Study Dictionary
Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Jehoaddan | Jehohanan | Jehoiachin | Jehoiakim | Jehoiarib | Jehoida | Jehonadab | Jehoshabeath | Jehoshaphat | Jehoshaphat, Valley of | Jehosheba


In Bible versions:

Jehoida: NET
Joiada: NIV NASB
a chief priest; father of Benaiah, head of David's body guard
chief priest under Athaliah and Joash
a prince of the house of Aaron who defected to David with his men
a man who was a counselor of King David
a chief priest in the time of Jeremiah
son of Eliashib the high priest in Nehemiah's time

knowledge of the Lord


Strongs #03077: edywhy Y@howyada`

Jehoiada = "Jehovah knows"

1) father of Benaiah, David's mighty warrior
2) leader of the priests who joined David at Hebron
3) high priest at the time of Athaliah's usurpation of the throne of
Judah; hid Joash, the king's son, for six years and eventually
replaced him on the throne of Judah
4) second priest, or sagan, to Seraiah the high priest

3077 Yhowyada` yeh-ho-yaw-daw'

from 3068 and 3045; Jehovah-known; Jehojada, the name of
three Israelites:-Jehoiada. Compare 3111.
see HEBREW for 03068
see HEBREW for 03045
see HEBREW for 03111

Strongs #03111: edywy Yowyada`

Joiada or Jehoiada = "Jehovah knows"

1) son of Paseah, who assisted to repair the old gate of Jerusalem
2) son of the high priest Eliashib in the time of Nehemiah

3111 Yowyada` yo-yaw-daw'

a form of 3077; Jojada, the name of two
Israelites:-Jehoiada, Joiada.
see HEBREW for 03077

Jehoiada [EBD]

Jehovah-known. (1.) The father of Benaiah, who was one of David's chief warriors (2 Sam. 8:18; 20:23).

(2.) The high priest at the time of Athaliah's usurpation of the throne of Judah. He married Jehosheba, or Jehoshabeath, the daughter of king Jehoram (2 Chr. 22:11), and took an active part along with his wife in the preservation and training of Jehoash when Athaliah slew all the royal family of Judah.

The plans he adopted in replacing Jehoash on the throne of his ancestors are described in 2 Kings 11:2; 12:2; 2 Chr. 22:11; 23:24. He was among the foremost of the benefactors of the kingdom, and at his death was buried in the city of David among the kings of Judah (2 Chr. 24:15, 16). He is said to have been one hundred and thirty years old.

Joiada [EBD]

(whom Jehovah favours) = Jehoiada. (1.) Neh. 3:6. (2.) One of the high priests (12:10, 11, 22).

Jehoiada [NAVE]

1. Father of Benaiah, one of David's officers, 2 Sam. 8:18.
2. A high priest. Overthrows Athaliah, the usurping queen of Judah, and establishes Jehoash upon the throne, 2 Kin. 11; 2 Chr. 23.
Salutary influence of, over Jehoash, 2 Kin. 12:2; 2 Chr. 24:2, 22.
Directs the repairs of the temple, 2 Kin. 12:4-16; 2 Chr. 24:4-14.
Death of, 2 Chr. 24:15, 16.
3. A priest who led three thousand seven hundred priests armed for war, 1 Chr. 12:27.
4. Son of Benaiah, 1 Chr. 27:34.
5. A returned exile, Neh. 3:6.
6. A priest mentioned in Jeremiah's letter to the captive Jews, Jer. 29:26.

Joiada [NAVE]

JOIADA, son and successor of Eliashib in the high priesthood, Neh. 12:10, 11, 22; 13:28.


(Jehovah knows).
  1. Father of Benaiah, David?s well-known warrior. (2 Samuel 8:18) 1Kin 1 and 2 passim ; (1 Chronicles 18:17) etc. (B.C. before 1046.)
  2. Leader of the Aaronites, i.e. the priests; who joined David at Hebron. (1 Chronicles 12:27) (B.C. 1053-46.)
  3. According to (1 Chronicles 27:34) son of Benaiah; but in all probability Benaiah the sons of Jehoiada is meant. Probably an error in copying. (1 Chronicles 18:17; 2 Samuel 8:18)
  4. High priest at the time of Athaliah?s usurpation of the throne of Judah, B.C. 884-878, and during the greater portion of the forty-years reign of Joash. He married Jehosheba; and when Athaliah slew all the seed royal to Judah after Ahaziah had been put to death by Jehu, he and his wife stole Joash from among the king?s sons and hid him for six years in the temple, and eventually replaced him on the throne of his ancestors. [ATHALIAH] The destruction of Baal-worship and the restoration of the temple were among the great works effected by Jehoiada. He died B.C. 834.
  5. Second priest, or sagan, to Seraiah the high priest. (Jeremiah 29:25-29; 2 Kings 25:18)
  6. Son of Paseach, who assisted to repair the old gate of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:6)


