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HEBREW: 3270 ryzey Ya`azeyr or rzey Ya`zer
NAVE: Jaazer Jazer
EBD: Jaazer
Jaasu | Jaaz-aniah | Jaazah | Jaazaniah | Jaazar | Jaazer | Jaaziah | Jaaziel | Jabal | Jabbok | Jabbok River


In Bible versions:

Jaazer: NET
a town on the east side of the Jordan

assistance; helper
Google Maps: Jazer (31° 56´, 35° 43´)


Strongs #03270: ryzey Ya`azeyr or rzey Ya`zer

Jazer or Jaazer = "helped"

1) a Levitical city east of the Jordan, in Gilead in the territory of
Gad, formerly an Amorite city; site uncertain

3270 Ya`azeyr yah-az-ayr'

or Yazer {yah-zare'}; from 5826; helpful; Jaazer or Jazer, a
place East of the Jordan:-Jaazer, Jazer.
see HEBREW for 05826

Jaazer [EBD]

he (God) helps, a city of the Amorites on the east of Jordan, and assigned, with neighbouring places in Gilead, to Gad (Num. 32:1, 35; Josh. 13:25). It was allotted to the Merarite Levites (21:39). In David's time it was occupied by the Hebronites, i.e., the descendants of Kohath (1 Chr. 26:31). It is mentioned in the "burdens" proclaimed over Moab (Isa. 16:8, 9; Jer. 48:32). Its site is marked by the modern ruin called Sar or Seir, about 10 miles west of Amman, and 12 from Heshbon. "The vineyards that once covered the hill-sides are gone; and the wild Bedawin from the eastern desert make cultivation of any kind impossible."

Jaazer [NAVE]

JAAZER, called also Jazer. A Levitical city of refuge in Gilead, allotted to Gad, and given to the Levites, Num. 21:32; 32:1, 3, 35; Josh. 13:25; 21:39.

Jazer [NAVE]

1. A city of refuge E. of the Jordan, Josh. 21:39.
Taken from the Amorites, Num. 21:32; 32:1, 3, 35; Josh. 13:25.
2. Sea of, Jer. 48:32.


(Jehovah helps), a town on the east of Jordan, in or near to Gilead. (Numbers 32:1,3; 1 Chronicles 26:31) We first hear of it in possession of the Amorites, and as taken by Israel after Heshbon, and on their way from thence to Bashan. (Numbers 21:32) It seems to have given its name to a district of dependent or "daughter" towns, (Numbers 21:32) Authorized Version "villages," 1 Macc. 5:8, the "land of Jazer." (Numbers 32:1)


(Jehovah helps). [JAAZER, OR JAZER]


JAAZER - ja'-a-zer (ya`azer).



JAZER - ja'-zer (ya`zer or ya`zeyr; Septuagint Iazen in Codex Alexandrinus; Iazer): In some cases, e.g. Nu 21:32, the King James Version reads "Jaazer." This was a city of the Amorites East of the Jordan taken, along with its towns, by Moses, and occupied by the tribe of Gad (Nu 21:32; 32:35). The country was very fertile, and its spacious pasture-lands attracted the flock-masters of Gad (Nu 32:1), the southern border of whose territory it marked (Josh 13:25). It was assigned to the Merarite Levites (Josh 21:39; 1 Ch 6:81). The place was reached by Joab when taking the census (2 Sam 24:5). In the 40th year of King David mighty men of valor were found here to whom he entrusted the oversight in Reuben and Gad "for every matter pertaining to God, and run the affairs of the king" (1 Ch 26:32 f). The fruitfulness of the country is alluded to in Isa 16:8 f; Jer 48:32. (Note: "Sea of" Jazer in this verse has arisen through accidental repetition of yam, "sea," from the preceding clause.) The city was taken from the Ammonites by Judas Maccabeus, and burned (1 Macc 5:7,8; Ant, XII, viii, 1).

Onomasticon places Jazer 10 Roman miles West of Philadelphia (`Amman), and about 15 miles from Heshbon, where a great stream rises, which flows into the Jordan. Many would identify it with Khirbet Car, on the South of Wady Cir, about 5 miles West of `Amman. The perennial stream from Wady Cir reaches the Jordan by Wady el-Kefrein. Cheyne (EB, under the word) suggests Yajuz on Wady Zorby, tributary of the Jabbok, with extensive Roman remains. It lies a little way to the East of el Jubeihat ("Jogbehah," Nu 32:35). It is situated, however, to the North and not to the West of `Amman, where Eusebius, Onomasticon, places it. Neither identification is certain.

W. Ewing

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