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HEBREW: 5070 bdn Nadab
NAVE: Nadab
EBD: Nadab
Nachon | Nachons | Nachor | Nacon | Nacon, The Threshing Floor Of | Nadab | Nadabath | Naggai | Nagge | Nagging | Nahalal


In Bible versions:

son of Aaron
son and successor of King Jeroboam
son of Shammai of Judah
son of Jeiel of Benjamin

free and voluntary gift; prince
Arts Topics: The Death of Nadab and Abihu


Strongs #05070: bdn Nadab

Nadab = "generous"

1) eldest son of Aaron by Elisheba; struck dead before the sanctuary
in the wilderness for kindling the censers with strange fire
2) son of king Jeroboam I of the northern kingdom of Israel and king
of Israel for 2 years before being slain by Baasha
3) a Jerahmeelite, son of Shammai, of the tribe of Judah
4) a son of Gibeon of the tribe of Benjamin

5070 Nadab naw-dawb'

from 5068; liberal; Nadab, the name of four
see HEBREW for 05068

Nadab [EBD]

liberal, generous. (1.) The eldest of Aaron's four sons (Ex. 6:23; Num. 3:2). He with his brothers and their father were consecrated as priests of Jehovah (Ex. 28:1). He afterwards perished with Abihu for the sin of offering strange fire on the altar of burnt-offering (Lev. 10:1,2; Num. 3:4; 26:60).

(2.) The son and successor of Jeroboam, the king of Israel (1 Kings 14:20). While engaged with all Israel in laying siege to Gibbethon, a town of southern Dan (Josh. 19:44), a conspiracy broke out in his army, and he was slain by Baasha (1 Kings 15:25-28), after a reign of two years (B.C. 955-953). The assassination of Nadab was followed by that of his whole house, and thus this great Ephraimite family became extinct (1 Kings 15:29).

(3.) One of the sons of Shammai in the tribe of Judah (1 Chr. 2:28, 30).

Nadab [NAVE]

1. Son of Aaron, Ex. 6:23.
Called to Mount Sinai with Moses and Aaron to worship, Ex. 24:1, 9, 10.
Set apart to priesthood, Ex. 28:1, 4, 40-43.
Offers strange fire to God, and is destroyed, Lev. 10:1, 2; Num. 3:4; 26:61.
Is buried, Lev. 10:4, 5.
His father and brothers forbidden to mourn, Lev. 10:6, 7.
2. Son and successor of Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 14:20.
His wicked reign: murdered by Baasha, 1 Kin. 15:25-31.
3. Great-grandson of Jerahmeel, 1 Chr. 2:28, 30.
4. A Benjamite, 1 Chr. 8:30; 9:36.


  1. The eldest son of Aaron and Elisheba. Exod 8 13 Numb 3:2. (B.C. 1490.) He, his father and brother, and seventy old men of Israel were led out from the midst of the assembled people, (Exodus 24:1) and were commended to stay and worship God "afar off," below the lofty summit of Sinai, where Moses alone was to come near to the Lord. Subsequently, (Leviticus 10:1) Nadab and his brother were struck dead before the sanctuary by fire from the Lord. Their offence was kindling the incense in their censers with "strange" fire, i.e. not taken from that which burned perpetually, (Leviticus 6:13) on the altar.
  2. King Jeroboam?s son, who succeeded to the throne of Israel B.C. 954, and reigned two years. (1 Kings 15:25-31) At the siege of Gibbethon a conspiracy broke out in the midst of the army, and the king was slain by Baasha, a man of Issachar.
  3. A son of Shammai (1 Chronicles 2:28) of the tribe of Judah.
  4. A son of Gibeon, (1 Chronicles 8:30; 9:36) of the tribe of Benjamin.


NADAB - na'-dab (nadhabh, "noble"; Nadab):

(1) Aaron's first-born son (Ex 6:23; Nu 3:2; 26:60; 1 Ch 6:3 (Hebrew 5:29); 24:1). He was permitted with Moses, Aaron, the 70 elders, and his brother Abihu to ascend Mt. Sinai and behold the God of Israel (Ex 24:1,9). He was associated with his father and brothers in the priestly office (Ex 28:1). Along with Abihu he was guilty of offering "strange fire," and both "died before Yahweh" (Lev 10:1,2; Nu 3:4; 26:61). The nature of their offense is far from clear. The word rendered "strange" seems in this connection to mean no more than "unauthorized by the Law" (see zur, in BDB, and compare Ex 30:9). The proximity of the prohibition of wine to officiating priests (Lev 10:8,9) has given rise to the erroneous suggestion of the Midrash that the offense of the brothers was drunkenness.

(2) A descendant of Jerahmeel (1 Ch 2:28,30).

(3) A Gibeonite (1 Ch 8:30).

(4) Son of Jeroboam I and after him for two years king of Israel (1 Ki 14:20; 15:25). While Nadab was investing Gibbethon, a Philistine stronghold, Baasha, who probably was an officer in the army, as throne-robbers usually were, conspired against him, slew him and seized the throne (1 Ki 15:27-31). With the assassination of Nadab the dynasty of Jeroboam was extirpated, as foretold by the prophet Ahijah (1 Ki 14). This event is typical of the entire history of the Northern Kingdom, characterized by revolutions and counter-revolutions.

John A. Lees

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