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HEBREW: 663 qpa 'Apheq or qypa 'Aphiyq
NAVE: Aphek Aphik
EBD: Aphik
Aphaerema | Apharsachites | Apharsakites | Apharsathchites, Apharsites, Apharsacites | Apharsites | Aphek | Aphek in Sharon | Aphek, Lower | Aphek, Upper | Aphekah | Apherema


In Bible versions:

a town on the Plain of Sharon on the northern border of Ephraim
a town in the Plain of Jezreel
a town about 160 km NNE of Lake Galilee; modern Afqa? (ZD)
a town of Asher 10 km SSE of Acco near the coast

strength; a rapid torrent ( --> same as Aphekah, Aphik)
strength; a rapid torrent ( --> same as Aphek, Aphekah)
Google Maps: Aphek (1) (34° 3´, 35° 51´); Aphek (2) (32° 6´, 34° 55´); Aphek (3) (32° 46´, 35° 41´); Aphik (34° 3´, 35° 51´)


Strongs #0663: qpa 'Apheq or qypa 'Aphiyq

Aphek or Aphik = "enclosure"

1) a Canaanite city near Jezreel
2) a city in territory of Asher
3) a city northeast of Beirut in Transjordan

663 'Apheq af-ake'

or rAphiyq {af-eek'}; from 662 (in the sense of strength);
fortress; Aphek (or Aphik), the name of three places in
Palestine:-Aphek, Aphik.
see HEBREW for 0662

Aphik [EBD]

(Judg. 1:31); Aphek (Josh. 13:4; 19:30), stronghold. (1.) A city of the tribe of Asher. It was the scene of the licentious worship of the Syrian Aphrodite. The ruins of the temple, "magnificent ruins" in a "spot of strange wildness and beauty", are still seen at Afka, on the north-west slopes of Lebanon, near the source of the river Adonis (now Nahr Ibrahim), 12 miles east of Gebal.

(2.) A city of the tribe of Issachar, near to Jezreel (1 Sam. 4:1; 29:1; comp. 28:4).

(3.) A town on the road from Damascus to Palestine, in the level plain east of Jordan, near which Benhadad was defeated by the Israelites (1 Kings 20:26, 30; 2 Kings 13:17). It has been identified with the modern Fik, 6 miles east of the Sea of Galilee, opposite Tiberias.

Aphek [NAVE]

1. A city of the tribe of Asher, Josh. 19:30.
Called Aphik, Judg. 1:31.
2. A city of the tribe of Issachar. Philistines defeat Israelites at, 1 Sam. 4:1-11.
Saul slain at, 1 Sam. 29:1, with chapter 31. Probably the same mentioned in Josh. 12:18 as a royal city of the Canaanites.
3. A city between Damascus and Palestine. Ben Hadad defeated at, 1 Kin. 20:26-30.

Aphik [NAVE]

See: Aphek, No. 1.


(strength), the name of several places in Palestine.
  1. A royal city of the Canaanites, the king of which was killed by Joshua, (Joshua 12:18) probably the same as APHEKAH in (Joshua 15:53)
  2. A city, apparently in the extreme north of Asher, (Joshua 19:30) from which the Canaanites were not ejected, (Judges 1:31) though here it is APHIK. This is probably the same place as APHEK, (Joshua 13:4) on the extreme north "border of the Amorites,"; identified with the Aphaca of classical times, the modern Afka .
  3. A place at which the Philistines encamped while the Israelites pitched in Eben-ezer, before the fatal battle in which the sons of Eli were killed and the ark was taken. (1 Samuel 4:1) This would be somewhere to the northwest of and at no great distance from Jerusalem.
  4. The scene of another encampment of the Philistines, before an encounter not less disastrous than that just named, --the defeat and death of Saul. (1 Samuel 29:1) It is possible that it may be the same place as the preceding.
  5. A city on the military road from Syria to Israel. (1 Kings 20:26) It is now found in Fik , at the head of the Wady Fik , six miles east of the Sea of Galilee.


(strong), a city of Asher from which the Canaanites were not driven out. (Judges 1:31) Probably the same place as APHEK, 2.


APHEK - a'-fek ('apheq, "fortress"; Aphek):

(1) In Josh 12:18 we should probably read with the Septuagint "the king of Aphek in Sharon." This may correspond to Aphek in 1 Sam 4:1. It was a royal city of the Canaanites whose king was slain by Josh. Probably it is the Aphek mentioned by Josephus as being near to Antipatris (BJ, II, xix, 1). Kakon, a strong position commanding the main entrance to Samaria might suit; but the name has perished.

(2) (Greek Taphek or Apheka): A city in the lot of Asher (Josh 13:4). The inhabitants were not ejected by Asher, nor is it said that they became tributary (Jdg 1:31). In this passage it is written 'aphiq (Hebrew). It may be represented by 'Afqa on Nahr Ibrahim, although this is probably farther north than we should expect.

(3) To this place the Philistines gathered their hosts, while the Israelites pitched by the fountain which is in Jezreel (1 Sam 29:1). It has been generally supposed that these two positions were over against each other, and that therefore Aphek must be sought in the plain of Esdraelon. No place answering this description has been found here. Fuqu`ah on Mount Gilboa is plainly impossible. If, however, this was only the rallying point of the Philistines from which they went up to Jezreel (1 Sam 29:11), it may be identical with the Aphek in the plain of Sharon (compare 29:1 above).

(4) A city on the plateau east of the Jordan, where disaster befell Benhadad (1 Ki 20:26,30). The same place may be intended in 2 Ki 13:17. The modern Fiq or Afiq (for both forms are heard) on the brow of the hill beyond Qal`at el-Chucn, east of the Sea of Galilee, probably represents this ancient city.

W. Ewing


APHIK - a'-fik: Variant of APHEK (which see).

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