JEHOIADA - je-hoi'-a-da (yehoyadha`, "Yahweh knows"; Iodae):

(1) Father of Benaiah, the captain of David's body-guard (2 Sam 8:18; 20:23; 23:20,22; 1 Ki 1:8, etc.). Jehoiada was "the son of a valiant man of Kabzeel" (2 Sam 23:20), but commentators read with Septuagint and Ewald, "Benaiah (the son of Jehoiada) a man of valor." Kabzeel was a town belonging to Judah on the border of Edom in the South (Josh 15:21). In 1 Ch 27:5, we read "Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the priest, chief," the Revised Version (British and American), but the Revised Version margin has "chief minister" wrongly. Yet Jehoiada is nowhere else called a priest or even a Levite, though in 1 Ch 12:27 (Hebrew, verse 28) a Jehoiada is mentioned as a military "leader of the house of Aaron," who came to David to Hebron with other members of the house of Levi. In 1 Ch 27:34 there is named among David's counselors, "Jehoiada the son. of Benaiah," where some commentators would read with two manuscripts, "Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada" though Curtis, Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Books of Chronicles, 295, keeps the Massoretic Text.

(2) Priest in the reigns of Ahaziah, Queen Athaliah, and Jehoash (Joash) of Judah (2 Ki 11:4-12:16 (Hebrew 17) = 2 Ch 23:1 through 24:14; 2 Ch 22:11; 24:14-16,17-20,22,25). In 2 Ki 12:10 (Hebrew, verse 11) he is called "high priest," and is the first to be given that title, but as the priest lived in the temple, there is no meaning in saying that he "came up," so commentators omit the words, "and the chief priest." According to 2 Ch 22:11, he had married Jehoshabeath (= Jehosheba), the daughter of the king, i.e. Jehoram.

1. Jehoiada and the Revolt against Athaliah:

(a) The account in 2 Ch 23:1-21 differs in many respects from that in 2 Ki 11:4-20, but even the latter has its problems, and Stade (ZATW, 1885, 280 ff) pointed out two sources in it. This view is accepted by many. A reader is struck at once by the double reference to the death of Athaliah (2 Ki 11:16,20), and the construction of the Hebrew for "making a covenant" is different in 2 Ki 11:4 from that in 11:17. Stade holds that there is one narrative in 11:4-12,18b-20 and another in 11:13-18a.

In the first, Jehoiada makes an agreement with the captains of the foreign body-guard, and arranges that both the incoming and outgoing temple-guard shall be kept in the temple at the time when the guard should be changed on the Sabbath, and also that th e young prince, Jehoash, who had been kept in hiding, shall be proclaimed. The captains do this, and the prince is crowned and proclaimed (2 Ki 11:4-12). Then officers are set up in the temple, and Jehoash is taken to the royal palace and enthroned. The revolt proves popular with the people of Jerusalem and those of the district, and Athaliah is slain in the palace.

But there are difficulties in this narrative, though the above gives the trend of events; 2 Ki 11:5 refers to a third of the guard who "came in on the sabbath," and 11:7 to two companies who "go forth on the sabbath"; the Hebrew is, "they that enter the sabbath" and "they that go out of the sabbath." 2 Ki 11:9 makes clear the connection between 11:5 and 7. But 11:6 introduces a difficulty: it seems to denote a division of those who "enter" into three divisions, i.e. the two in 11:6 and one in 11:5. If 11:6 be omitted, as is proposed by many, this difficulty vanishes. But there still remains the question of the change of guards. Commentators say that "they who enter the sabbath" are those who leave the temple and enter their quarters at the beginning of the Sabbath, presumably, while "those who go out" are those who leave their quarters to mount guard. This is not impossible as an explanation of the Hebrew. It is further believed that the guard at the temple on the Sabbath was double that on other days. The other explanation, held by older commentators is that on the Sabbath the guard was only half its usual size; this gives another meaning to the Hebrew phrases. On the other hand, it may be held that the revolt took place at the close of the Sabbath, and that the double-sized guard was kept by Jehoiada even after the usual-sized one had come to take their place. It should be added that Wellhausen proposed to read (tse`adhoth), "armlets" (compare Isa 3:19), for (`edhuth), "testimony," in 2 Ki 11:12; and in 11:19 the words "and all the people of the land" are held to be an addition.

