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Elnaam | Elnathan | Elo-Beth-Hanan | Elohi | Elohim | Elon | Elon Beth Hanan | Elonbethhanan | Elonites | Elonites, The | Eloquent


In Bible versions:

father of Basemath/Adah, the Hittite wife of Esau
son of Zebulun son of Israel
a town in the territory of Dan somewhere west of Jerusalem
a judge of Israel of the tribe of Zebulun

oak; grove; strong
Google Maps: Elon (31° 58´, 35° 6´)


Strongs #0356: Nwlya 'Eylown or (shortened) Nwla 'Elown or Nlya Eylon

Elon = "terebinth, mighty"

1) Hittite, father-in-law of Esau
2) second son of Zebulun
3) Zebulonite judge of Israel
4) town in Dan

356 'Eylown ay-lone'

or (shortened) ;Elown {ay-lone'}; or Eylon {ay- lone'}; from
352; oak-grove; Elon, the name of a place in Palestine, and
also of one Hittite, two Israelites:-Elon.
see HEBREW for 0352

Elon [EBD]

oak. (1.) A city of Dan (Josh. 19:43). (2.) A Hittite, father of Bashemath, Esau's wife (Gen. 26:34). (3.) One of the sons of Zebulun (Gen. 46:14). (4.) The eleventh of the Hebrew judges. He held office for ten years (Judg. 12:11, 12). He is called the Zebulonite.

Elon [NAVE]

1. Father-in-law of Esau, Gen. 26:34; 36:2.
2. A son of Zebulun, Gen. 46:14; Num. 26:26.
3. A town of Dan, Josh. 19:43.
4. A Hebrew judge, Judg. 12:11, 12.


(an oak).
  1. A Hittite, whose daughter was one of Esau?s wives. (Genesis 26:34; 36:2) (B.C. 1797.)
  2. The second of the three sons attributed to Zebulun, (Genesis 46:14; Numbers 26:26) and the founder of the family of the Elonites. (B.C. 1695.)
  3. Elon the Zebulonite, who judged Israel for ten years, and was buried in Aijalon in Zebulun. (Judges 12:11,12) (B.C. 1174-1164).
  4. On of the towns in the border of the tribe of Dan. (Joshua 19:43)


ELON (1) - e'-lon ('elon "terebinth"):

(1) A Zebulunite, who judged Israel ten years, and was buried in Aijalon (Jdg 12:11,12).

(2) A son of Zebulun (Gen 46:14; Nu 26:26).

(3) A Hittite whose daughter Esau wedded (Gen 26:34; 36:2).


ELON (2) - e'-lon ('elon, a "terebinth"; Ailon): An unidentified town in the territory of Dan named between Ithlah and Timnah (Josh 19:43). It is possibly identical with Elon-beth-Hanan which, along with Shaalbim and Bethshemesh, formed one of Solomon's commissariat districts (1 Ki 4:9). Conder has suggested Beit' Anan, about 4 miles Northwest of Neby Samwil: it is quite uncertain.

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