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Caphar | Capharsalama | Caphenatha | Caphira | Caphthorim | Caphtor | Caphtor, Caphtorim | Capital and Labor | Capital Punishment | Capitalism | Cappadocia


In Bible versions:

Caphtorites: NET NIV
an island from which the Philistines originally came
a people who were descendants of Egypt son of Ham son of Noah

a sphere, buckle, or hand ( --> same as Cappadocia)
Google Maps: Caphtor (35° 10´, 25° 0´)


Strongs #03731: rtpk Kaphtor or (\\#Am 9:7\\) rwtpk Kaphtowr

Caphtor = "a crown"

1) the original home of the Philistines, perhaps on the southwest
coast of Asia Minor, maybe in Egypt or close by, or more probably
on the island of Crete
2) (TWOT) the island of Crete, homeland or staging area of the

3731 Kaphtor kaf-tore'

or (Am. 9:7) Kaphtowr {kaf-tore'}; apparently the same as
3730; Caphtor (i.e. a wreath-shaped island), the original seat
of the Philistines:-Caphtor.
see HEBREW for 03730

Strongs #03732: yrtpk Kaphtoriy

Caphtorim = see Caphtor "a crown"

1) Cretans as the inhabitants of Caphtor as distinct from the

3732 Kaphtoriy kaf-to-ree'

patrial from 3731; a Caphtorite (collectively) or native of
Caphtor:-Caphthorim, Caphtorim(-s).
see HEBREW for 03731

Caphtor [EBD]

a chaplet, the original seat of the Philistines (Deut. 2:23; Jer. 47:4; Amos 9:7). The name is found written in hieroglyphics in the temple of Kom Ombos in Upper Egypt. But the exact situation of Caphtor is unknown, though it is supposed to be Crete, since the Philistines seem to be meant by the "Cherethites" in 1 Sam. 30:14 (see also 2 Sam. 8:18). It may, however, have been a part of Egypt, the Caphtur in the north Delta, since the Caphtorim were of the same race as the Mizraite people (Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12).

Caphtor [NAVE]

CAPHTOR, a country now unknown, Deut. 2:23.

Caphtorim [NAVE]

CAPHTORIM, people of Caphtor, Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12; Deut. 2:23; Jer. 47:4; Amos 9:7.

Caphtorites [NAVE]

See: Caphtorim.


CAPHTOR; CAPHTORIM - kaf'-tor, kaf'-tor-im (kaphtor, kaphtorim; Kappadokia, Gaphtorieim, Kaphtoriem).

1. First Theory: Crete:

The country and people whence came the Philistines (Gen 10:14 = 1 Ch 1:12 (here the clause "whence went forth the Philistines" should, probably come after Caphtorim); Dt 2:23; Jer 47:4; Am 9:7). Jer (loc. cit.) calls it an "island"; there is evidence of ancient connection between Crete and Philistia; and the Philistines are called Cherethites, which may mean Cretans (see CHERETHITES). These considerations have led many to identify Caphtor with the important island of Crete. It should be noted, however, that the word 'i, used by Jeremiah, denotes not only "isle," but also "coastland."

2. Second Theory: Phoenicia:

Ebers (Aegypten und die Bucher Moses, 130 ff) thought that Caphtor represented the Egyptian Kaft-ur, holding that Kaft was the Egyptian name for the colonies of Phoenicians in the Delta, extended to cover the Phoenicians in the north and their colonies. Kaft-ur, therefore, would mean "Greater Phoenicia." But the discovery of Kaptar among the names of countries conquered by Ptolemy Auletes in an inscription on the Temple of Kom Ombo is fatal to this theory.

3. Third Theory: Cilicia:

A third theory would identify Caphtor with the Kafto of the Egyptian inscriptions. As early as the time of Thotmes III the inhabitants of this land, the Kafti, are mentioned in the records. In the trilingual inscription of Canopus the name is rendered in Greek by Phoinike, "Phoenicia." This seems to be an error, as the Kafti portrayed on the monuments have no features in common with the Semites. They certainly represent a western type. It is held that the Egyptian Kafto is a district in Asia Minor, probably Cilicia. The sea-pirates, the purasati, whom Rameses III subdued (circa 1200 BC), entered Syria from the north. The "R" in the name is the Egyptian equivalent of the Semitic "L". Therefore Purasati = Pilishti, "Philistines." And so it is proposed to identify Caphtor with Cilicia. A serious objection to this theory is the absence of the final "r" in Kafto. McCurdy's suggestion (HDB) that it represents a Hebrew waw, written as a vowel-letter in an original Kafto, does not carry conviction.

It is impossible to give a certain decision; but the balance of probability seems still inclined to the first theory.

W. Ewing

TIP #08: Use the Strong Number links to learn about the original Hebrew and Greek text. [ALL]
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