Also see definition of "Dust" in Word Study
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NAVE: Dust
EBD: Dust
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Dust [EBD]

Storms of sand and dust sometimes overtake Eastern travellers. They are very dreadful, many perishing under them. Jehovah threatens to bring on the land of Israel, as a punishment for forsaking him, a rain of "powder and dust" (Deut. 28:24).

To cast dust on the head was a sign of mourning (Josh. 7:6); and to sit in dust, of extreme affliction (Isa. 47:1). "Dust" is used to denote the grave (Job 7:21). "To shake off the dust from one's feet" against another is to renounce all future intercourse with him (Matt. 10:14; Acts 13:51). To "lick the dust" is a sign of abject submission (Ps. 72:9); and to throw dust at one is a sign of abhorrence (2 Sam. 16:13; comp. Acts 22:23).

Dust [NAVE]

Man made from, Gen. 2:7; 3:19, 23; Eccl. 3:20.
Casting of, in anger, 2 Sam. 16:13.
Shaking from feet, Matt. 10:14; Acts 13:51.
Put on the head in mourning, Josh. 7:6; 1 Sam. 4:12; 2 Sam. 1:2; 15:30; Job 2:12; 42:6.
dust, of the world, Prov. 8:26.




DUST - dust (`aphar; koniortos, chous): Small particles of earth. The word has several figurative and symbolic meanings: (1) Dust being the material out of which God is said to have formed man (Gen 2:7), it became a symbol of man's frailty (Ps 103:14, "For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust"; compare Gen 18:27; Job 4:19, etc.), and of his mortality (Gen 3:19, Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return"; compare Job 34:15; Ps 104:29; Eccl 3:20; 12:7, etc.) Hence, it is used figuratively for the grave (Ps 22:15,29; 30:9; Dan 12:2). (2) Such actions as to lie in the dust, to lick the dust, to sprinkle dust on the head, are symbols expressive of deep humiliation, abasement or lamentation (e.g. Job 2:12; 42:6, Ps 72:9; Isa 2:10; 47:1; 49:23; Lam 2:10; 3:29; Ezek 27:30; Mic 7:17; Rev 18:19). Hence, such expressions as "He raiseth up the poor out of the dust," i.e. out of their state of lowliness (1 Sam 2:8; Ps 113:7). (3) Throwing dust was an act expressive of execration. Thus, Shimei "cursed" David and "threw stones at him, and cast dust," literally, "dusted (him) with dust" (2 Sam 16:13). So the crowd which Paul addressed at Jerusalem manifested their wrath against him by tossing about their garments and casting dust into the air (Acts 22:23). (4) Shaking the dust off one's feet against anyone (Mt 10:14; Mk 6:11; Lk 9:5; 10:11; Acts 13:51) is symbolic of renunciation, as we would say "washing one's hands of him," an intimation that all further intercourse was at an end. It was practiced by the Pharisees on passing from Gentileto Jewish soil, it being a rabbinical doctrine that the dust of a heathen land defiles. (5) It is also used figuratively for an innumerable multitude (e.g. Gen 13:16; 28:14; Job 27:16; Ps 78:27). (6) The expression "Yahweh will make the rain of thy land powder and dust" (Dt 28:24) means the dust in consequence of the drought shall fall down instead of rain on the dry ground. In Judea and vicinity during a sirocco, the air becomes filled with sand and dust, which are blown down by the wind with great violence.

D. Miall Edwards

Also see definition of "Dust" in Word Study

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