(b) The 2nd narrative (2 Ki 11:13-18a) begins suddenly. Presumably, its earlier part was identical with the earlier part of the 1st narrative, unless 2 Ki 11:6 was a part originally of this 2nd account. Athaliah hears the noise of the people (11:13, where "the guard" is a gloss and so to be omitted), and comes to the temple, where she witnesses the revolt and cries, "Treason! treason!" Jehoiada orders her to be put forth (omit "between the ranks" in 11:15), so that she should not be slain in the temple, and she is murdered at one of the palace entrances (11:16, where the Revised Version (British and American), following Septuagint of 2 Ch 23:15, translates the first sentence wrongly: it should be "So they laid hands on her"). Jehoiada then makes the king and the people enter into a solemn covenant to be Yahweh's people, and the result is the destruction of the temple of Baal, and the death of Mattan, its priest (1 Ki 11:17,18a). This 2nd narrative gives a religious significance to the revolt, but it is incomplete. The other narrative presents a very natural course of events, for it was absolutely necessary for Jehoiada to secure the allegiance of the royal foreign body-guard.

(c) The account in 2 Ch 23:1-21, though following that of 2 Ki in the main, differs from it considerably. The guard is here composed of Levites; it does not mention the foreign body-guard, and relates how the revolt was planned with the Levites of the cities of Judah--a method which would have become known to Athaliah and for which she would have made preparations, no doubt. Ch makes it a wholly religious movement, while 2 Kings gives two points of view. The value of the Chronicler's account depends largely on one's estimate of the Books of Chronicles and one's views as to the development of the Jewish priestly system. A. Van Hoonacker, Lesacerdoce levitique dans la loi et dans l'histoire des Hebreux, 93-100, defends the account in 2 Chronicles.

2. Jehoiada and the Restoration of the Temple:

The part which Jehoiada played in the restoration of the temple buildings is described in 2 Ki 11:21 through 12:16 (Hebrew 12:1-17) parallel 2 Ch 24:1-14. Here again the narratives of 2 Ki and 2 Ch differ to a large extent.

(a) According to 2 Kings, (i) the priests are commanded by Jehoash to devote the dues or free-will offerings of the people to repairing the breaches in the temple. They fail to do so, and (ii) Jehoiada is summoned by the king and rebuked. Then (iii) a new regulation is put into force: the offerings, except the guilt offerings and sin offerings, are no longer to be given to the priests, but to be put into a chest provided in the temple for the purpose. (iv) The money got in this way is devoted to repairing the temple, but (v) none of it is used to provide temple vessels.

(b) Chronicles, on the other hand, (i) relates that the priests and Levites are commanded to go through Judah to collect the necessary money. They "hastened it not." Then (ii) Jehoiada is summoned to account for this disobedience, and (iii) a chest is put outside the temple to receive the tax commanded by Moses. (iv) This the people pay willingly, and the temple is repaired. There is such a surplus that (v) there is money also to provide vessels for the temple.

It is at least questionable whether the additions in 2 Chronicles are trustworthy; the contradictions against 2 Kings are clear, and the latter gives the more likely narrative, although Van Hoonackcr (op. cit., 10114) defends the former.

According to 2 Ch 24:15, Jehoiada lived to be 130 years old, and was buried among the kings--a unique distinction.

(3) The King James Version in Neh 3:6 = JOIADA (which see).

(4) There is a Jehoiada, the priest mentioned in Jer 29:26, in whose stead Zephaniah was declared priest by Shemaiah in a letter.

Giesebrecht takes him to be the same as the priest of Athaliah's time (see (2) above), but Duhm says that nothing is known of him. In any case, Zephaniah could not have been the direct successor of the well-known Jehoiada, and so the reference can scarcely be to him if it is to have any meaning.

David Francis Roberts


JOIADA - joi'-a-da (yoyadha`, "Yahweh knows"; compare JEHOIADA):

(1) A repairer of the Jerusalem walls (Neh 3:6); the King James Version "Jehoiada."

(2) Son of Eliashib the high priest (Neh 12:10,11,22; 13:28).

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