175

Phinehas [EBD]

mouth of brass, or from old Egypt, the negro. (1.) Son of Eleazar, the high priest (Ex. 6:25). While yet a youth he distinguished himself at Shittim by his zeal against the immorality into which the Moabites had tempted the people (Num. 25:1-9), and thus "stayed the plague" that had broken out among the people, and by which twenty-four thousand of them perished. For his faithfulness on that occasion he received the divine approbation (10-13). He afterwards commanded the army that went out against the Midianites (31:6-8). When representatives of the people were sent to expostulate with the two and a half tribes who, just after crossing Jordan, built an altar and departed without giving any explanation, Phinehas was their leader, and addressed them in the words recorded in Josh. 22:16-20. Their explanation follows. This great altar was intended to be all ages only a witness that they still formed a part of Israel. Phinehas was afterwards the chief adviser in the war with the Benjamites. He is commemorated in Ps. 106:30, 31. (See ED.)

(2.) One of the sons of Eli, the high priest (1 Sam. 1:3; 2:12). He and his brother Hophni were guilty of great crimes, for which destruction came on the house of Eli (31). He died in battle with the Philistines (1 Sam. 4:4, 11); and his wife, on hearing of his death, gave birth to a son, whom she called "Ichabod," and then she died (19-22).

Phinehas [NAVE]

1. High priest, Ex. 6:25; 1 Chr. 6:4, 50.
Religious zeal of, Num. 25:7-15; Psa. 106:30.
Chief of the Korahite Levites, 1 Chr. 9:19, 20.
Sent to sound the trumpets in the battle with the Midianites, Num. 31:6.
A commissioner to the Israelites east of the Jordan, Josh. 22:13-32.
Inheritance allotted to, Josh. 24:33.
Mediator in behalf of the people, Judg. 20:28.
2. Son of Eli, 1 Sam. 1:3.
Wickedness of, 1 Sam. 2:12-17, 22-25, 34.
Slain in battle, 1 Sam. 4:4-11, 17, 19.
Son of, 1 Sam. 14:3.
3. A priest, Ezra 8:33.


(mouth of brass).
  1. Son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron. (Exodus 6:25) He is memorable for having while quite a youth, by his zeal and energy at the critical moment of the licentious idolatry of Shittim, appeased the divine wrath, and put a stop to the plague which was destroying the nation. (Numbers 25:7) (B.C. 1452.) For this he was rewarded by the special approbation of Jehovah and by a promise that the priesthood should remain in his family forever. (Numbers 25:10-13) He was appointed to accompany as priest the expedition by which the Midianites were destroyed. ch. (Numbers 31:6) Many years later he also headed the party which was despatched from Shiloh to remonstrate against the altar which the transjordanic tribes were reported to have built near Jordan. (Joshua 22:13-32) In the partition of the country he received an allotment of his own --a hill on Mount Ephraim which bore his name. After Eleazar?s death he became high priest --the third of the series. In this capacity he is introduced as giving the oracle to the nation during the whole struggle with the Benjamites on the matter of Gibeah. (Judges 20:28) The verse which closes the book of Joshua is ascribed to Phinehas, as the description of the death of Moses at the end of Deuteronomy is to Joshua. The tomb of Phinehas, a place of great resort to both Jews and Samaritans, is shown at Awertah , four miles southeast of Nablus .
  2. Second son of Eli. (1 Samuel 1:3; 2:34; 4:4,11,17,19; 14:3) Phinehas was killed with his brother by the Philistines when the ark was captured. (B.C. 1125.) [ELI]
  3. A Levite of Ezra?s time, (Ezra 8:33) unless the meaning be that Eleazar was of the family of the great Phinehas.


PHINEHAS - fin'-e-as, -az, fin'-e-has, -haz (pinechac, "mouth of brass"):

(1) Son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron (Ex 6:25; compare 1 Ch 6:4; Ezr 7:5, where he is seen to be an ancestor of Ezra). He took a leading part in cleansing Israel from whoredom at Shittim. He there punished the brazen licentiousness of Zimri, prince of Sirecon, by slaying both him and the Midianite woman he had brought into camp (Nu 25:6-18). This incident is referred to in Ps 106:30,31 (compare 1 Macc 2:26,54; Sirach 45:23,24). As priest he accompanied the expedition sent by Moses against Midjan (Nu 31:6). He was chief of the Korahite Levites (1 Ch 9:20), and succeeded his father as high priest. While he was in that office the civil war with Benjamin occurred, and it was he who delivered the oracle's decision to fight Benjamin (Jdg 20:28 ff). His faithful services secured to his house the succession of the priesthood (Nu 25:11-13). He was sent as ambassador to inquire into the reported idolatry of Reuben, Gad and part of Manasseh (Josh 22:13 ff,30-32). According to Septuagint he was buried with his father in Ephraim on the hill Gibeah Phinehas (see Josh 24:33). His character was marked with strong moral indignation and fine integrity.

(2) The younger son of Eli (1 Sam 1:3; 2 Esdras 1:2, "Phinees").


(3) Father of a priest named Eleazar (Ezr 8:33; compare 8:2; 1 Esdras 8:63, "Phinees").

Henry Wallace

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